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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\request;

* All application input is accessed through this class.
* It provides a method to disable access to input data through super globals.
* This should force MOD authors to read about data validation.
class request implements \phpbb\request\request_interface
    * @var    array    The names of super global variables that this class should protect if super globals are disabled.
protected $super_globals = array(
phpbb\request\request_interface::POST => '_POST',
phpbb\request\request_interface::GET => '_GET',
phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST => '_REQUEST',
phpbb\request\request_interface::COOKIE => '_COOKIE',
phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER => '_SERVER',
phpbb\request\request_interface::FILES => '_FILES',

    * @var    array    Stores original contents of $_REQUEST array.
protected $original_request = null;

    * @var bool
protected $super_globals_disabled = false;

    * @var    array    An associative array that has the value of super global constants as keys and holds their data as values.
protected $input;

    * @var    \phpbb\request\type_cast_helper_interface    An instance of a type cast helper providing convenience methods for type conversions.
protected $type_cast_helper;

    * Initialises the request class, that means it stores all input data in {@link $input input}
    * and then calls {@link \phpbb\request\deactivated_super_global \phpbb\request\deactivated_super_global}
public function __construct(\phpbb\request\type_cast_helper_interface $type_cast_helper = null, $disable_super_globals = true)
        if (
$this->type_cast_helper = $type_cast_helper;
$this->type_cast_helper = new \phpbb\request\type_cast_helper();

        foreach (
$this->super_globals as $const => $super_global)
$this->input[$const] = isset($GLOBALS[$super_global]) ? $GLOBALS[$super_global] : array();

// simulate request_order = GP
$this->original_request = $this->input[\phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST];
$this->input[\phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST] = $this->input[\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST] + $this->input[\phpbb\request\request_interface::GET];

        if (

    * Getter for $super_globals_disabled
    * @return    bool    Whether super globals are disabled or not.
public function super_globals_disabled()

    * Disables access of super globals specified in $super_globals.
    * This is achieved by overwriting the super globals with instances of {@link \phpbb\request\deactivated_super_global \phpbb\request\deactivated_super_global}
public function disable_super_globals()
        if (!
            foreach (
$this->super_globals as $const => $super_global)
$GLOBALS[$super_global] = new \phpbb\request\deactivated_super_global($this, $super_global, $const);

$this->super_globals_disabled = true;

    * Enables access of super globals specified in $super_globals if they were disabled by {@link disable_super_globals disable_super_globals}.
    * This is achieved by making the super globals point to the data stored within this class in {@link $input input}.
public function enable_super_globals()
        if (
            foreach (
$this->super_globals as $const => $super_global)
$GLOBALS[$super_global] = $this->input[$const];

$GLOBALS['_REQUEST'] = $this->original_request;

$this->super_globals_disabled = false;

    * This function allows overwriting or setting a value in one of the super global arrays.
    * Changes which are performed on the super globals directly will not have any effect on the results of
    * other methods this class provides. Using this function should be avoided if possible! It will
    * consume twice the the amount of memory of the value
    * @param    string    $var_name        The name of the variable that shall be overwritten
    * @param    mixed    $value            The value which the variable shall contain.
    *                                     If this is null the variable will be unset.
    * @param    string    $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                     Specifies which super global shall be changed
public function overwrite($var_name, $value, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
        if (!isset(

// setting to null means unsetting
if ($value === null)
            if (!
$this->input[$super_global][$var_name] = $value;
            if (!
$GLOBALS[$this->super_globals[$super_global]][$var_name] = $value;

    * Central type safe input handling function.
    * All variables in GET or POST requests should be retrieved through this function to maximise security.
    * @param    string|array    $var_name        The form variable's name from which data shall be retrieved.
    *                                             If the value is an array this may be an array of indizes which will give
    *                                             direct access to a value at any depth. E.g. if the value of "var" is array(1 => "a")
    *                                             then specifying array("var", 1) as the name will return "a".
    * @param    mixed            $default        A default value that is returned if the variable was not set.
    *                                             This function will always return a value of the same type as the default.
    * @param    bool            $multibyte        If $default is a string this parameter has to be true if the variable may contain any UTF-8 characters
    *                                            Default is false, causing all bytes outside the ASCII range (0-127) to be replaced with question marks
    * @param    string            $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                            Specifies which super global should be used
    * @return    mixed    The value of $_REQUEST[$var_name] run through {@link set_var set_var} to ensure that the type is the
    *                    the same as that of $default. If the variable is not set $default is returned.
public function variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte = false, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
$this->_variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte, $super_global, true);

    * Get a variable, but without trimming strings.
    * Same functionality as variable(), except does not run trim() on strings.
    * This method should be used when handling passwords.
    * @param    string|array    $var_name        The form variable's name from which data shall be retrieved.
    *                                             If the value is an array this may be an array of indizes which will give
    *                                             direct access to a value at any depth. E.g. if the value of "var" is array(1 => "a")
    *                                             then specifying array("var", 1) as the name will return "a".
    * @param    mixed            $default        A default value that is returned if the variable was not set.
    *                                             This function will always return a value of the same type as the default.
    * @param    bool            $multibyte        If $default is a string this parameter has to be true if the variable may contain any UTF-8 characters
    *                                            Default is false, causing all bytes outside the ASCII range (0-127) to be replaced with question marks
    * @param    string            $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                             Specifies which super global should be used
    * @return    mixed    The value of $_REQUEST[$var_name] run through {@link set_var set_var} to ensure that the type is the
    *                    the same as that of $default. If the variable is not set $default is returned.
public function untrimmed_variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte = false, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
$this->_variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte, $super_global, false);

