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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/theme_functions_include.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: theme_functions_include.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

use PHPFusion\Database\DatabaseFactory;

defined('IN_FUSION') || exit;

 * Show PHPFusion performance.
 * @param bool $queries Show the number of queries used on the current page.
 * @return string
function showrendertime($queries = TRUE) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$db_connection = DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default');
$mysql_queries_count = $db_connection::getGlobalQueryCount();
    if (
fusion_get_settings('rendertime_enabled') == 1 || (fusion_get_settings('rendertime_enabled') == 2 && iADMIN)) {
$res = showbenchmark();
$res .= " | ";
$res .= ($queries ? ucfirst($locale['global_173']).": ".$mysql_queries_count." | " : '');

    } else {

 * Show benchmark and database performance.
 * Developer tools only (Translations not Required)
 * @param bool   $show_sql_performance  True to pop up SQL analysis modal
 * @param string $performance_threshold Results that is slower than this will be highlighted
 * @return string
function showbenchmark($show_sql_performance = FALSE, $performance_threshold = '0.01') {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
    if (
$show_sql_performance) {
$query_log = DatabaseFactory::getConnection('default')->getQueryLog();
$modal = openmodal('querylogsModal', "<h4><strong>Database Query Performance Logs</strong></h4>");
$modal_body = '';
$i = 0;
$time = 0;
        if (!empty(
$query_log)) {
            foreach (
$query_log as $connectionID => $sql) {
$current_time = $sql[0];
$highlighted = $current_time > $performance_threshold;
$modal_body .= "<div class='spacer-xs m-10".($highlighted ? " alert alert-warning" : "")."'>\n";
$modal_body .= "<h5><strong>SQL run#$i : ".($highlighted ? "<span class='text-danger'>".$sql[0]."</span>" : "<span class='text-success'>".$sql[0]."</span>")." seconds</strong></h5>\n\r";
$modal_body .= "[code]".$sql[1].($sql[2] ? " [Parameters -- ".implode(',', $sql[2])." ]" : '')."[/code]\n\r";
$modal_body .= "<div>\n";
$end_sql = end($sql[3]);
$modal_body .= "<kbd>".addslashes($end_sql['file'])."</kbd><span class='badge pull-right'>Line #".$end_sql['line'].", ".$end_sql['function']."</span> - <a class='pointer' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#trace_$connectionID'>Toggle Backtrace</a>\n";
                if (
is_array($sql[3])) {
$modal_body .= "<div id='trace_$connectionID' class='alert alert-info collapse spacer-sm'>";
                    foreach (
$sql[3] as $id => $debug_backtrace) {
$modal_body .= "<kbd>Stack Trace #$id - ".addslashes($debug_backtrace['file'])." @ Line ".$debug_backtrace['line']."</kbd><br/>";
                        if (!empty(
$debug_backtrace['args'][0])) {
$debug_line = $debug_backtrace['args'][0];
                            if (
is_array($debug_backtrace['args'][0])) {
$debug_line = "";
                                foreach (
$debug_backtrace['args'][0] as $line) {
                                    if (!
is_array($line)) {
$debug_line .= "<br/>".$line;

$debug_param = "";
                            if (!empty(
$debug_backtrace['args'][1])) {
                                if (
is_array($debug_backtrace['args'][1])) {
$debug_param .= "array(".PHP_EOL;
                                    foreach (
$debug_backtrace['args'][1] as $key => $value) {
$debug_param .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[$key] => $value,".PHP_EOL;
$debug_param .= ");";
                                } else {
$debug_param .= $debug_backtrace['args'][1];
$modal_body .= "Statement::: <code>".addslashes($debug_line)."</code>";
$modal_body .= !empty($debug_param) ? "<br/>Parameters::: <code>".$debug_param."</code>" : '';

$modal_body .= "</div>\n";
$modal_body .= "</div>\n";
$modal_body .= "</div>\n";
$time = $current_time + $time;
$modal .= parse_text($modal_body, [
'parse_smileys' => FALSE,
'descript'      => FALSE,
'parse_usres'   => FALSE
$modal .= modalfooter("<h4><strong>Total Time Expended in ALL SQL Queries: ".$time." seconds</strong></h4>");
$modal .= closemodal();
$render_time = substr((microtime(TRUE) - START_TIME), 0, 7);
$_SESSION['performance'][] = $render_time;
    if (
count($_SESSION['performance']) > 5) {
$average_speed = $render_time;
$diff = 0;
    if (isset(
$_SESSION['performance'])) {
$average_speed = substr(array_sum($_SESSION['performance']) / count($_SESSION['performance']), 0, 7);
$previous_render = array_values(array_slice($_SESSION['performance'], -2, 1, TRUE));
$diff = (float)$render_time - (!empty($previous_render) ? (float)$previous_render[0] : 0);

sprintf($locale['global_172'], $render_time)." | ".sprintf($locale['global_175'], $average_speed." ($diff)");

 * Show memory usage
 * @return string
function showmemoryusage() {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$memory_allocated = parsebytesize(memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE));
$memory_used = parsebytesize(memory_get_peak_usage(FALSE));

$locale['global_174'].": ".$memory_used."/".$memory_allocated;

 * Show the PHPFusion copyright.
 * @param string $class   The class attribute of the link.
 * @param false  $nobreak If true <br> tag will be removed between copyright and license.
 * @return string
function showcopyright($class = "", $nobreak = FALSE) {
$link_class = $class ? " class='$class' " : "";

$copyright = "Powered by <a href='' ".$link_class."target='_blank'>PHPFusion</a>. Copyright &copy; ".date("Y")." PHP Fusion Inc. ";
$copyright .= $nobreak ? "&nbsp;" : "<br />\n";
$license = "Released as free software without warranties under <a href=''".$link_class." target='_blank'>GNU Affero GPL</a> v3.";

/*if (fusion_get_settings('license') == 'epal') {
        $license = "Published without warranties under <a href='' ".$link_class." target='_blank'>EPAL</a>.";

return $copyright.$license;

 * If the visitor counter is enabled in settings this function will return the number of visitors.
 * @return string
function showcounter() {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$settings = fusion_get_settings();
    if (
$settings['visitorcounter_enabled']) {
"<!--counter-->".number_format($settings['counter'], 0, $settings['number_delimiter'], $settings['thousands_separator'])." ".($settings['counter'] == 1 ? $locale['global_170'] : $locale['global_171']);
    } else {

