Seditio Source
Root |
 * SyntaxHighlighter
 * SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
 * @version
 * 2.1.382 (June 24 2010)
 * @copyright
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Alex Gorbatchev.
 * @license
 * This file is part of SyntaxHighlighter.
 * SyntaxHighlighter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SyntaxHighlighter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with SyntaxHighlighter.  If not, see <>.
// Begin anonymous function. This is used to contain local scope variables without polutting global scope.
if (!window.SyntaxHighlighter) var SyntaxHighlighter = function() {

// Shortcut object which will be assigned to the SyntaxHighlighter variable.
// This is a shorthand for local reference in order to avoid long namespace
// references to SyntaxHighlighter.whatever...
var sh = {
defaults : {
/** Additional CSS class names to be added to highlighter elements. */
'class-name' : '',

/** First line number. */
'first-line' : 1,

* Pads line numbers. Possible values are:
*   false - don't pad line numbers.
*   true  - automaticaly pad numbers with minimum required number of leading zeroes.
*   [int] - length up to which pad line numbers.
'pad-line-numbers' : true,

/** Lines to highlight. */
'highlight' : null,

/** Enables or disables smart tabs. */
'smart-tabs' : true,

/** Gets or sets tab size. */
'tab-size' : 4,

/** Enables or disables gutter. */
'gutter' : true,

/** Enables or disables toolbar. */
'toolbar' : true,

/** Forces code view to be collapsed. */
'collapse' : false,

/** Enables or disables automatic links. */
'auto-links' : true,

/** Gets or sets light mode. Equavalent to turning off gutter and toolbar. */
'light' : false,

/** Enables or disables automatic line wrapping. */
'wrap-lines' : true,

'html-script' : false

config : {
/** Enables use of <SCRIPT type="syntaxhighlighter" /> tags. */
useScriptTags : true,

/** Path to the copy to clipboard SWF file. */
clipboardSwf : null,

/** Width of an item in the toolbar. */
toolbarItemWidth : 16,

/** Height of an item in the toolbar. */
toolbarItemHeight : 16,

/** Blogger mode flag. */
bloggerMode : false,

stripBrs : false,

/** Name of the tag that SyntaxHighlighter will automatically look for. */
tagName : 'pre',

strings : {
expandSource : 'Show source',
viewSource : 'View source',
copyToClipboard : 'Copy to clipboard',
copyToClipboardConfirmation : 'The code is in your clipboard now',
print : 'Print',
help : '?',
alert: 'SyntaxHighlighter\n\n',
noBrush : 'Can\'t find brush for: ',
brushNotHtmlScript : 'Brush wasn\'t configured for html-script option: ',

// this is populated by the build script
aboutDialog : '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>About SyntaxHighlighter</title></head><body style="font-family:Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;background-color:#fff;color:#000;font-size:1em;text-align:center;"><div style="text-align:center;margin-top:3em;"><div style="font-size:xx-large;">SyntaxHighlighter</div><div style="font-size:.75em;margin-bottom:4em;"><div>version 2.1.382 (June 24 2010)</div><div><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0099FF;text-decoration:none;"></a></div><div>If you like this script, please <a href="" style="color:#0099FF;text-decoration:none;">donate</a> to keep development active!</div></div><div>JavaScript code syntax highlighter.</div><div>Copyright 2004-2009 Alex Gorbatchev.</div></div></body></html>'

/** If true, output will show HTML produces instead. */
debug : false

/** Internal 'global' variables. */
vars : {
discoveredBrushes : null,
spaceWidth : null,
printFrame : null,
highlighters : {}

/** This object is populated by user included external brush files. */
brushes : {},

/** Common regular expressions. */
regexLib : {
multiLineCComments : /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm,
singleLineCComments : /\/\/.*$/gm,
singleLinePerlComments : /#.*$/gm,
doubleQuotedString : /"([^\\"\n]|\\.)*"/g,
singleQuotedString : /'([^\\'\n]|\\.)*'/g,
multiLineDoubleQuotedString : /"([^\\"]|\\.)*"/g,
multiLineSingleQuotedString : /'([^\\']|\\.)*'/g,
xmlComments : /(&lt;|<)!--[\s\S]*?--(&gt;|>)/gm,
url : /&lt;\w+:\/\/[\w-.\/?%&=@:;]*&gt;|\w+:\/\/[\w-.\/?%&=@:;]*/g,

/** <?= ?> tags. */
phpScriptTags : { left: /(&lt;|<)\?=?/g, right: /\?(&gt;|>)/g },

/** <%= %> tags. */
aspScriptTags : { left: /(&lt;|<)%=?/g, right: /%(&gt;|>)/g },

/** <script></script> tags. */
scriptScriptTags : { left: /(&lt;|<)\s*script.*?(&gt;|>)/gi, right: /(&lt;|<)\/\s*script\s*(&gt;|>)/gi }

toolbar : {
* Creates new toolbar for a highlighter.
* @param {Highlighter} highlighter    Target highlighter.
create : function(highlighter)
var div = document.createElement('DIV'),
items = sh.toolbar.items

div.className = 'toolbar';

for (var name in items)
var constructor = items[name],
command = new constructor(highlighter),
element = command.create()

highlighter.toolbarCommands[name] = command;

if (element == null)

if (typeof(element) == 'string')
element = sh.toolbar.createButton(element,, name);

element.className += 'item ' + name;

return div;

* Create a standard anchor button for the toolbar.
* @param {String} label Label text to display.
* @param {String} highlighterId Highlighter ID that this button would belong to.
* @param {String} commandName Command name that would be executed.
* @return {Element} Returns an 'A' element.
createButton : function(label, highlighterId, commandName)
var a = document.createElement('a'),
style =,
config = sh.config,
width = config.toolbarItemWidth,
height = config.toolbarItemHeight

a.href = '#' + commandName;
a.title = label;
a.highlighterId = highlighterId;
a.commandName = commandName;
a.innerHTML = label;

if (isNaN(width) == false)
style.width = width + 'px';

if (isNaN(height) == false)
style.height = height + 'px';

a.onclick = function(e)
e || window.event,

return false;

return a;

