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 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @version $Id: voting.js 8373 2015-02-28 21:44:37Z fplanque $
 * Depends on jQuery

 * Initialize the voting events
 * @param object Voting html element
 * @param string Voting url to send AJAX request
 * @param string Element ID
 * @param boolean Load form
window.init_voting_bar = function( voting_layout, action_url, element_id, load_form )
// Update the colorbox width and position when new voting panel is loaded
function update_colorbox_position()
if( voting_layout.attr( 'id' ) == 'cboxVoting' )
var colorbox_width = jQuery( '#colorbox' ).width();
var voting_layout_width = voting_layout.width();
if( voting_layout_width > colorbox_width )
jQuery( '#colorbox' ).css( {
'left' : jQuery( '#colorbox' ).position().left - ( Math.round( voting_layout_width - colorbox_width ) / 2 ),
'width': voting_layout_width
} );

if( load_form )
voting_layout.html( '<div class="loading">&nbsp;</div>' );
jQuery.ajax( {
// Initialize a voting form
type: "POST",
url: action_url + '&vote_ID=' + element_id,
success: function( result )
voting_layout.html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
jQuery( 'a.action_icon', voting_layout ).data( 'votingPanel', voting_layout );
} );

if( jQuery( voting_layout ).data( 'initialized' ) == undefined )
{ // Initialize the events 'onclick' only one time

voting_layout.on( 'click', 'a.action_icon', function() {
// Stop a click event of each link in voting form (The links are used only when JavaScript is not enabled)
return false;

* Send AJAX request for voting
* @param object Vote button
* @param string Vote action
* @param string Fade-in color
* @param string Secondary fade-in color
function send_voting_ajax_request( obj, vote_action, fadein_color, fadein_color2 )
// Use action from hidden input form element:
var voting_action_obj = voting_layout.find( '#voting_action' );
var ajax_action_url   = voting_action_obj.length ? voting_action_obj.val() : action_url;

if( voting_layout.find( '#votingID' ).length > 0 )
{ // Add object ID to action URL:
ajax_action_url += '&vote_ID=' + voting_layout.find( '#votingID' ).val();
if( voting_layout.find( '#widgetID' ).length > 0 )
{ // Add widget ID to action URL:
ajax_action_url += '&widget_ID=' + voting_layout.find( '#widgetID' ).val();
if( voting_layout.find( '#skinID' ).length > 0 )
{ // Add skin ID to action URL:
ajax_action_url += '&skin_ID=' + voting_layout.find( '#skinID' ).val();

var voting_bg_color = voting_layout.css( 'backgroundColor' );

if( jQuery( obj ).is( ':checkbox' ) )
{ // Checkbox:
if( jQuery( obj ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Checked
ajax_action_url += '&checked=1';
window.votingFadeIn( voting_layout, fadein_color );
{ // Unchecked
ajax_action_url += '&checked=0';
window.votingFadeIn( voting_layout, fadein_color2 );
{ // "Like" button:
jQuery( obj ).removeAttr( 'id' );
window.votingFadeIn( voting_layout, fadein_color );

// Send AJAX request to vote
type: "POST",
url: ajax_action_url + '&vote_action=' + vote_action,
success: function( result )
if( ! jQuery( obj ).is( ':checkbox' ) )
{ // "Like" button:
voting_layout.html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
update_colorbox_position( voting_layout );
window.votingFadeIn( voting_layout, voting_bg_color );
} );


voting_layout.on( 'click', '#votingLike', function() {
// Action for "Like" button:
send_voting_ajax_request( this, 'like', '#bcffb5' );

voting_layout.on( 'click', '#votingNoopinion', function()
{ // Action for "No opinion" button:
send_voting_ajax_request( this, 'noopinion', '#bbb' );
} );

voting_layout.on( 'click', '#votingDontlike', function()
{ // Action for "Don't like" button:
send_voting_ajax_request( this, 'dontlike', '#ffc9c9' );
} );

voting_layout.on( 'click', '#votingInappropriate', function()
{ // Action for "Inappropriate" checkbox:
send_voting_ajax_request( this, 'inappropriate', '#dcc', '#bbb' );
} );

voting_layout.on( 'click', '#votingSpam', function()
{ // Action for "Spam" checkbox:
send_voting_ajax_request( this, 'spam', '#dcc', '#bbb' );
} );

jQuery( voting_layout ).data( 'initialized', true );

 * Fade in background color
 * @param object Layout
 * @param string Color
window.votingFadeIn = function ( obj, color )
var is_transparent = ( color == 'transparent' || color == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' );
if( is_transparent )
{ // Animation doesn't work with transparent color, it converts to white color
// To fix this get bg color of the parent
var obj_parent = obj.parent();
var color_parent = color;
while( obj_parent && ( color_parent == 'transparent' || color_parent == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ) )
{ // Find bg color of parent
color_parent = obj_parent.css( 'backgroundColor' );
obj_parent = obj_parent.parent();
if( obj_parent[0].tagName != 'HTML' )
color = color_parent;

obj.animate( { backgroundColor: color }, 200, function()
if( is_transparent )
{ // Set real transparent color because parent may has not transparent color only on mouse over:
obj.css( 'background-color', 'transparent' );
} );

 * Adjusts voting layout depending on wrapper width after voting.
window.votingAdjust = function ()
$prev   = jQuery("#cboxPrevious");
$wrap   = jQuery("#cboxWrapper");
$voting = jQuery("#cboxVoting");

var prevWidth = $prev.width();
var voting_wrapper   = $('#colorbox .voting_wrapper');
var voting_buttons   = $('#colorbox .voting_wrapper > .btn-group');
var voting_title     = $('#colorbox .vote_title_panel');
var voting_others    = $('#colorbox .vote_others');
var voting_separator = $('#colorbox .separator');

var w = $wrap.parent().width();

// reset
voting_wrapper.removeClass( 'compact' );

if( w <= 700 )
{ // voting button, title and others will not fit in 1 line
voting_wrapper.addClass( 'compact' );

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_init_comment_voting_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( 'span[id^=vote_helpful_' ).each( function() {
window.init_voting_bar( jQuery( this ), evo_init_comment_voting_config.action_url, jQuery( this ).find( '#votingID').val(), false );

if( typeof( evo_init_item_voting_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( 'span[id^=vote_item_' ).each( function() {
window.init_voting_bar( jQuery( this ), evo_init_item_voting_config.action_url, jQuery( this ).find( '#votingID').val(), false );