 * Show popup with privacy policy text.
 * @return string
function showprivacypolicy() {
$html = '';
    if (!empty(
fusion_get_settings('privacy_policy'))) {
$html .= "<a href='".BASEDIR."print.php?type=P' id='privacy_policy'>".fusion_get_locale('global_176')."</a>";
$modal = openmodal('privacy_policy', fusion_get_locale('global_176'), ['button_id' => 'privacy_policy']);
$modal .= parse_text(\PHPFusion\QuantumFields::parseLabel(fusion_get_settings('privacy_policy')));
$modal .= closemodal();


if (!
function_exists('alert')) {
     * Creates an alert bar.
     * @param string $title Text inside the alert.
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
function alert($title, $options = []) {
$options += [
"class"   => !empty($options['class']) ? $options['class'] : 'alert-danger',
"dismiss" => !empty($options['dismiss']) && $options['dismiss'] == TRUE
        if (
$options['dismiss'] == TRUE) {
$html = "<div class='alert alert-dismissable ".$options['class']."'><button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;</button>$title</div>";
        } else {
$html = "<div class='alert ".$options['class']."'>$title</div>";
add_to_jquery("$('div.alert a').addClass('alert-link');");


if (!
function_exists('get_theme_settings')) {
     * Get the theme settings from database.
     * @param string $theme_folder The name of the theme folder.
     * @return array|bool
function get_theme_settings($theme_folder) {
$settings_arr = [];
$set_result = dbquery("SELECT settings_name, settings_value FROM ".DB_SETTINGS_THEME." WHERE settings_theme=:themeset", [':themeset' => $theme_folder]);
        if (
dbrows($set_result)) {
            while (
$set_data = dbarray($set_result)) {
$settings_arr[$set_data['settings_name']] = $set_data['settings_value'];

        } else {

 * JavaScript that makes HTML table sortable.
 * @param string $table_id Table ID
 * @return string
function fusion_sort_table($table_id) {
    if (!
defined('TABLE_SORTER')) {
add_to_footer("<script type='text/javascript' src='".INCLUDES."jquery/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.min.js'></script>\n");


if (!
function_exists('label')) {
     * Creates label.
     * @param string $label
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
function label($label, $options = []) {
$options += [
"class" => !empty($options['class']) ? $options['class'] : 'label-default',
"icon"  => !empty($options['icon']) ? "<i class='".$options['icon']."'></i> " : '',

"<span class='label ".$options['class']."'>".$options['icon'].$label."</span>\n";

if (!
function_exists('badge')) {
     * Creates badge.
     * @param string $label
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
function badge($label, $options = []) {
$options += [
"class" => !empty($options['class']) ? $options['class'] : '',
"icon"  => !empty($options['icon']) ? "<i class='".$options['icon']."'></i> " : '',

"<span class='badge ".$options['class']."'>".$options['icon'].$label."</span>\n";

if (!
function_exists('openmodal') &&
function_exists('closemodal') &&
) {
     * To get the best results for Modal z-index overlay, try :
     * ob_start();
     * ... insert and echo ...
     * add_to_footer(ob_get_contents()).ob_end_clean();

     * Generate modal.
     * @param string $id    Unique modal ID.
     * @param string $title Modal title.
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
function openmodal($id, $title, $options = []) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$options += [
'class'        => !empty($options['class']) ?: 'modal-lg',
'button_id'    => '',
'button_class' => '',
'static'       => FALSE,
'hidden'       => FALSE,  // force a modal to be hidden at default, you will need a jquery trigger $('#your_modal_id').modal('show'); manually

$modal_trigger = '';
        if (!empty(
$options['button_id']) || !empty($options['button_class'])) {
$modal_trigger = !empty($options['button_id']) ? "#".$options['button_id'] : ".".$options['button_class'];

        if (
$options['static'] && !empty($modal_trigger)) {
OutputHandler::addToJQuery("$('".$modal_trigger."').bind('click', function(e){ $('#".$id."-Modal').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}).modal('show'); e.preventDefault(); });");
        } else if (
$options['static'] && empty($options['button_id'])) {
OutputHandler::addToJQuery("$('#".$id."-Modal').modal({    backdrop: 'static',    keyboard: false }).modal('show');");
        } else if (
$modal_trigger && empty($options['static'])) {
OutputHandler::addToJQuery("$('".$modal_trigger."').bind('click', function(e){ $('#".$id."-Modal').modal('show'); e.preventDefault(); });");
        } else {
            if (!
$options['hidden']) {
$html = "<div class='modal' id='$id-Modal' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='$id-ModalLabel' aria-hidden='true'>\n";
$html .= "<div class='modal-dialog ".$options['class']."' role='document'>\n";
$html .= "<div class='modal-content'>\n";
        if (
$title) {
$html .= "<div class='modal-header'>";
$html .= "<div class='modal-title pull-left' id='$id-title'>$title</div>\n";
$html .= ($options['static'] ? '' : "<button type='button' class='btn btn-default btn-sm pull-right' data-dismiss='modal'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> ".$locale['close']."</button>\n");
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "<div class='modal-body'>\n";


     * Adds a modal footer in between openmodal and closemodal.
     * @param string $content
     * @param bool   $dismiss
     * @return string
function modalfooter($content, $dismiss = FALSE) {
$html = "</div>\n<div class='modal-footer'>\n";
$html .= $content;
        if (
$dismiss) {
$html .= "<button type='button' class='btn btn-default pull-right' data-dismiss='modal'>".fusion_get_locale('close')."</button>";


     * Close the modal.
     * @return string
function closemodal() {

if (!
function_exists('progress_bar')) {
     * Render a progress bar.
     * @param int|int[]       $num   Max of 100 or array of numbers.
     * @param string|string[] $title Label for the progress bar or array with multiple titles.
     * @param array           $options
     * @return string
function progress_bar($num, $title = NULL, $options = []) {
$default_options = [
'class'          => '', // Additional class for the progress bar
'height'         => '20px', // The height of the progress bar in px
'reverse'        => FALSE, // Set to true to have the color counting reversed
'as_percent'     => TRUE, // Show percentages.
'disabled'       => FALSE, // Set to true to have the progress bar disabled status
'hide_info'      => FALSE, // Set to true to hide the information in the progress bar rendering
'progress_class' => '' // Have it your custom progress bar class with your own custom class
$options += $default_options;

        if (!
function_exists('bar_color')) {
bar_color($num, $reverse) {
$auto_class = $reverse ? "progress-bar-success" : "progress-bar-danger";
                if (
$num > 71) {
$auto_class = ($reverse) ? 'progress-bar-danger' : 'progress-bar-success';
                } else if (
$num > 55) {
$auto_class = ($reverse) ? 'progress-bar-warning' : 'progress-bar-info';
                } else if (
$num > 25) {
$auto_class = ($reverse) ? 'progress-bar-info' : 'progress-bar-warning';
                } else if (
$num < 25) {
$auto_class = ($reverse) ? 'progress-bar-success' : 'progress-bar-danger';

