namespace XF\Job;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use function is_array;
abstract class AbstractEmbedMetadataJob extends AbstractJob
protected $defaultData = [
'steps' => 0,
'start' => 0,
'batch' => 1000,
'types' => []
abstract protected function getIdsToRebuild(array $types);
abstract protected function getRecordToRebuild($id);
abstract protected function getPreparerContext();
abstract protected function getMessageContent(Entity $record);
abstract protected function getActionDescription();
* @param $contentType
* Note: (bug #153298) as we currently only support attachments, it makes sense from a
* performance perspective to query content_id from the xf_attachment table,
* but if/when we start using additional types, we will need to query against the specific
* content table (xf_post, xf_conversation message etc.) instead, as in XF <= 2.1.3
* @return array
protected function getIdsBug153298Workaround($contentType)
$db = $this->app->db();
return $db->fetchAllColumn($db->limit(
FROM xf_attachment
WHERE content_type = ?
AND content_id > ?
ORDER BY content_id
", $this->data['batch']
), [$contentType, $this->data['start']]);
public function run($maxRunTime)
$startTime = microtime(true);
if (!is_array($this->data['types']))
$this->data['types'] = [$this->data['types']];
$ids = $this->getIdsToRebuild($this->data['types']);
if (!$ids)
return $this->complete();
$done = 0;
$preparer = $this->getMessagePreparer($this->data['types']);
foreach ($ids AS $id)
if (microtime(true) - $startTime >= $maxRunTime)
$this->data['start'] = $id;
$record = $this->getRecordToRebuild($id);
if (!$record)
$embedMetadata = $this->getExistingMetadata($record);
if (!is_array($embedMetadata))
$embedMetadata = [];
$message = $this->getMessageContent($record);
$preparer->prepare($message, false);
foreach ($this->data['types'] AS $type)
$method = 'rebuild' . \XF\Util\Php::camelCase($type);
if (method_exists($this, $method))
$this->{$method}($record, $preparer, $embedMetadata);
$this->saveMetadata($record, $embedMetadata);
$this->data['batch'] = $this->calculateOptimalBatch($this->data['batch'], $done, $startTime, $maxRunTime, 1000);
return $this->resume();
protected function getExistingMetadata(Entity $record)
return $record->embed_metadata;
protected function saveMetadata(Entity $record, array $embedMetadata)
$record->embed_metadata = $embedMetadata;
* @param array $types
* @return \XF\Service\Message\Preparer
protected function getMessagePreparer(array $types)
/** @var \XF\Service\Message\Preparer $preparer */
$preparer = $this->app->service('XF:Message\Preparer', $this->getPreparerContext());
return $preparer;
public function getStatusMessage()
$description = $this->getActionDescription();
return sprintf('%s (%s)', $description, $this->data['start']);
public function canCancel()
return true;
public function canTriggerByChoice()
return true;