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 * English Language File for Statistics Plugin
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @author Cotonti Translators Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2009
 * @license BSD

defined('SED_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.');

 * Plugin Title & Subtitle

$L['plu_title'] = 'Statistics';

 * Plugin Body

$L['plu_totalpagessince'] = 'Total pages displayed since';
$L['plu_maxwasreached'] = 'Maximum hitcount was reached';
$L['plu_pagesdisplayedthisday'] = 'pages were displayed this day';
$L['plu_registeredusers'] = 'Registered members';
$L['plu_totalmails'] = 'Emails sent';

$L['plu_totalpms'] = 'Private messages sent';
$L['plu_totalactivepms'] = 'Active private messages';
$L['plu_totalarchivedpms'] = 'Archived private messages';

$L['plu_viewsforums'] = 'Number of views';
$L['plu_postsforums'] = 'Number of posts';
$L['plu_topicsforums'] = 'Number of topics';
$L['plu_pruned'] = 'of which pruned';

$L['plu_pollsratings'] = 'Ratings and polls';
$L['plu_pagesrated'] = 'Number of rated pages';
$L['plu_votesratings'] = 'Votes for ratings';
$L['plu_polls'] = 'Number of polls';
$L['plu_votespolls'] = 'Votes for polls';

$L['plu_pfsspace'] = 'Total files (all PFS)';
$L['plu_pfssize'] = 'PFS total size';

$L['plu_contributions'] = 'Your contributions';
$L['plu_notloggedin'] = 'Not available: you\'re not logged in';

$L['plu_membersbycountry'] = 'Registered members by countries';
$L['plu_flag'] = 'Flag';
$L['plu_unknown'] = 'Not set';
