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Root |
./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/infusions/forum/sections/tracked.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: tracked.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!iMEMBER) {
$userdata = fusion_get_userdata();
$locale = fusion_get_locale();

if (isset(
$_GET['delete_track']) && isnum($_GET['delete_track']) && dbcount("(thread_id)", DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY, "thread_id='".$_GET['delete_track']."' AND notify_user='".$userdata['user_id']."'")) {
$result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY." WHERE thread_id=".$_GET['delete_track']." AND notify_user=".$userdata['user_id']);

$time_sql = '';
if (!empty(
$_POST['filter_date'])) {
$time_filter = form_sanitizer($_POST['filter_date'], '', 'filter_date');
$time_filter = (time() - ((int) $time_filter * 24 * 3600));
$time_sql = "t.thread_lastpost < '$time_filter' AND ";
$opts = [
'0'   => $locale['forum_p999'],
'1'   => $locale['forum_p001'],
'7'   => $locale['forum_p007'],
'14'  => $locale['forum_p014'],
'30'  => $locale['forum_p030'],
'90'  => $locale['forum_p090'],
'180' => $locale['forum_p180'],
'365' => $locale['forum_3015']
$this->forum_info['threads_time_filter'] = openform('filter_form', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST).
form_select('filter_date', $locale['forum_0009'], (isset($_POST['filter_date']) && $_POST['filter_date'] ? $_POST['filter_date'] : 0), [
'options' => $opts,
'width'   => '300px',
'class'   => 'pull-left m-r-10',
'stacked' => form_button('go', $locale['go'], $locale['go'], ['class' => 'btn-default']),

$threads = \PHPFusion\Forums\ForumServer::thread(FALSE)->getForumThread(0,
'count_query' => "SELECT tn.thread_id
        FROM "
        INNER JOIN "
.DB_FORUM_THREADS." t ON tn.thread_id = t.thread_id
        INNER JOIN "
.DB_FORUMS." tf ON t.forum_id = tf.forum_id
        WHERE "
.$time_sql." tn.notify_user='".$userdata['user_id']."' AND ".groupaccess('forum_access')." AND t.thread_hidden='0'
'query'       => "SELECT tf.forum_id, tf.forum_name, tf.forum_access, tf.forum_type, tf.forum_mods,
        tn.thread_id, tn.notify_datestamp, tn.notify_user, tn.thread_id 'track_button',
        ttc.forum_id AS forum_cat_id, ttc.forum_name AS forum_cat_name,
        FROM "
        INNER JOIN "
.DB_FORUM_THREADS." t ON tn.thread_id = t.thread_id
        INNER JOIN "
.DB_FORUMS." tf ON t.forum_id = tf.forum_id
        LEFT JOIN "
.DB_FORUMS." ttc ON ttc.forum_id = tf.forum_cat
        WHERE tn.notify_user='"
.$userdata['user_id']."' AND t.thread_hidden='0' AND $time_sql ".groupaccess('tf.forum_access')."
        GROUP BY tn.thread_id
        ORDER BY tn.notify_datestamp DESC"

$this->forum_info = array_merge_recursive($this->forum_info, $threads);