Seditio Source
Root |
 * @output wp-includes/js/wp-api.js

(function( window, undefined ) {

'use strict';

* Initialise the WP_API.
function WP_API() {
/** @namespace wp.api.models */
this.models = {};
/** @namespace wp.api.collections */
this.collections = {};
/** @namespace wp.api.views */
this.views = {};

/** @namespace wp */
window.wp            = window.wp || {};
/** @namespace wp.api */
wp.api               = wp.api || new WP_API();
wp.api.versionString = wp.api.versionString || 'wp/v2/';

// Alias _includes to _.contains, ensuring it is available if lodash is used.
if ( ! _.isFunction( _.includes ) && _.isFunction( _.contains ) ) {
 _.includes = _.contains;

})( window );

(function( window, undefined ) {

'use strict';

var pad, r;

/** @namespace wp */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
/** @namespace wp.api */
wp.api = wp.api || {};
/** @namespace wp.api.utils */
wp.api.utils = wp.api.utils || {};

* Determine model based on API route.
* @param {string} route    The API route.
* @return {Backbone Model} The model found at given route. Undefined if not found.
wp.api.getModelByRoute = function( route ) {
return _.find( wp.api.models, function( model ) {
return model.prototype.route && route === model.prototype.route.index;
} );

* Determine collection based on API route.
* @param {string} route    The API route.
* @return {Backbone Model} The collection found at given route. Undefined if not found.
wp.api.getCollectionByRoute = function( route ) {
return _.find( wp.api.collections, function( collection ) {
return collection.prototype.route && route === collection.prototype.route.index;
} );

* ECMAScript 5 shim, adapted from MDN.
* @link
if ( ! Date.prototype.toISOString ) {
pad = function( number ) {
r = String( number );
if ( 1 === r.length ) {
r = '0' + r;

return r;

Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
return this.getUTCFullYear() +
'-' + pad( this.getUTCMonth() + 1 ) +
'-' + pad( this.getUTCDate() ) +
'T' + pad( this.getUTCHours() ) +
':' + pad( this.getUTCMinutes() ) +
':' + pad( this.getUTCSeconds() ) +
'.' + String( ( this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000 ).toFixed( 3 ) ).slice( 2, 5 ) +

* Parse date into ISO8601 format.
* @param {Date} date.
wp.api.utils.parseISO8601 = function( date ) {
var timestamp, struct, i, k,
minutesOffset = 0,
numericKeys = [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 ];

* ES5 § states that the string should attempt to be parsed as a Date Time String Format string
* before falling back to any implementation-specific date parsing, so that’s what we do, even if native
* implementations could be faster.
//              1 YYYY                2 MM       3 DD           4 HH    5 mm       6 ss        7 msec        8 Z 9 ±    10 tzHH    11 tzmm
if ( ( struct = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/.exec( date ) ) ) {

// Avoid NaN timestamps caused by “undefined” values being passed to Date.UTC.
for ( i = 0; ( k = numericKeys[i] ); ++i ) {
struct[k] = +struct[k] || 0;

// Allow undefined days and months.
struct[2] = ( +struct[2] || 1 ) - 1;
struct[3] = +struct[3] || 1;

if ( 'Z' !== struct[8]  && undefined !== struct[9] ) {
minutesOffset = struct[10] * 60 + struct[11];

if ( '+' === struct[9] ) {
minutesOffset = 0 - minutesOffset;

timestamp = Date.UTC( struct[1], struct[2], struct[3], struct[4], struct[5] + minutesOffset, struct[6], struct[7] );
} else {
timestamp = Date.parse ? Date.parse( date ) : NaN;

return timestamp;

* Helper function for getting the root URL.
* @return {[type]} [description]
wp.api.utils.getRootUrl = function() {
return window.location.origin ?
window.location.origin + '/' :
window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/';

* Helper for capitalizing strings.
wp.api.utils.capitalize = function( str ) {
if ( _.isUndefined( str ) ) {
return str;
return str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 );

* Helper function that capitalizes the first word and camel cases any words starting
* after dashes, removing the dashes.
wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes = function( str ) {
if ( _.isUndefined( str ) ) {
return str;
str = wp.api.utils.capitalize( str );

return wp.api.utils.camelCaseDashes( str );

* Helper function to camel case the letter after dashes, removing the dashes.
wp.api.utils.camelCaseDashes = function( str ) {
return str.replace( /-([a-z])/g, function( g ) {
return g[ 1 ].toUpperCase();
} );

* Extract a route part based on negative index.
* @param {string}   route          The endpoint route.
* @param {number}   part           The number of parts from the end of the route to retrieve. Default 1.
*                                  Example route `/a/b/c`: part 1 is `c`, part 2 is `b`, part 3 is `a`.
* @param {string}  [versionString] Version string, defaults to `wp.api.versionString`.
* @param {boolean} [reverse]       Whether to reverse the order when extracting the route part. Optional, default false.
wp.api.utils.extractRoutePart = function( route, part, versionString, reverse ) {
var routeParts;

part = part || 1;
versionString = versionString || wp.api.versionString;