$_barcolor = ['progress-bar-success', 'progress-bar-info', 'progress-bar-warning', 'progress-bar-danger'];
$_barcolor_reverse = [
$html = '';
        if (
is_array($num)) {
$i = 0;
$chtml = "";
$cTitle = "";
$cNum = "";
            foreach (
$num as $value) {

$int = intval($num);

                if (
$options['disabled'] == TRUE) {
$value = "&#x221e;";
                } else {
$value = $value > 0 ? $value.' ' : '0 ';
$value .= $options['as_percent'] ? '%' : '';

$c2Title = "";

                if (
is_array($title)) {
$c2Title = $title[$i];
                } else {
$cTitle = $title;

$auto_class = ($options['reverse']) ? $_barcolor_reverse[$i] : $_barcolor[$i];
$classes = (is_array($options['class'])) ? $options['class'][$i] : $auto_class;

$cNum .= "<div class='progress display-inline-block m-0' style='width:20px; height: 10px; '>\n";
$cNum .= "<span class='progress-bar ".$classes."' style='width:100%'></span></div>\n";
$cNum .= "<div class='display-inline-block m-r-5'>".$c2Title." ".$value."</div>\n";
$chtml .= "<div title='".$c2Title."' class='progress-bar ".$classes."' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='$value' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width: $int%'>\n";
$chtml .= "</div>\n";
$html .= ($options['hide_info'] == FALSE ? "<div class='text-right m-b-10'><span class='pull-left'>$cTitle</span><span class='clearfix'>$cNum </span></div>\n" : "");
$html .= "<div class='progress ".$options['progress_class']."' style='height: ".$options['height']."'>\n";
$html .= $chtml;
$html .= "</div>\n";
        } else {
$int = intval($num);
            if (
$options['disabled'] == TRUE) {
$num = "&#x221e;";
            } else {
$num = $num > 0 ? $num.' ' : '0 ';
$num .= $options['as_percent'] ? '%' : '';

$auto_class = bar_color($int, $options['reverse']);
$class = (!$options['class']) ? $auto_class : $options['class'];

$html .= ($options['hide_info'] === FALSE ? "<div class='text-right m-b-10'><span class='pull-left'>$title</span><span class='clearfix'>$num</span></div>\n" : "");
$html .= "<div class='progress ".$options['progress_class']."' style='height: ".$options['height']."'>\n";
$html .= "<div class='progress-bar ".$class."' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='$num' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width: $int%'>\n";
$html .= "</div></div>\n";


if (!
function_exists('check_panel_status')) {
     * Checks the panel status for given side.
     * @param string $side Possible value: left, right, upper, aupper, lower, blower, user1, user2, user3, user4
     * @return bool
function check_panel_status($side) {

if (!
function_exists('showbanners')) {
     * Display the site banner you specify through the Banner settings.
     * @param int $display Possible value: 1, 2. If empty it shows banner 1.
     * @return string
function showbanners($display = NULL) {
$settings = fusion_get_settings();

        if (
$display == 2) {
            if (
$settings['sitebanner2']) {
parse_text($settings['sitebanner2'], [
'parse_smileys'        => FALSE,
'parse_bbcode'         => FALSE,
'default_image_folder' => NULL,
'add_line_breaks'      => TRUE
        } else {
            if (
$settings['sitebanner1']) {
parse_text($settings['sitebanner1'], [
'parse_smileys'        => FALSE,
'parse_bbcode'         => FALSE,
'default_image_folder' => NULL,
'add_line_breaks'      => TRUE
$output = ob_get_contents();


if (!
function_exists('showlogo')) {
     * Show site logo.
     * @param string $class CSS class.
     * @return string
function showlogo($class = 'logo') {
"<div class='".$class."'><a href='".BASEDIR.fusion_get_settings('opening_page')."' title='".fusion_get_settings('sitename')."'><img src='".BASEDIR.fusion_get_settings('sitebanner')."' alt='Logo'></a></div>";

if (!
function_exists('showsublinks')) {
     * Displays Site Links navigation bar.
     * @param string $sep   Separator between links.
     * @param string $class CSS class of the navbar.
     * @param array  $options
     * Notice: There is a more powerful method now that offers more powerful manipulation methods
     * that non oo approach cannot ever achieve using cache and the new mutator method
     * SiteLinks::setSubLinks($sep, $class, $options)->showsublinks(); for normal usage
     * @return string
function showsublinks($sep = "", $class = "navbar-default", $options = []) {
$options += [
'seperator'    => $sep,
'navbar_class' => $class,
        return \

if (!
function_exists('panelbutton')) {
     * Show the collapse or expand a button for panels which are collapsible.
     * @param string $state Panel state.
     * @param string $bname Button name.
     * @return string
function panelbutton($state, $bname) {
$bname = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "_", $bname);
        if (isset(
$_COOKIE["fusion_box_".$bname])) {
            if (
$_COOKIE["fusion_box_".$bname] == "none") {
$state = "off";
            } else {
$state = "on";

"<img src='".get_image("panel_".($state == "on" ? "off" : "on"))."' id='b_".$bname."' class='panelbutton pointer' alt='panelstate' onclick=\"flipBox('".$bname."')\" />";

if (!
function_exists('panelstate')) {
     * Checks the state of a panel.
     * @param string $state   Panel state. Possible value: on, off
     * @param string $bname   Button name.
     * @param string $element Element name.
     * @return string
function panelstate($state, $bname, $element = "div") {
$bname = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "_", $bname);
        if (isset(
$_COOKIE["fusion_box_".$bname])) {
            if (
$_COOKIE["fusion_box_".$bname] == "none") {
$state = "off";
            } else {
$state = "on";

"<$element id='box_".$bname."'".($state == "off" ? " style='display:none'" : "").">\n";

if (!
function_exists('profile_link')) {
     * User profile link.
     * @param int    $user_id
     * @param string $user_name
     * @param int    $user_status
     * @param string $class        CSS class for the profile link.
     * @param bool   $display_link Allow clicking on the name, otherwise display only the name.
     * @return string Link to the user's account along with the username correctly depending on the user's status.
function profile_link($user_id, $user_name, $user_status, $class = "profile-link", $display_link = TRUE) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$settings = fusion_get_settings();
        if ((
in_array($user_status, [0, 3, 7]) || checkrights("M")) && (iMEMBER || $settings['hide_userprofiles'] == "0") && $display_link == TRUE && $user_id !== 0) {
$link = '<a href="'.BASEDIR.'profile.php?lookup='.$user_id.'" class="'.$class.'">'.$user_name.'</a>';
        } else if (
$user_status == "5" || $user_status == "6") {
$link = $locale['user_anonymous'];
        } else {
$link = $user_name;


if (!
function_exists('display_avatar')) {
     * Show user avatar.
     * @param array  $userdata      User data with user_id, user_name , user_avatar, user_status
     * @param string $size          A size for CSS max-width and max-height.
     * @param string $class         CSS class for <a> tag.
     * @param bool   $link          Wrap image with <a> tag.
     * @param string $img_class     CSS class for <img> tag.
     * @param string $custom_avatar The path to own default avatar.
     * @return string
function display_avatar($userdata, $size, $class = '', $link = TRUE, $img_class = '', $custom_avatar = '') {
        if (empty(
$userdata)) {
$userdata = [
'user_name' => fusion_get_locale('user_anonymous')

