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 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * Used only to initialize textcomplete jquery plugin for the textareas with class "autocomplete_usernames"
 * Don't load this file directly, It is appended to "/build/textcomplete.bmin.js" by Grunt.
window['init_autocomplete_usernames'] = function init_autocomplete_usernames()
var mentions = [];
jQuery( ".user.login, option[data-login]" ).each( function()
{ // Init array with all usernames from the page
var login = jQuery( this ).prop( 'tagName') == 'OPTION'
? jQuery( this ).data( 'login' )
: jQuery( this ).text();
if( login != "" && mentions.indexOf( login ) == -1 )
if( login[0] == "@" )
login = login.substr( 1 );
mentions.push( login );
} );

jQuery( "textarea.autocomplete_usernames" ).textcomplete(
[ {
match: /\B@(\w+)$/,
search: function ( term, callback )
if( term.length < 4 )
{ // Search only on the page
callback( mentions, function ( mention )
{ return mention.indexOf(term) === 0 ? mention : null; } ) );
{ // Also search in DB by AJAX
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
url: restapi_url + "users/autocomplete",
data: {
q: term,
mentioned: mentions,
blog: typeof( blog ) == 'undefined' ? 0 : blog,
success: function( data )
if( typeof( data.users ) == 'undefined' )
{ // No users found:
return null;

var db_mentions = [];
for( var u in data.users )
{ // Set all logins in one array:
db_mentions.push( data.users[u].login );

db_mentions = db_mentions.concat( mentions );
callback( db_mentions, function ( mention )
{ return mention.indexOf(term) === 0 ? mention : null; } ) );
} );
index: 1,
replace: function ( mention ) { return "@" + mention + " "; },
cache: true
} ] );

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
var IE_version = false;
if( typeof( navigator ) !== "undefined" && typeof( navigator.appVersion ) !== "undefined" )
var app_match = navigator.appVersion.match( /msie (\d+)/i );
if( app_match )
IE_version = parseInt( app_match[1] );
if( IE_version && IE_version <= 9 )
{ // Dont allow this plugin on IE <= 9

} );