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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/infusions/member_poll_panel/upgrade/
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename:
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
$inf_version = '1.0.5';

if (!column_exists(DB_POLL_VOTES, 'vote_user_ip', FALSE)) {
    $inf_altertable[] = DB_POLL_VOTES." ADD vote_user_ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER vote_user";
if (!column_exists(DB_POLL_VOTES, 'vote_user_ip_type', FALSE)) {
    $inf_altertable[] = DB_POLL_VOTES." ADD vote_user_ip_type TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '4' AFTER vote_user_ip";
if (!column_exists(DB_POLLS, 'poll_opt', FALSE)) {
    $poll_opt_alter = DB_POLLS." ADD poll_opt TEXT NOT NULL AFTER poll_title";
    dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".$poll_opt_alter);
if (!column_exists(DB_POLLS, 'poll_visibility', FALSE)) {
    $inf_altertable[] = DB_POLLS." ADD poll_visibility TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER poll_ended";
if (column_exists(DB_POLLS, 'poll_language', FALSE)) {
    $inf_altertable[] = DB_POLLS." DROP poll_language";

// update new path for admin link
$inf_updatedbrow[] = DB_ADMIN." SET admin_image='../infusions/member_poll_panel/polls.svg', admin_link='../infusions/member_poll_panel/poll_admin.php' WHERE admin_link='polls.php'";

// Poll Entries Upgrade to Serialized Fields
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_POLLS." ORDER BY poll_id ASC");
if (dbrows($result)) {
    $enabled_languages = fusion_get_enabled_languages();
    while ($pollData = dbarray($result)) {
        $poll_title = [];
        $poll_opts = [];
        foreach ($enabled_languages as $language => $language_name) {
            $poll_title[$language] = $pollData['poll_title'];
            for ($x = 0; $x <= 10; $x++) {
                $opts_column = 'poll_opt_'.$x;

                if (!empty($pollData[$opts_column])) {
                    $poll_opts[$x][$language] = $pollData[$opts_column];
        $poll_title = serialize($poll_title);
        $poll_opts = serialize($poll_opts);
        dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_POLLS." SET poll_title=:title, poll_opt=:opt WHERE poll_id=:id", [
            ':id'    => $pollData['poll_id'],
            ':title' => $poll_title,
            ':opt'   => $poll_opts