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./othercms/Just-CMS v1.3.2 Valentina/plugins/i18n_search/searchresults.php
if (!function_exists('i18n_search_display_with_component')) {
i18n_search_display_with_component($component, $item, $showLanguage, $showDate, $dateFormat, $numWords) {
"?>" . $component . "<?php ");
if (!
function_exists('i18n_search_order_by_tags')) {
i18n_search_order_by_tags($items, $tags) {
    if (!
is_array($tags)) $tags = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $tags);
    foreach (
$tags as $i => $tag) $groups[$i] = array();
    foreach (
$items as $item) {
      foreach (
$tags as $i => $tag) {
        if (
$tag == '*' || @in_array($tag, $item->tags)) $groups[$i][] = $item;
$newitems = array();
    foreach (
$groups as $group) $newitems = array_merge($newitems, $group);
if (!
function_exists('i18n_search_group_by_tags')) {
i18n_search_group_by_tags($items, $tags) {
if (!
function_exists('i18n_search_archive')) {
i18n_search_archive($items, $until) {


$i18n = &$params; // alias for i18n parsing
$is_i18n = function_exists('return_i18n_default_language');
  if (
$is_i18n && array_key_exists('i18n',$params) && !$params['i18n']) $is_i18n = false;
$tags = array_key_exists('tags',$params) ? $params['tags'] : (isset($_REQUEST['tags']) ? trim($_REQUEST['tags']) : null);
$words = array_key_exists('words',$params) ? $params['words'] : (isset($_REQUEST['words']) ? trim($_REQUEST['words']) : null);
$alltags = array_key_exists('addTags',$params) ? $tags.' '.$params['addTags'] : $tags;
$allwords = array_key_exists('addWords',$params) ? $words.' '.$params['addWords'] : $words;
$order = array_key_exists('order',$params) ? $params['order'] : null;
$lang = array_key_exists('lang',$params) ? $params['lang'] : null;
$live = array_key_exists('live',$params) ? $params['live'] : null;
$preview = array_key_exists('preview',$params) && $params['preview'];
  if (!
$tags && !$words && !isset($_REQUEST['tags']) && !isset($_REQUEST['words']) && !$live) return;
$headerText = @$i18n['HEADER'];
$notFoundText = @$i18n['NOT_FOUND'];
$showLanguage = $is_i18n && array_key_exists('showLanguage',$params) ? $params['showLanguage'] : $is_i18n;
$showDate = array_key_exists('showDate',$params) ? $params['showDate'] : true;
$dateLocale = @$i18n['DATE_LOCALE'];
$dateFormat = @$i18n['DATE_FORMAT'];
$numWords = array_key_exists('numWords',$params) ? $params['numWords'] : I18N_NUM_WORDS;
$max = array_key_exists('max',$params) ? (int) $params['max'] : I18N_MAX_RESULTS;
$showPaging = array_key_exists('showPaging',$params) ? $params['showPaging'] : true;
$componentName = array_key_exists('component',$params) ? $params['component'] : null;
$idPrefix = array_key_exists('idPrefix', $params) ? $params['idPrefix'] : null;
$tagClassPrefix = array_key_exists('tagClassPrefix', $params) ? $params['tagClassPrefix'] : null;
$pageNum = $showPaging && isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? @((int) $_REQUEST['page']) - 1 : 0;
$first = $pageNum * $max;

$processFunction = array_key_exists('process', $params) ? $params['process'] : null;
$processParameter = $processFunction && array_key_exists('parameter', $params) ? $params['parameter'] : null;
# get all results
$allresults = I18nSearcher::search($alltags, $allwords, $order, $lang);
  if (
$processFunction) {
    if (!
function_exists($processFunction) && function_exists('i18n_search_'.$processFunction)) {
$processFunction = 'i18n_search_'.$processFunction;
