Seditio Source
Root |
 * This opens a modal window to select a post and insert various types of short links in brackets.
 * There is a similar function in the core named evo_item_selector_load_window() that is used for posts merging, comment's post changing, post versions linking and etc. in future.
function shortlinks_load_window( prefix )
shortlinks_action_buttons = '<button id="shortlinks_btn_insert" class="btn btn-primary">' + shortlinks_insert_short_link + '</button>'
+ '<button id="shortlinks_btn_options" class="btn btn-default">' + shortlinks_insert_with_options + '</button>'
+ '<button id="shortlinks_btn_form" class="btn btn-info">' + shortlinks_insert_snippet_link + '</button>';

openModalWindow( '<div id="shortlinks_wrapper"></div>', 'auto', '', true,
shortlinks_title_link_to_post, // Window title
[ '-', 'shortlinks_post_buttons' ], // Fake button that is hidden by default, Used to build buttons "Back" and "Insert [[post-url-name]]"
true );

// Load collections:
shortlinks_load_colls( shortlinks_coll_urlname, prefix );

// Set max-height to keep the action buttons on screen:
var modal_window = jQuery( '#shortlinks_wrapper' ).parent();
var modal_height = jQuery( window ).height() - 20;
if( modal_window.hasClass( 'modal-body' ) )
{ // Extract heights of header and footer:
modal_height -= 55 + 64 +
parseInt( modal_window.css( 'padding-top' ) ) + parseInt( modal_window.css( 'padding-bottom' ) );
modal_window.css( {
'display': 'block',
'overflow': 'auto',
'max-height': modal_height
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;

 * Get an error of fail request
 * @param string Object selector
 * @param object Error data: 'message', 'code', 'data.status'
function shortlinks_api_print_error( obj_selector, error, debug )
if( typeof( error ) != 'string' && typeof( error.code ) == 'undefined' )
error = typeof( error.responseJSON ) == 'undefined' ? error.statusText : error.responseJSON;

if( typeof( error.code ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Unknown non-json response:
var error_text = '<h4 class="text-danger">Unknown error: ' + error + '</h4>';
{ // JSON error data accepted:
var error_text ='<h4 class="text-danger">' + error.message + '</h4>';
if( debug )
{ // Display additional error info in debug mode only:
error_text += '<div><b>Code:</b> ' + error.code + '</div>'
+ '<div><b>Status:</b> ' + + '</div>';

shortlinks_end_loading( obj_selector, error_text );

 * Execute REST API request
 * @param string REST API path
 * @param string Object selector
 * @param function Function on success request
 * @param array Additional params
function shortlinks_api_request( api_path, obj_selector, func, params )
shortlinks_start_loading( obj_selector );

if( typeof( params ) == 'undefined' )
params = {};

url: restapi_url + api_path,
data: params
} )
.then( func, function( jqXHR )
{ // Error request, Display the error data:
shortlinks_api_print_error( obj_selector, jqXHR );
} );

 * Set style during loading new content
 * @param string Object selector
function shortlinks_start_loading( obj_selector )
jQuery( obj_selector ).addClass( 'shortlinks_loading' )
.append( '<div class="shortlinks_loader">loading...</div>' );

 * Remove style after loading new content
 * @param string Object selector
 * @param string New content
function shortlinks_end_loading( obj_selector, content )
jQuery( obj_selector ).removeClass( 'shortlinks_loading' )
.html( content )
.find( '.shortlinks_loader' ).remove();

 * Build a pagination from response data
 * @param array Response data
 * @param string Search keyword
 * @return string Pagination
function shortlinks_get_pagination( data, search_keyword )
var r = '';

if( typeof( data.pages_total ) == 'undefined' || data.pages_total < 2 )
{ // No page for this request:
return r;

var search_keyword_attr = typeof( search_keyword ) == 'undefined' ? '' :
' data-search="' + search_keyword.replace( '"', '\"' ) + '"';

var current_page =;
var total_pages = data.pages_total;
var page_list_span = 11; // Number of visible pages on navigation line
var page_list_start, page_list_end;

// Initialize a start of pages list:
if( current_page <= parseInt( page_list_span / 2 ) )
{ // the current page number is small
page_list_start = 1;
else if( current_page > total_pages - parseInt( page_list_span / 2 ) )
{ // the current page number is big
page_list_start = Math.max( 1, total_pages - page_list_span + 1 );
{ // the current page number can be centered
page_list_start = current_page - parseInt( page_list_span / 2 );

