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# Sample tokenised exception file for phpBB using Sphinx search engine
# Exceptions allow one or more tokens to be mapped to a single keyword.
# Exceptions are defined BEFORE tokenisation and are therefore case sensitive and accept characters that would normally be excluded such as punctuation.
# Exceptions are applied to both indexing and searching, such that search queries for one mapped variation will find all others.
# List needs to be customised according to board and language requirements.
# Please remove all commented lines before use.
# See Sphinx documentation for further details:
# Examples:
# Acronyms and initialisms
U.S.A. => usa
u.s.a. => usa
U.S.A => usa
u.s.a => usa
USA => usa
U.S. => usa
u.s. => usa
U.S => usa
u.s => usa
US => usa
# Abbreviations using ampersand
profit & loss => p&l
profit and loss => p&l
P & L => p&l
P and L => p&l
p & l => p&l
p and l => p&l
# Ampersands
& => and
# Ordinals
1st => first
1ST => first
2nd => second
2ND => second
3rd => third
3RD => third
4th => fourth
4TH => fourth
5th => fifth
5TH => fifth
6th => sixth
6TH => sixth
7th => seventh
7TH => seventh
8th => eighth
8TH => eighth
9th => ninth
9TH => ninth
10th => tenth
10TH => tenth
# Numerals
1 => one
2 => two
3 => three
4 => four
5 => five
6 => six
7 => seven
8 => eight
9 => nine
10 => ten
11 => eleven
12 => twelve
13 => thirteen
14 => fourteen
15 => fifteen
16 => sixteen
17 => seventeen
18 => eighteen
19 => nineteen
20 => twenty
30 => thirty
40 => forty
50 => fifty
60 => sixty
70 => seventy
80 => eighty
90 => ninety
100 => one hundred
1000 => one thousand
10000 => ten thousand
100000 => one hundred thousand
1000000 => one million
1000000000 => one billion
# Numbered groupings / decades
10s => tens
20s => twenties
30s => thirties
40s => forties
50s => fifties
60s => sixties
70s => seventies
80s => eighties
90s => nineties