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 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @version $Id: usernames.js 9783 2015-07-09 15:22:59Z yura $

var originalLeave = jQuery.fn.popover.Constructor.prototype.leave;
jQuery.fn.popover.Constructor.prototype.leave = function( obj )
var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
obj : jQuery( obj.currentTarget )[this.type](this.getDelegateOptions()).data( 'bs.' + this.type )
var container, timeout; this, obj );

if( obj.currentTarget )
container = jQuery( obj.currentTarget ).siblings( '.popover' )
timeout = self.timeout;'mouseenter', function()
//We entered the actual popover – call off the dogs
clearTimeout( timeout );
//Let's monitor popover content instead'mouseleave', function()
{ self, self );
} );
} )

jQuery( document ).ready(function()
/** Init popover for User Avatar **/

var link_number = 1;
jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '[rel^=bubbletip_]', function()
{ // Prepare event mouseover for an element with popover effect
var link = jQuery( this );
var div_cache_ID = '';
var request_param = '';

if( link.attr( 'rel' ).match( 'bubbletip_user_' ) )
{ // Set data for links with registered users
var user_ID = link.attr( 'rel' ).replace( /bubbletip_user_(\d+).*/g, '$1' );
div_cache_ID = 'popover_cache_user_' + user_ID;
request_param = '&userid=' + user_ID;
else if( link.attr( 'rel' ).match( 'bubbletip_comment_' ) )
{ // Set data for anonymous comments
var comment_ID = link.attr( 'rel' ).replace( /bubbletip_comment_(\d+).*/, '$1' );
div_cache_ID = 'popover_cache_comment_' + comment_ID;
request_param = '&commentid=' + comment_ID;

if( div_cache_ID != '' )
{ // Init popover for the first time event "mouseover"
link.attr( 'id', 'popoverlink' + link_number );

var popover_params = {
trigger: 'hover',
container: 'body',
placement: 'top',
html: true,
delay: { 'hide': 400 },
template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-content"></div></div>'
if( jQuery( '#' + div_cache_ID ).length == 0 )
{ // Create a div for cache user data
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="' + div_cache_ID + '" style="display:none;"></div>' );
var cache = jQuery( '#' + div_cache_ID );

{ // Get user info
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_user_bubbletip' + '&blog=' + blog_id + request_param,
success: function( result )
{ // If success request - fill div with user data, save same data to the cache, init popover
if( ajax_response_is_correct( result ) )
{ // Init Popover only if ajax content is received
result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
cache.html( result );

var img = cache.find( 'img' );
var height = img.attr( 'height' ) + 'px';
var width = img.attr( 'width' ) + 'px';
img.css( 'height', height );
img.css( 'width', width );

var show_on_init = true;
if( link.hasClass( 'hide_popover' ) )
{ // We use this class as flag to understand that when ajax was loading
// the mouse pointer already left out this element
// and we don't need to show a popover on init event
show_on_init = false;
link.removeClass( 'hide_popover' )
// Init popover
var cache_clone = cache.clone( true );;
popover_params.content = cache_clone; // Need object because Safari has issue when string is passed here
link.popover( popover_params );
if( show_on_init )
{ // Show popover
link.popover( 'show' );
// Remove this from attr 'rel' to avoid of the repeating of init popover
link.attr( 'rel', link.attr( 'rel').replace( /bubbletip_(user_|comment_)[\d\s]+/g, '' ) );
{ // Init popover from cached element
if( jQuery( '#' + div_cache_ID ).html() != '' )
{ // Ajax content is downloaded and we can show a popover
// Remove a title temporary to don't display title on popover
var link_title = link.attr( 'title' );
link.removeAttr( 'title' );
// Init popover
var cache_clone = jQuery( '#' + div_cache_ID ).clone( true );;
popover_params.content = cache_clone; // Need object because Safari has issue when string is passed here
link.popover( popover_params );
link.popover( 'show' );
// Restore a title
link.attr( 'title', link_title );
// Remove this from attr 'rel' to avoid of the repeating of init popover
link.attr( 'rel', link.attr( 'rel').replace( /bubbletip_(user_|comment_)[\d\s]+/g, '' ) );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseleave', '[rel^=bubbletip_]', function()
{ // This class-flag is used to know that mouse pointer is leaving this element
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'hide_popover' );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '.popover', function()
{ // This class-flag is used to know that mouse pointer is over this popover window
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'mouseover' );
} );
jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseleave', '.popover', function()
{ // This class-flag is used to know that mouse pointer is out this popover window
jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'mouseover' );
jQuery( this ).data( 'bs.popover' ).$element.popover( 'hide' );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( '', function( event )
{ // Event is called to hide a popover:
if( jQuery( ).data( 'bs.popover' ).$tip.hasClass( 'mouseover' ) )
{ // Don't hide a popover when mouse is over it:
} );
} );