// Remove versions string from route to avoid returning it.
if ( 0 === route.indexOf( '/' + versionString ) ) {
route = route.substr( versionString.length + 1 );

routeParts = route.split( '/' );
if ( reverse ) {
routeParts = routeParts.reverse();
if ( _.isUndefined( routeParts[ --part ] ) ) {
return '';
return routeParts[ part ];

* Extract a parent name from a passed route.
* @param {string} route The route to extract a name from.
wp.api.utils.extractParentName = function( route ) {
var name,
lastSlash = route.lastIndexOf( '_id>[\\d]+)/' );

if ( lastSlash < 0 ) {
return '';
name = route.substr( 0, lastSlash - 1 );
name = name.split( '/' );
name = name.pop();
return name;

* Add args and options to a model prototype from a route's endpoints.
* @param {Array}  routeEndpoints Array of route endpoints.
* @param {Object} modelInstance  An instance of the model (or collection)
*                                to add the args to.
wp.api.utils.decorateFromRoute = function( routeEndpoints, modelInstance ) {

* Build the args based on route endpoint data.
_.each( routeEndpoints, function( routeEndpoint ) {

// Add post and edit endpoints as model args.
if ( _.includes( routeEndpoint.methods, 'POST' ) || _.includes( routeEndpoint.methods, 'PUT' ) ) {

// Add any non-empty args, merging them into the args object.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( routeEndpoint.args ) ) {

// Set as default if no args yet.
if ( _.isEmpty( modelInstance.prototype.args ) ) {
modelInstance.prototype.args = routeEndpoint.args;
} else {

// We already have args, merge these new args in.
modelInstance.prototype.args = _.extend( modelInstance.prototype.args, routeEndpoint.args );
} else {

// Add GET method as model options.
if ( _.includes( routeEndpoint.methods, 'GET' ) ) {

// Add any non-empty args, merging them into the defaults object.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( routeEndpoint.args ) ) {

// Set as default if no defaults yet.
if ( _.isEmpty( modelInstance.prototype.options ) ) {
modelInstance.prototype.options = routeEndpoint.args;
} else {

// We already have options, merge these new args in.
modelInstance.prototype.options = _.extend( modelInstance.prototype.options, routeEndpoint.args );


} );


* Add mixins and helpers to models depending on their defaults.
* @param {Backbone Model} model          The model to attach helpers and mixins to.
* @param {string}         modelClassName The classname of the constructed model.
* @param {Object}       loadingObjects An object containing the models and collections we are building.
wp.api.utils.addMixinsAndHelpers = function( model, modelClassName, loadingObjects ) {

var hasDate = false,

* Array of parseable dates.
* @type {string[]}.
parseableDates = [ 'date', 'modified', 'date_gmt', 'modified_gmt' ],

* Mixin for all content that is time stamped.
* This mixin converts between mysql timestamps and JavaScript Dates when syncing a model
* to or from the server. For example, a date stored as `2015-12-27T21:22:24` on the server
* gets expanded to `Sun Dec 27 2015 14:22:24 GMT-0700 (MST)` when the model is fetched.
* @type {{toJSON: toJSON, parse: parse}}.
TimeStampedMixin = {

* Prepare a JavaScript Date for transmitting to the server.
* This helper function accepts a field and Date object. It converts the passed Date
* to an ISO string and sets that on the model field.
* @param {Date}   date   A JavaScript date object. WordPress expects dates in UTC.
* @param {string} field  The date field to set. One of 'date', 'date_gmt', 'date_modified'
*                        or 'date_modified_gmt'. Optional, defaults to 'date'.
setDate: function( date, field ) {
var theField = field || 'date';

// Don't alter non-parsable date fields.
if ( _.indexOf( parseableDates, theField ) < 0 ) {
return false;

this.set( theField, date.toISOString() );

* Get a JavaScript Date from the passed field.
* WordPress returns 'date' and 'date_modified' in the timezone of the server as well as
* UTC dates as 'date_gmt' and 'date_modified_gmt'. Draft posts do not include UTC dates.
* @param {string} field  The date field to set. One of 'date', 'date_gmt', 'date_modified'
*                        or 'date_modified_gmt'. Optional, defaults to 'date'.
getDate: function( field ) {
var theField   = field || 'date',
theISODate = this.get( theField );

// Only get date fields and non-null values.
if ( _.indexOf( parseableDates, theField ) < 0 || _.isNull( theISODate ) ) {
return false;

return new Date( wp.api.utils.parseISO8601( theISODate ) );

