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 * VigLink extension for the phpBB Forum Software package.
 * @copyright (c) 2014 phpBB Limited <>
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)

namespace phpbb\viglink\acp;


 * VigLink ACP module
class viglink_module
/** @var string $page_title The page title */
public $page_title;

/** @var string $tpl_name The page template name */
public $tpl_name;

/** @var string $u_action Custom form action */
public $u_action;

    public function
main($id, $mode)

/** @var \phpbb\config\config $config Config object */
$config = $phpbb_container->get('config');

/** @var \phpbb\language\language $language Language object */
$language = $phpbb_container->get('language');

/** @var \phpbb\request\request $request Request object */
$request  = $phpbb_container->get('request');

/** @var \phpbb\template\template $template Template object */
$template = $phpbb_container->get('template');

$language->add_lang('viglink_module_acp', 'phpbb/viglink');

$this->tpl_name = 'acp_viglink';
$this->page_title = $language->lang('ACP_VIGLINK_SETTINGS');

$submit = $request->is_set_post('submit');

        if (
$mode !== 'settings')

$form_key = 'acp_viglink';

$error = array();

// Get stored config/default values
$cfg_array = array(
'viglink_enabled' => isset($config['viglink_enabled']) ? $config['viglink_enabled'] : 0,

// Error if the form is invalid
if ($submit && !check_form_key($form_key))
$error[] = $language->lang('FORM_INVALID');

// Do not process form if invalid
if (count($error))
$submit = false;

        if (
// Get the VigLink form field values
$cfg_array['viglink_enabled'] = $request->variable('viglink_enabled', 0);

// If no errors, set the config values
if (!count($error))
                foreach (
$cfg_array as $cfg => $value)
$config->set($cfg, $value);

trigger_error($language->lang('CONFIG_UPDATED') . adm_back_link($this->u_action));

        if (!isset(
$config->set('questionnaire_unique_id', unique_id());

// Set a general error message if VigLink has been disabled by phpBB
if (!$config['allow_viglink_phpbb'])
$error[] = $language->lang('ACP_VIGLINK_DISABLED_PHPBB');

// Try to get convert account key from .com
$sub_id = md5($config['viglink_api_siteid'] . $config['questionnaire_unique_id']);
$convert_account_link = $config->offsetGet('viglink_convert_account_url');

        if (empty(
$convert_account_link) || strpos($config['viglink_convert_account_url'], 'subId=' . $sub_id) === false)
$convert_account_link = @file_get_contents('' . urlencode($config['server_name']) . '&siteid=' . $config['viglink_api_siteid'] . '&uuid=' . $config['questionnaire_unique_id'] . '&key=' . $config['phpbb_viglink_api_key']);
            if (!empty(
$convert_account_link) && strpos($convert_account_link, '') === 0)
$type_caster = new type_cast_helper();
$type_caster->set_var($convert_account_link, $convert_account_link, 'string', false, false);
$config->set('viglink_convert_account_url', $convert_account_link);
$error[] = $language->lang('ACP_VIGLINK_NO_CONVERT_LINK');
$convert_account_link = '';

'S_ERROR'                => (bool) count($error),
'ERROR_MSG'                => implode('<br />', $error),

'VIGLINK_ENABLED'        => $cfg_array['viglink_enabled'],

'U_VIGLINK_CONVERT'        => $convert_account_link,
'U_ACTION'                => $this->u_action,