// Initialize an end of pages list:
if( current_page > total_pages - parseInt( page_list_span / 2 ) )
{ //the current page number is big
page_list_end = total_pages;
page_list_end = Math.min( total_pages, page_list_start + page_list_span - 1 );

r += '<ul class="shortlinks_pagination pagination"' + search_keyword_attr + '>';

if( current_page > 1 )
{ // A link to previous page:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + ( current_page - 1 ) + '">&lt;&lt;</a></li>';

if( page_list_start > 1 )
{ // The pages list doesn't contain the first page
// Display a link to first page:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="1">1</a></li>';

if( page_list_start > 2 )
{ // Display a link to previous pages range:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + Math.ceil( page_list_start / 2 ) + '">...</a></li>';

for( p = page_list_start; p <= page_list_end; p++ )
if( current_page == p )
{ // Current page:
r += '<li class="active"><span>' + p + '</span></li>';
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + p + '">' + p + '</a></li>';

if( page_list_end < total_pages )
{ // The pages list doesn't contain the last page
if( page_list_end < total_pages - 1 )
{ // Display a link to next pages range:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + ( page_list_end + Math.floor( ( total_pages - page_list_end ) / 2 ) ) + '">...</a></li>';

// Display a link to last page:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + total_pages + '">' + total_pages + '</a></li>';

if( current_page < total_pages )
{ // A link to next page:
r += '<li><a href="#" data-page="' + ( current_page + 1 ) + '">&gt;&gt;</a></li>';

r += '</ul>';

return r;

 * Load all available collections for current user:
 * @param string Current collection urlname
 * @param string Prefix to use several toolbars on one page
function shortlinks_load_colls( current_coll_urlname, prefix )
shortlinks_api_request( 'collections', '#shortlinks_wrapper', function( data )
{ // Display the colllections on success request:
var coll_urlname = '';
var coll_name = '';

// Initialize html code to view the loaded collections:
var r = '<div id="shortlinks_colls_list">'
+ '<h2>' + shortlinks_collections + '</h2>'
+ '<select class="form-control" id="shortlinks_collections">';
for( var c in data.colls )
var coll = data.colls[c];
r += '<option value="' + coll.urlname + '" data-coll-id="' + + '" '
+ ( current_coll_urlname == coll.urlname ? ' selected="selected"' : '' )+ '>'
+ coll.shortname + ' : ' + + '</option>';
if( coll_urlname == '' || coll.urlname == current_coll_urlname )
{ // Set these vars to load posts of the selected or first collection:
coll_urlname = coll.urlname;
coll_name =;
r += '</select>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div id="shortlinks_posts_block"></div>'
+ '<div id="shortlinks_post_block"></div>'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_prefix" value="' + ( prefix ? prefix : '' ) + '" />'
+ '<div id="shortlinks_post_form" style="display:none">'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_ID" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_cover_link" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_teaser_link" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_urltitle" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_title" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_excerpt" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" id="shortlinks_hidden_teaser" />'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_full_cover" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_full_cover_image + '</label><p>'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_title" checked="checked" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_title + '</label><p>'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_thumb_cover" checked="checked" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_thumbnail_of_cover + '</label><p>'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_excerpt" checked="checked" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_excerpt + '</label><p>'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_teaser" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_teaser + '</label><p>'
+ '<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="shortlinks_form_more" checked="checked" /> ' + shortlinks_insert_read_more_link + '</label><p>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div id="shortlinks_post_options" class="form-horizontal" style="display:none">'
+ '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-sm-2">' + shortlinks_slug + ':</label><div class="controls col-sm-10"><input type="text" id="shortlinks_opt_slug" class="form-control" style="width:100%" /></div></div>'
+ '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-sm-2">' + shortlinks_mode + ':</label><div class="controls col-sm-10">'
+ '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="shortlinks_opt_mode" id="shortlinks_opt_mode_title" checked="checked"><code>[[...]]</code> ' + shortlinks_use_title + '</label></div>'
+ '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="shortlinks_opt_mode" id="shortlinks_opt_mode_slug"><code>((...))</code> ' + shortlinks_use_slug_words + '</label></div>'
+ '</div></div>'
+ '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-sm-2">' + shortlinks_classes + ':</label><div class="controls col-sm-10"><input type="text" id="shortlinks_opt_classes" class="form-control" style="width:100%" /></div></div>'
+ '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-sm-2">' + shortlinks_target + ':</label><div class="controls col-sm-10">'
+ '<select id="shortlinks_opt_target" class="form-control">'
+ '<option value="">' + shortlinks_none + '</option>'
+ '<option value="_blank">' + shortlinks_blank + '</option>'
+ '<option value="_parent">' + shortlinks_parent + '</option>'
+ '<option value="_top">' + shortlinks_top + '</option>'
+ '</select>'
+ '</div></div>'
+ '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-sm-2">' + shortlinks_text + ':</label><div class="controls col-sm-10"><input type="text" id="shortlinks_opt_text" class="form-control" style="width:100%" /></div></div>'
+ '</div>';