* Executes a toolbar command.
* @param {Element} sender   Sender element.
* @param {MouseEvent} event Original mouse event object.
* @param {String} highlighterId Highlighter DIV element ID.
* @param {String} commandName Name of the command to execute.
* @return {Object} Passes out return value from command execution.
executeCommand : function(sender, event, highlighterId, commandName, args)
var highlighter = sh.vars.highlighters[highlighterId],

if (highlighter == null || (command = highlighter.toolbarCommands[commandName]) == null)
return null;

return command.execute(sender, event, args);

/** Collection of toolbar items. */
items : {
expandSource : function(highlighter)
this.create = function()
if (highlighter.getParam('collapse') != true)

return sh.config.strings.expandSource;

this.execute = function(sender, event, args)
var div = highlighter.div;

div.className = div.className.replace('collapsed', '');

* Command to open a new window and display the original unformatted source code inside.
viewSource : function(highlighter)
this.create = function()
return sh.config.strings.viewSource;

this.execute = function(sender, event, args)
var code = sh.utils.fixInputString(highlighter.originalCode).replace(/</g, '&lt;'),
wnd = sh.utils.popup('', '_blank', 750, 400, 'location=0, resizable=1, menubar=0, scrollbars=1')

code = sh.utils.unindent(code);

wnd.document.write('<pre>' + code + '</pre>');

* Command to copy the original source code in to the clipboard.
* Uses Flash method if <code>clipboardSwf</code> is configured.
copyToClipboard : function(highlighter)
var flashDiv, flashSwf,
highlighterId =

this.create = function()
var config = sh.config;

// disable functionality if running locally
if (config.clipboardSwf == null)
return null;

function params(list)
var result = '';

for (var name in list)
result += "<param name='" + name + "' value='" + list[name] + "'/>";

return result;

function attributes(list)
var result = '';

for (var name in list)
result += " " + name + "='" + list[name] + "'";

return result;

var args1 = {
width : config.toolbarItemWidth,
height : config.toolbarItemHeight,
id : highlighterId + '_clipboard',
type : 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
title : sh.config.strings.copyToClipboard

// these arguments are used in IE's <param /> collection
args2 = {
allowScriptAccess : 'always',
wmode : 'transparent',
flashVars : 'highlighterId=' + highlighterId,
menu : 'false'
swf = config.clipboardSwf,

if (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
html = '<object'
+ attributes({
classid : 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000',
codebase : ',0,0,0'
+ attributes(args1)
+ '>'
+ params(args2)
+ params({ movie : swf })
+ '</object>'
html = '<embed'
+ attributes(args1)
+ attributes(args2)
+ attributes({ src : swf })
+ '/>'

flashDiv = document.createElement('div');
flashDiv.innerHTML = html;

return flashDiv;

this.execute = function(sender, event, args)
var command = args.command;

switch (command)
case 'get':
var code = sh.utils.unindent(
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')

// will fall through to the confirmation because there isn't a break
window.clipboardData.setData('text', code);
return sh.utils.unindent(code);

case 'ok':

case 'error':

/** Command to print the colored source code. */
printSource : function(highlighter)
this.create = function()
return sh.config.strings.print;

this.execute = function(sender, event, args)
var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'),
doc = null

// make sure there is never more than one hidden iframe created by SH
if (sh.vars.printFrame != null)

sh.vars.printFrame = iframe;

// this hides the iframe = 'position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;left:-500px;top:-500px;';

doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;

copyStyles(doc, window.document);
doc.write('<div class="' + highlighter.div.className.replace('collapsed', '') + ' printing">' + highlighter.div.innerHTML + '</div>');


function copyStyles(destDoc, sourceDoc)
var links = sourceDoc.getElementsByTagName('link');

for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
if(links[i].rel.toLowerCase() == 'stylesheet' && /shCore\.css$/.test(links[i].href))
destDoc.write('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + links[i].href + '"></link>');

/** Command to display the about dialog window. */
about : function(highlighter)
this.create = function()

this.execute = function(sender, event)
var wnd = sh.utils.popup('', '_blank', 500, 250, 'scrollbars=0'),
doc = wnd.document


utils : {
* Finds an index of element in the array.
* @ignore
* @param {Object} searchElement
* @param {Number} fromIndex
* @return {Number} Returns index of element if found; -1 otherwise.
indexOf : function(array, searchElement, fromIndex)
fromIndex = Math.max(fromIndex || 0, 0);

for (var i = fromIndex; i < array.length; i++)
if(array[i] == searchElement)
return i;

return -1;

* Generates a unique element ID.
guid : function(prefix)
return prefix + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000).toString();

* Merges two objects. Values from obj2 override values in obj1.
* Function is NOT recursive and works only for one dimensional objects.
* @param {Object} obj1 First object.
* @param {Object} obj2 Second object.
* @return {Object} Returns combination of both objects.
merge: function(obj1, obj2)
var result = {}, name;

for (name in obj1)
result[name] = obj1[name];

for (name in obj2)
result[name] = obj2[name];

return result;

* Attempts to convert string to boolean.
* @param {String} value Input string.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if input was "true", false if input was "false" and value otherwise.
toBoolean: function(value)
switch (value)
case "true":
return true;

case "false":
return false;

return value;

* Opens up a centered popup window.
* @param {String} url URL to open in the window.
* @param {String} name Popup name.
* @param {int} width Popup width.
* @param {int} height Popup height.
* @param {String} options options.
* @return {Window} Returns window instance.
popup: function(url, name, width, height, options)
var x = (screen.width - width) / 2,
y = (screen.height - height) / 2

options += ', left=' + x +
', top=' + y +
', width=' + width +
', height=' + height
options = options.replace(/^,/, '');

var win =, name, options);
return win;