$userdata += [
'user_id'     => 0,
'user_name'   => '',
'user_avatar' => '',
'user_status' => ''

$link = fusion_get_settings('hide_userprofiles') == TRUE ? (iMEMBER ? $link : FALSE) : $link;
$link = $userdata['user_id'] !== 0 ? $link : FALSE;
$class = ($class) ? "class='$class'" : '';

$hasAvatar = $userdata['user_avatar'] && file_exists(IMAGES."avatars/".$userdata['user_avatar']) && $userdata['user_status'] != '5' && $userdata['user_status'] != '6';
$name = !empty($userdata['user_name']) ? $userdata['user_name'] : 'Guest';

$imgTpl = '<img class="avatar img-responsive '.$img_class.'" alt="'.$name.'" data-pin-nopin="true" style="display:inline; width:'.$size.'; max-height:'.$size.'" src="%s">';
        if (
$hasAvatar) {
$img = sprintf($imgTpl, IMAGES."avatars/".$userdata['user_avatar']);
        } else {
            if (!empty(
$custom_avatar) && file_exists($custom_avatar)) {
$img = sprintf($imgTpl, $custom_avatar);
            } else {
$color = string_to_color_code($name);
$font_color = get_color_brightness($color) > 130 ? '000' : 'fff';

                if (
function_exists('mb_substr') && function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) {
$first_char = mb_substr($name, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
$first_char = mb_strtoupper($first_char, 'UTF-8');
                } else {
$first_char = substr($name, 0, 1);
$first_char = strtoupper($first_char);

$size_int = (int)filter_var($size, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$img = '<div class="display-inline-block va avatar '.$img_class.'" style="width:'.$size.';max-height:'.$size.';"><svg viewBox="0 0 '.$size_int.' '.$size_int.'" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><rect fill="#'.$color.'" stroke-width="0" y="0" x="0" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'"/><text class="m-t-5" font-size="'.($size_int - 5).'" fill="#'.$font_color.'" x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" dy="0.325em">'.$first_char.'</text></svg></div>';

$link ? sprintf('<a '.$class.' title="'.$userdata['user_name'].'" href="'.BASEDIR.'profile.php?lookup='.$userdata['user_id'].'">%s</a>', $img) : $img;

 * Generate HEX color code from string.
 * @param string $text Any string.
 * @return string HEX color code.
function string_to_color_code($text) {
$min_brightness = 50; // integer between 0 and 100
$spec = 3; // integer between 2-10, determines how unique each color will be

$hash = sha1(md5(sha1($text)));
$colors = [];
    for (
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$colors[$i] = max([round(((hexdec(substr($hash, $spec * $i, $spec))) / hexdec(str_pad('', $spec, 'F'))) * 255), $min_brightness]);

    if (
$min_brightness > 0) {
        while (
array_sum($colors) / 3 < $min_brightness) {
            for (
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$colors[$i] += 10;

$output = '';

    for (
$i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$output .= str_pad(dechex($colors[$i]), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);


 * Get color brightness by given HEX code
 * @param string $hex HEX color code.
 * @return float
function get_color_brightness($hex) {
$hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex);
$r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
$g = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
$b = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));

    return ((
$r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;

if (!
function_exists('colorbox')) {
     * Display image in colorbox.
     * @param string $img_path   The path to image.
     * @param string $img_title  Image title.
     * @param bool   $responsive Add img-responsive class.
     * @param string $class      CSS class.
     * @param bool   $as_text    Show clickable text instead image.
     * @return string
function colorbox($img_path, $img_title, $responsive = TRUE, $class = '', $as_text = FALSE) {
        if (!
defined('COLORBOX')) {
define('COLORBOX', TRUE);
$colorbox_css = file_exists(THEME.'colorbox/colorbox.css') ? THEME.'colorbox/colorbox.css' : INCLUDES.'jquery/colorbox/colorbox.css';
add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='$colorbox_css' type='text/css' media='screen' />");
add_to_head("<script type='text/javascript' src='".INCLUDES."jquery/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js'></script>");
add_to_jquery("$('a[rel^=\"colorbox\"]').colorbox({ current: '',width:'80%',height:'80%'});");
$class = ($class ? " $class" : '');
        if (
$responsive) {
$class = " class='img-responsive $class' ";
        } else {
$class = (!empty($class) ? " class='$class' " : '');

"<a target='_blank' href='$img_path' title='$img_title' rel='colorbox'>".($as_text ? $img_title : "<img src='$img_path'".$class."alt='$img_title'/>")."</a>";

if (!
function_exists('thumbnail')) {
     * Show image thumbnail.
     * @param string $src        The path to image.
     * @param string $size       Image size.
     * @param bool   $url        Make image clickable.
     * @param bool   $colorbox   Allow colorbox().
     * @param bool   $responsive Add img-responsive class.
     * @param string $class      CSS class.
     * @return string
function thumbnail($src, $size, $url = FALSE, $colorbox = FALSE, $responsive = TRUE, $class = "m-2") {
$_offset_w = 0;
$_offset_h = 0;
        if (!
$responsive && $src) {
// get the size of the image and centrally aligned it
$image_info = @getimagesize($src);
$width = $image_info[0];
$height = $image_info[1];
$_size = explode('px', $size);
            if (
$width > $_size[0]) {
$_offset_w = floor($width - $_size[0]) * 0.5;
// get surplus and negative by half.
if ($height > $_size[0]) {
$_offset_h = ($height - $_size[0]) * 0.5;
// get surplus and negative by half.
$html = "<div style='max-height:".$size."; max-width:".$size."' class='display-inline-block image-wrap thumb text-center overflow-hide ".$class."'>\n";
$html .= $url || $colorbox ? "<a ".($colorbox && $src ? "class='colorbox' " : '').($url ? "href='".$url."'" : '')." >" : '';
        if (
$src && file_exists($src) && !is_dir($src) || stristr($src, "?")) {
$html .= "<img ".($responsive ? "class='img-responsive' " : '')."src='$src'".(!$responsive && ($_offset_w || $_offset_h) ? " style='margin-left: -".$_offset_w."px; margin-top: -".$_offset_h."px' " : '')." alt='thumbnail'/>\n";
        } else {
$size = str_replace('px', '', $size);

            if (!
defined('HOLDERJS')) {
define('HOLDERJS', TRUE);
add_to_footer("<script src='".INCLUDES."jquery/holder.min.js'></script>");

