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 * English Language File for Sed-Light Skin
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.6.14
 * @author Cotonti Translators Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2011
 * @license BSD

defined('SED_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.');

 * comments.tpl

$skinlang['comments']['Comment'] = 'Your comment';
$skinlang['comments']['Postedby'] = 'Posted by';

 * forums.newtopic.tpl

$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic1'] = 'Check this box to mark this topic as &quot;private&quot;';
$skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['privatetopic2'] = 'Only forums moderators and the starter of the topic (so you) will be allowed to read and reply';

 * forums.posts.tpl

$skinlang['forumspost']['privatetopic'] = 'This topic is private, only moderators and the starter of the topic can read and reply here.';
$skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus0'] = 'user is offline';    // New in N-0.0.2
$skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus1'] = 'user is online';    // New in N-0.0.2

 * forums.sections.tpl

$skinlang['forumssections']['Searchinforums'] = 'Search in forums';
$skinlang['forumssections']['Markasread'] = 'Mark all posts as read';
$skinlang['forumssections']['Activity'] = 'Activity';
$skinlang['forumssections']['FoldAll'] = 'Fold all';
$skinlang['forumssections']['UnfoldAll'] = 'Unfold all';

 * forums.topics.tpl

$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newtopic'] = 'New topic';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newpoll'] = 'New poll';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Viewers'] = 'Viewers';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Nonewposts'] = 'No new posts';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newposts'] = 'New posts';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Nonewpostspopular'] = 'No new posts (popular)';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newpostspopular'] = 'New posts (popular)';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Sticky'] = 'Sticky';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newpostssticky'] = 'New posts (sticky)';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newpostslocked'] = 'New posts (locked)';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Announcment'] = 'Announcement';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Newannouncment'] = 'New announcement';
$skinlang['forumstopics']['Movedoutofthissection'] = 'Moved out of this section';

 * header.tpl

$skinlang['header']['Lostyourpassword'] = 'Lost your password?';
$skinlang['header']['Welcome'] = 'Welcome!';    // New in N-0.0.1

 * index.tpl

$skinlang['index']['Newinforums'] = 'New in forums';
$skinlang['index']['Recentadditions'] = 'Recent additions';
$skinlang['index']['Online'] = 'Online';

 * list.tpl

$skinlang['list']['linesperpage'] = 'Lines per page';
$skinlang['list']['linesinthissection'] = 'Lines in this section';

 * page.tpl

$skinlang['page']['Submittedby'] = 'Submitted by';
$skinlang['page']['Summary'] = 'Summary';
$skinlang['page']['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$skinlang['page']['downloaded'] = 'downloaded';    // New in N-0.0.1
$skinlang['page']['times'] = 'times';    // New in N-0.0.1

 * page.add.tpl

$skinlang['pageadd']['File'] = 'File download?';
$skinlang['pageadd']['Filehint'] = '(Set &quot;Yes&quot; to enable the download module at bottom of the page, and fill up the 2 fields below)';
$skinlang['pageadd']['URLhint'] = '(If File download = &quot;Yes&quot;)';
$skinlang['pageadd']['Filesize'] = 'Filesize (KB)';
$skinlang['pageadd']['Filesizehint'] = '(If File download = &quot;Yes&quot;)';
$skinlang['pageadd']['Formhint'] = 'Once your submission is done, the page will be placed in the validation queue and will be hidden, awaiting confirmation from a site administrator or global moderator before being displayed in the right section.<br />Check all fields carefully.<br />If you need to change something, you will be able to do that later. But submitting changes puts a page into validation queue again.';

 * page.edit.tpl

$skinlang['pageedit']['Now'] = 'Update page date to current';    // New in N-0.6.14
$skinlang['pageedit']['File'] = 'File download?';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Filehint'] = '(Set &quot;Yes&quot; to enable the download module at bottom of the page, and fill up the 2 fields below)';
$skinlang['pageedit']['URLhint'] = '(If File download = &quot;Yes&quot;)';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Filesize'] = 'Filesize (KB)';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Filesizehint'] = '(If File download = &quot;Yes&quot;)';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Filehitcount'] = 'File hit count';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Filehitcounthint'] = '(If File download = &quot;Yes&quot;)';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Pageid'] = 'Page ID';
$skinlang['pageedit']['Deletethispage'] = '!Delete this page!';