* Adds event handler to the target object.
* @param {Object} obj Target object.
* @param {String} type Name of the event.
* @param {Function} func Handling function.
addEvent: function(obj, type, func)
if (obj.attachEvent)
obj['e' + type + func] = func;
obj[type + func] = function()
obj['e' + type + func](window.event);
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, obj[type + func]);
obj.addEventListener(type, func, false);

* Displays an alert.
* @param {String} str String to display.
alert: function(str)
alert(sh.config.strings.alert + str)

* Finds a brush by its alias.
* @param {String} alias Brush alias.
* @param {Boolean} alert Suppresses the alert if false.
* @return {Brush} Returns bursh constructor if found, null otherwise.
findBrush: function(alias, alert)
var brushes = sh.vars.discoveredBrushes,
result = null

if (brushes == null)
brushes = {};

// Find all brushes
for (var brush in sh.brushes)
var aliases = sh.brushes[brush].aliases;

if (aliases == null)

// keep the brush name
sh.brushes[brush].name = brush.toLowerCase();

for (var i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)
brushes[aliases[i]] = brush;

sh.vars.discoveredBrushes = brushes;

result = sh.brushes[brushes[alias]];

if (result == null && alert != false)
sh.utils.alert(sh.config.strings.noBrush + alias);

return result;

* Executes a callback on each line and replaces each line with result from the callback.
* @param {Object} str Input string.
* @param {Object} callback Callback function taking one string argument and returning a string.
eachLine: function(str, callback)
var lines = str.split('\n');

for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
lines[i] = callback(lines[i]);

return lines.join('\n');

* This is a special trim which only removes first and last empty lines
* and doesn't affect valid leading space on the first line.
* @param {String} str   Input string
* @return {String}      Returns string without empty first and last lines.
trimFirstAndLastLines: function(str)
return str.replace(/^[ ]*[\n]+|[\n]*[ ]*$/g, '');

* Parses key/value pairs into hash object.
* Understands the following formats:
* - name: word;
* - name: [word, word];
* - name: "string";
* - name: 'string';
* For example:
*   name1: value; name2: [value, value]; name3: 'value'
* @param {String} str    Input string.
* @return {Object}       Returns deserialized object.
parseParams: function(str)
var match,
result = {},
arrayRegex = new XRegExp("^\\[(?<values>(.*?))\\]$"),
regex = new XRegExp(
"(?<name>[\\w-]+)" +
"\\s*:\\s*" +
"(?<value>" +
"[\\w-%#]+|" + // word
"\\[.*?\\]|" + // [] array
'".*?"|' + // "" string
"'.*?'" + // '' string

while ((match = regex.exec(str)) != null)
var value = match.value
.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '') // strip quotes from end of strings

// try to parse array value
if (value != null && arrayRegex.test(value))
var m = arrayRegex.exec(value);
value = m.values.length > 0 ? m.values.split(/\s*,\s*/) : [];

result[] = value;

return result;

* Wraps each line of the string into <code/> tag with given style applied to it.
* @param {String} str   Input string.
* @param {String} css   Style name to apply to the string.
* @return {String}      Returns input string with each line surrounded by <span/> tag.
decorate: function(str, css)
if (str == null || str.length == 0 || str == '\n')
return str;

str = str.replace(/</g, '&lt;');

// Replace two or more sequential spaces with &nbsp; leaving last space untouched.
str = str.replace(/ {2,}/g, function(m)
var spaces = '';

for (var i = 0; i < m.length - 1; i++)
spaces += '&nbsp;';

return spaces + ' ';

// Split each line and apply <span class="...">...</span> to them so that
// leading spaces aren't included.
if (css != null)
str = sh.utils.eachLine(str, function(line)
if (line.length == 0)
return '';

var spaces = '';

line = line.replace(/^(&nbsp;| )+/, function(s)
spaces = s;
return '';

if (line.length == 0)
return spaces;

return spaces + '<code class="' + css + '">' + line + '</code>';

return str;

* Pads number with zeros until it's length is the same as given length.
* @param {Number} number Number to pad.
* @param {Number} length Max string length with.
* @return {String} Returns a string padded with proper amount of '0'.
padNumber : function(number, length)
var result = number.toString();

while (result.length < length)
result = '0' + result;

return result;

* Measures width of a single space character.
* @return {Number} Returns width of a single space character.
measureSpace : function()
var container = document.createElement('div'),
result = 0,
body = document.body,
id = sh.utils.guid('measureSpace'),

// variable names will be compressed, so it's better than a plain string
divOpen = '<div class="',
closeDiv = '</div>',
closeSpan = '</span>'

// we have to duplicate highlighter nested structure in order to get an acurate space measurment
container.innerHTML =
divOpen + 'syntaxhighlighter">'
+ divOpen + 'lines">'
+ divOpen + 'line">'
+ divOpen + 'content'
+ '"><span class="block"><span id="' + id + '">&nbsp;' + closeSpan + closeSpan
+ closeDiv
+ closeDiv
+ closeDiv
+ closeDiv

span = document.getElementById(id);

if (/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
var style = window.getComputedStyle(span, null);
result = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("width"));
result = span.offsetWidth;


return result;

* Replaces tabs with spaces.
* @param {String} code Source code.
* @param {Number} tabSize Size of the tab.
* @return {String} Returns code with all tabs replaces by spaces.
processTabs : function(code, tabSize)
var tab = '';

for (var i = 0; i < tabSize; i++)
tab += ' ';

return code.replace(/\t/g, tab);

* Replaces tabs with smart spaces.
* @param {String} code    Code to fix the tabs in.
* @param {Number} tabSize Number of spaces in a column.
* @return {String}        Returns code with all tabs replaces with roper amount of spaces.
processSmartTabs : function(code, tabSize)
var lines = code.split('\n'),
tab = '\t',
spaces = ''

// Create a string with 1000 spaces to copy spaces from...
// It's assumed that there would be no indentation longer than that.
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
spaces += '                    '; // 20 spaces * 50