$html .= "<img src='holder.js/".$size."x".$size."/text:' alt='thumbnail'/>\n";
$html .= $url || $colorbox ? "</a>" : '';
$html .= "</div>\n";
        if (
$colorbox && $src && !defined('COLORBOX')) {
define('COLORBOX', TRUE);
add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='".INCLUDES."jquery/colorbox/colorbox.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />");
add_to_head("<script type='text/javascript' src='".INCLUDES."jquery/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js'></script>");
add_to_jquery("$('.colorbox').colorbox({width: '75%', height: '75%'});");


if (!
function_exists('lorem_ipsum')) {
     * Generate random lorem ipsum text by given length.
     * @param int $length String length.
     * @return string
function lorem_ipsum($length) {
$text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum aliquam felis nunc, in dignissim metus suscipit eget. Nunc scelerisque laoreet purus, in ullamcorper magna sagittis eget. Aliquam ac rhoncus orci, a lacinia ante. Integer sed erat ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce ullamcorper sapien mauris, et tempus mi tincidunt laoreet. Proin aliquam vulputate felis in viverra.";
$text .= "Duis sed lorem vitae nibh sagittis tempus sed sed enim. Mauris egestas varius purus, a varius odio vehicula quis. Donec cursus interdum libero, et ornare tellus mattis vitae. Phasellus et ligula velit. Vivamus ac turpis dictum, congue metus facilisis, ultrices lorem. Cras imperdiet lacus in tincidunt pellentesque. Sed consectetur nunc vitae fringilla volutpat. Mauris nibh justo, luctus eu dapibus in, pellentesque non urna. Nulla ullamcorper varius lacus, ut finibus eros interdum id. Proin at pellentesque sapien. Integer imperdiet, sapien nec tristique laoreet, sapien lacus porta nunc, tincidunt cursus risus mauris id quam.";
$text .= "Ut vulputate mauris in facilisis euismod. Ut id libero vitae neque laoreet placerat a id mi. Integer ornare risus placerat, interdum nisi sed, commodo ligula. Integer at ipsum id magna blandit volutpat. Sed euismod mi odio, vitae molestie diam ornare quis. Aenean id ligula finibus, convallis risus a, scelerisque tellus. Morbi quis pretium lectus. In convallis hendrerit sem. Vestibulum sed ultricies massa, ut tempus risus. Nunc aliquam at tellus quis lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum maximus, nibh at tristique viverra, eros felis ultrices nunc, et efficitur nunc augue a orci. Phasellus et metus mauris. Morbi ut ex ut urna tincidunt varius eu id diam. Aenean vestibulum risus sed augue vulputate, a luctus ligula laoreet.";
$text .= "Nam tempor sodales mi nec ullamcorper. Mauris tristique ligula augue, et lobortis turpis dictum vitae. Aliquam leo massa, posuere ac aliquet quis, ultricies eu elit. Etiam et justo et nulla cursus iaculis vel quis dolor. Phasellus viverra cursus metus quis luctus. Nulla massa turpis, porttitor vitae orci sed, laoreet consequat urna. Etiam congue turpis ac metus facilisis pretium. Nam auctor mi et auctor malesuada. Mauris blandit nulla quis ligula cursus, ut ullamcorper dui posuere. Fusce sed urna id quam finibus blandit tempus eu tellus. Vestibulum semper diam id ante iaculis iaculis.";
$text .= "Fusce suscipit maximus neque, sed consectetur elit hendrerit at. Sed luctus mi in ex auctor mollis. Suspendisse ac elementum tellus, ut malesuada purus. Mauris condimentum elit at dolor eleifend iaculis. Aenean eget faucibus mauris. Pellentesque fermentum mattis imperdiet. Donec mattis nisi id faucibus finibus. Vivamus in eleifend lorem, vel dictum nisl. Morbi ut mollis arcu.";

trim_text($text, $length);

if (!
function_exists('timer')) {
     * Show time ago from timestamp.
     * @param int $time Timestamp or if empty it use time().
     * @return string
function timer($time = NULL) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
        if (!
$time) {
$time = time();
$time = stripinput($time);
$current = time();
$calculated = $current - $time;
$second = 1;
$minute = $second * 60;
$hour = $minute * 60;
$day = 24 * $hour;
$month = days_current_month() * $day;
$year = (date("L", $time) > 0) ? 366 * $day : 365 * $day;
        if (
$calculated < 1) {
"<abbr class='atooltip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='".showdate('longdate', $time)."'>".$locale['just_now']."</abbr>\n";

$timer = [
$year   => $locale['timer_year'],
$month  => $locale['timer_month'],
$day    => $locale['timer_day'],
$hour   => $locale['timer_hour'],
$minute => $locale['timer_minute'],
$second => $locale['timer_second']

        foreach (
$timer as $arr => $unit) {
$calc = $calculated / $arr;
            if (
$calc >= 1) {
$answer = round($calc);
$string = format_word($answer, $unit, ['add_count' => FALSE]);
$text = strtr($locale['timer'], [
'[DAYS]'   => $answer." ".$string,
'[AGO]'    => $locale['ago'],
'[ANSWER]' => $answer,
'[STRING]' => $string
"<abbr class='atooltip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='".showdate('longdate', $time)."'>".$text."</abbr>";


if (!
function_exists('days_current_month')) {
     * Days in the current month.
     * @return int
function days_current_month() {
$year = showdate("%Y", time());
$month = showdate("%m", time());

$month == 2 ? ($year % 4 ? 28 : ($year % 100 ? 29 : ($year % 400 ? 28 : 29))) : (($month - 1) % 7 % 2 ? 30 : 31);

if (!
function_exists('countdown')) {
     * Counts how many days remain until the specified date.
     * @param int $time Timestamp.
     * @return string|null
function countdown($time) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$updated = $time - time();
$second = 1;
$minute = $second * 60;
$hour = $minute * 60;
$day = 24 * $hour;
$month = days_current_month() * $day;
$year = (date("L", $updated) > 0) ? 366 * $day : 365 * $day;
$timer = [
$year   => $locale['year'],
$month  => $locale['month'],
$day    => $locale['day'],
$hour   => $locale['hour'],
$minute => $locale['minute'],
$second => $locale['second']
$timer_b = [
$year   => $locale['year_a'],
$month  => $locale['month_a'],
$day    => $locale['day_a'],
$hour   => $locale['hour_a'],
$minute => $locale['minute_a'],
$second => $locale['second_a']
        foreach (
$timer as $arr => $unit) {
$calc = $updated / $arr;
            if (
$calc >= 1) {
$answer = round($calc);
$string = ($answer > 1) ? $timer_b[$arr] : $unit;

