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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\profilefields\type;

    * Get the translated name of the type
    * @return string Translated name of the field type
public function get_name();

    * Get the short name of the type, used for error messages and template loops
    * @return string lowercase version of the fields type
public function get_name_short();

    * Get the name of service representing the type
    * @return string lowercase version of the fields type
public function get_service_name();

    * Get the name of template file for this type
    * @return string Returns the name of the template file
public function get_template_filename();

    * Get dropdown options for second step in ACP
    * @param string    $default_lang_id    ID of the default language
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with data for this field
    * @return array    with the acp options
public function get_options($default_lang_id, $field_data);

    * Get default values for the options of this type
    * @return array with values like default field size and more
public function get_default_option_values();

    * Get default value for this type
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with data for this field
    * @return mixed default value for new users when no value is given
public function get_default_field_value($field_data);

    * Get profile field value on submit
    * @param array    $profile_row            Array with data for this field
    * @return mixed        Submitted value of the profile field
public function get_profile_field($profile_row);

    * Validate entered profile field data
    * @param mixed    $field_value        Field value to validate
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with requirements of the field
    * @return mixed        String with the error message
public function validate_profile_field(&$field_value, $field_data);

    * Get Profile Value for display
    * @param mixed    $field_value        Field value as stored in the database
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with requirements of the field
    * @return mixed        Field value to display
public function get_profile_value($field_value, $field_data);

    * Get Profile Value ID for display (the raw, unprocessed user data)
    * @param mixed    $field_value        Field value as stored in the database
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with requirements of the field
    * @return mixed        Field value ID to display
public function get_profile_value_raw($field_value, $field_data);

    * Get Profile Value for display
    * When displaying a contact field, we don't want to have links already parsed and more
    * @param mixed    $field_value        Field value as stored in the database
    * @param array    $field_data            Array with requirements of the field
    * @return mixed        Field value to display
public function get_profile_contact_value($field_value, $field_data);

    * Generate the input field for display
    * @param array    $profile_row        Array with data for this field
    * @param mixed    $preview_options    When previewing we use different data
    * @return null
public function generate_field($profile_row, $preview_options = false);

    * Get the ident of the field
    * Some types are multivalue, we can't give them a field_id
    * as we would not know which to pick.
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return string ident of the field
public function get_field_ident($field_data);

    * Get the localized name of the field
    * @param string $field_name        Unlocalized name of this field
    * @return string     Localized name of the field
public function get_field_name($field_name);

    * Get the column type for the database
    * @return string    Returns the database column type
public function get_database_column_type();

    * Get the options we need to display for the language input fields in the ACP
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return array        Returns the language options we need to generate
public function get_language_options($field_data);

    * Get the input for the supplied language options
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return array        Returns the language options we need to generate
public function get_language_options_input($field_data);

    * Allows exclusion of options in single steps of the creation process
    * @param array    $exclude_options        Array with options that should be excluded in the steps
    * @param array    $visibility_options        Array with options responsible for the fields visibility
    * @return mixed        Returns the provided language options
public function prepare_options_form(&$exclude_options, &$visibility_options);

    * Allows exclusion of options in single steps of the creation process
    * @param array    $error                    Array with error messages
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return array        Array with error messages
public function validate_options_on_submit($error, $field_data);

    * Allows manipulating the intended variables if needed
    * @param string    $key            Name of the option
    * @param string    $action            Currently performed action (create|edit)
    * @param mixed    $current_value    Currently value of the option
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @param int    $step            Step on which the option is excluded
    * @return mixed        Final value of the option
public function get_excluded_options($key, $action, $current_value, &$field_data, $step);

    * Allows manipulating the intended variables if needed
    * @param int    $step            Step on which the option is hidden
    * @param string    $key            Name of the option
    * @param string    $action            Currently performed action (create|edit)
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return mixed        Final value of the option
public function prepare_hidden_fields($step, $key, $action, &$field_data);

    * Allows assigning of additional template variables
    * @param array    $template_vars    Template variables we are going to assign
    * @param array    $field_data        Array with data for this field
    * @return null
public function display_options(&$template_vars, &$field_data);

    * Return templated value/field. Possible values for $mode are:
    * change == user is able to set/enter profile values; preview == just show the value
    * @param string    $mode            Mode for displaying the field (preview|change)
    * @param array    $profile_row    Array with data for this field
    * @return null
public function process_field_row($mode, $profile_row);