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Root |
 * @brief Dotclear upgrade procedure
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

    public static function
$version = $core->getVersion('core');

        if (
$version === null) {

        if (
version_compare($version, DC_VERSION, '<') == 1 || strpos(DC_VERSION, 'dev')) {
            try {
                if (
$core->con->driver() == 'sqlite') {
false; // Need to find a way to upgrade sqlite database

# Database upgrade
$_s = new dbStruct($core->con, $core->prefix);
__DIR__ . '/db-schema.php';

$si      = new dbStruct($core->con, $core->prefix);
$changes = $si->synchronize($_s);

/* Some other upgrades
                ------------------------------------ */
$cleanup_sessions = self::growUp($core, $version);

# Drop content from session table if changes or if needed
if ($changes != 0 || $cleanup_sessions) {
$core->con->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'session ');

# Empty templates cache directory
try {
                } catch (
Exception $e) {

            } catch (
Exception $e) {
                throw new
Exception(__('Something went wrong with auto upgrade:') .
' ' . $e->getMessage());

# No upgrade?
return false;

    public static function
growUp($core, $version)
        if (
$version === null) {

$cleanup_sessions = false; // update it in a step that needed sessions to be removed

        # Populate media_dir field (since 2.0-beta3.3)
if (version_compare($version, '2.0-beta3.3', '<')) {
$strReq = 'SELECT media_id, media_file FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'media ';
$rs_m   = $core->con->select($strReq);
            while (
$rs_m->fetch()) {
$cur            = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'media');
$cur->media_dir = dirname($rs_m->media_file);
$cur->update('WHERE media_id = ' . (int) $rs_m->media_id);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.0-beta7.3', '<')) {
# Blowup becomes default theme
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"SET setting_value = '%s' " .
"WHERE setting_id = 'theme' " .
"AND setting_value = '%s' " .
'AND blog_id IS NOT NULL ';
$core->con->execute(sprintf($strReq, 'blueSilence', 'default'));
$core->con->execute(sprintf($strReq, 'default', 'blowup'));

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.1-alpha2-r2383', '<')) {
$schema = dbSchema::init($core->con);
$schema->dropUnique($core->prefix . 'category', $core->prefix . 'uk_cat_title');

# Reindex categories
$rs = $core->con->select(
'SELECT cat_id, cat_title, blog_id ' .
'FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'category ' .
'ORDER BY blog_id ASC , cat_position ASC '
$cat_blog = $rs->blog_id;
$i        = 2;
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
                if (
$cat_blog != $rs->blog_id) {
$i = 2;
'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'category SET '
. 'cat_lft = ' . ($i++) . ', cat_rgt = ' . ($i++) . ' ' .
'WHERE cat_id = ' . (int) $rs->cat_id
$cat_blog = $rs->blog_id;

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.1.6', '<=')) {
# ie7js has been upgraded
$ie7files = [
'ie7-base64.php ',
            foreach (
$ie7files as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/admin/js/ie7/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.2-alpha1-r3043', '<')) {
# metadata has been integrated to the core.
            if (
$core->plugins->moduleExists('metadata')) {

# Tags template class has been renamed
$sqlstr = 'SELECT blog_id, setting_id, setting_value ' .
'FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
'WHERE (setting_id = \'widgets_nav\' OR setting_id = \'widgets_extra\') ' .
'AND setting_ns = \'widgets\';';
$rs = $core->con->select($sqlstr);
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$widgetsettings     = base64_decode($rs->setting_value);
$widgetsettings     = str_replace('s:11:"tplMetadata"', 's:7:"tplTags"', $widgetsettings);
$cur                = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'setting');
$cur->setting_value = base64_encode($widgetsettings);
$sqlstr             = 'WHERE setting_id = \'' . $rs->setting_id . '\' AND setting_ns = \'widgets\' ' .
'AND blog_id ' .
$rs->blog_id == null ? 'is NULL' : '= \'' . $core->con->escape($rs->blog_id) . '\'');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.3', '<')) {
# Add global favorites
$init_fav = [];

