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 * Thumbnail Image Generator
 * - PHP 4.0.6 and GD 2.0.1 or later
 * - May not work with GIFs if GD2 library installed on your server
 * - does not support GIF functions in full
 * Parameters:
 * - src - path to source image
 * - dest - path to thumb (where to save it)
 * - x - max width
 * - y - max height
 * - q - quality (applicable only to JPG, 1 to 100, 100 - best)
 * - t - thumb type. "-1" - same as source, 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
 * - f - save to file (1) or output to browser (0).
 * Sample usage:
 * 1. save thumb on server:
 * 2. output thumb to browser:
 * @link //
 * @version 1.3
 * @package GetSimple
 * @subpackage Images

// Below are default values (if parameter is not passed)

// save to file (true) or output to browser (false)
$save_to_file = true;

// Quality for JPEG and PNG.
// 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, bigger file)
// Note: PNG quality is only supported starting PHP 5.1.2
$image_quality = 65;

// resulting image type (1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG)
// enter code of the image type if you want override it
// or set it to -1 to determine automatically
$image_type = -1;

// maximum thumb side size
$max_x = 65;
$max_y = 130;

// cut image before resizing. Set to 0 to skip this.
$cut_x = 0;
$cut_y = 0;

// Folder where source images are stored (thumbnails will be generated from these images).
// MUST end with slash.
$images_folder = GSDATAUPLOADPATH;

// Folder to save thumbnails, full path from the root folder, MUST end with slash.
// Only needed if you save generated thumbnails on the server.
// Sample for windows:     c:/wwwroot/thumbs/
// Sample for unix/linux:  /home/
$thumbs_folder = GSTHUMBNAILPATH;

/////////////// DO NOT EDIT BELOW

$to_name = '';

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['f'])) {
$save_to_file = intval($_REQUEST['f']) == 1;

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['src'])) {
$from_name = str_replace('../','', urldecode($_REQUEST['src']));
else {
"Source file name must be specified.");

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['dest'])) {
$to_name = str_replace('../','', urldecode($_REQUEST['dest']));
else if (
$save_to_file) {
"Thumbnail file name must be specified.");

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['q'])) {
$image_quality = intval($_REQUEST['q']);

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['t'])) {
$image_type = intval($_REQUEST['t']);

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['x'])) {
$max_x = intval($_REQUEST['x']);

if (isset(
$_REQUEST['y'])) {
$max_y = intval($_REQUEST['y']);

$path_parts = pathinfo($from_name);

// travesal protection
if(!filepath_is_safe(GSDATAUPLOADPATH.$from_name,GSDATAUPLOADPATH,true)) die('invalid src image');
path_is_safe(GSTHUMBNAILPATH.dirname($to_name),GSTHUMBNAILPATH,true)) die('invalid dest image');

if (!
file_exists($images_folder)) die('Images folder does not exist (update $images_folder in the script)');
if (
$save_to_file && !file_exists($thumbs_folder)) die('Thumbnails folder does not exist (update $thumbs_folder in the script)');

$dirs=explode('/' ,$path_parts['dirname']);
foreach (
$dirs as $dir){
    if (!
mkdir ($folder);

// Allocate all necessary memory for the image.
// Special thanks to Alecos for providing the code.
ini_set('memory_limit', '100M');

// include image processing code

$img = new Zubrag_image;

// initialize
$img->max_x        = $max_x;
$img->max_y        = $max_y;
$img->cut_x        = $cut_x;
$img->cut_y        = $cut_y;
$img->quality      = $image_quality;
$img->save_to_file = $save_to_file;
$img->image_type   = $image_type;

// generate thumbnail
$img->GenerateThumbFile($images_folder . $from_name, $thumbs_folder . $to_name);
