namespace XF\Install\Upgrade;
class Version2020570 extends AbstractUpgrade
public function getVersionName()
return '2.2.5';
public function step1()
$options = $this->db()->fetchPairs("
SELECT option_id, option_value
FROM xf_option
WHERE option_id IN ('captcha', 'extraCaptchaKeys')
$captchaType = $options['captcha'] ?? null;
$captchaKeys = $options['extraCaptchaKeys'] ?? [];
if (is_string($captchaKeys))
$captchaKeys = json_decode($captchaKeys, true);
if ($captchaType === 'ReCaptcha' && empty($captchaKeys['reCaptchaSiteKey']))
// Using ReCAPTCHA with the standard key, change to hCaptcha. We don't have to bother
// updating the extraCaptchaKeys since the ReCAPTCHA values will be ignored.
['option_value' => 'HCaptcha'],
"option_id = 'captcha'"