$init_fav['new_post'] = ['new_post', 'New entry', 'post.php',
'images/menu/edit.png', 'images/menu/edit-b.png',
'usage,contentadmin', null, null, ];
$init_fav['newpage'] = ['newpage', 'New page', 'plugin.php?p=pages&amp;act=page',
'index.php?pf=pages/icon-np.png', 'index.php?pf=pages/icon-np-big.png',
'contentadmin,pages', null, null, ];
$init_fav['media'] = ['media', 'Media manager', 'media.php',
'images/menu/media.png', 'images/menu/media-b.png',
'media,media_admin', null, null, ];
$init_fav['widgets'] = ['widgets', 'Presentation widgets', 'plugin.php?p=widgets',
'index.php?pf=widgets/icon.png', 'index.php?pf=widgets/icon-big.png',
'admin', null, null, ];
$init_fav['blog_theme'] = ['blog_theme', 'Blog appearance', 'blog_theme.php',
'images/menu/themes.png', 'images/menu/blog-theme-b.png',
'admin', null, null, ];

$count = 0;
            foreach (
$init_fav as $k => $f) {
$t = ['name'     => $f[0], 'title' => $f[1], 'url' => $f[2], 'small-icon' => $f[3],
'large-icon' => $f[4], 'permissions' => $f[5], 'id' => $f[6], 'class' => $f[7], ];
$sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'pref (pref_id, user_id, pref_ws, pref_value, pref_type, pref_label) VALUES (' .
'\'' . sprintf('g%03s', $count) . '\',NULL,\'favorites\',\'' . serialize($t) . '\',\'string\',NULL);';

# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
$remfolders = [

            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.3.1', '<')) {
# Remove unecessary file
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'inc/libs/clearbricks/.hgignore');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.5', '<=')) {
# Try to disable daInstaller plugin if it has been installed outside the default plugins directory
$path    = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, DC_PLUGINS_ROOT);
$default = path::real(__DIR__ . '/../../plugins/');
            foreach (
$path as $root) {
                if (!
is_dir($root) || !is_readable($root)) {
                if (
substr($root, -1) != '/') {
$root .= '/';
                if ((
$p = @dir($root)) === false) {
                if (
path::real($root) == $default) {
                if ((
$d = @dir($root . 'daInstaller')) === false) {
$f = $root . '/daInstaller/_disabled';
                if (!
file_exists($f)) {
file_put_contents($f, '');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.5.1', '<=')) {
// Flash enhanced upload no longer needed
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'inc/swf/swfupload.swf');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.6', '<=')) {
// README has been replaced by and
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'README');

// trackbacks are now merged into posts
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'admin/trackbacks.php');

# daInstaller has been integrated to the core.
            # Try to remove it
            foreach (
$path as $root) {
                if (!
is_dir($root) || !is_readable($root)) {
                if (
substr($root, -1) != '/') {
$root .= '/';
                if ((
$p = @dir($root)) === false) {
                if ((
$d = @dir($root . 'daInstaller')) === false) {
files::deltree($root . '/daInstaller');

# Some settings change, prepare db queries
$strReqFormat = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting';
$strReqFormat .= ' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)';
$strReqFormat .= ' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'string\',\'%s\')';

$strReqSelect = 'SELECT count(1) FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting';
$strReqSelect .= ' WHERE setting_id = \'%s\'';
$strReqSelect .= ' AND setting_ns = \'system\'';
$strReqSelect .= ' AND blog_id IS NULL';

# Add date and time formats
$date_formats = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%m/%d/%Y', '%d/%m/%Y', '%Y/%m/%d', '%d.%m.%Y', '%b %e %Y', '%e %b %Y', '%Y %b %e',
'%a, %Y-%m-%d', '%a, %m/%d/%Y', '%a, %d/%m/%Y', '%a, %Y/%m/%d', '%B %e, %Y', '%e %B, %Y', '%Y, %B %e', '%e. %B %Y',
'%A, %B %e, %Y', '%A, %e %B, %Y', '%A, %Y, %B %e', '%A, %Y, %B %e', '%A, %e. %B %Y', ];
$time_formats = ['%H:%M', '%I:%M', '%l:%M', '%Hh%M', '%Ih%M', '%lh%M'];
            if (
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
$date_formats = array_map(fn ($f) => str_replace('%e', '%#d', $f), $date_formats);

$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, 'date_formats'));
            if (
$rs->f(0) == 0) {
$strReq = sprintf($strReqFormat, 'date_formats', serialize($date_formats), 'Date formats examples');
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, 'time_formats'));
            if (
$rs->f(0) == 0) {
$strReq = sprintf($strReqFormat, 'time_formats', serialize($time_formats), 'Time formats examples');

