namespace XF\Install\Upgrade;
use XF\Db\Schema\Alter;
class Version2000631 extends AbstractUpgrade
public function getVersionName()
return '2.0.6 Beta 1';
public function step1()
$db = $this->db();
$privacyUrl = $db->fetchOne('
SELECT option_value
FROM xf_option
WHERE option_id = ?
', 'privacyPolicyUrl');
if (is_array(@json_decode($privacyUrl, true)))
// likely already had the changes when upgrading to XF 1.5.20
$newValue = [
'type' => 'default',
'custom' => false
if ($privacyUrl)
$newValue['type'] = 'custom';
$newValue['custom'] = $privacyUrl;
UPDATE xf_option
SET option_value = ?
WHERE option_id = ?
', [json_encode($newValue), 'privacyPolicyUrl']);
public function step2()
$sm = $this->schemaManager();
if (!$sm->columnExists('xf_user', 'privacy_policy_accepted'))
$sm->alterTable('xf_user', function(Alter $table)
$table->addColumn('privacy_policy_accepted', 'int')->setDefault(0);
UPDATE xf_user
SET privacy_policy_accepted = register_date
if (!$sm->columnExists('xf_user', 'terms_accepted'))
$sm->alterTable('xf_user', function(Alter $table)
$table->addColumn('terms_accepted', 'int')->setDefault(0);
UPDATE xf_user
SET terms_accepted = register_date
public function step3()
$sm = $this->schemaManager();
if (!$sm->columnExists('xf_change_log', 'protected'))
$sm->alterTable('xf_change_log', function(Alter $table)
$table->addColumn('protected', 'tinyint')->setDefault(0);
// protect any existing receive_admin_email logs
UPDATE xf_change_log
SET protected = 1
WHERE content_type = 'user'
AND field = 'receive_admin_email'
public function step4()
$dupePage = $this->db()->fetchRow("
FROM xf_help_page
WHERE page_id = 'privacy_policy'
OR page_name = 'privacy-policy'
if (!$dupePage)
$updates = [
'active' => 0
if ($dupePage['page_id'] == 'privacy_policy')
$updates['page_id'] = 'privacy_policy_old';
if ($dupePage['page_name'] == 'privacy-policy')
$updates['page_name'] = 'privacy-policy-old';
$this->db()->update('xf_help_page', $updates, 'page_id = ?', $dupePage['page_id']);
public function step5()
$optionValue = $this->db()->fetchOne('SELECT option_value FROM xf_option WHERE option_id = ?', 'registrationSetup');
$optionValue = json_decode($optionValue, true);
$optionValue['requireEmailChoice'] = false;
$this->db()->update('xf_option', [
'option_value' => json_encode($optionValue)
], 'option_id = ?', 'registrationSetup');