# process results, e.g.
$allresults = call_user_func($processFunction, $allresults, $processParameter);
# get requested result page
$totalCount = count($allresults);
  if (
$max > 0) {
$results = array_slice($allresults, $first, $max);
  } else if (
$first > 0) {
$results = array_slice($results, $first);
  } else {
$results = $allresults;
  if (
trim($headerText) != '') {
 <h2 class="search-header"><?php echo $headerText; ?></h2>
  if (
count($results) <= 0 && !$live) {
<p class="search-no-results"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($notFoundText); ?></p>
} else {
$numpages = 1 + (int)(($totalCount-1) / $max);
$oldLocale = setlocale(LC_TIME,'0');
    if (
$dateLocale) setlocale(LC_TIME, preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $dateLocale));
    if (
$componentName) {
      if (
function_exists('return_i18n_component')) {
$component = return_i18n_component($componentName);
      } else {
        if (
file_exists(GSDATAOTHERPATH.'components.xml')) {
$data = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH.'components.xml');
          if (
count($data->item) != 0) foreach ($data->item as $item) {
            if (
$componentName == $item->slug) {
$component = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($item->value, ENT_QUOTES));
<ul <?php if ($live) echo 'id="search-results-live"'; ?> class="search-results <?php if ($live) echo 'search-live'; ?>">
= 0;
    foreach (
$results as $item) {
$id = $idPrefix ? $idPrefix . (++$num) : null;
$classes = $live ? ' search-preview' : '';
      if (
$tagClassPrefix) {
        foreach (
$item->tags as $tag) {
$classes .= ' '.$tagClassPrefix.preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $tag);
 <li <?php if ($id) echo 'id="'.$id.'"'; ?> class="search-entry <?php echo $classes; ?>">
if (@$component) {
i18n_search_display_with_component($component, $item, $showLanguage, $showDate, $dateFormat, $numWords);
      } else {
$done = false;
// is there any plugin that displays/renders this item?
foreach ($filters as $filter)  {
          if (
$filter['filter'] == I18N_FILTER_DISPLAY_ITEM) {
            if (
call_user_func_array($filter['function'], array($item, $showLanguage, $showDate, $dateFormat, $numWords))) {
$done = true;
        if (!
$done) {
// let's display the item in the standard way
$link = !$is_i18n && @$item->simplelink ? $item->simplelink : $item->link;
   <h3 class="search-entry-title">
<?php     if ($showLanguage) { ?>
     <span class="search-entry-language"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->language, ENT_NOQUOTES); ?></span>
<?php     } ?>
if ($link) { ?>
     <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($link); ?>">
<?php     } ?>
       <?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->title, ENT_NOQUOTES); ?>
if ($link) { ?>
<?php     } ?>
<?php     if ($showDate) { ?>
   <div class="search-entry-date"><?php echo strftime($dateFormat, $item->pubDate); ?></div>
<?php     } ?>
   <div class="search-entry-excerpt"><?php echo ''.$item->getExcerpt($item->content,$numWords); ?></div>
    if (
$dateLocale) setLocale(LC_TIME, $oldLocale);
if ($showPaging && $numpages > 1) {
// determine link
$link = function_exists('get_i18n_page_url') ? get_i18n_page_url(true) : get_page_url(true);
$link .= (strpos($link,'?') !== false ? '&' : '?');
$link .= 'tags='.urlencode(@$_REQUEST['tags']).'&words='.urlencode(@$_REQUEST['words']);
$link .= '&search='.urlencode(@$_REQUEST['search']);
      if (
defined('PAGIFY_SEPARATOR')) {
preg_match('/^([^\?]*[^\?\/])(\/?(\?.*)?)$/', $link, $match);
$link = $match[1].PAGIFY_SEPARATOR.'%PAGE%'.@$match[2];
      } else {
$link .= '&page=%PAGE%';
      if (
function_exists('return_pagify_navigation')) {
$pagingHtml = return_pagify_navigation($numpages, $pageNum, $link);
      } else {
$link = htmlspecialchars($link);
$pagingHtml = '<div class="search-results-paging">';
        if (@
$i18n['FIRST_TEXT'] && $pageNum > 0) {
$pagingHtml .= '<span class="first"><a href="'.str_replace('%PAGE%',1,$link).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['FIRST_TITLE']).'">'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['FIRST_TEXT']).'&nbsp;</a></span>';
        if (@
$i18n['PREV_TEXT'] && $pageNum > 0) {
$pagingHtml .= '<span class="previous"><a href="'.str_replace('%PAGE%',$pageNum,$link).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['PREV_TITLE']).'">'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['PREV_TEXT']).'&nbsp;</a></span>';
        for (
$i=0; $i<$numpages; $i++) {
          if (
$i == $pageNum) {
$pagingHtml .= ' <span class="current">'.($i+1).'</span>';
          } else {
$pagingHtml .= ' <span><a href="'.str_replace('%PAGE%',$i+1,$link).'">'.($i+1).'</a></span>';
        if (@
$i18n['NEXT_TEXT'] && $pageNum < $numpages-1) {
$pagingHtml .= ' <span class="next"><a href="'.str_replace('%PAGE%',$pageNum+2,$link).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['NEXT_TITLE']).'">&nbsp;'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['NEXT_TEXT']).'</a></span>';
        if (@
$i18n['LAST_TEXT'] && $pageNum < $numpages-1) {
$pagingHtml .= ' <span class="next"><a href="'.str_replace('%PAGE%',$numpages,$link).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['LAST_TITLE']).'">&nbsp;'.htmlspecialchars(@$i18n['LAST_TEXT']).'</a></span>';
$pagingHtml .= '</div>';
"\n" . $pagingHtml;