* Build a helper function to retrieve related model.
* @param {string} parentModel      The parent model.
* @param {number} modelId          The model ID if the object to request
* @param {string} modelName        The model name to use when constructing the model.
* @param {string} embedSourcePoint Where to check the embedded object for _embed data.
* @param {string} embedCheckField  Which model field to check to see if the model has data.
* @return {Deferred.promise}        A promise which resolves to the constructed model.
buildModelGetter = function( parentModel, modelId, modelName, embedSourcePoint, embedCheckField ) {
var getModel, embeddedObjects, attributes, deferred;

deferred        = jQuery.Deferred();
embeddedObjects = parentModel.get( '_embedded' ) || {};

// Verify that we have a valid object id.
if ( ! _.isNumber( modelId ) || 0 === modelId ) {
return deferred;

// If we have embedded object data, use that when constructing the getModel.
if ( embeddedObjects[ embedSourcePoint ] ) {
attributes = _.findWhere( embeddedObjects[ embedSourcePoint ], { id: modelId } );

// Otherwise use the modelId.
if ( ! attributes ) {
attributes = { id: modelId };

// Create the new getModel model.
getModel = new wp.api.models[ modelName ]( attributes );

if ( ! getModel.get( embedCheckField ) ) {
getModel.fetch( {
success: function( getModel ) {
deferred.resolve( getModel );
error: function( getModel, response ) {
deferred.reject( response );
} );
} else {
// Resolve with the embedded model.
deferred.resolve( getModel );

// Return a promise.
return deferred.promise();

* Build a helper to retrieve a collection.
* @param {string} parentModel      The parent model.
* @param {string} collectionName   The name to use when constructing the collection.
* @param {string} embedSourcePoint Where to check the embedded object for _embed data.
* @param {string} embedIndex       An additional optional index for the _embed data.
* @return {Deferred.promise} A promise which resolves to the constructed collection.
buildCollectionGetter = function( parentModel, collectionName, embedSourcePoint, embedIndex ) {
* Returns a promise that resolves to the requested collection
* Uses the embedded data if available, otherwise fetches the
* data from the server.
* @return {Deferred.promise} promise Resolves to a wp.api.collections[ collectionName ]
* collection.
var postId, embeddedObjects, getObjects,
classProperties = '',
properties      = '',
deferred        = jQuery.Deferred();

postId          = parentModel.get( 'id' );
embeddedObjects = parentModel.get( '_embedded' ) || {};

// Verify that we have a valid post ID.
if ( ! _.isNumber( postId ) || 0 === postId ) {
return deferred;

// If we have embedded getObjects data, use that when constructing the getObjects.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( embedSourcePoint ) && ! _.isUndefined( embeddedObjects[ embedSourcePoint ] ) ) {

// Some embeds also include an index offset, check for that.
if ( _.isUndefined( embedIndex ) ) {

// Use the embed source point directly.
properties = embeddedObjects[ embedSourcePoint ];
} else {

// Add the index to the embed source point.
properties = embeddedObjects[ embedSourcePoint ][ embedIndex ];
} else {

// Otherwise use the postId.
classProperties = { parent: postId };

// Create the new getObjects collection.
getObjects = new wp.api.collections[ collectionName ]( properties, classProperties );

// If we didn’t have embedded getObjects, fetch the getObjects data.
if ( _.isUndefined( getObjects.models[0] ) ) {
getObjects.fetch( {
success: function( getObjects ) {

// Add a helper 'parent_post' attribute onto the model.
setHelperParentPost( getObjects, postId );
deferred.resolve( getObjects );
error: function( getModel, response ) {
deferred.reject( response );
} );
} else {

// Add a helper 'parent_post' attribute onto the model.
setHelperParentPost( getObjects, postId );
deferred.resolve( getObjects );

// Return a promise.
return deferred.promise();


* Set the model post parent.
setHelperParentPost = function( collection, postId ) {

// Attach post_parent id to the collection.
_.each( collection.models, function( model ) {
model.set( 'parent_post', postId );
} );

* Add a helper function to handle post Meta.
MetaMixin = {

* Get meta by key for a post.
* @param {string} key The meta key.
* @return {Object} The post meta value.
getMeta: function( key ) {
var metas = this.get( 'meta' );
return metas[ key ];

* Get all meta key/values for a post.
* @return {Object} The post metas, as a key value pair object.
getMetas: function() {
return this.get( 'meta' );

* Set a group of meta key/values for a post.
* @param {Object} meta The post meta to set, as key/value pairs.
setMetas: function( meta ) {
var metas = this.get( 'meta' );
_.extend( metas, meta );
this.set( 'meta', metas );

* Set a single meta value for a post, by key.
* @param {string} key   The meta key.
* @param {Object} value The meta value.
setMeta: function( key, value ) {
var metas = this.get( 'meta' );
metas[ key ] = value;
this.set( 'meta', metas );

* Add a helper function to handle post Revisions.
RevisionsMixin = {
getRevisions: function() {
return buildCollectionGetter( this, 'PostRevisions' );

* Add a helper function to handle post Tags.
TagsMixin = {

* Get the tags for a post.
* @return {Deferred.promise} promise Resolves to an array of tags.
getTags: function() {
var tagIds = this.get( 'tags' ),
tags  = new wp.api.collections.Tags();