shortlinks_end_loading( '#shortlinks_wrapper', r );

if( coll_urlname != '' )
{ // Load posts list of the current or first collection:
shortlinks_load_coll_posts( coll_urlname, coll_name );
}, { list_in_frontoffice: 'all', per_page: -1 } );

 * Load posts list with search form of the collection:
 * @param string Collection urlname
 * @param string Collection name
 * @param string Predefined Search keyword
function shortlinks_display_search_form( coll_urlname, coll_name, search_keyword )
var r = '<h2>' + coll_name + '</h2>' +
'<form class="form-inline" id="shortlinks_search__form" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' +
'<div class="input-group">' +
'<input type="text" id="shortlinks_search__input" class="form-control" value="' + ( typeof( search_keyword ) == 'undefined' ? '' : search_keyword ) + '">' +
'<span class="input-group-btn"><button id="shortlinks_search__submit" class="btn btn-primary">' + shortlinks_search + '</button></span>' +
'</div> ' +
'<button id="shortlinks_search__clear" class="btn btn-default">' + shortlinks_clear + '</button>' +
'</form>' +
'<div id="shortlinks_posts_list"></div>';

jQuery( '#shortlinks_posts_block' ).html( r );

 * Load posts list with search form of the collection:
 * @param string Collection urlname
 * @param string Collection name
 * @param integer Page
function shortlinks_load_coll_posts( coll_urlname, coll_name, page )
if( typeof( coll_name ) != 'undefined' && coll_name !== false )
shortlinks_display_search_form( coll_urlname, coll_name );

var page_param = ( typeof( page ) == 'undefined' || page < 2 ) ? '' : '&page=' + page;

shortlinks_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/items&orderby=datemodified&order=DESC' + page_param, '#shortlinks_posts_list', function( data )
{ // Display the posts on success request:
var r = '<ul>';
for( var p in data.items )
var post = data.items[p];
r += '<li><a href="#" data-id="' + + '" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' + post.title + '</a></li>';
r += '</ul>';
r += shortlinks_get_pagination( data );
shortlinks_end_loading( '#shortlinks_posts_list', r );
} );

 * Load the searched posts list:
 * @param string Collection urlname
 * @param string Search keyword
 * @param integer Page
function shortlinks_load_coll_search( coll_urlname, search_keyword, page )
var page_param = ( typeof( page ) == 'undefined' || page < 2 ) ? '' : '&page=' + page;

shortlinks_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/search/' + search_keyword + '&kind=item' + page_param, '#shortlinks_posts_list', function( data )
{ // Display the post data in third column on success request:
if( typeof( data.code ) != 'undefined' )
{ // Error code was responsed:
shortlinks_api_print_error( '#shortlinks_posts_list', data );

var r = '<ul>';
for( var s in data.results )
var search_item = data.results[s];
if( search_item.kind != 'item' )
{ // Dsiplay only items and skip all other:
r += '<li>';
//r += '<a href="' + search_item.permalink + '" target="_blank"><?php echo get_icon( 'permalink' ); ?></a> ';
r += '<a href="#" data-id="' + + '" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' + search_item.title + '</a>';
r += '</li>';
r += '</ul>';
r += shortlinks_get_pagination( data, search_keyword );
shortlinks_end_loading( '#shortlinks_posts_list', r );
} );

if( typeof( b2evo_shortlinks_initialized ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Initialize the code below only once:

b2evo_shortlinks_initialized = true;