// This function inserts specified amount of spaces in the string
// where a tab is while removing that given tab.
function insertSpaces(line, pos, count)
return line.substr(0, pos)
+ spaces.substr(0, count)
+ line.substr(pos + 1, line.length) // pos + 1 will get rid of the tab

// Go through all the lines and do the 'smart tabs' magic.
code = sh.utils.eachLine(code, function(line)
if (line.indexOf(tab) == -1)
return line;

var pos = 0;

while ((pos = line.indexOf(tab)) != -1)
// This is pretty much all there is to the 'smart tabs' logic.
// Based on the position within the line and size of a tab,
// calculate the amount of spaces we need to insert.
var spaces = tabSize - pos % tabSize;
line = insertSpaces(line, pos, spaces);

return line;

return code;

* Performs various string fixes based on configuration.
fixInputString : function(str)
var br = /<br\s*\/?>|&lt;br\s*\/?&gt;/gi;

if (sh.config.bloggerMode == true)
str = str.replace(br, '\n');

if (sh.config.stripBrs == true)
str = str.replace(br, '');

return str;

* Removes all white space at the begining and end of a string.
* @param {String} str   String to trim.
* @return {String}      Returns string without leading and following white space characters.
trim: function(str)
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

* Unindents a block of text by the lowest common indent amount.
* @param {String} str   Text to unindent.
* @return {String}      Returns unindented text block.
unindent: function(str)
var lines = sh.utils.fixInputString(str).split('\n'),
indents = new Array(),
regex = /^\s*/,
min = 1000

// go through every line and check for common number of indents
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length && min > 0; i++)
var line = lines[i];

if (sh.utils.trim(line).length == 0)

var matches = regex.exec(line);

// In the event that just one line doesn't have leading white space
// we can't unindent anything, so bail completely.
if (matches == null)
return str;

min = Math.min(matches[0].length, min);

// trim minimum common number of white space from the begining of every line
if (min > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
lines[i] = lines[i].substr(min);

return lines.join('\n');

* Callback method for Array.sort() which sorts matches by
* index position and then by length.
* @param {Match} m1 Left object.
* @param {Match} m2    Right object.
* @return {Number}     Returns -1, 0 or -1 as a comparison result.
matchesSortCallback: function(m1, m2)
// sort matches by index first
if(m1.index < m2.index)
return -1;
else if(m1.index > m2.index)
return 1;
// if index is the same, sort by length
if(m1.length < m2.length)
return -1;
else if(m1.length > m2.length)
return 1;

return 0;

* Executes given regular expression on provided code and returns all
* matches that are found.
* @param {String} code    Code to execute regular expression on.
* @param {Object} regex   Regular expression item info from <code>regexList</code> collection.
* @return {Array}         Returns a list of Match objects.
getMatches: function(code, regexInfo)
function defaultAdd(match, regexInfo)
return [new sh.Match(match[0], match.index, regexInfo.css)];

var index = 0,
match = null,
result = [],
func = regexInfo.func ? regexInfo.func : defaultAdd

while((match = regexInfo.regex.exec(code)) != null)
result = result.concat(func(match, regexInfo));

return result;

processUrls: function(code)
var lt = '&lt;',
gt = '&gt;'

return code.replace(sh.regexLib.url, function(m)
var suffix = '', prefix = '';

// We include &lt; and &gt; in the URL for the common cases like <>
// The problem is that they get transformed into &lt;;
// Where as &gt; easily looks like part of the URL string.

if (m.indexOf(lt) == 0)
prefix = lt;
m = m.substring(lt.length);

if (m.indexOf(gt) == m.length - gt.length)
m = m.substring(0, m.length - gt.length);
suffix = gt;

return prefix + '<a href="' + m + '">' + m + '</a>' + suffix;

* Finds all <SCRIPT TYPE="syntaxhighlighter" /> elements.
* @return {Array} Returns array of all found SyntaxHighlighter tags.
getSyntaxHighlighterScriptTags: function()
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
result = []

for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++)
if (tags[i].type == 'syntaxhighlighter')

return result;

* Strips <![CDATA[]]> from <SCRIPT /> content because it should be used
* there in most cases for XHTML compliance.
* @param {String} original Input code.
* @return {String} Returns code without leading <![CDATA[]]> tags.
stripCData: function(original)
var left = '<![CDATA[',
right = ']]>',
// for some reason IE inserts some leading blanks here
copy = sh.utils.trim(original),
changed = false

if (copy.indexOf(left) == 0)
copy = copy.substring(left.length);
changed = true;

if (copy.indexOf(right) == copy.length - right.length)
copy = copy.substring(0, copy.length - right.length);
changed = true;

return changed ? copy : original;
}, // end of utils

* Shorthand to highlight all elements on the page that are marked as
* SyntaxHighlighter source code.
* @param {Object} globalParams Optional parameters which override element's
* parameters. Only used if element is specified.
* @param {Object} element Optional element to highlight. If none is
* provided, all elements in the current document
* are highlighted.
highlight : function(globalParams, element)
function toArray(source)
var result = [];

for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++)

return result;

var elements = element ? [element] : toArray(document.getElementsByTagName(sh.config.tagName)),
propertyName = 'innerHTML',
highlighter = null,
conf = sh.config

// support for <SCRIPT TYPE="syntaxhighlighter" /> feature
if (conf.useScriptTags)
elements = elements.concat(sh.utils.getSyntaxHighlighterScriptTags());

if (elements.length === 0)

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
var target = elements[i],
params = sh.utils.parseParams(target.className),

// local params take precedence over globals
params = sh.utils.merge(globalParams, params);
brushName = params['brush'];

if (brushName == null)

// Instantiate a brush
if (params['html-script'] == 'true' || sh.defaults['html-script'] == true)
highlighter = new sh.HtmlScript(brushName);
brushName = 'htmlscript';
var brush = sh.utils.findBrush(brushName);

if (brush)
brushName =;
highlighter = new brush();

code = target[propertyName];

