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 * Switch width of page wrapper
 * @param object Object of current switcher
 * @param string Width value in percents or pixels
 * @param string Cookie name
 * @param string Cookie path
function switch_width( obj_switcher, width_value, cookie_name, cookie_path )
if( jQuery( obj_switcher ).hasClass( 'roundbutton_selected' ) )
{ // Current switcher is already selected now, Exit here
return false;

var current_width_value = jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' )[0].style.width;
var actual_width_value = width_value;

if( width_value == '100%' )
{ // We need in this modification because only FF can animates from % to px (All other browsers animate only from px to px sizes)
width_value = ( jQuery( 'body' ).width() - 10 ) + 'px';

if( current_width_value == '100%' )
{ // If cuurent width in percents we should convert it to pixels and then after 100ms we can change it to new required width size(px)
var wrapper_width_value = jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).css( 'width' );
jQuery( '#wrapper, .wrapper' ).css( { 'width': wrapper_width_value, 'max-width': wrapper_width_value } );
setTimeout( function()
jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).css( { 'width': width_value, 'max-width': width_value } );
}, 100 );
{ // If current width in pixels is all good we can play CSS animation right now without any delay and convetation
jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).css( { 'width': width_value, 'max-width': width_value } );

if( actual_width_value == '100%' )
{ // If actual width in percents we should revert the width of wrapper to percent format( because we use only pixel sizes during css animation )
setTimeout( function()
jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).css( { 'width': actual_width_value, 'max-width': actual_width_value } );
}, 1000 );

// Mark current switcher as selected
jQuery( '#width_switcher a' ).removeClass( 'roundbutton_selected' );
jQuery( obj_switcher ).addClass( 'roundbutton_selected' );

// Set cookie for 10 years
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + ( 10*365*24*60*60*1000 ) );
document.cookie = cookie_name + '=' + actual_width_value +
'; expires=' + date.toGMTString() +
'; path=' + cookie_path;

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
// Display width switcher only when JavaScript is enabled
jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).show();

if( jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).length > 0 )
{ // If skin has a width switcher

function change_wrapper_size()
{ // If window width is small we should hide the width switcher
if( typeof( switcher_min_width ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Use 1000px by default
switcher_min_width = 1000;
if( jQuery( 'body' ).width() <= switcher_min_width )
{ // Screens is small to display the switcher
if( jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).is( ':visible' ) )
if( typeof( switcher_width_type ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Fit to fixed width by default
switcher_width_type = 'fixed';
// Use 'full' to use 100% width on small sreens
if( switcher_width_type == 'fixed' )
{ // Fit to fixed width
jQuery( '#width_switcher a:first' ).click();
{ // Don't fix width and use it from css styles
switcher_current_style = jQuery( jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).get( 0 ) ).attr( 'style' );
console.log( switcher_current_style );
jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
// Hide the switcher
jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).hide();
{ // Show the switcher
if( ! jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).is( ':visible' ) )
if( typeof( switcher_current_style ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '#wrapper, .switched_width' ).attr( 'style', switcher_current_style );
jQuery( '#width_switcher' ).show();

jQuery( window ).resize( function() { change_wrapper_size(); } );
} );