# Add repository URL for themes and plugins as daInstaller move to core
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, 'store_plugin_url'));
            if (
$rs->f(0) == 0) {
$strReq = sprintf($strReqFormat, 'store_plugin_url', '', 'Plugins XML feed location');
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, 'store_theme_url'));
            if (
$rs->f(0) == 0) {
$strReq = sprintf($strReqFormat, 'store_theme_url', '', 'Themes XML feed location');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.7', '<=')) {
# Some new settings should be initialized, prepare db queries
$strReqFormat = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting';
$strReqFormat .= ' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)';
$strReqFormat .= ' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'string\',\'%s\')';

$strReqCount = 'SELECT count(1) FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting';
$strReqCount .= ' WHERE setting_id = \'%s\'';
$strReqCount .= ' AND setting_ns = \'system\'';
$strReqCount .= ' AND blog_id IS NULL';

$strReqSelect = 'SELECT setting_value FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting';
$strReqSelect .= ' WHERE setting_id = \'%s\'';
$strReqSelect .= ' AND setting_ns = \'system\'';
$strReqSelect .= ' AND blog_id IS NULL';

# Add nb of posts for home (first page), copying nb of posts on every page
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqCount, 'nb_post_for_home'));
            if (
$rs->f(0) == 0) {
$rs     = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, 'nb_post_per_page'));
$strReq = sprintf($strReqFormat, 'nb_post_for_home', $rs->f(0), 'Nb of posts on home (first page only)');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.8.1', '<=')) {
# switch from jQuery 1.11.1 to 1.11.2
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '1.11.3' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'jquery_version' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = '1.11.1' ";
# Some new settings should be initialized, prepare db queries
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'boolean\',\'%s\')';
$core->con->execute(sprintf($strReq, 'no_search', '0', 'Disable internal search system'));

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.9', '<=')) {
# Some new settings should be initialized, prepare db queries
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\')';
sprintf($strReq, 'media_video_width', '400', 'integer', 'Media video insertion width')
sprintf($strReq, 'media_video_height', '300', 'integer', 'Media video insertion height')
sprintf($strReq, 'media_flash_fallback', '1', 'boolean', 'Flash player fallback for audio and video media')

# Some settings and prefs should be moved from string to array
self::settings2array('system', 'date_formats');
self::settings2array('system', 'time_formats');
self::settings2array('antispam', 'antispam_filters');
self::settings2array('pings', 'pings_uris');
self::settings2array('system', 'simpleMenu');
self::prefs2array('dashboard', 'favorites');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.9.1', '<=')) {
# Some settings and prefs should be moved from string to array
self::prefs2array('dashboard', 'favorites');
self::prefs2array('interface', 'media_last_dirs');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.10', '<')) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'admin/js/jsUpload/vendor/jquery.ui.widget.js');
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'admin/js/jsUpload/vendor');

# Create new var directory and its .htaccess file
$f = DC_VAR . '/.htaccess';
            if (!
file_exists($f)) {
file_put_contents($f, 'Require all denied' . "\n" . 'Deny from all' . "\n");

# Some new settings should be initialized, prepare db queries
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\')';
# Import feed control
sprintf($strReq, 'import_feed_url_control', true, 'boolean', 'Control feed URL before import')
sprintf($strReq, 'import_feed_no_private_ip', true, 'boolean', 'Prevent import feed from private IP')
sprintf($strReq, 'import_feed_ip_regexp', '', 'string', 'Authorize import feed only from this IP regexp')
sprintf($strReq, 'import_feed_port_regexp', '/^(80|443)$/', 'string', 'Authorize import feed only from this port regexp')
# CSP directive (admin part)
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_on', true, 'boolean', 'Send CSP header (admin)')
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_default', "''self''", 'string', 'CSP default-src directive')
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_script', "''self'' ''unsafe-inline'' ''unsafe-eval''", 'string', 'CSP script-src directive')
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_style', "''self'' ''unsafe-inline''", 'string', 'CSP style-src directive')
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_img', "''self'' data:", 'string', 'CSP img-src directive')

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.11', '<')) {
// Remove the CSP report file from it's old place
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/admin/csp_report.txt');