// Resolve with an empty array if no tags.
if ( _.isEmpty( tagIds ) ) {
return jQuery.Deferred().resolve( [] );

return tags.fetch( { data: { include: tagIds } } );

* Set the tags for a post.
* Accepts an array of tag slugs, or a Tags collection.
* @param {Array|Backbone.Collection} tags The tags to set on the post.
setTags: function( tags ) {
var allTags, newTag,
self = this,
newTags = [];

if ( _.isString( tags ) ) {
return false;

// If this is an array of slugs, build a collection.
if ( _.isArray( tags ) ) {

// Get all the tags.
allTags = new wp.api.collections.Tags();
allTags.fetch( {
data:    { per_page: 100 },
success: function( alltags ) {

// Find the passed tags and set them up.
_.each( tags, function( tag ) {
newTag = new wp.api.models.Tag( alltags.findWhere( { slug: tag } ) );

// Tie the new tag to the post.
newTag.set( 'parent_post', self.get( 'id' ) );

// Add the new tag to the collection.
newTags.push( newTag );
} );
tags = new wp.api.collections.Tags( newTags );
self.setTagsWithCollection( tags );
} );

} else {
this.setTagsWithCollection( tags );

* Set the tags for a post.
* Accepts a Tags collection.
* @param {Array|Backbone.Collection} tags The tags to set on the post.
setTagsWithCollection: function( tags ) {

// Pluck out the category IDs.
this.set( 'tags', tags.pluck( 'id' ) );

* Add a helper function to handle post Categories.
CategoriesMixin = {

* Get a the categories for a post.
* @return {Deferred.promise} promise Resolves to an array of categories.
getCategories: function() {
var categoryIds = this.get( 'categories' ),
categories  = new wp.api.collections.Categories();

// Resolve with an empty array if no categories.
if ( _.isEmpty( categoryIds ) ) {
return jQuery.Deferred().resolve( [] );

return categories.fetch( { data: { include: categoryIds } } );

* Set the categories for a post.
* Accepts an array of category slugs, or a Categories collection.
* @param {Array|Backbone.Collection} categories The categories to set on the post.
setCategories: function( categories ) {
var allCategories, newCategory,
self = this,
newCategories = [];

if ( _.isString( categories ) ) {
return false;

// If this is an array of slugs, build a collection.
if ( _.isArray( categories ) ) {

// Get all the categories.
allCategories = new wp.api.collections.Categories();
allCategories.fetch( {
data:    { per_page: 100 },
success: function( allcats ) {

// Find the passed categories and set them up.
_.each( categories, function( category ) {
newCategory = new wp.api.models.Category( allcats.findWhere( { slug: category } ) );

// Tie the new category to the post.
newCategory.set( 'parent_post', self.get( 'id' ) );

// Add the new category to the collection.
newCategories.push( newCategory );
} );
categories = new wp.api.collections.Categories( newCategories );
self.setCategoriesWithCollection( categories );
} );

} else {
this.setCategoriesWithCollection( categories );


* Set the categories for a post.
* Accepts Categories collection.
* @param {Array|Backbone.Collection} categories The categories to set on the post.
setCategoriesWithCollection: function( categories ) {

// Pluck out the category IDs.
this.set( 'categories', categories.pluck( 'id' ) );

* Add a helper function to retrieve the author user model.
AuthorMixin = {
getAuthorUser: function() {
return buildModelGetter( this, this.get( 'author' ), 'User', 'author', 'name' );

* Add a helper function to retrieve the featured media.
FeaturedMediaMixin = {
getFeaturedMedia: function() {
return buildModelGetter( this, this.get( 'featured_media' ), 'Media', 'wp:featuredmedia', 'source_url' );

// Exit if we don't have valid model defaults.
if ( _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args ) ) {
return model;

// Go thru the parsable date fields, if our model contains any of them it gets the TimeStampedMixin.
_.each( parseableDates, function( theDateKey ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args[ theDateKey ] ) ) {
hasDate = true;
} );

// Add the TimeStampedMixin for models that contain a date field.
if ( hasDate ) {
model = model.extend( TimeStampedMixin );

// Add the AuthorMixin for models that contain an author.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( ) ) {
model = model.extend( AuthorMixin );

// Add the FeaturedMediaMixin for models that contain a featured_media.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args.featured_media ) ) {
model = model.extend( FeaturedMediaMixin );

// Add the CategoriesMixin for models that support categories collections.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args.categories ) ) {
model = model.extend( CategoriesMixin );

// Add the MetaMixin for models that support meta.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args.meta ) ) {
model = model.extend( MetaMixin );

// Add the TagsMixin for models that support tags collections.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( model.prototype.args.tags ) ) {
model = model.extend( TagsMixin );

// Add the RevisionsMixin for models that support revisions collections.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( loadingObjects.collections[ modelClassName + 'Revisions' ] ) ) {
model = model.extend( RevisionsMixin );

return model;

})( window );