"<abbr class='atooltip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='~".showdate('newsdate', $updated + time())."'>$answer ".$string."</abbr>";
        if (!isset(
$answer)) {
"<abbr class='atooltip' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='".showdate('newsdate', time())."'>".$locale['now']."</abbr>";


if (!
    && !
    && !
    && !
) {
     * Create accordion.
     * @param string $id Unique accordion ID.
     * @return string
function opencollapse($id) {
'<div class="panel-group" id="'.$id.'-accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">';

     * Create collapsing panel.
     * @param string $title       Panel title.
     * @param string $unique_id   Panel ID.
     * @param string $grouping_id Parent's accordion ID.
     * @param bool   $active      Panel state.
     * @param string $class       Panel CSS class.
     * @return string
function opencollapsebody($title, $unique_id, $grouping_id, $active = FALSE, $class = NULL) {
$html = '<div class="panel panel-default '.$class.'">';

$html .= '<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="'.$unique_id.'-collapse-heading">';
$html .= '<h4 class="panel-title">';
$html .= '<a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#'.$grouping_id.'-accordion" href="#'.$unique_id.'-collapse" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="'.$unique_id.'-collapse">'.$title.'</a>';
$html .= '</h4>';
$html .= '</div>';

$html .= '<div id="'.$unique_id.'-collapse" class="panel-collapse collapse'.($active ? ' in' : '').'" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="'.$unique_id.'-collapse-heading">';
$html .= '<div class="panel-body">';

     * Close collapsing panel.
     * @return string
function closecollapsebody() {
$html = '</div>'; // .panel-body
$html .= '</div>'; // .panel-collapse
$html .= '</div>'; // .panel-default

return $html;

     * Close accordion.
     * @return string
function closecollapse() {

if (!
    && !
    && !
    && !
    && !
) {
FusionTabs {
$remember = FALSE;
$cookie_prefix = 'tab_js';
$cookie_name = '';
$link_mode = FALSE;

         * Current active tab selector.
         * @param array  $array          Multidimension array consisting of keys title, id, icon.
         * @param int    $default_active 0 if link_mode is false, $_GET if link_mode is true.
         * @param string $getname        Set getname and turn tabs into link that listens to getname.
         * @return string
public static function tabActive($array, $default_active, $getname = NULL) {
            if (!empty(
$getname)) {
$section = get($getname) ?: $default_active;
//$section = isset($_GET[$getname]) && $_GET[$getname] ? $_GET[$getname] : $default_active;
$count = count($array['title']);

                if (
$count > 0) {
                    foreach (
$array["id"] as $tab_id) {
                        if (
$section == $tab_id) {




         * Get current active tab index
         * @param array  $array
         * @param string $default_active
         * @param bool   $getname
         * @return int
public static function tabIndex($array, $default_active, $getname = FALSE) {
            if (!empty(
$getname)) {
$section = get($getname) ?: $default_active;
//$section = isset($_GET[$getname]) && $_GET[$getname] ? $_GET[$getname] : $default_active;
$count = count($array['title']);
                if (
$count > 0) {
                    for (
$tabCount = 0; $tabCount < $count; $tabCount++) {
$tab_id = $array['id'][$tabCount];
                        if (
$section == $tab_id) {

         * Automatically remember tab using cookie.
         * @param bool $value
public function setRemember($value) {
$this->remember = $value;

         * Render tab links.
         * @param array  $tab_title          Multidimension array consisting of keys title, id, icon.
         * @param string $link_active_arrkey tab_active() function or the $_GET request to match the $tabs['id'].
         * @param string $id                 Unique ID.
         * @param bool   $link               False for jquery, true for php (will reload page).
         * @param string $class              CSS class for the nav.
         * @param string $getname            Set getname and turn tabs into the link that listens to getname.
         * @param array  $cleanup_get        The request key that needs to be deleted.
         * Example:
         * $tabs['title'][] = "Tab 1";
         * $tabs['id'][] = "tab1";
         * $tabs['title'][] = "Tab 2";
         * $tabs['id'][] = "tab2";
         * $tab_active = tab_active($tabs, 0);
         * Jquery:
         * echo opentab($tabs, $tab_active, 'myTab', FALSE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['action', 'subaction']);
         * PHP:
         * echo opentab($tabs, $_GET['ref'], 'myTab', TRUE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['action', 'subaction']);
         * echo opentab($tabs, $_GET['ref'], 'myTab', TRUE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['*']); // clear all
         * @return string
public function openTab($tab_title, $link_active_arrkey, $id, $link = FALSE, $class = FALSE, $getname = 'section', array $cleanup_get = []) {
$this->cookie_name = $this->cookie_prefix.'-'.$id;
$this->link_mode = $link;

$getArray = [$getname];
            if (!empty(
$cleanup_get)) {
$getArray = array_merge_recursive($cleanup_get, $getArray);
            if (empty(
$link) && $this->remember) {
                if (isset(
$_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) {
$link_active_arrkey = str_replace('tab-', '', $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]);
$html = "<div class='nav-wrapper'>\n";
$html .= "<ul id='$id' class='nav ".(!empty($class) ? $class : 'nav-tabs')."'>\n";
            foreach (
$tab_title['title'] as $arr => $v) {
$v_title = $v;
$tab_id = $tab_title['id'][$arr];
$icon = (isset($tab_title['icon'][$arr])) ? $tab_title['icon'][$arr] : "";
$link_url = '#';
                if (
$link) {
$link_url = $link.(stristr($link, '?') ? '&' : '?').$getname."=".$tab_id; // keep all request except GET array
if ($link === TRUE) {

$keep_filtered = FALSE;
                        if (
in_array("*", $cleanup_get)) {
$getArray = [];
$keep_filtered = TRUE;

$link_url = clean_request($getname.'='.$tab_id.(check_get('aid') ? "&aid=".get('aid') : ""), $getArray, $keep_filtered);

$active = ($link_active_arrkey == $tab_id) ? ' active' : '';
                } else {
$active = ($link_active_arrkey == "".$tab_id) ? ' active' : '';

