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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\notification\type;

* Base notifications interface
interface type_interface
    * Get notification type name
    * @return string
public function get_type();

    * Set initial data from the database
    * @param array $data Row directly from the database
public function set_initial_data($data);

    * Get the id of the item
    * @param array $type_data The type specific data
static public function get_item_id($type_data);

    * Get the id of the parent
    * @param array $type_data The type specific data
static public function get_item_parent_id($type_data);

    * Is this type available to the current user (defines whether or not it will be shown in the UCP Edit notification options)
    * @return bool True/False whether or not this is available to the user
public function is_available();

    * Find the users who want to receive notifications
    * @param array $type_data The type specific data
    * @param array $options Options for finding users for notification
    *         ignore_users => array of users and user types that should not receive notifications from this type because they've already been notified
    *                         e.g.: array(2 => array(''), 3 => array('', 'email'), ...)
    * @return array
public function find_users_for_notification($type_data, $options);

    * Users needed to query before this notification can be displayed
    * @return array Array of user_ids
public function users_to_query();

    * Get the special items to load
    * @return array Data will be combined sent to load_special() so you can run a single query and get data required for this notification type
public function get_load_special();

    * Load the special items
    * @param array $data Data from get_load_special()
    * @param array $notifications Array of notifications (key is notification_id, value is the notification objects)
public function load_special($data, $notifications);

    * Get the CSS style class of the notification
    * @return string
public function get_style_class();

    * Get the HTML formatted title of this notification
    * @return string
public function get_title();

    * Get the HTML formatted reference of the notification
    * @return string
public function get_reference();

    * Get the forum of the notification reference
    * @return string
public function get_forum();

    * Get the url to this item
    * @return string URL
public function get_url();

    * Get the url to redirect after the item has been marked as read
    * @return string URL
public function get_redirect_url();

    * URL to unsubscribe to this notification
    * @param string|bool $method Method name to unsubscribe from (email|jabber|etc), False to unsubscribe from all notifications for this item
public function get_unsubscribe_url($method);

    * Get the user's avatar (the user who caused the notification typically)
    * @return string
public function get_avatar();

    * Prepare to output the notification to the template
public function prepare_for_display();

    * Get email template
    * @return string|bool
public function get_email_template();

    * Get email template variables
    * @return array
public function get_email_template_variables();

    * Pre create insert array function
    * This allows you to perform certain actions, like run a query
    * and load data, before create_insert_array() is run. The data
    * returned from this function will be sent to create_insert_array().
    * @param array $type_data The type specific data
    * @param array $notify_users Notify users list
    *         Formatted from find_users_for_notification()
    * @return array Whatever you want to send to create_insert_array().
public function pre_create_insert_array($type_data, $notify_users);

    * Function for preparing the data for insertion in an SQL query
    * @param array $type_data The type specific data
    * @param array $pre_create_data Data from pre_create_insert_array()
public function create_insert_array($type_data, $pre_create_data);

    * Function for getting the data for insertion in an SQL query
    * @return array Array of data ready to be inserted into the database
public function get_insert_array();

    * Function for preparing the data for update in an SQL query
    * (The service handles insertion)
    * @param array $type_data Data unique to this notification type
    * @return array Array of data ready to be updated in the database
public function create_update_array($type_data);

    * Mark this item read
    * @param bool $return True to return a string containing the SQL code to update this item, False to execute it (Default: False)
    * @return string
public function mark_read($return = false);

    * Mark this item unread
    * @param bool $return True to return a string containing the SQL code to update this item, False to execute it (Default: False)
    * @return string
public function mark_unread($return = false);