// Load the posts of the selected collection:
jQuery( document ).on( 'change', '#shortlinks_colls_list select', function()
shortlinks_load_coll_posts( jQuery( this ).val(), jQuery( 'option:selected', this ).text() );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Submit a search form:
jQuery( document ).on( 'submit', '#shortlinks_search__form', function()
var coll_urlname = jQuery( this ).data( 'urlname' );
var search_keyword = jQuery( '#shortlinks_search__input' ).val();

shortlinks_load_coll_search( coll_urlname, search_keyword );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Clear the search results:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_search__clear', function()
shortlinks_load_coll_posts( jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).data( 'urlname' ) );

// Clear search input field:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_search__input' ).val( '' );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Load the data of the selected post:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_posts_list a[data-id]', function()
var coll_urlname = jQuery( this ).data( 'urlname' );
var post_id = jQuery( this ).data( 'id' );

// Hide the lists of collectionss and posts:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_colls_list, #shortlinks_posts_block' ).hide();

// Show the post preview block, because it can be hidded after prevous preview:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block' ).show();

if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block' ).data( 'post' ) == post_id )
{ // If user loads the same post, just display the cached content to save ajax calls:
// Show the action buttons:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert' ).show();
{ // Load new post:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block' ).html( '' ); // Clear previous cached content
shortlinks_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/items/' + post_id, '#shortlinks_post_block', function( post )
{ // Display the post data on success request:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block' ).data( 'post', );

// Store item field values in hidden inputs to use on insert complex link:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_ID' ).val( );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_urltitle' ).val( post.urltitle );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_title' ).val( post.title );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_excerpt' ).val( post.excerpt );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser' ).val( post.teaser );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_cover_link' ).val( '' );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser_link' ).val( '' );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_coll_ID' ).val(  );

// Item title:
var item_content = '<h2>' + post.title + '</h2>';
// Item attachments, Only images:
if( typeof( post.attachments ) == 'object' && post.attachments.length > 0 )
for( var a in post.attachments )
var attachment = post.attachments[a];
if( attachment.type == 'image' )
{ // Use only images:
if( attachment.position == 'cover' )
{ // Store link ID of cover image in hidden field to use on insert complex link:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_cover_link' ).val( attachment.link_ID );
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser_link' ).val() == '' )
{ // Store link ID of any first image in hidden field to use on insert complex link:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser_link' ).val( attachment.link_ID );
// Item content:
var post_content = post.content.replace( /(<h([1-6]).*id\s*=\s*"[^"]+"[^>]*>.+?)(<\/h\2>)/ig,
'$1 <button class="btn btn-primary shortlinks_btn_insert_anchor">' + shortlinks_insert_short_link + '</button>$3' );
item_content += '<div id="shortlinks_post_content">' + post_content + '</div>';

shortlinks_end_loading( '#shortlinks_post_block', item_content );

// Display the buttons to back and insert a post link to textarea:
var buttons_side_obj = jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ).length ?
jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ) :
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_content' );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert, #shortlinks_btn_form, #shortlinks_btn_options' ).remove();
buttons_side_obj.after( '<button id="shortlinks_btn_back_to_list" class="btn btn-default">&laquo; ' + shortlinks_back + '</button>'
+ shortlinks_action_buttons );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_slug' ).val( post.urltitle );
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Insert a post link to textarea:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_insert', function()
shortlinks_insert_link_text( '[[' + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_urltitle' ).val() + ']]' );
} );

// Insert a post link with anchor(from header tags inside content) to textarea:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.shortlinks_btn_insert_anchor', function()
var header_obj = jQuery( this ).parent();
shortlinks_insert_link_text( '((' + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_urltitle' ).val() + '#' + header_obj.attr( 'id' ) + ' ' + header_obj.html().replace( /(\s<a[^>]+>.+?<\/a>)?\s<button[^>]+>.+?<\/button>$/, '' ) + '))' );
} );

// Insert a post link with options to textarea:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_insert_with_options', function()
// Select what brakets to use:
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_mode_title' ).is( ':checked' ) )
var brakets_start = '[[';
var brakets_end = ']]';
var brakets_start = '((';
var brakets_end = '))';

var link_text = brakets_start;

// Slug:
link_text += jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_slug' ).val();

// Classes:
var classes = jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_classes' ).val().trim();
classes = classes.replace( /^\./g, '' ).replace( /\s+/g, '.' ).replace( /\.+/g, '.' );
if( classes != '' )
link_text += ' .' + classes;