/* global wpApiSettings:false */

// Suppress warning about parse function's unused "options" argument:
/* jshint unused:false */
(function() {

'use strict';

var wpApiSettings = window.wpApiSettings || {},
trashableTypes    = [ 'Comment', 'Media', 'Comment', 'Post', 'Page', 'Status', 'Taxonomy', 'Type' ];

* Backbone base model for all models.
wp.api.WPApiBaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend(
/** @lends WPApiBaseModel.prototype  */

// Initialize the model.
initialize: function() {

* Types that don't support trashing require passing ?force=true to delete.
if ( -1 === _.indexOf( trashableTypes, ) ) {
this.requireForceForDelete = true;

* Set nonce header before every Backbone sync.
* @param {string} method.
* @param {Backbone.Model} model.
* @param {{beforeSend}, *} options.
* @return {*}.
sync: function( method, model, options ) {
var beforeSend;

options = options || {};

// Remove date_gmt if null.
if ( _.isNull( model.get( 'date_gmt' ) ) ) {
model.unset( 'date_gmt' );

// Remove slug if empty.
if ( _.isEmpty( model.get( 'slug' ) ) ) {
model.unset( 'slug' );

if ( _.isFunction( model.nonce ) && ! _.isEmpty( model.nonce() ) ) {
beforeSend = options.beforeSend;

// @todo Enable option for jsonp endpoints.
// options.dataType = 'jsonp';

// Include the nonce with requests.
options.beforeSend = function( xhr ) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', model.nonce() );

if ( beforeSend ) {
return beforeSend.apply( this, arguments );

// Update the nonce when a new nonce is returned with the response.
options.complete = function( xhr ) {
var returnedNonce = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce' );

if ( returnedNonce && _.isFunction( model.nonce ) && model.nonce() !== returnedNonce ) {
model.endpointModel.set( 'nonce', returnedNonce );

// Add '?force=true' to use delete method when required.
if ( this.requireForceForDelete && 'delete' === method ) {
model.url = model.url() + '?force=true';
return Backbone.sync( method, model, options );

* Save is only allowed when the PUT OR POST methods are available for the endpoint.
save: function( attrs, options ) {

// Do we have the put method, then execute the save.
if ( _.includes( this.methods, 'PUT' ) || _.includes( this.methods, 'POST' ) ) {

// Proxy the call to the original save function.
return this, attrs, options );
} else {

// Otherwise bail, disallowing action.
return false;

* Delete is only allowed when the DELETE method is available for the endpoint.
destroy: function( options ) {

// Do we have the DELETE method, then execute the destroy.
if ( _.includes( this.methods, 'DELETE' ) ) {

// Proxy the call to the original save function.
return this, options );
} else {

// Otherwise bail, disallowing action.
return false;


* API Schema model. Contains meta information about the API.
wp.api.models.Schema = wp.api.WPApiBaseModel.extend(
/** @lends Schema.prototype  */
defaults: {
_links: {},
namespace: null,
routes: {}

initialize: function( attributes, options ) {
var model = this;
options = options || {}; model, attributes, options );

model.apiRoot = options.apiRoot || wpApiSettings.root;
model.versionString = options.versionString || wpApiSettings.versionString;

url: function() {
return this.apiRoot + this.versionString;

( function() {

'use strict';

var wpApiSettings = window.wpApiSettings || {};

* Contains basic collection functionality such as pagination.
wp.api.WPApiBaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend(
/** @lends BaseCollection.prototype  */

* Setup default state.
initialize: function( models, options ) {
this.state = {
data: {},
currentPage: null,
totalPages: null,
totalObjects: null
if ( _.isUndefined( options ) ) {
this.parent = '';
} else {
this.parent = options.parent;

* Extend Backbone.Collection.sync to add nince and pagination support.
* Set nonce header before every Backbone sync.
* @param {string} method.
* @param {Backbone.Model} model.
* @param {{success}, *} options.
* @return {*}.
sync: function( method, model, options ) {
var beforeSend, success,
self = this;

options = options || {};

if ( _.isFunction( model.nonce ) && ! _.isEmpty( model.nonce() ) ) {
beforeSend = options.beforeSend;

// Include the nonce with requests.
options.beforeSend = function( xhr ) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', model.nonce() );

if ( beforeSend ) {
return beforeSend.apply( self, arguments );

// Update the nonce when a new nonce is returned with the response.
options.complete = function( xhr ) {
var returnedNonce = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce' );

if ( returnedNonce && _.isFunction( model.nonce ) && model.nonce() !== returnedNonce ) {
model.endpointModel.set( 'nonce', returnedNonce );

// When reading, add pagination data.
if ( 'read' === method ) {
if ( ) { = _.clone( );

