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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\textformatter;

* Used to manipulate a parsed text
* In this interface, "plain text" refers to regular text as it would be inputted by a user.
* "Parsed text" refers to whichever form is returned by the implementation after parsing, which
* should be suitable to be reinserted into the database.
interface utils_interface
    * Replace BBCodes and other formatting elements with whitespace
    * NOTE: preserves smilies as text
    * @param  string $text Parsed text
    * @return string       Plain text
public function clean_formatting($text);

    * Create a quote block for given text
    * Possible attributes:
    *   - author:  author's name (usually a username)
    *   - post_id: post_id of the post being quoted
    *   - user_id: user_id of the user being quoted
    *   - time:    timestamp of the original message
    * @param  string $text       Quote's text
    * @param  array  $attributes Quote's attributes
    * @return string             Quote block to be used in a new post/text
public function generate_quote($text, array $attributes = array());

    * Get a list of quote authors, limited to the outermost quotes
    * @param  string   $text Parsed text
    * @return string[]       List of authors
public function get_outermost_quote_authors($text);

    * Remove given BBCode and its content, at given nesting depth
    * @param  string  $text        Parsed text
    * @param  string  $bbcode_name BBCode's name
    * @param  integer $depth       Minimum nesting depth (number of parents of the same name)
    * @return string               Parsed text
public function remove_bbcode($text, $bbcode_name, $depth = 0);

     * Return a parsed text to its original form
     * @param  string $text Parsed text
     * @return string       Original plain text
public function unparse($text);

     * Return whether or not a parsed text represent an empty text.
     * @param  string $text Parsed text
     * @return bool         True if the original text is empty
public function is_empty($text);