// Link target:
var target = jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_target option:selected' ).val().trim();
if( target != '' )
link_text += ' ' + target;

// Custom text:
var custom_text = jQuery( '#shortlinks_opt_text' ).val().trim();
if( custom_text != '' )
link_text += ' ' + custom_text;

link_text += brakets_end;

shortlinks_insert_link_text( link_text );
} );

// Display a form to insert complex link:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_form', function()
// Set proper title for modal window:
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-title' ).html( shortlinks_insert_snippet_link );

// Hide the post preview block:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block, #shortlinks_btn_insert' ).hide();

// Show the form to select options before insert complex link:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_form' ).show();

// Display the buttons to back and insert a complex link to textarea:
var buttons_side_obj = jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ).length ?
jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ) :
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_content' );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert, #shortlinks_btn_form, #shortlinks_btn_options' ).hide();
buttons_side_obj.after( '<button id="shortlinks_btn_back_to_post" class="btn btn-default">&laquo; ' + shortlinks_back + '</button>'
+ '<button id="shortlinks_btn_insert_complex" class="btn btn-primary">' + shortlinks_insert_snippet_link + '</button>' );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Insert complex link:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_insert_complex', function()
if( ! jQuery( 'input[id^=shortlinks_form_]' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Display message if no item option checkbox is checked:
alert( shortlinks_select_item );
return false;

var dest_type = false;
var dest_object_ID = false;
if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=temp_link_owner_ID]' ).length )
{ // New object form:
dest_type = 'temporary';
dest_object_ID = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=temp_link_owner_ID]' ).val();
else if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=post_ID]' ).length && jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=item_typ_ID]' ).length )
{ // Item form:
dest_type = 'item';
dest_object_ID = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=post_ID]' ).val();
else if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=comment_ID]' ).length || jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=comment_item_ID]' ).length )
{ // Comment form:
dest_type = 'comment';
if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=comment_ID]' ).length )
dest_object_ID = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=comment_ID]' ).val();
else if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=ecmp_ID]' ).length )
{ // Email Campaign form:
dest_type = 'emailcampaign';
dest_object_ID = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=ecmp_ID]' ).val();
else if( jQuery( 'input[name=msg_text]' ).length )
{ // Message form:
dest_type = 'message';
dest_object_ID = 0;

// Check if at least one image is requested to insert:
var insert_images = ( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_full_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) && jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_cover_link' ).val() != '' )
|| ( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_thumb_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) && jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser_link' ).val() != '' );

if( insert_images && dest_type != false && dest_object_ID > 0 )
{ // We need to insert at least one image/file inline tag:
shortlinks_start_loading( '#shortlinks_post_block' );

// Get first image with any position:
var source_position = '';
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_full_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) &&
! jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_thumb_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Get only cover image:
source_position = 'cover';

// Call REST API request to copy the links from the selected Item to the edited object:
evo_rest_api_request( 'links',
'action':           'copy',
'source_type':      'item',
'source_object_ID': jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_ID' ).val(),
'source_position':  source_position,
'source_file_type': 'image',
'dest_type':        dest_type,
'dest_object_ID':   dest_object_ID,
'dest_position':    'inline',
'limit_position':   1,
}, function( data )
var full_cover = '';
var thumb_cover = '';

for( var l in data.links )
var link = data.links[l];
if( link.orig_position == 'cover' && jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_full_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Build inline tag for full cover image:
full_cover = '[image:' + link.ID + ']';
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_thumb_cover' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Build inline tag for thumbnail cover image:
thumb_cover = '[thumbnail:' + link.ID + ']';
shortlinks_insert_complex_link( full_cover, thumb_cover );

shortlinks_end_loading( '#shortlinks_post_block', jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block' ).html() );

// Refresh the attachments block after adding new links:
var refresh_attachments_button = jQuery( 'a[onclick*=evo_link_refresh_list]' );
if( refresh_attachments_button.length )
} );
{ // Insert only simple text without images:
if( insert_images )
{ // Display this alert if user wants to insert image for new creating object but it doesn't support:
alert( 'Please save your ' + dest_type + ' before trying to attach files. This limitation will be removed in a future version of b2evolution.' );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Display a form to insert a link with options:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_options', function()
// Set proper title for modal window:
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-title' ).html( shortlinks_insert_with_options + '...' );