} else { = = {};

if ( 'undefined' === typeof ) {
self.state.currentPage  = null;
self.state.totalPages   = null;
self.state.totalObjects = null;
} else {
self.state.currentPage = - 1;

success = options.success;
options.success = function( data, textStatus, request ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( request ) ) {
self.state.totalPages   = parseInt( request.getResponseHeader( 'x-wp-totalpages' ), 10 );
self.state.totalObjects = parseInt( request.getResponseHeader( 'x-wp-total' ), 10 );

if ( null === self.state.currentPage ) {
self.state.currentPage = 1;
} else {

if ( success ) {
return success.apply( this, arguments );

// Continue by calling Backbone's sync.
return Backbone.sync( method, model, options );

* Fetches the next page of objects if a new page exists.
* @param {data: {page}} options.
* @return {*}.
more: function( options ) {
options = options || {}; = || {};

_.extend(, );

if ( 'undefined' === typeof ) {
if ( ! this.hasMore() ) {
return false;

if ( null === this.state.currentPage || this.state.currentPage <= 1 ) { = 2;
} else { = this.state.currentPage + 1;

return this.fetch( options );

* Returns true if there are more pages of objects available.
* @return {null|boolean}
hasMore: function() {
if ( null === this.state.totalPages ||
null === this.state.totalObjects ||
null === this.state.currentPage ) {
return null;
} else {
return ( this.state.currentPage < this.state.totalPages );

} )();

( function() {

'use strict';

var Endpoint, initializedDeferreds = {},
wpApiSettings = window.wpApiSettings || {};

/** @namespace wp */
window.wp = window.wp || {};

/** @namespace wp.api */
wp.api    = wp.api || {};

// If wpApiSettings is unavailable, try the default.
if ( _.isEmpty( wpApiSettings ) ) {
wpApiSettings.root = window.location.origin + '/wp-json/';

Endpoint = Backbone.Model.extend(/** @lends Endpoint.prototype */{
defaults: {
apiRoot: wpApiSettings.root,
versionString: wp.api.versionString,
nonce: null,
schema: null,
models: {},
collections: {}

* Initialize the Endpoint model.
initialize: function() {
var model = this, deferred;

Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply( model, arguments );

deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
model.schemaConstructed = deferred.promise();

model.schemaModel = new wp.api.models.Schema( null, {
apiRoot:       model.get( 'apiRoot' ),
versionString: model.get( 'versionString' ),
nonce:         model.get( 'nonce' )
} );

// When the model loads, resolve the promise.
model.schemaModel.once( 'change', function() {
deferred.resolve( model );
} );

if ( model.get( 'schema' ) ) {

// Use schema supplied as model attribute.
model.schemaModel.set( model.schemaModel.parse( model.get( 'schema' ) ) );
} else if (
! _.isUndefined( sessionStorage ) &&
( _.isUndefined( wpApiSettings.cacheSchema ) || wpApiSettings.cacheSchema ) &&
sessionStorage.getItem( 'wp-api-schema-model' + model.get( 'apiRoot' ) + model.get( 'versionString' ) )
) {

// Used a cached copy of the schema model if available.
model.schemaModel.set( model.schemaModel.parse( JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem( 'wp-api-schema-model' + model.get( 'apiRoot' ) + model.get( 'versionString' ) ) ) ) );
} else {
model.schemaModel.fetch( {
* When the server returns the schema model data, store the data in a sessionCache so we don't
* have to retrieve it again for this session. Then, construct the models and collections based
* on the schema model data.
* @ignore
success: function( newSchemaModel ) {

// Store a copy of the schema model in the session cache if available.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( sessionStorage ) && ( _.isUndefined( wpApiSettings.cacheSchema ) || wpApiSettings.cacheSchema ) ) {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem( 'wp-api-schema-model' + model.get( 'apiRoot' ) + model.get( 'versionString' ), JSON.stringify( newSchemaModel ) );
} catch ( error ) {

// Fail silently, fixes errors in safari private mode.

// Log the error condition.
error: function( err ) {
window.console.log( err );
} );

constructFromSchema: function() {
var routeModel = this, modelRoutes, collectionRoutes, schemaRoot, loadingObjects,

* Set up the model and collection name mapping options. As the schema is built, the
* model and collection names will be adjusted if they are found in the mapping object.
* Localizing a variable wpApiSettings.mapping will over-ride the default mapping options.
mapping = wpApiSettings.mapping || {
models: {
'Categories':      'Category',
'Comments':        'Comment',
'Pages':           'Page',
'PagesMeta':       'PageMeta',
'PagesRevisions':  'PageRevision',
'Posts':           'Post',
'PostsCategories': 'PostCategory',
'PostsRevisions':  'PostRevision',
'PostsTags':       'PostTag',
'Schema':          'Schema',
'Statuses':        'Status',
'Tags':            'Tag',
'Taxonomies':      'Taxonomy',
'Types':           'Type',
'Users':           'User'
collections: {
'PagesMeta':       'PageMeta',
'PagesRevisions':  'PageRevisions',
'PostsCategories': 'PostCategories',
'PostsMeta':       'PostMeta',
'PostsRevisions':  'PostRevisions',
'PostsTags':       'PostTags'

modelEndpoints = routeModel.get( 'modelEndpoints' ),
modelRegex     = new RegExp( '(?:.*[+)]|\/(' + modelEndpoints.join( '|' ) + '))$' );