 * pfs.tpl

$skinlang['pfs']['Insertasthumbnail'] = 'Insert as thumbnail';
$skinlang['pfs']['Insertasimage'] = 'Insert as fullsize image';
$skinlang['pfs']['Insertaslink'] = 'Insert as a link to the file';
$skinlang['pfs']['Dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';    // New in N-0.0.1

 * pm.send.tpl

$skinlang['pmsend']['Sendmessagetohint'] = '(up to 10 recipients, separated by commas)';

 * pm.tpl

$skinlang['pm']['Newmessage'] = 'New message';
$skinlang['pm']['Sendtoarchives'] = 'Send to archives';
$skinlang['pm']['Selectall'] = 'Select all';
$skinlang['pm']['Unselectall'] = 'Unselect all';

 * polls.tpl

$skinlang['polls']['voterssince'] = 'voters since';
$skinlang['polls']['Allpolls'] = 'All polls (current and archived)';

 * ratings.tpl

$skinlang['ratings']['Averagemembersrating'] = 'Average members rating (out of 10)';    // Out?
$skinlang['ratings']['Votes'] = 'Votes';    // Out?
$skinlang['ratings']['Rate'] = 'Rate';    // Out?

 * users.tpl

$skinlang['users']['usersperpage'] = 'Users per page';
$skinlang['users']['usersinthissection'] = 'Users in this section';

 * users.auth.tpl

$skinlang['usersauth']['Rememberme'] = 'Remember me';
$skinlang['usersauth']['Lostpassword'] = 'Lost your password?';
$skinlang['usersauth']['Maintenance'] = 'Site in maintenance mode. Administrators can login below.';    // New in N-0.0.2
$skinlang['usersauth']['Maintenancereason'] = 'Reason: ';    // New in N-0.0.2

 * users.details.tpl

$skinlang['usersdetails']['Sendprivatemessage'] = 'Send a private message';

 * users.edit.tpl

$skinlang['usersedit']['UserID'] = 'User ID';
$skinlang['usersedit']['Newpassword'] = 'Set a new password';
$skinlang['usersedit']['Newpasswordhint'] = '(Leave empty to keep the current password)';
$skinlang['usersedit']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the e-mail';
$skinlang['usersedit']['PMnotify'] = 'PM notify';
$skinlang['usersedit']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by e-mail when there\'s a new private message)';
$skinlang['usersedit']['LastIP'] = 'Last known IP';
$skinlang['usersedit']['Logcounter'] = 'Log counter';
$skinlang['usersedit']['Deletethisuser'] = '!Delete this user!';

 * users.profile.tpl

$skinlang['usersprofile']['Emailpassword'] = 'Your current password';
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Emailnotes'] = '<p><b>E-mail transition process (if e-mail transition is available and new e-mail validation is required):</b></p>
    <li>You can\'t use current e-mail</li>
    <li>For security reasons you have to enter your current password</li>
    <li>You should re-activate your account by e-mail to prove the new e-mail is valid</li>
    <li>Till you use the validation link, your account will be suspended</li>
    <li>Upon e-mail validation your account will immediately become active</li>
    <li>Be careful while typing your new e-mail: you won\'t have a chance to change it later</li>
    <li>If you still mistyped your new e-mail, please contact administrator</li>
<p><b>If new e-mail validation is not required, the new e-mail will become effective immediately.</b></p>'
;    // New in N-0.1.0
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the e-mail';
$skinlang['usersprofile']['PMnotify'] = 'PM notify';
$skinlang['usersprofile']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by e-mail when there\'s a new private message)';
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Newpassword'] = 'Set a new password';
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Newpasswordhint1'] = '(Leave empty to keep the current password)';    // New in N-0.0.2
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Newpasswordhint2'] = '(Enter your new password twice)';    // New in N-0.0.2
$skinlang['usersprofile']['Oldpasswordhint'] = '(To set a new password enter your current one)';

 * users.register.tpl

$skinlang['usersregister']['Validemail'] = 'Valid e-mail';
$skinlang['usersregister']['Validemailhint'] = 'A valid e-mail is required to complete the registration process !';
$skinlang['usersregister']['Confirmpassword'] = 'Confirm password';
$skinlang['usersregister']['Formhint'] = 'Once you\'re registered and logged in, have a look in your profile to set<br />your avatar, signature, ICQ, website, location, timezone, etc.';