$bs4_li = defined('BOOTSTRAP4') ? 'nav-item' : '';
$html .= '<li class="'.$bs4_li.$active.'">';
$bs4 = defined('BOOTSTRAP4') ? ' nav-link' : '';
$html .= "<a class='pointer".$bs4.$active."' ".(!$link ? "id='tab-".$tab_id."' aria-controls='#".$tab_id."' data-toggle='tab' data-target='#".$tab_id."'" : "href='$link_url'")." role='tab'>\n".($icon ? "<i class='".$icon."'></i>" : '')." ".$v_title." </a>\n";
$html .= "</li>\n";
$html .= "</ul>\n";
$html .= "<div id='tab-content-$id' class='tab-content'>\n";
            if (empty(
$link) && $this->remember) {
                if (!
defined('JS_COOKIES')) {
define('JS_COOKIES', TRUE);
OutputHandler::addToFooter('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.INCLUDES.'jscripts/js.cookie.min.js"></script>');
.$id." > li').on('click', function() {
                    var cookieName = '"
                    var cookieValue = $(this).find(\"a[role='tab']\").attr('id');
                    Cookies.set(cookieName, cookieValue);
                var cookieName = 'tab_js-"
                if (Cookies.get(cookieName)) {


         * Creates tab body.
         * @param string $id                 Tab id from $tabs['id'].
         * @param string $link_active_arrkey tab_active() function or the $_GET request to match the $tabd['id'].
         * @param string $key                Set getname and turn tabs into link that listens to getname.
         * @return string
public function openTabBody($id, $link_active_arrkey = NULL, $key = 'section') {
$bootstrap = defined('BOOTSTRAP4') ? ' show' : '';

            if (isset(
$_GET[$key]) && $this->link_mode) {
                if (
$link_active_arrkey == $id) {
$status = 'in active'.$bootstrap;
                } else {
$status = '';
            } else {
                if (!
$this->link_mode) {
                    if (
$this->remember) {
                        if (isset(
$_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) {
$link_active_arrkey = str_replace('tab-', '', $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]);
$status = ($link_active_arrkey == $id ? " in active".$bootstrap : '');

"<div class='tab-pane fade".$status."' id='".$id."'>\n";

         * Close tab body.
         * @return string
public function closeTabBody() {

         * Close tab.
         * @param array $options
         * @return string
public function closeTab($options = []) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$default_options = [
"tab_nav" => FALSE,
$options += $default_options;
            if (
$options['tab_nav'] == TRUE) {
$nextBtn = "<a class='btn btn-warning btnNext pull-right' >".$locale['next']."</a>";
$prevBtn = "<a class='btn btn-warning btnPrevious m-r-10'>".$locale['previous']."</a>";
                  $('.nav-tabs > .active').next('li').find('a').trigger('click');
                  $('.nav-tabs > .active').prev('li').find('a').trigger('click');
"<div class='clearfix'>\n".$prevBtn.$nextBtn."</div>\n";


     * Current active tab selector.
     * @param array  $array          Multidimension array consisting of keys title, id, icon.
     * @param int    $default_active 0 if link_mode is false, $_GET if link_mode is true.
     * @param string $getname        Set getname and turn tabs into link that listens to getname.
     * @return string
function tab_active($array, $default_active, $getname = NULL) {
        return \
FusionTabs::tabActive($array, $default_active, $getname);

     * Get current active tab index
     * @param array  $array
     * @param string $default_active
     * @param bool   $getname
     * @return int
function tab_index($array, $default_active, $getname = FALSE) {
FusionTabs::tabIndex($array, $default_active, $getname);

     * Render tab links.
     * @param array  $tab_title          Multidimension array consisting of keys title, id, icon.
     * @param string $link_active_arrkey tab_active() function or the $_GET request to match the $tab_title['id'].
     * @param string $id                 Unique ID.
     * @param bool   $link               False for jquery, true for php (will reload page).
     * @param string $class              CSS class for the nav.
     * @param string $getname            Set getname and turn tabs into the link that listens to getname.
     * @param array  $cleanup_get        The request key that needs to be deleted.
     * @param bool   $remember           Set to true to automatically remember tab using cookie.
     * Example:
     * $tabs['title'][] = "Tab 1";
     * $tabs['id'][] = "tab1";
     * $tabs['title'][] = "Tab 2";
     * $tabs['id'][] = "tab2";
     * $tab_active = tab_active($tabs, 0);
     * Jquery:
     * echo opentab($tabs, $tab_active, 'myTab', FALSE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['action', 'subaction']);
     * PHP:
     * echo opentab($tabs, $_GET['ref'], 'myTab', TRUE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['action', 'subaction']);
     * echo opentab($tabs, $_GET['ref'], 'myTab', TRUE, 'nav-pills', 'ref', ['*']); // clear all
     * @return string
function opentab($tab_title, $link_active_arrkey, $id, $link = FALSE, $class = NULL, $getname = "section", $cleanup_get = [], $remember = FALSE) {
$fusion_tabs = new FusionTabs();
        if (
$remember) {

$fusion_tabs->openTab($tab_title, $link_active_arrkey, $id, $link, $class, $getname, $cleanup_get);

     * Creates tab body.
     * @param string $tab_title          Deprecated, however this function is replaceable, and the params are accessible.
     * @param string $tab_id             Tab id from $tabs['id'].
     * @param string $link_active_arrkey tab_active() function or the $_GET request to match the $tabd['id'].
     * @param bool   $link               Deprecated, however this function is replaceable, and the params are accessible.
     * @param string $key                Set getname and turn tabs into link that listens to getname.
     * @return string
function opentabbody($tab_title, $tab_id, $link_active_arrkey = NULL, $link = FALSE, $key = NULL) {
$fusion_tabs = new FusionTabs();

$fusion_tabs->openTabBody($tab_id, $link_active_arrkey, $key);

     * Close tab body.
     * @return string
function closetabbody() {
$fusion_tabs = new FusionTabs();


     * Close tab.
     * @param array $options
     * @return string
function closetab($options = []) {
$fusion_tabs = new FusionTabs();


if (!
function_exists('display_ratings')) {
     * Display ratings.
     * @param int    $total_sum   Total number of ratings.
     * @param int    $total_votes Total number of votes.
     * @param string $link        Make item clickable.
     * @param string $class       CSS class for the link.
     * @param int    $mode        Show 2 out of 10 or 2/10 rating. Possible value: 1, 2.
     * @return string
function display_ratings($total_sum, $total_votes, $link = NULL, $class = NULL, $mode = 1) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$start_link = $link ? "<a class='comments-item ".$class."' href='".$link."'>" : '';
$end_link = $link ? "</a>\n" : '';
$average = $total_votes > 0 ? number_format($total_sum / $total_votes, 2) : 0;
$str = $mode == 1 ? $average.$locale['global_094'].format_word($total_votes, $locale['fmt_rating']) : "$average/$total_votes";
        if (
$total_votes > 0) {
$answer = $start_link."<i title='".$locale['ratings']."' class='fa fa-star-o m-l-0'></i>".$str.$end_link;
        } else {
$answer = $start_link."<i title='".sprintf($locale['global_089a'], $locale['global_077'])."' class='fa fa-star-o high-opacity m-l-0'></i> ".$str.$end_link;