# Some new settings should be initialized, prepare db queries
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\')';
sprintf($strReq, 'csp_admin_report_only', false, 'boolean', 'CSP Report only violations (admin)')

// SQlite Clearbricks driver does not allow using single quote at beginning or end of a field value
                                                                                // so we have to use neutral values (localhost and for some CSP directives
$csp_prefix = $core->con->driver() == 'sqlite' ? 'localhost ' : ''; // Hack for SQlite Clearbricks driver
$csp_suffix = $core->con->driver() == 'sqlite' ? '' : ''; // Hack for SQlite Clearbricks driver

            # Try to fix some CSP directive wrongly stored for SQLite drivers
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self''" . $csp_suffix . "' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_default' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = 'self' ";
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' ''unsafe-inline'' ''unsafe-eval''" . $csp_suffix . "' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_script' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = 'self'' ''unsafe-inline'' ''unsafe-eval' ";
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' ''unsafe-inline''" . $csp_suffix . "' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_style' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = 'self'' ''unsafe-inline' ";
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' data: blob:' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_img' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = 'self'' data:' ";

# Update CSP img-src default directive
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' data: blob:' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_img' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = '''self'' data:' ";

# Update first publication on published posts
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'post ' .
'SET post_firstpub = 1 ' .
'WHERE post_status = 1 ';

# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
$remfolders = [

            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.12', '<')) {
# switch from jQuery 2.2.0 to 2.2.4
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '2.2.4' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'jquery_version' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = '2.2.0' ";

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.12.2', '<')) {
// SQlite Clearbricks driver does not allow using single quote at beginning or end of a field value
                                                                                // so we have to use neutral values (localhost and for some CSP directives
$csp_prefix = $core->con->driver() == 'sqlite' ? 'localhost ' : ''; // Hack for SQlite Clearbricks driver

            # Update CSP img-src default directive
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' data: blob:' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_img' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = '" . $csp_prefix . "''self'' data: blob:' ";

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.14', '<')) {
// File not more needed
@unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'admin/js/jquery/jquery.bgFade.js');

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.14.3', '<')) {
# Update flie exclusion upload regex
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '/\\.(phps?|pht(ml)?|phl|.?html?|xml|js|htaccess)[0-9]*$/i' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'media_exclusion' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND (setting_value = '/\\.php[0-9]*$/i' " .
"   OR setting_value = '/\\.php$/i') " .
"   OR setting_value = '/\\.(phps?|pht(ml)?|phl)[0-9]*$/i' " .
"   OR setting_value = '/\\.(phps?|pht(ml)?|phl|s?html?|js)[0-9]*$/i'" .
"   OR setting_value = '/\\.(phps?|pht(ml)?|phl|s?html?|js|htaccess)[0-9]*$/i'";

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.15', '<')) {
# switch from jQuery 1.11.3 to 1.12.4
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = '1.12.4' " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'jquery_version' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' " .
" AND setting_value = '1.11.3' ";

# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.15.1', '<')) {
// Remove unsafe-inline from CSP script directives
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = REPLACE(setting_value, '''unsafe-inline''', '') " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_script' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' ";

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.16', '<')) {
// Update DotAddict plugins store URL
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = REPLACE(setting_value, '', '') " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'store_plugin_url' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' ";
// Update DotAddict themes store URL
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = REPLACE(setting_value, '', '') " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'store_theme_url' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' ";
// Update CSP img-src default directive for
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
" SET setting_value = REPLACE(setting_value, '', '') " .
" WHERE setting_id = 'csp_admin_img' " .
" AND setting_ns = 'system' ";
// Set default jQuery loading for blog
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\')';
sprintf($strReq, 'jquery_needed', true, 'boolean', 'Load jQuery library')

# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
// jQuery farbtastic Color picker
$remfolders = [
// jQuery farbtastic Color picker
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.16.1', '<')) {
# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
// Oldest jQuery public lib
$remfolders = [
// Oldest jQuery public lib
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.16.9', '<')) {
// Fix 87,5% which should be 87.5% in pref for htmlfontsize
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'pref ' .
" SET pref_value = REPLACE(pref_value, '87,5%', '87.5%') " .
" WHERE pref_id = 'htmlfontsize' " .
" AND pref_ws = 'interface' ";