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function raw_variable($var_name, $default, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
$path = false;

// deep direct access to multi dimensional arrays
if (is_array($var_name))
$path = $var_name;
// make sure at least the variable name is specified
if (empty($path))
                return (
is_array($default)) ? array() : $default;
// the variable name is the first element on the path
$var_name = array_shift($path);

        if (!isset(
            return (
is_array($default)) ? array() : $default;
$var = $this->input[$super_global][$var_name];

        if (
// walk through the array structure and find the element we are looking for
foreach ($path as $key)
                if (
is_array($var) && isset($var[$key]))
$var = $var[$key];
                    return (
is_array($default)) ? array() : $default;


    * Shortcut method to retrieve SERVER variables.
    * Also fall back to getenv(), some CGI setups may need it (probably not, but
    * whatever).
    * @param    string|array    $var_name        See \phpbb\request\request_interface::variable
    * @param    mixed            $default        See \phpbb\request\request_interface::variable
    * @return    mixed    The server variable value.
public function server($var_name, $default = '')
$multibyte = true;

        if (
$this->is_set($var_name, \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER))
$this->variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte, \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER);
$var = getenv($var_name);
$this->type_cast_helper->recursive_set_var($var, $default, $multibyte);

    * Shortcut method to retrieve the value of client HTTP headers.
    * @param    string|array    $header_name    The name of the header to retrieve.
    * @param    mixed            $default        See \phpbb\request\request_interface::variable
    * @return    mixed    The header value.
public function header($header_name, $default = '')
$var_name = 'HTTP_' . str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($header_name));
$this->server($var_name, $default);

    * Shortcut method to retrieve $_FILES variables
    * @param string $form_name The name of the file input form element
    * @return array The uploaded file's information or an empty array if the
    * variable does not exist in _FILES.
public function file($form_name)
$this->variable($form_name, array('name' => 'none'), true, \phpbb\request\request_interface::FILES);

    * Checks whether a certain variable was sent via POST.
    * To make sure that a request was sent using POST you should call this function
    * on at least one variable.
    * @param    string    $name    The name of the form variable which should have a
    *                            _p suffix to indicate the check in the code that creates the form too.
    * @return    bool            True if the variable was set in a POST request, false otherwise.
public function is_set_post($name)
$this->is_set($name, \phpbb\request\request_interface::POST);

    * Checks whether a certain variable is set in one of the super global
    * arrays.
    * @param    string    $var            Name of the variable
    * @param    string    $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                    Specifies the super global which shall be checked
    * @return    bool                    True if the variable was sent as input
public function is_set($var, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
        return isset(

    * Checks whether the current request is an AJAX request (XMLHttpRequest)
    * @return    bool            True if the current request is an ajax request
public function is_ajax()
$this->header('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest';

    * Checks if the current request is happening over HTTPS.
    * @return    bool            True if the request is secure.
public function is_secure()
$https = $this->server('HTTPS');
$https = $this->server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') === 'https' ? 'on' : $https;
        return !empty(
$https) && $https !== 'off';

    * Returns all variable names for a given super global
    * @param    string    $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                    The super global from which names shall be taken
    * @return    array    All variable names that are set for the super global.
    *                    Pay attention when using these, they are unsanitised!
public function variable_names($super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)
        if (!isset(
            return array();


    * Helper function used by variable() and untrimmed_variable().
    * @param    string|array    $var_name        The form variable's name from which data shall be retrieved.
    *                                             If the value is an array this may be an array of indizes which will give
    *                                             direct access to a value at any depth. E.g. if the value of "var" is array(1 => "a")
    *                                             then specifying array("var", 1) as the name will return "a".
    * @param    mixed            $default        A default value that is returned if the variable was not set.
    *                                             This function will always return a value of the same type as the default.
    * @param    bool            $multibyte        If $default is a string this parameter has to be true if the variable may contain any UTF-8 characters
    *                                            Default is false, causing all bytes outside the ASCII range (0-127) to be replaced with question marks
    * @param    string            $super_global    (\phpbb\request\request_interface::POST|GET|REQUEST|COOKIE)
    *                                             Specifies which super global should be used
    * @param    bool            $trim            Indicates whether trim() should be applied to string values.
    * @return    mixed    The value of $_REQUEST[$var_name] run through {@link set_var set_var} to ensure that the type is the
    *                    the same as that of $default. If the variable is not set $default is returned.
protected function _variable($var_name, $default, $multibyte = false, $super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST, $trim = true)
$var = $this->raw_variable($var_name, $default, $super_global);

// Return prematurely if raw variable is empty array or the same as
        // the default. Using strict comparison to ensure that one can't
        // prevent proper type checking on any input variable
if ($var === array() || $var === $default)

$this->type_cast_helper->recursive_set_var($var, $default, $multibyte, $trim);


    * {@inheritdoc}
public function get_super_global($super_global = \phpbb\request\request_interface::REQUEST)

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function escape($var, $multibyte)
        if (
$result = array();
            foreach (
$var as $key => $value)
$this->type_cast_helper->set_var($key, $key, gettype($key), $multibyte);
$result[$key] = $this->escape($value, $multibyte);
$var = $result;
$this->type_cast_helper->set_var($var, $var, 'string', $multibyte);