* Iterate thru the routes, picking up models and collections to build. Builds two arrays,
* one for models and one for collections.
modelRoutes      = [];
collectionRoutes = [];
schemaRoot       = routeModel.get( 'apiRoot' ).replace( wp.api.utils.getRootUrl(), '' );
loadingObjects   = {};

* Tracking objects for models and collections.
loadingObjects.models      = {};
loadingObjects.collections = {};

_.each( routeModel.schemaModel.get( 'routes' ), function( route, index ) {

// Skip the schema root if included in the schema.
if ( index !== routeModel.get( ' versionString' ) &&
index !== schemaRoot &&
index !== ( '/' + routeModel.get( 'versionString' ).slice( 0, -1 ) )
) {

// Single items end with a regex, or a special case word.
if ( modelRegex.test( index ) ) {
modelRoutes.push( { index: index, route: route } );
} else {

// Collections end in a name.
collectionRoutes.push( { index: index, route: route } );
} );

* Construct the models.
* Base the class name on the route endpoint.
_.each( modelRoutes, function( modelRoute ) {

// Extract the name and any parent from the route.
var modelClassName,
routeName  = wp.api.utils.extractRoutePart( modelRoute.index, 2, routeModel.get( 'versionString' ), true ),
parentName = wp.api.utils.extractRoutePart( modelRoute.index, 1, routeModel.get( 'versionString' ), false ),
routeEnd   = wp.api.utils.extractRoutePart( modelRoute.index, 1, routeModel.get( 'versionString' ), true );

// Clear the parent part of the rouite if its actually the version string.
if ( parentName === routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) ) {
parentName = '';

// Handle the special case of the 'me' route.
if ( 'me' === routeEnd ) {
routeName = 'me';

// If the model has a parent in its route, add that to its class name.
if ( '' !== parentName && parentName !== routeName ) {
modelClassName = wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( parentName ) + wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( routeName );
modelClassName = mapping.models[ modelClassName ] || modelClassName;
loadingObjects.models[ modelClassName ] = wp.api.WPApiBaseModel.extend( {

// Return a constructed url based on the parent and id.
url: function() {
var url =
routeModel.get( 'apiRoot' ) +
routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) +
parentName +  '/' +
( ( _.isUndefined( this.get( 'parent' ) ) || 0 === this.get( 'parent' ) ) ?
( _.isUndefined( this.get( 'parent_post' ) ) ? '' : this.get( 'parent_post' ) + '/' ) :
this.get( 'parent' ) + '/' ) +

if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.get( 'id' ) ) ) {
url +=  '/' + this.get( 'id' );
return url;

// Track nonces on the Endpoint 'routeModel'.
nonce: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'nonce' );

endpointModel: routeModel,

// Include a reference to the original route object.
route: modelRoute,

// Include a reference to the original class name.
name: modelClassName,

// Include the array of route methods for easy reference.
methods: modelRoute.route.methods,

// Include the array of route endpoints for easy reference.
endpoints: modelRoute.route.endpoints
} );
} else {

// This is a model without a parent in its route.
modelClassName = wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( routeName );
modelClassName = mapping.models[ modelClassName ] || modelClassName;
loadingObjects.models[ modelClassName ] = wp.api.WPApiBaseModel.extend( {

// Function that returns a constructed url based on the ID.
url: function() {
var url = routeModel.get( 'apiRoot' ) +
routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) +
( ( 'me' === routeName ) ? 'users/me' : routeName );

if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.get( 'id' ) ) ) {
url +=  '/' + this.get( 'id' );
return url;

// Track nonces at the Endpoint level.
nonce: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'nonce' );

endpointModel: routeModel,

// Include a reference to the original route object.
route: modelRoute,

// Include a reference to the original class name.
name: modelClassName,

// Include the array of route methods for easy reference.
methods: modelRoute.route.methods,

// Include the array of route endpoints for easy reference.
endpoints: modelRoute.route.endpoints
} );

// Add defaults to the new model, pulled form the endpoint.
loadingObjects.models[ modelClassName ],
routeModel.get( 'versionString' )

} );

* Construct the collections.
* Base the class name on the route endpoint.
_.each( collectionRoutes, function( collectionRoute ) {

// Extract the name and any parent from the route.
var collectionClassName, modelClassName,
routeName  = collectionRoute.index.slice( collectionRoute.index.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ),
parentName = wp.api.utils.extractRoutePart( collectionRoute.index, 1, routeModel.get( 'versionString' ), false );

// If the collection has a parent in its route, add that to its class name.
if ( '' !== parentName && parentName !== routeName && routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) !== parentName ) {

collectionClassName = wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( parentName ) + wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( routeName );
modelClassName      = mapping.models[ collectionClassName ] || collectionClassName;
collectionClassName = mapping.collections[ collectionClassName ] || collectionClassName;
loadingObjects.collections[ collectionClassName ] = wp.api.WPApiBaseCollection.extend( {