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.17', '<')) {
# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
$remfolders = [
// Oldest jQuery public lib
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
# Help specific (files was moved)
$remtree  = scandir(DC_ROOT . '/locales');
$remfiles = [
            foreach (
$remtree as $dir) {
                if (
is_dir(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'locales' . '/' . $dir) && $dir !== '.' && $dir !== '.') {
                    foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . 'locales' . '/' . $dir . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.19', '<')) {
# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
// No more used in Berlin theme
// That old easter egg is not more present
// No more used jQuery pwd strength and cookie plugins
// No more need of this fake common.js (was used by install)
$remfolders = [
// Oldest jQuery public lib
// No more used in Berlin theme
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

# Global settings
$strReq = 'INSERT INTO ' . $core->prefix . 'setting' .
' (setting_id,setting_ns,setting_value,setting_type,setting_label)' .
' VALUES(\'%s\',\'system\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\')';
sprintf($strReq, 'prevents_clickjacking', true, 'boolean', 'Prevents Clickjacking')
sprintf($strReq, 'prevents_floc', true, 'boolean', 'Prevents FLoC tracking')

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.21', '<')) {
# A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed files
$remfiles = [
// The old js datepicker has gone
// Some PNG icon have been converted to SVG
$remfolders = [
            foreach (
$remfiles as $f) {
unlink(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);
            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
rmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

        if (
version_compare($version, '2.21.2', '<')) {
// A bit of housecleaning for no longer needed folders
$remfolders = [

            foreach (
$remfolders as $f) {
// Use recursive self::rrmdir() which delete folder and all of its content (see below)
self::rrmdir(DC_ROOT . '/' . $f);

$core->setVersion('core', DC_VERSION);


     * Convert old-fashion serialized array setting to new-fashion json encoded array
     * @param      string  $ns        namespace name
     * @param      string  $setting   The setting ID
public static function settings2array($ns, $setting)

$strReqSelect = 'SELECT setting_id,blog_id,setting_ns,setting_type,setting_value FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"WHERE setting_id = '%s' " .
"AND setting_ns = '%s' " .
"AND setting_type = 'string'";
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, $setting, $ns));
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$value = @unserialize($rs->setting_value);
            if (!
$value) {
$value = [];
settype($value, 'array');
$value = json_encode($value);
$rs2   = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"SET setting_type='array', setting_value = '" . $core->con->escape($value) . "' " .
"WHERE setting_id='" . $core->con->escape($rs->setting_id) . "' " .
"AND setting_ns='" . $core->con->escape($rs->setting_ns) . "' ";
            if (
$rs->blog_id == '') {
$rs2 .= 'AND blog_id IS null';
            } else {
$rs2 .= "AND blog_id = '" . $core->con->escape($rs->blog_id) . "'";

     * Convert old-fashion serialized array pref to new-fashion json encoded array
     * @param      string  $ws     workspace name
     * @param      string  $pref   The preference ID
public static function prefs2array($ws, $pref)

$strReqSelect = 'SELECT pref_id,user_id,pref_ws,pref_type,pref_value FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'pref ' .
"WHERE pref_id = '%s' " .
"AND pref_ws = '%s' " .
"AND pref_type = 'string'";
$rs = $core->con->select(sprintf($strReqSelect, $pref, $ws));
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$value = @unserialize($rs->pref_value);
            if (!
$value) {
$value = [];
settype($value, 'array');
$value = json_encode($value);
$rs2   = 'UPDATE ' . $core->prefix . 'pref ' .
"SET pref_type='array', pref_value = '" . $core->con->escape($value) . "' " .
"WHERE pref_id='" . $core->con->escape($rs->pref_id) . "' " .
"AND pref_ws='" . $core->con->escape($rs->pref_ws) . "' ";
            if (
$rs->user_id == '') {
$rs2 .= 'AND user_id IS null';
            } else {
$rs2 .= "AND user_id = '" . $core->con->escape($rs->user_id) . "'";

     * Recursively delete a folder
     * @param      string  $src    The folder
private static function rrmdir($src)
        if ((
$dir = @opendir($src)) !== false) {
            while ((
$file = @readdir($dir)) !== false) {
                if ((
$file !== false) && ($file !== '.') && ($file !== '..')) {
$full = $src . '/' . $file;
                    if (
is_dir($full)) {
                    } else {