// Hide the post preview block:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block, #shortlinks_btn_insert' ).hide();

// Show the form to select options before insert a link:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_options' ).show();

// Display the buttons to back and insert a complex link to textarea:
var buttons_side_obj = jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ).length ?
jQuery( '.shortlinks_post_buttons' ) :
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_content' );
jQuery( '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert, #shortlinks_btn_form, #shortlinks_btn_options' ).hide();
buttons_side_obj.after( '<button id="shortlinks_btn_back_to_post" class="btn btn-default">&laquo; ' + shortlinks_back + '</button>'
+ '<button id="shortlinks_btn_insert_with_options" class="btn btn-primary">' + shortlinks_insert_link + '</button>' );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

* Insert simple link data to content
* @param string Text
function shortlinks_insert_link_text( text )

if( typeof( tinyMCE ) != 'undefined' && typeof( tinyMCE.activeEditor ) != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.activeEditor )
{ // tinyMCE plugin is active now, we should focus cursor to the edit area:
tinyMCE.execCommand( 'mceFocus', false, );
// Insert tag text in area:
textarea_wrap_selection( window[ jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_prefix' ).val() + 'b2evoCanvas' ], text, '', 0 );
// Close main modal window:

* Insert complex link data to content
* @param string Full cover image inline tag
* @param string Thumbnail cover image inline tag
function shortlinks_insert_complex_link( full_cover, thumb_cover )
var post_content = '';

if( typeof( full_cover ) != 'undefined' && full_cover != '' )
{ // Full cover image:
post_content += "\r\n" + full_cover;
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_title' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Title:
post_content += "\r\n" + '## [[' + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_urltitle' ).val() + ' ' + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_title' ).val() + ']]';
if( typeof( thumb_cover ) != 'undefined' && thumb_cover != '' )
{ // Thumbnail cover image:
post_content += "\r\n" + thumb_cover;
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_excerpt' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Excerpt:
post_content += ( typeof( thumb_cover ) != 'undefined' && thumb_cover != '' ? ' ' : "\r\n" )
+ jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_excerpt' ).val();
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_teaser' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Teaser (text before [teaserbreak]):
post_content += "\r\n" + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_teaser' ).val();
if( jQuery( '#shortlinks_form_more' ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // "Read more" link:
post_content += "\r\n" + '[[' + jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_urltitle' ).val() + ' ' + shortlinks_read_more + '...]]';
if( post_content != '' )
post_content = post_content + "\r\n\r\n";

if( typeof( tinyMCE ) != 'undefined' && typeof( tinyMCE.activeEditor ) != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.activeEditor )
{ // tinyMCE plugin is active now, we should focus cursor to the edit area:
tinyMCE.execCommand( 'mceFocus', false, );
// Insert tag text in area:
textarea_wrap_selection( window[ jQuery( '#shortlinks_hidden_prefix' ).val() + 'b2evoCanvas' ], post_content, '', 0 );
// Close main modal window:

// Back to previous list:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_list', function()
// Show the lists of collections and posts:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_colls_list, #shortlinks_posts_block' ).show();

// Hide the post preview block and action buttons:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block, #shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert, #shortlinks_btn_form, #shortlinks_btn_options' ).hide();

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Back to previous post preview:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_post', function()
// Set proper title for modal window:
jQuery( '#modal_window .modal-title' ).html( shortlinks_link_to_post );

// Show the post preview block and action buttons:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_post_block, #shortlinks_btn_back_to_list, #shortlinks_btn_insert, #shortlinks_btn_form, #shortlinks_btn_options' ).show();

// Hide the post complex form and action buttons:
jQuery( '#shortlinks_btn_back_to_post, #shortlinks_btn_insert_complex, #shortlinks_btn_insert_with_options, #shortlinks_post_form, #shortlinks_post_options' ).hide();

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Switch page:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.shortlinks_pagination a', function()
var coll_selector = jQuery( '#shortlinks_colls_list select' );
var pages_list = jQuery( this ).closest( '.shortlinks_pagination' );

if( 'search' ) == undefined )
{ // Load posts/items for selected page:
shortlinks_load_coll_posts( coll_selector.val(), false, jQuery( this ).data( 'page' ) );
{ // Load search list for selected page:
shortlinks_load_coll_search( coll_selector.val(), 'search' ), jQuery( this ).data( 'page' ) );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );
