namespace XF\Notifier\Post;
use XF\Notifier\AbstractNotifier;
use function in_array;
abstract class AbstractWatch extends AbstractNotifier
* @var \XF\Entity\Post
protected $post;
protected $actionType;
protected $isApplicable;
protected $userReadDates = [];
protected $previousPosts = null;
abstract protected function getDefaultWatchNotifyData();
abstract protected function getApplicableActionTypes();
abstract protected function getWatchEmailTemplateName();
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, \XF\Entity\Post $post, $actionType)
$this->post = $post;
$this->actionType = $actionType;
$this->isApplicable = $this->isApplicable();
protected function isApplicable()
if (!in_array($this->actionType, $this->getApplicableActionTypes()))
return false;
if (!$this->post->isVisible())
return false;
return true;
public function canNotify(\XF\Entity\User $user)
if (!$this->isApplicable)
return false;
if (!isset($this->userReadDates[$user->user_id]))
// this should have a record for every user, so generally shouldn't happen
return false;
$userReadDate = $this->userReadDates[$user->user_id];
$post = $this->post;
if ($user->user_id == $post->user_id || $user->isIgnoring($post->user_id))
return false;
if ($userReadDate > $post->Thread->last_post_date)
return false;
if ($this->actionType == 'reply')
$previousVisiblePost = null;
foreach ($this->getPreviousPosts() AS $previousPost)
if (!$user->isIgnoring($previousPost->user_id))
$previousVisiblePost = $previousPost;
$autoReadDate = \XF::$time - $this->app()->options()->readMarkingDataLifetime * 86400;
if (!$previousVisiblePost || $previousVisiblePost->post_date < $autoReadDate)
// always alert
else if ($previousVisiblePost->post_date > $userReadDate)
return false;
return true;
public function sendAlert(\XF\Entity\User $user)
$post = $this->post;
return $this->basicAlert(
public function sendEmail(\XF\Entity\User $user)
if (!$user->email || $user->user_state != 'valid')
return false;
$post = $this->post;
$params = [
'post' => $post,
'thread' => $post->Thread,
'forum' => $post->Thread->Forum,
'receiver' => $user
$template = $this->getWatchEmailTemplateName();
->setTemplate($template, $params)
return true;
public function getDefaultNotifyData()
if (!$this->isApplicable)
return [];
return $this->getDefaultWatchNotifyData();
public function getUserData(array $userIds)
$users = parent::getUserData($userIds);
$this->userReadDates = $this->getUserReadDates($userIds);
return $users;
protected function getUserReadDates(array $userIds)
if (!$userIds)
return [];
$autoReadDate = \XF::$time - $this->app()->options()->readMarkingDataLifetime * 86400;
$post = $this->post;
$db = $this->app()->db();
$readDates = $db->fetchPairs("
SELECT user.user_id,
COALESCE(thread_read.thread_read_date, 0),
COALESCE(forum_read.forum_read_date, 0),
FROM xf_user AS user
LEFT JOIN xf_thread_read AS thread_read ON
(thread_read.user_id = user.user_id AND thread_read.thread_id = ?)
LEFT JOIN xf_forum_read AS forum_read ON
(forum_read.user_id = user.user_id AND forum_read.node_id = ?)
WHERE user.user_id IN (" . $db->quote($userIds) . ")
", [$autoReadDate, $post->thread_id, $post->Thread->node_id]);
foreach ($userIds AS $userId)
if (!isset($readDates[$userId]))
$readDates[$userId] = $autoReadDate;
return $readDates;
protected function getPreviousPosts()
if ($this->previousPosts === null)
$autoReadDate = \XF::$time - $this->app()->options()->readMarkingDataLifetime * 86400;
$finder = $this->app()->finder('XF:Post')
->where('thread_id', $this->post->thread_id)
->where('message_state', 'visible')
->where('post_date', '<', $this->post->post_date)
->where('post_date', '>=', $autoReadDate)
->order('post_date', 'desc');
$this->previousPosts = $finder->fetch(15);
return $this->previousPosts;