Seditio Source
Root |
* @version        $Id: 403.php 2150 2019-03-10 19:40:40Z IOS $
* @package        Elxis
* @subpackage    Templates / System
* @copyright    Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Elxis CMS ( All rights reserved.
* @license        Elxis Public License ( )
* @author        Elxis Team ( )
* @description     Elxis CMS is free software. Read the license for copyright notices and details

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed');

$xdata = array();
$xdata['menu'] = array();
if (
defined('ELXIS_ADMIN')) {
$xdata['basehref'] = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.ELXIS_ADIR.'/';
$link = $elxis->makeAURL();
$title = $eLang->exist('CONTROL_PANEL') ? $eLang->get('CONTROL_PANEL') : $eLang->get('HOME');
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-home');
    if (
$elxis->acl()->check('com_cpanel', 'settings', 'edit') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('cpanel:config.html');
$title = $eLang->exist('SETTINGS') ? $eLang->get('SETTINGS') : 'Settings';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-tools');
    if (
$elxis->acl()->check('component', 'com_content', 'manage') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('content:categories/');
$title = $eLang->exist('CATEGORIES') ? $eLang->get('CATEGORIES') : 'Categories';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-folder-open');
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('content:articles/');
$title = $eLang->exist('ALL_ARTICLES') ? $eLang->get('ALL_ARTICLES') : $eLang->get('CONTENT');
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-file');
    if (
$elxis->acl()->check('component', 'com_user', 'manage') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('user:users/');
$title = $eLang->exist('USERS') ? $eLang->get('USERS') : 'Users';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-users');
    if (
$elxis->acl()->check('component', 'com_extmanager', 'manage') > 0) {
        if (
$elxis->acl()->check('com_extmanager', 'components', 'edit') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('extmanager:components/');
$title = $eLang->exist('COMPONENTS') ? $eLang->get('COMPONENTS') : 'Components';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-cube');
        if (
$elxis->acl()->check('com_extmanager', 'modules', 'edit') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('extmanager:modules/');
$title = $eLang->exist('MODULES') ? $eLang->get('MODULES') : 'Modules';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-puzzle-piece');
        if (
$elxis->acl()->check('com_extmanager', 'plugins', 'edit') > 0) {
$link = $elxis->makeAURL('extmanager:plugins/');
$title = $eLang->exist('CONTENT_PLUGINS') ? $eLang->get('CONTENT_PLUGINS') : 'Plugins';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-plug');
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => 'javascript:window.history.go(-1);', 'title' => $eLang->get('BACK'), 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => 'fas fa-undo');
} else {
$xdata['basehref'] = $elxis->getConfig('URL').'/';
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $page->sitelink, 'title' => $eLang->get('HOME'), 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => '');
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => $page->loginlink, 'title' => $eLang->get('LOGIN'), 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => '');
$xdata['menu'][] = array('link' => 'javascript:window.history.go(-1);', 'title' => $eLang->get('BACK'), 'target' => '', 'fonticon' => '');

$rtlsfx = ($eLang->getinfo('DIR') == 'rtl') ? '-rtl' : '';
if (
preg_match('#(\.png)$#i', $page->favicon)) {
$favrel = 'rel="icon" type="image/png"';
} else {
$favrel = 'rel="shortcut icon"';

<html<?php echo $page->htmlattributes; ?>>
    <base href="<?php echo $xdata['basehref']; ?>" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="<?php echo $page->contenttype; ?>; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="generator" content="Elxis - Open Source CMS" />
    <meta name="distribution" content="global" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow" />
    <title><?php echo $page->title.' - '.$elxis->getConfig('SITENAME'); ?></title>
    <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $page->msgtitle; ?>" />
    <link <?php echo $favrel; ?> href="<?php echo $page->favicon; ?>" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $elxis->secureBase().'/templates/system/css/standard'.$rtlsfx.'.css'; ?>" type="text/css" media="all" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $elxis->secureBase().'/templates/system/css/exit'.$rtlsfx.'.css'; ?>" type="text/css" media="all" />
    <div class="exit5_pgwrapin exit5_pgwrapinred">
        <div class="exit5_titlebox">
            <h1><?php echo $page->title; ?></h1>
            <div class="exit5_title_desc"><?php echo $page->msgtitle; ?></div>
        <div class="exit5_message_error"><?php echo $page->message; ?></div>
        <div class="exit5_refcode"><?php echo $eLang->get('REFERENCE_CODE').': <span>'.$page->refcode.'</span>'; ?></div>
        <ul class="exit5_menu">
foreach ($xdata['menu'] as $item) {
$trg = (($item['target'] != '_self') && ($item['target'] != '')) ? ' target="'.$item['target'].'"' : '';
$iconhtml = ($item['fonticon'] != '') ? '<i class="'.$item['fonticon'].'"></i> ' : '';
'<li><a href="'.$item['link'].'" title="'.$item['title'].'"'.$trg.'>'.$iconhtml.$item['title']."</a></li>\n";
    </div><!-- exit5_pgwrapin -->
    <div class="exit5_pgfooter">
        <div class="exit5_pgfooter_copy"><a href="<?php echo $page->sitelink; ?>" title="<?php echo $elxis->getConfig('SITENAME'); ?>"><?php echo $elxis->getConfig('SITENAME'); ?></a> &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?></div>
        <a href="" title="Elxis Open Source CMS" class="exit5_powerby">Powered by Elxis CMS &#169; 2006-<?php echo date('Y'); ?></a>