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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\textformatter\s9e;

* Text manipulation utilities
* In this implementation, "plain text" refers to regular text as it would be inputted by a user.
* "Parsed text" is XML suitable to be reinserted into the database.
class utils implements \phpbb\textformatter\utils_interface
    * Replace BBCodes and other formatting elements with whitespace
    * NOTE: preserves smilies as text
    * @param  string $xml Parsed text
    * @return string      Plain text
public function clean_formatting($xml)
// Insert a space before <s> and <e> then remove formatting
$xml = preg_replace('#<[es]>#', ' $0', $xml);

        return \

    * Format given string to be used as an attribute value
    * Will return the string as-is if it can be used in a BBCode without quotes. Otherwise,
    * it will use either single- or double- quotes depending on whichever requires less escaping.
    * Quotes and backslashes are escaped with backslashes where necessary
    * @param  string $str Original string
    * @return string      Same string if possible, escaped string within quotes otherwise
protected function format_attribute_value($str)
        if (!
preg_match('/[ "\'\\\\\\]]/', $str))
// Return as-is if it contains none of: space, ' " \ or ]
return $str;
$singleQuoted = "'" . addcslashes($str, "\\'") . "'";
$doubleQuoted = '"' . addcslashes($str, '\\"') . '"';

        return (
strlen($singleQuoted) < strlen($doubleQuoted)) ? $singleQuoted : $doubleQuoted;

    * {@inheritdoc}
public function generate_quote($text, array $attributes = array())
$text = trim($text);
$quote = '[quote';
        if (isset(
// Add the author as the BBCode's default attribute
$quote .= '=' . $this->format_attribute_value($attributes['author']);

        if (isset(
$attributes['user_id']) && $attributes['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)

        foreach (
$attributes as $name => $value)
$quote .= ' ' . $name . '=' . $this->format_attribute_value($value);
$quote .= ']';
$newline = (strlen($quote . $text . '[/quote]') > 80 || strpos($text, "\n") !== false) ? "\n" : '';
$quote .= $newline . $text . $newline . '[/quote]';


    * Get a list of quote authors, limited to the outermost quotes
    * @param  string   $xml Parsed text
    * @return string[]      List of authors
public function get_outermost_quote_authors($xml)
$authors = array();
        if (
strpos($xml, '<QUOTE ') === false)

$dom = new \DOMDocument;
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
        foreach (
$xpath->query('//QUOTE[not(ancestor::QUOTE)]/@author') as $author)
$authors[] = $author->textContent;


    * Remove given BBCode and its content, at given nesting depth
    * @param  string  $xml         Parsed text
    * @param  string  $bbcode_name BBCode's name
    * @param  integer $depth       Minimum nesting depth (number of parents of the same name)
    * @return string               Parsed text
public function remove_bbcode($xml, $bbcode_name, $depth = 0)
        return \
s9e\TextFormatter\Utils::removeTag($xml, strtoupper($bbcode_name), $depth);

    * Return a parsed text to its original form
    * @param  string $xml Parsed text
    * @return string      Original plain text
public function unparse($xml)
        return \

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function is_empty($text)
        if (
$text === null || $text === '')

trim($this->unparse($text)) === '';