// remove CDATA from <SCRIPT/> tags if it's present
if (conf.useScriptTags)
code = sh.utils.stripCData(code);

params['brush-name'] = brushName;
highlighter.highlight(code, params);

result = highlighter.div;

if (sh.config.debug)
result = document.createElement('textarea');
result.value = highlighter.div.innerHTML; = '70em'; = '30em';

target.parentNode.replaceChild(result, target);

* Main entry point for the SyntaxHighlighter.
* @param {Object} params Optional params to apply to all highlighted elements.
all : function(params)
function() { sh.highlight(params); }
}; // end of sh

 * Match object.
sh.Match = function(value, index, css)
this.value = value;
this.index = index;
this.length = value.length;
this.css = css;
this.brushName = null;

sh.Match.prototype.toString = function()
return this.value;

 * Simulates HTML code with a scripting language embedded.
 * @param {String} scriptBrushName Brush name of the scripting language.
sh.HtmlScript = function(scriptBrushName)
var brushClass = sh.utils.findBrush(scriptBrushName),
xmlBrush = new sh.brushes.Xml(),
bracketsRegex = null

if (brushClass == null)

scriptBrush = new brushClass();
this.xmlBrush = xmlBrush;

if (scriptBrush.htmlScript == null)
sh.utils.alert(sh.config.strings.brushNotHtmlScript + scriptBrushName);

{ regex: scriptBrush.htmlScript.code, func: process }

function offsetMatches(matches, offset)
for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j++)
matches[j].index += offset;

function process(match, info)
var code = match.code,
matches = [],
regexList = scriptBrush.regexList,
offset = match.index + match.left.length,
htmlScript = scriptBrush.htmlScript,

// add all matches from the code
for (var i = 0; i < regexList.length; i++)
result = sh.utils.getMatches(code, regexList[i]);
offsetMatches(result, offset);
matches = matches.concat(result);

// add left script bracket
if (htmlScript.left != null && match.left != null)
result = sh.utils.getMatches(match.left, htmlScript.left);
offsetMatches(result, match.index);
matches = matches.concat(result);

// add right script bracket
if (htmlScript.right != null && match.right != null)
result = sh.utils.getMatches(match.right, htmlScript.right);
offsetMatches(result, match.index + match[0].lastIndexOf(match.right));
matches = matches.concat(result);

for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j++)
matches[j].brushName =;

return matches;

sh.HtmlScript.prototype.highlight = function(code, params)
this.xmlBrush.highlight(code, params);
this.div = this.xmlBrush.div;

 * Main Highlither class.
 * @constructor
sh.Highlighter = function()

sh.Highlighter.prototype = {
* Returns value of the parameter passed to the highlighter.
* @param {String} name Name of the parameter.
* @param {Object} defaultValue Default value.
* @return {Object} Returns found value or default value otherwise.
getParam : function(name, defaultValue)
var result = this.params[name];
return sh.utils.toBoolean(result == null ? defaultValue : result);

* Shortcut to document.createElement().
* @param {String} name Name of the element to create (DIV, A, etc).
* @return {HTMLElement} Returns new HTML element.
create: function(name)
return document.createElement(name);

* Applies all regular expression to the code and stores all found
* matches in the `this.matches` array.
* @param {Array} regexList List of regular expressions.
* @param {String} code Source code.
* @return {Array} Returns list of matches.
findMatches: function(regexList, code)
var result = [];

if (regexList != null)
for (var i = 0; i < regexList.length; i++)
// BUG: length returns len+1 for array if methods added to prototype chain (
if (typeof (regexList[i]) == "object")
result = result.concat(sh.utils.getMatches(code, regexList[i]));

// sort the matches
return result.sort(sh.utils.matchesSortCallback);

* Checks to see if any of the matches are inside of other matches.
* This process would get rid of highligted strings inside comments,
* keywords inside strings and so on.
removeNestedMatches: function()
var matches = this.matches;

// Optimized by Jose Prado (
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++)
if (matches[i] === null)

var itemI = matches[i],
itemIEndPos = itemI.index + itemI.length

for (var j = i + 1; j < matches.length && matches[i] !== null; j++)
var itemJ = matches[j];

if (itemJ === null)
else if (itemJ.index > itemIEndPos)
else if (itemJ.index == itemI.index && itemJ.length > itemI.length)
this.matches[i] = null;
else if (itemJ.index >= itemI.index && itemJ.index < itemIEndPos)
this.matches[j] = null;

* Splits block of text into individual DIV lines.
* @param {String} code     Code to highlight.
* @return {String}         Returns highlighted code in HTML form.
createDisplayLines : function(code)
var lines = code.split('\n'),
firstLine = parseInt(this.getParam('first-line')),
padLength = this.getParam('pad-line-numbers'),
highlightedLines = this.getParam('highlight', []),
hasGutter = this.getParam('gutter')

code = '';

if (padLength == true)
padLength = (firstLine + lines.length - 1).toString().length;
else if (isNaN(padLength) == true)
padLength = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var line = lines[i],
indent = /^(&nbsp;|\s)+/.exec(line),
lineClass = 'alt' + (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2),
lineNumber = sh.utils.padNumber(firstLine + i, padLength),
highlighted = sh.utils.indexOf(highlightedLines, (firstLine + i).toString()) != -1,
spaces = null

if (indent != null)
spaces = indent[0].toString();
line = line.substr(spaces.length);

line = sh.utils.trim(line);

if (line.length == 0)
line = '&nbsp;';

if (highlighted)
lineClass += ' highlighted';

code +=
'<div class="line ' + lineClass + '">'
+ '<table>'
+ '<tr>'
+ (hasGutter ? '<td class="number"><code>' + lineNumber + '</code></td>' : '')
+ '<td class="content">'
+ (spaces != null ? '<code class="spaces">' + spaces.replace(' ', '&nbsp;') + '</code>' : '')
+ line
+ '</td>'
+ '</tr>'
+ '</table>'
+ '</div>'

return code;

