namespace XF\Cli\Command\AddOn;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use XF\AddOn\AbstractSetup;
use XF\AddOn\StepResult;
use XF\Cli\Command\AddOnActionTrait;
use function is_array, is_int, strlen;
abstract class AbstractSetupStep extends Command
use AddOnActionTrait;
abstract protected function getStepType();
abstract protected function getCommandArguments();
protected function configure()
$command = $this->getStepType();
->setName('xf-addon:' . $command . '-step')
->setDescription('Runs a specific step from the specified add-on Setup class.')
'Add-on ID'
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$id = $input->getArgument('id');
$addOn = $this->checkEditableAddOn($id, $error);
if (!$addOn)
$output->writeln('<error>' . $error . '</error>');
return 1;
$setup = $addOn->getSetup();
if (!$setup)
$output->writeln("<error>Setup class for add-on could not be found.</error>");
return 1;
$step = $input->getArgument('step');
$version = null;
$params = [];
$stepType = $this->getStepType();
if ($stepType == 'upgrade')
$version = $input->getArgument('version');
$result = $this->runStep($setup, $output, $stepType, $step, $version, $params);
if (!($result instanceof StepResult))
$this->clearStatus($output,"<error>Must return a StepResult object.</error>");
return 1;
if ($result->complete)
$loop = false;
else if (is_int($result))
$loop = false;
$params = $result->params;
$loop = true;
while ($loop);
return 0;
protected function runStep(AbstractSetup $setup, OutputInterface $output, $stepType, $step, $version = null, array $params = [])
$method = $stepType;
switch ($method)
case 'install':
case 'uninstall':
if ($step)
$method .= 'Step' . $step;
case 'upgrade':
if ($version && $step)
$method .= $version . 'Step' . $step;
if (!method_exists($setup, $method))
$this->clearStatus($output, "<error>Setup class does not have a $method() method.</error>");
return new StepResult(true);
$this->outputStatus($output, "Running Setup class method $method()...");
$result = $setup->$method($params);
if ($result === null || $result === true)
$result = new StepResult(true);
$this->outputStatus($output, "Running Setup class method $method()... done.");
else if (is_array($result))
$result = new StepResult(false, $result);
return $result;
protected $lastStatusLength;
protected function outputStatus(OutputInterface $output, $status)
if ($this->lastStatusLength && $this->lastStatusLength > strlen($status))
$status = str_pad($status, $this->lastStatusLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$this->lastStatusLength = strlen($status);
protected function clearStatus(OutputInterface $output, $extraMessage = null)
$this->outputStatus($output, '');
if ($extraMessage !== null)