namespace XF\Widget;
abstract class AbstractPollWidget extends AbstractWidget
* @param $url
* @param null $error
* @return \XF\Entity\Poll | null
abstract public function getPollFromRoutePath($url, &$error = null);
public function getContent()
return \XF::app()->findByContentType(
$this->options['content_type'], $this->options['content_id'], $this->getEntityWith()
public function getEntityWith()
return ['Poll'];
protected function getDefaultTemplateParams($context)
$params = parent::getDefaultTemplateParams($context);
if ($context == 'options' && isset($this->options['content_type'], $this->options['content_id']))
$content = $this->getContent();
$params['content'] = $content;
$params['poll'] = $content->Poll;
return $params;
public function verifyOptions(\XF\Http\Request $request, array &$options, &$error = null)
if ($request->filter('poll_id', 'uint') && !$request->filter('change_url', 'str'))
// Already configured, make no changes.
$options = $this->options;
return true;
$contentUrl = $request->filter('content_url', 'str');
$routePath = $this->prepareContentUrl($contentUrl);
$poll = $this->getPollFromRoutePath($routePath, $error);
if (!$poll)
return false;
if (!$poll->canViewContent($error))
return false;
$options = [
'poll_id' => $poll->poll_id,
'content_type' => $poll->content_type,
'content_id' => $poll->content_id
return true;
* Convert the provided content URL into just the route path.
* @param $url
* @return string
protected function prepareContentUrl($url)
$indexRoute = $this->app->router('public')->buildLink('full:index');
if (strpos($url, $indexRoute) == 0)
$url = ltrim(str_replace($indexRoute, '', $url), '?');
if (strpos($url, '?') !== false || strpos($url, '&') !== false)
$position = strpos($url, '?') ?: strpos($url, '&');
$url = substr($url, $position);
return $url;