* Finds all matches in the source code.
* @param {String} code Source code to process matches in.
* @param {Array} matches Discovered regex matches.
* @return {String} Returns formatted HTML with processed mathes.
processMatches: function(code, matches)
var pos = 0,
result = '',
decorate = sh.utils.decorate, // make an alias to save some bytes
brushName = this.getParam('brush-name', '')

function getBrushNameCss(match)
var result = match ? (match.brushName || brushName) : brushName;
return result ? result + ' ' : '';

// Finally, go through the final list of matches and pull the all
// together adding everything in between that isn't a match.
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++)
var match = matches[i],

if (match === null || match.length === 0)

matchBrushName = getBrushNameCss(match);

result += decorate(code.substr(pos, match.index - pos), matchBrushName + 'plain')
+ decorate(match.value, matchBrushName + match.css)

pos = match.index + match.length;

// don't forget to add whatever's remaining in the string
result += decorate(code.substr(pos), getBrushNameCss() + 'plain');

return result;

* Highlights the code and returns complete HTML.
* @param {String} code     Code to highlight.
* @param {Object} params   Parameters object.
highlight: function(code, params)
// using variables for shortcuts because JS compressor will shorten local variable names
var conf = sh.config,
vars = sh.vars,
important = 'important'

this.params = {};
this.div = null;
this.lines = null;
this.code = null; = null;
this.toolbarCommands = {}; = sh.utils.guid('highlighter_');

// register this instance in the highlighters list
vars.highlighters[] = this;

if (code === null)
code = '';

// local params take precedence over defaults
this.params = sh.utils.merge(sh.defaults, params || {});

// process light mode
if (this.getParam('light') == true)
this.params.toolbar = this.params.gutter = false;

this.div = div = this.create('DIV');
this.lines = this.create('DIV');
this.lines.className = 'lines';

className = 'syntaxhighlighter'; =;

// make collapsed
if (this.getParam('collapse'))
className += ' collapsed';

// disable gutter
if (this.getParam('gutter') == false)
className += ' nogutter';

// disable line wrapping
if (this.getParam('wrap-lines') == false)
this.lines.className += ' no-wrap';

// add custom user style name
className += ' ' + this.getParam('class-name');

// add brush alias to the class name for custom CSS
className += ' ' + this.getParam('brush-name');

div.className = className;

this.originalCode = code;
this.code = sh.utils.trimFirstAndLastLines(code)
.replace(/\r/g, ' ') // IE lets these buggers through

tabSize = this.getParam('tab-size');

// replace tabs with spaces
this.code = this.getParam('smart-tabs') == true
? sh.utils.processSmartTabs(this.code, tabSize)
: sh.utils.processTabs(this.code, tabSize)

this.code = sh.utils.unindent(this.code);

// add controls toolbar
if (this.getParam('toolbar'))
{ = this.create('DIV'); = 'bar';;

// set up toolbar rollover
var bar =;
function hide() { bar.className = bar.className.replace('show', ''); }
div.onmouseover = function() { hide(); bar.className += ' show'; };
div.onmouseout = function() { hide(); }


this.matches = this.findMatches(this.regexList, this.code);

code = this.processMatches(this.code, this.matches);

// finally, split all lines so that they wrap well
code = this.createDisplayLines(sh.utils.trim(code));

// finally, process the links
if (this.getParam('auto-links'))
code = sh.utils.processUrls(code);

this.lines.innerHTML = code;

* Converts space separated list of keywords into a regular expression string.
* @param {String} str    Space separated keywords.
* @return {String}       Returns regular expression string.
getKeywords: function(str)
str = str
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
.replace(/\s+/g, '|')

return '\\b(?:' + str + ')\\b';

* Makes a brush compatible with the `html-script` functionality.
* @param {Object} regexGroup Object containing `left` and `right` regular expressions.
forHtmlScript: function(regexGroup)
this.htmlScript = {
left : { regex: regexGroup.left, css: 'script' },
right : { regex: regexGroup.right, css: 'script' },
code : new XRegExp(
"(?<left>" + regexGroup.left.source + ")" +
"(?<code>.*?)" +
"(?<right>" + regexGroup.right.source + ")",
}; // end of Highlighter

return sh;
}(); // end of anonymous function

 * XRegExp 0.6.1
 * (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan
 * <>
 * MIT License
 * provides an augmented, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions
 * including support for additional modifiers and syntax. several convenience
 * methods and a recursive-construct parser are also included.

// prevent running twice, which would break references to native globals
if (!window.XRegExp) {
// anonymous function to avoid global variables
(function () {
// copy various native globals for reference. can't use the name ``native``
// because it's a reserved JavaScript keyword.
var real = {
        exec:    RegExp.prototype.exec,
        match:   String.prototype.match,
        replace: String.prototype.replace,
        split:   String.prototype.split
    /* regex syntax parsing with support for all the necessary cross-
       browser and context issues (escapings, character classes, etc.) */
    lib = {
        part:       /(?:[^\\([#\s.]+|\\(?!k<[\w$]+>|[pP]{[^}]+})[\S\s]?|\((?=\?(?!#|<[\w$]+>)))+|(\()(?:\?(?:(#)[^)]*\)|<([$\w]+)>))?|\\(?:k<([\w$]+)>|[pP]{([^}]+)})|(\[\^?)|([\S\s])/g,
        replaceVar: /(?:[^$]+|\$(?![1-9$&`']|{[$\w]+}))+|\$(?:([1-9]\d*|[$&`'])|{([$\w]+)})/g,
        extended:   /^(?:\s+|#.*)+/,
        quantifier: /^(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/,
        classLeft:  /&&\[\^?/g,
        classRight: /]/g
    indexOf = function (array, item, from) {
        for (var i = from || 0; i < array.length; i++)
            if (array[i] === item) return i;
        return -1;
    brokenExecUndef = /()??/.exec("")[1] !== undefined,
    plugins = {};

