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Root |
./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/bbcodes/search_bbcode_include_var.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: search_bbcode_include_var.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
defined('IN_FUSION') || exit;

if (!
function_exists("generate_search_opts")) {
generate_search_opts($textarea_name, $inputform_name) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'search.php');
$generated = "<input type='button' value='".$locale['407']."' class='button btn btn-link btn-block btn-xs' onclick=\"addText('".$textarea_name."', '[search=all]', '[/search]', '".$inputform_name."');return false;\"/>";
        if (
$handle = opendir(BASEDIR."includes/search")) {
            while (
FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if (
preg_match("/_include.php/i", $file)) {
$name = '';
$search_name = explode("_", $file);
$locale += fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET."search/".$search_name[1].".php");
                    foreach (
$locale as $key => $value) {
                        if (
preg_match("/400/i", $key)) {
$name = $key;

                    if (isset(
$locale[$name])) {
$generated .= "<input type='button' value='".$locale[$name]."' class='button btn btn-link btn-block btn-xs' onclick=\"addText('".$textarea_name."', '[search=".$search_name[1]."]', '[/search]', '".$inputform_name."');return false;\"/>";

$infusions = makefilelist(INFUSIONS, ".|..|index.php", TRUE, "folders");
        if (!empty(
$infusions)) {
            foreach (
$infusions as $infusions_to_check) {
                if (
is_dir(INFUSIONS.$infusions_to_check.'/search/')) {
$inf_files = makefilelist(INFUSIONS.$infusions_to_check.'/search/', ".|..|index.php", TRUE, "files");

                    if (!empty(
$inf_files)) {
                        foreach (
$inf_files as $file) {
                            if (
preg_match("/_include.php/i", $file)) {
$name = '';
$search_name = explode("_", $file);

                                if (
file_exists(INFUSIONS.$infusions_to_check.'/locale/'.LOCALESET."search/".$search_name[1].".php")) {
$locale_file = INFUSIONS.$infusions_to_check.'/locale/'.LOCALESET."search/".$search_name[1].".php";
                                } else {
$locale_file = INFUSIONS.$infusions_to_check."/locale/English/search/".$search_name[1].".php";

$locale += fusion_get_locale('', $locale_file);
                                foreach (
$locale as $key => $value) {
                                    if (
preg_match("/400/i", $key)) {
$name = $key;

                                if (isset(
$locale[$name])) {
$generated .= "<input type='button' value='".(!empty($locale[$name]) ? $locale[$name] : $name)."' class='button btn btn-link btn-block btn-xs' onclick=\"addText('".$textarea_name."', '[search=".$search_name[1]."]', '[/search]', '".$inputform_name."');return false;\"/>";


$__BBCODE__[] = [
'description'    => $locale['bb_search_description'],
'value'          => "search", 'bbcode_start' => "[search=".$locale['bb_search_where']."]", 'bbcode_end' => "[/search]",
'usage'          => "[search=".$locale['bb_search_where']."]".$locale['bb_search_usage']."[/search]",
'onclick'        => "return false;",
'id'             => 'bbcode_search_'.$textarea_name,
'phpfunction'    => "echo generate_search_opts('".$textarea_name."', '".$inputform_name."');",
'dropdown'       => TRUE,
'dropdown_style' => 'min-width: 150px;'