if (!
function_exists('display_comments')) {
     * Display comments.
     * @param int    $total_sum Total number of comments.
     * @param string $link      Make item clickable.
     * @param string $class     CSS class for the link.
     * @param int    $mode      Show 2 out of 10 or 2/10 comments. Possible value: 1, 2.
     * @return string
function display_comments($total_sum, $link = NULL, $class = NULL, $mode = 1) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$start_link = $link ? "<a class='comments-item ".$class."' href='".$link."' {%title%} >" : '';
$end_link = $link ? "</a>\n" : '';
$str = $mode == 1 ? format_word($total_sum, $locale['fmt_comment']) : $total_sum;
        if (
$total_sum > 0) {
$start_link = strtr($start_link, ['{%title%}' => "title='".$locale['global_073']."'"]);
        } else {
$start_link = strtr($start_link, ['{%title%}' => "title='".sprintf($locale['global_089'], $locale['global_077'])."'"]);


if (!
function_exists('fusion_confirm_exit')) {
     * JS form exit confirmation if form has changed.
function fusion_confirm_exit() {
            $('form').change(function() {
                window.onbeforeunload = function() {
                    return true;
                $(':button').bind('click', function() {
                    window.onbeforeunload = null;

if (!
function_exists('social_media_links')) {
     * Return a list of social media sharing services where an url can be shared.
     * Requires the loading of Font Awesome which can be enabled in theme settings.
     * @param string $url The URL to share.
     * @param array  $options
     * @return string
function social_media_links($url, $options = []) {

$default = [
"facebook" => TRUE,
"twitter"  => TRUE,
"reddit"   => TRUE,
"vk"       => TRUE,
"whatsapp" => TRUE,
"telegram" => TRUE,
"linkedin" => TRUE,
"class"    => "",
"template" => '<a class="m-5 {%class%}" href="{%url%}" title="{%name%}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><i class="{%icon%} fa-2x"></i></a>'

$options += $default;

$services = [];

        if (
$options['facebook'] == 1) {
$services['facebook'] = [
'name' => 'Facebook',
'icon' => 'fab fa-facebook-square',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['twitter'] == 1) {
$services['twitter'] = [
'name' => 'Twitter',
'icon' => 'fab fa-twitter-square',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['reddit'] == 1) {
$services['reddit'] = [
'name' => 'Reddit',
'icon' => 'fab fa-reddit-square',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['vk'] == 1) {
$services['vk'] = [
'name' => 'VK',
'icon' => 'fab fa-vk',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['whatsapp'] == 1) {
$services['whatsapp'] = [
'name' => 'WhatsApp',
'icon' => 'fab fa-whatsapp',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['telegram'] == 1) {
$services['telegram'] = [
'name' => 'Telegram',
'icon' => 'fab fa-telegram',
'url'  => ''

        if (
$options['linkedin'] == 1) {
$services['linkedin'] = [
'name' => 'LinkedIn',
'icon' => 'fab fa-linkedin',
'url'  => '',

$html = '';
        if (!empty(
$services) && is_array($services)) {
            foreach (
$services as $service) {
$html .= strtr($options["template"], [
"{%class%}" => $options["class"],
"{%url%}"   => $service["url"].$url,
"{%name%}"  => $service["name"],
"{%icon%}"  => $service["icon"]


 * Load any function and return its value.
 * @param string $function Function name.
 * @params miexd  ...$args Zero or more parameters to be passed, depending on function.
 * @return mixed|string
function fusion_get_function($function) {
$function_args = func_get_args();
    if (
count($function_args) > 1) {
// Attempt to check if this function prints anything
$func = call_user_func_array($function, $function_args);
$content = ob_get_clean();
// If it does not print return the function results
if (empty($content)) {


if (!
function_exists('render_breadcrumbs')) {
     * Render breadcrumbs.
     * @param string $key Instance key.
     * @return string
function render_breadcrumbs($key = 'default') {
$breadcrumbs = \PHPFusion\BreadCrumbs::getInstance($key);
$html = '<ol class="'.$breadcrumbs->getCssClasses().'">';
        foreach (
$breadcrumbs->toArray() as $crumb) {
$html .= '<li class="breadcrumb-item '.$crumb['class'].($crumb['link'] ? '' : ' active').'">';
$html .= ($crumb['link']) ? '<a title="'.$crumb['title'].'" href="'.$crumb['link'].'">'.$crumb['title'].'</a>' : $crumb['title'];
$html .= '</li>';
$html .= '</ol>';


if (!
function_exists('render_favicons')) {
     * Show meta tags for favicons.
     * @param string $folder The folder where the icons are.
     * @return string
function render_favicons($folder = IMAGES.'favicons/') {
$html = '';
// Generator -
if (is_dir($folder)) {
$html .= '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="'.$folder.'apple-touch-icon.png">';
$html .= '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="'.$folder.'favicon-32x32.png">';
$html .= '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="'.$folder.'favicon-16x16.png">';
$html .= '<link rel="manifest" href="'.$folder.'site.webmanifest">';
$html .= '<link rel="mask-icon" href="'.$folder.'safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#262626">';
$html .= '<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#262626">';


if (!
function_exists('render_user_tags')) {
     * Render user tags template.
     * @param array  $data    User data.
     * @param string $tooltip The tooltip string.
     * @return string
function render_user_tags($data, $tooltip) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();

        if (!
defined('USERPOPOVER')) {

$avatar = !empty($data['user_avatar']) ? '<div class="pull-left m-r-10">'.display_avatar($data, '32px', '', FALSE, 'icon-sm').'</div>' : '';
$title = '<div class="user-tooltip">'.$avatar.'<div class="clearfix">'.profile_link($data['user_id'], $data['user_name'], $data['user_status']).'<br><span class="user_level">'.getuserlevel($data['user_level']).'</span></div>';
$content = $tooltip.'<a class="btn btn-block btn-primary" href="'.BASEDIR.'messages.php?msg_send='.$data['user_id'].'">'.$locale['send_message'].'</a>';
$html = '<a class="strong pointer" tabindex="0" role="button" data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-placement="top" data-toggle="user-tooltip" title=\''.$title.'\' data-content=\''.$content.'\'>';
$html .= '<span class="user-label">@'.$data['user_name'].'</span>';
$html .= '</a>';


 * Get the current theme framework
 * @return string
function fusion_theme_framework() {
    foreach (
$level as $framework) {
        if (
defined($framework)) {