 * Accepts a pattern and flags, returns a new, extended RegExp object.
 * differs from a native regex in that additional flags and syntax are
 * supported and browser inconsistencies are ameliorated.
 * @ignore
XRegExp = function (pattern, flags) {
    if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
        if (flags !== undefined)
            throw TypeError("can't supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another");
        return pattern.addFlags(); // new copy

    var flags           = flags || "",
        singleline      = flags.indexOf("s") > -1,
        extended        = flags.indexOf("x") > -1,
        hasNamedCapture = false,
        captureNames    = [],
        output          = [],
        part            = lib.part,
        match, cc, len, index, regex;

    part.lastIndex = 0; // in case the last XRegExp compilation threw an error (unbalanced character class)

    while (match =, pattern)) {
        // comment pattern. this check must come before the capturing group check,
        // because both match[1] and match[2] will be non-empty.
        if (match[2]) {
            // keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
            if (!lib.quantifier.test(pattern.slice(part.lastIndex)))
        // capturing group
        } else if (match[1]) {
            captureNames.push(match[3] || null);
            if (match[3])
                hasNamedCapture = true;
        // named backreference
        } else if (match[4]) {
            index = indexOf(captureNames, match[4]);
            // keep backreferences separate from subsequent literal numbers
            // preserve backreferences to named groups that are undefined at this point as literal strings
            output.push(index > -1 ?
                "\\" + (index + 1) + (isNaN(pattern.charAt(part.lastIndex)) ? "" : "(?:)") :
        // unicode element (requires plugin)
        } else if (match[5]) {
            output.push(plugins.unicode ?
                plugins.unicode.get(match[5], match[0].charAt(1) === "P") :
        // character class opening delimiter ("[" or "[^")
        // (non-native unicode elements are not supported within character classes)
        } else if (match[6]) {
            if (pattern.charAt(part.lastIndex) === "]") {
                // for cross-browser compatibility with ECMA-262 v3 behavior,
                // convert [] to (?!) and [^] to [\S\s].
                output.push(match[6] === "[" ? "(?!)" : "[\\S\\s]");
            } else {
                // parse the character class with support for inner escapes and
                // ES4's infinitely nesting intersection syntax ([&&[^&&[]]]).
                cc = XRegExp.matchRecursive("&&" + pattern.slice(match.index), lib.classLeft, lib.classRight, "", {escapeChar: "\\"})[0];
                output.push(match[6] + cc + "]");
                part.lastIndex += cc.length + 1;
        // dot ("."), pound sign ("#"), or whitespace character
        } else if (match[7]) {
            if (singleline && match[7] === ".") {
            } else if (extended && lib.extended.test(match[7])) {
                len =, pattern.slice(part.lastIndex - 1))[0].length;
                // keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
                if (!lib.quantifier.test(pattern.slice(part.lastIndex - 1 + len)))
                part.lastIndex += len - 1;
            } else {
        } else {

    regex = RegExp(output.join(""),, /[sx]+/g, ""));
    regex._x = {
        source:       pattern,
        captureNames: hasNamedCapture ? captureNames : null
    return regex;

 * Barebones plugin support for now (intentionally undocumented)
 * @ignore
 * @param {Object} name
 * @param {Object} o
XRegExp.addPlugin = function (name, o) {
    plugins[name] = o;

 * Adds named capture support, with values returned as ````.
 * Also fixes two cross-browser issues, following the ECMA-262 v3 spec:
 *  - captured values for non-participating capturing groups should be returned
 *    as ``undefined``, rather than the empty string.
 *  - the regex's ``lastIndex`` should not be incremented after zero-length
 *    matches.
 * @ignore
RegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
    var match =, str),
        name, i, r2;
    if (match) {
        // fix browsers whose exec methods don't consistently return
        // undefined for non-participating capturing groups
        if (brokenExecUndef && match.length > 1) {
            // r2 doesn't need /g or /y, but they shouldn't hurt
            r2 = new RegExp("^" + this.source + "$(?!\\s)", this.getNativeFlags());
  [0], r2, function () {
                for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
                    if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined;
        // attach named capture properties
        if (this._x && this._x.captureNames) {
            for (i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
                name = this._x.captureNames[i - 1];
                if (name) match[name] = match[i];
        // fix browsers that increment lastIndex after zero-length matches
        if ( && this.lastIndex > (match.index + match[0].length))
    return match;
})(); // end anonymous function
} // end if(!window.XRegExp)

 * intentionally undocumented
 * @ignore
RegExp.prototype.getNativeFlags = function () {
    return (     ? "g" : "") +
           (this.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") +
           (this.multiline  ? "m" : "") +
           (this.extended   ? "x" : "") +
           (this.sticky     ? "y" : "");

 * Accepts flags; returns a new XRegExp object generated by recompiling
 * the regex with the additional flags (may include non-native flags).
 * The original regex object is not altered.
 * @ignore
RegExp.prototype.addFlags = function (flags) {
    var regex = new XRegExp(this.source, (flags || "") + this.getNativeFlags());
    if (this._x) {
        regex._x = {
            source:       this._x.source,
            captureNames: this._x.captureNames ? this._x.captureNames.slice(0) : null
    return regex;

 * Accepts a context object and string; returns the result of calling
 * ``exec`` with the provided string. the context is ignored but is
 * accepted for congruity with ````.
 * @ignore
 */ = function (context, str) {
    return this.exec(str);

 * Accepts a context object and arguments array; returns the result of
 * calling ``exec`` with the first value in the arguments array. the context
 * is ignored but is accepted for congruity with ``Function.prototype.apply``.
 * @ignore
RegExp.prototype.apply = function (context, args) {
    return this.exec(args[0]);

 * Accepts a pattern and flags; returns an XRegExp object. if the pattern
 * and flag combination has previously been cached, the cached copy is
 * returned, otherwise the new object is cached.
 * @ignore
XRegExp.cache = function (pattern, flags) {
    var key = "/" + pattern + "/" + (flags || "");
    return XRegExp.cache[key] || (XRegExp.cache[key] = new XRegExp(pattern, flags));