// Function that returns a constructed url passed on the parent.
url: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'apiRoot' ) + routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) +
parentName + '/' +
( ( _.isUndefined( this.parent ) || '' === this.parent ) ?
( _.isUndefined( this.get( 'parent_post' ) ) ? '' : this.get( 'parent_post' ) + '/' ) :
this.parent + '/' ) +

// Specify the model that this collection contains.
model: function( attrs, options ) {
return new loadingObjects.models[ modelClassName ]( attrs, options );

// Track nonces at the Endpoint level.
nonce: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'nonce' );

endpointModel: routeModel,

// Include a reference to the original class name.
name: collectionClassName,

// Include a reference to the original route object.
route: collectionRoute,

// Include the array of route methods for easy reference.
methods: collectionRoute.route.methods
} );
} else {

// This is a collection without a parent in its route.
collectionClassName = wp.api.utils.capitalizeAndCamelCaseDashes( routeName );
modelClassName      = mapping.models[ collectionClassName ] || collectionClassName;
collectionClassName = mapping.collections[ collectionClassName ] || collectionClassName;
loadingObjects.collections[ collectionClassName ] = wp.api.WPApiBaseCollection.extend( {

// For the url of a root level collection, use a string.
url: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'apiRoot' ) + routeModel.get( 'versionString' ) + routeName;

// Specify the model that this collection contains.
model: function( attrs, options ) {
return new loadingObjects.models[ modelClassName ]( attrs, options );

// Track nonces at the Endpoint level.
nonce: function() {
return routeModel.get( 'nonce' );

endpointModel: routeModel,

// Include a reference to the original class name.
name: collectionClassName,

// Include a reference to the original route object.
route: collectionRoute,

// Include the array of route methods for easy reference.
methods: collectionRoute.route.methods
} );

// Add defaults to the new model, pulled form the endpoint.
wp.api.utils.decorateFromRoute( collectionRoute.route.endpoints, loadingObjects.collections[ collectionClassName ] );
} );

// Add mixins and helpers for each of the models.
_.each( loadingObjects.models, function( model, index ) {
loadingObjects.models[ index ] = wp.api.utils.addMixinsAndHelpers( model, index, loadingObjects );
} );

// Set the routeModel models and collections.
routeModel.set( 'models', loadingObjects.models );
routeModel.set( 'collections', loadingObjects.collections );


} );

wp.api.endpoints = new Backbone.Collection();

* Initialize the wp-api, optionally passing the API root.
* @param {Object} [args]
* @param {string} [args.nonce] The nonce. Optional, defaults to wpApiSettings.nonce.
* @param {string} [args.apiRoot] The api root. Optional, defaults to wpApiSettings.root.
* @param {string} [args.versionString] The version string. Optional, defaults to wpApiSettings.root.
* @param {Object} [args.schema] The schema. Optional, will be fetched from API if not provided.
wp.api.init = function( args ) {
var endpoint, attributes = {}, deferred, promise;

args                      = args || {};
attributes.nonce          = _.isString( args.nonce ) ? args.nonce : ( wpApiSettings.nonce || '' );
attributes.apiRoot        = args.apiRoot || wpApiSettings.root || '/wp-json';
attributes.versionString  = args.versionString || wpApiSettings.versionString || 'wp/v2/';
attributes.schema         = args.schema || null;
attributes.modelEndpoints = args.modelEndpoints || [ 'me', 'settings' ];
if ( ! attributes.schema && attributes.apiRoot === wpApiSettings.root && attributes.versionString === wpApiSettings.versionString ) {
attributes.schema = wpApiSettings.schema;

if ( ! initializedDeferreds[ attributes.apiRoot + attributes.versionString ] ) {

// Look for an existing copy of this endpoint.
endpoint = wp.api.endpoints.findWhere( { 'apiRoot': attributes.apiRoot, 'versionString': attributes.versionString } );
if ( ! endpoint ) {
endpoint = new Endpoint( attributes );
deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
promise = deferred.promise();

endpoint.schemaConstructed.done( function( resolvedEndpoint ) {
wp.api.endpoints.add( resolvedEndpoint );

// Map the default endpoints, extending any already present items (including Schema model).
wp.api.models      = _.extend( wp.api.models, resolvedEndpoint.get( 'models' ) );
wp.api.collections = _.extend( wp.api.collections, resolvedEndpoint.get( 'collections' ) );
deferred.resolve( resolvedEndpoint );
} );
initializedDeferreds[ attributes.apiRoot + attributes.versionString ] = promise;
return initializedDeferreds[ attributes.apiRoot + attributes.versionString ];

* Construct the default endpoints and add to an endpoints collection.

// The wp.api.init function returns a promise that will resolve with the endpoint once it is ready.
wp.api.loadPromise = wp.api.init();

} )();