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 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @version $Id: results.js 8373 2015-02-28 21:44:37Z fplanque $

jQuery( document ).ready(function()
jQuery( document ).on( 'click',
'.results_nav a, ' + // page navigation links
'.table_scroll a.basic_sort_link, ' + // sort links
'.table_scroll a.basic_current', // current sort link
{ // Action to load ajax content by changing a page or an order
return results_ajax_load( jQuery( this ), jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ) );

jQuery( document ).on( 'focus', 'select[name$=_per_page]', function()
{ // Fix attributes of <select> elements
if( !jQuery( this ).attr( 'onchange' ) )
return false;

var onchange = jQuery( this ).attr( 'onchange' );
onchange = onchange.replace( "location.href='", '' ).replace( "'+this.value", '' );
jQuery( this ).attr( 'href', onchange );

jQuery( this ).removeAttr( 'onchange' );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'change', 'select[name$=_per_page]', function()
{ // Action to load ajax content by changing a page size

var link_href = jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' );

// Add a selected value of page size
link_href += jQuery( this ).val();

if( results_ajax_load( jQuery( this ), link_href ) )
{ // No ajax request, Use a simple url to refresh the page
location.href = link_href;
return true;
{ // New page view is loading by AJAX request
return false;
} );
} );

 * Send AJAX request to load a content for results table
 * @param object This object ( jQuery( this ) )
 * @param string Url
 * @return boolean TRUE - if callback function is not available
function results_ajax_load( this_obj, link_href )
var params = 'action=results';
var layout = this_obj.parents( 'div[id$=_ajax_content]' );
if( layout.length == 0 )
{ // callback_funcion can't be set, handle with normal request
return true;

var param_prefix = layout.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'ajax_content', '' );
var link_href = link_href.split( '?' );
link_href = link_href[1];

if( ( param_prefix != '' ) && ( jQuery( '#' + param_prefix + 'ajax_callback' ).length > 0 ) )
{ // Set "callback_function" param
params += '&callback_function=' + jQuery( '#' + param_prefix + 'ajax_callback' ).html();
{ // callback_funcion can't be set, handle with normal request
return true;

if( typeof is_backoffice != 'undefined' && is_backoffice )
{ // Add param to detect the requests from backoffice
params += '&is_backoffice=1';
else if( typeof blog_id != 'undefined' && blog_id > 0)
{ // Add "blog" param for frontoffice
params += '&blog=' + blog_id;

if( layout.find( '.results_ajax_loading' ).length == 0 )
{ // Set temporary content during ajax is loading
var $ajax_loading = jQuery( '<div class="results_ajax_loading"><div>&nbsp;</div></div>' );
layout.css( 'position', 'relative' );
$ajax_loading.css( {
'width':  layout.width(),
'height': layout.height(),
} );
layout.append( $ajax_loading );

{ // Send ajax request with the given params
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: params + '&' + link_href,
success: function( result )
var $div_result = jQuery( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
$div_result.html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
var ajax_content_layout = $div_result.find( 'div#' + layout.attr( 'id' ) );
if( ajax_content_layout.length == 0 )
{ // Content is unavailable by some reason
layout.html( '<div class="results_unavailable">Content is unavailable</div>' );
{ // Display content
layout.html( ajax_content_layout.html() );
error: function()
layout.html( '<div class="results_unavailable">Content is unavailable</div>' );
} );

return false;