 * Accepts a string; returns the string with regex metacharacters escaped.
 * the returned string can safely be used within a regex to match a literal
 * string. escaped characters are [, ], {, }, (, ), -, *, +, ?, ., \, ^, $,
 * |, #, [comma], and whitespace.
 * @ignore
XRegExp.escape = function (str) {
    return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, "\\$&");

 * Accepts a string to search, left and right delimiters as regex pattern
 * strings, optional regex flags (may include non-native s, x, and y flags),
 * and an options object which allows setting an escape character and changing
 * the return format from an array of matches to a two-dimensional array of
 * string parts with extended position data. returns an array of matches
 * (optionally with extended data), allowing nested instances of left and right
 * delimiters. use the g flag to return all matches, otherwise only the first
 * is returned. if delimiters are unbalanced within the subject data, an error
 * is thrown.
 * This function admittedly pushes the boundaries of what can be accomplished
 * sensibly without a "real" parser. however, by doing so it provides flexible
 * and powerful recursive parsing capabilities with minimal code weight.
 * Warning: the ``escapeChar`` option is considered experimental and might be
 * changed or removed in future versions of XRegExp.
 * unsupported features:
 *  - backreferences within delimiter patterns when using ``escapeChar``.
 *  - although providing delimiters as regex objects adds the minor feature of
 *    independent delimiter flags, it introduces other limitations and is only
 *    intended to be done by the ``XRegExp`` constructor (which can't call
 *    itself while building a regex).
 * @ignore
XRegExp.matchRecursive = function (str, left, right, flags, options) {
    var options      = options || {},
        escapeChar   = options.escapeChar,
        vN           = options.valueNames,
        flags        = flags || "",
        global       = flags.indexOf("g") > -1,
        ignoreCase   = flags.indexOf("i") > -1,
        multiline    = flags.indexOf("m") > -1,
        sticky       = flags.indexOf("y") > -1,
        /* sticky mode has its own handling in this function, which means you
           can use flag "y" even in browsers which don't support it natively */
        flags        = flags.replace(/y/g, ""),
        left         = left  instanceof RegExp ? (  ? left  : left.addFlags("g"))  : new XRegExp(left,  "g" + flags),
        right        = right instanceof RegExp ? ( ? right : right.addFlags("g")) : new XRegExp(right, "g" + flags),
        output       = [],
        openTokens   = 0,
        delimStart   = 0,
        delimEnd     = 0,
        lastOuterEnd = 0,
        outerStart, innerStart, leftMatch, rightMatch, escaped, esc;

    if (escapeChar) {
        if (escapeChar.length > 1) throw SyntaxError("can't supply more than one escape character");
        if (multiline)             throw TypeError("can't supply escape character when using the multiline flag");
        escaped = XRegExp.escape(escapeChar);
        /* Escape pattern modifiers:
            /g - not needed here
            /i - included
            /m - **unsupported**, throws error
            /s - handled by XRegExp when delimiters are provided as strings
            /x - handled by XRegExp when delimiters are provided as strings
            /y - not needed here; supported by other handling in this function
        esc = new RegExp(
            "^(?:" + escaped + "[\\S\\s]|(?:(?!" + left.source + "|" + right.source + ")[^" + escaped + "])+)+",
            ignoreCase ? "i" : ""

    while (true) {
        /* advance the starting search position to the end of the last delimiter match.
           a couple special cases are also covered:
            - if using an escape character, advance to the next delimiter's starting position,
              skipping any escaped characters
            - first time through, reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
        left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = delimEnd +
            (escapeChar ? (esc.exec(str.slice(delimEnd)) || [""])[0].length : 0);

        leftMatch  = left.exec(str);
        rightMatch = right.exec(str);

        // only keep the result which matched earlier in the string
        if (leftMatch && rightMatch) {
            if (leftMatch.index <= rightMatch.index)
                 rightMatch = null;
            else leftMatch  = null;

        /* paths*:
        leftMatch | rightMatch | openTokens | result
        1         | 0          | 1          | ...
        1         | 0          | 0          | ...
        0         | 1          | 1          | ...
        0         | 1          | 0          | throw
        0         | 0          | 1          | throw
        0         | 0          | 0          | break
        * - does not include the sticky mode special case
          - the loop ends after the first completed match if not in global mode

        if (leftMatch || rightMatch) {
            delimStart = (leftMatch || rightMatch).index;
            delimEnd   = (leftMatch ? left : right).lastIndex;
        } else if (!openTokens) {

        if (sticky && !openTokens && delimStart > lastOuterEnd)

        if (leftMatch) {
            if (!openTokens++) {
                outerStart = delimStart;
                innerStart = delimEnd;
        } else if (rightMatch && openTokens) {
            if (!--openTokens) {
                if (vN) {
                    if (vN[0] && outerStart > lastOuterEnd)
                               output.push([vN[0], str.slice(lastOuterEnd, outerStart), lastOuterEnd, outerStart]);
                    if (vN[1]) output.push([vN[1], str.slice(outerStart,   innerStart), outerStart,   innerStart]);
                    if (vN[2]) output.push([vN[2], str.slice(innerStart,   delimStart), innerStart,   delimStart]);
                    if (vN[3]) output.push([vN[3], str.slice(delimStart,   delimEnd),   delimStart,   delimEnd]);
                } else {
                    output.push(str.slice(innerStart, delimStart));
                lastOuterEnd = delimEnd;
                if (!global)
        } else {
            // reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
            left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = 0;
            throw Error("subject data contains unbalanced delimiters");

        // if the delimiter matched an empty string, advance delimEnd to avoid an infinite loop
        if (delimStart === delimEnd)

    if (global && !sticky && vN && vN[0] && str.length > lastOuterEnd)
        output.push([vN[0], str.slice(lastOuterEnd), lastOuterEnd, str.length]);

    // reset lastIndex in case delimiters were provided as regexes
    left.lastIndex = right.lastIndex = 0;

    return output;