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var MSXML = (typeof DOMParser === 'undefined' || typeof XSLTProcessor === 'undefined');
var xslt = {
* @param {string} xsl
init: function(xsl)
var stylesheet = xslt.loadXML(xsl);
if (MSXML)
var generator = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XSLTemplate.6.0');
generator['stylesheet'] = stylesheet;
xslt.proc = generator['createProcessor']();
xslt.proc = new XSLTProcessor;

* @param  {string} xml
* @return {!Document}
loadXML: function(xml)
var dom;
if (MSXML)
dom = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.6.0');
dom['async'] = false;
dom['validateOnParse'] = false;
dom = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');

if (!dom)
throw 'Cannot parse ' + xml;

return dom;

* @param {string} paramName  Parameter name
* @param {string} paramValue Parameter's value
setParameter: function(paramName, paramValue)
if (MSXML)
xslt.proc['addParameter'](paramName, paramValue, '');
xslt.proc['setParameter'](null, paramName, paramValue);

* @param  {string}    xml
* @param  {!Document} targetDoc
* @return {!DocumentFragment}
transformToFragment: function(xml, targetDoc)
if (MSXML)
var div = targetDoc.createElement('div'),
fragment = targetDoc.createDocumentFragment();

xslt.proc['input'] = xslt.loadXML(xml);
div.innerHTML = xslt.proc['output'];
while (div.firstChild)

return fragment;

return xslt.proc['transformToFragment'](xslt.loadXML(xml), targetDoc);

var functionCache = {};

* Parse a given text and render it into given HTML element
* @param  {string} text
* @param  {!HTMLElement} target
* @return {!Node}
function preview(text, target)
var targetDoc = target.ownerDocument;
if (!targetDoc)
throw 'Target does not have a ownerDocument';

var resultFragment = xslt.transformToFragment(parse(text).replace(/<[eis]>[^<]*<\/[eis]>/g, ''), targetDoc),
lastUpdated    = target;

if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && 'chrome' in window)
function (oldScript)
let newScript = document.createElement('script');
for (let attribute of oldScript['attributes'])
newScript['setAttribute'](, attribute.value);
newScript.textContent = oldScript.textContent;

oldScript.parentNode.replaceChild(newScript, oldScript);

// Compute and refresh hashes
if (HINT.hash)

// Apply post-processing
if (HINT.onRender)
executeEvents(resultFragment, 'render');

* Compute and set all hashes in given document fragment
* @param {!DocumentFragment} fragment
function computeHashes(fragment)
var nodes = fragment.querySelectorAll('[data-s9e-livepreview-hash]'),
i     = nodes.length;
while (--i >= 0)
nodes[i]['setAttribute']('data-s9e-livepreview-hash', hash(nodes[i].outerHTML));

* Execute an event's code on a given node
* @param {!Element} node
* @param {string}   eventName
function executeEvent(node, eventName)
/** @type {string} */
var code = node.getAttribute('data-s9e-livepreview-on' + eventName);
if (!functionCache[code])
functionCache[code] = new Function(code);


* Locate and execute an event on given document fragment or element
* @param {!DocumentFragment|!Element} root
* @param {string}                     eventName
function executeEvents(root, eventName)
// Execute the event on the root node, as there is no self-or-descendant selector in CSS
if (root instanceof Element && root['hasAttribute']('data-s9e-livepreview-on' + eventName))
executeEvent(root, eventName);

var nodes = root.querySelectorAll('[data-s9e-livepreview-on' + eventName + ']'),
i     = nodes.length;
while (--i >= 0)
executeEvent(nodes[i], eventName);

* Update the content of given node oldParent to match node newParent
* @param {!Node} oldParent
* @param {!Node} newParent
function refreshElementContent(oldParent, newParent)
var oldNodes = oldParent.childNodes,
newNodes = newParent.childNodes,
oldCnt   = oldNodes.length,
newCnt   = newNodes.length,
left     = 0,
right    = 0;

// Skip the leftmost matching nodes
while (left < oldCnt && left < newCnt)
oldNode = oldNodes[left];
newNode = newNodes[left];
if (!refreshNode(oldNode, newNode))


// Skip the rightmost matching nodes
var maxRight = Math.min(oldCnt - left, newCnt - left);
while (right < maxRight)
oldNode = oldNodes[oldCnt - (right + 1)];
newNode = newNodes[newCnt - (right + 1)];
if (!refreshNode(oldNode, newNode))


// Remove the old dirty nodes in the middle of the tree
var i = oldCnt - right;
while (--i >= left)
lastUpdated = oldParent;

// Test whether there are any nodes in the new tree between the matching nodes at the left
// and the matching nodes at the right
var rightBoundary = newCnt - right;
if (left >= rightBoundary)

// Clone the new nodes
var newNodesFragment = targetDoc.createDocumentFragment();
i = left;
newNode = newNodes[i];
if (HINT.onUpdate && newNode instanceof Element)
executeEvents(newNode, 'update');
lastUpdated = newNodesFragment.appendChild(newNode);
while (i < --rightBoundary);

// If we haven't skipped any nodes to the right, we can just append the fragment
if (!right)
oldParent.insertBefore(newNodesFragment, oldParent.childNodes[left]);

* Update given node oldNode to make it match newNode
* @param {!Node} oldNode
* @param {!Node} newNode
* @return {boolean} Whether the node can be skipped
function refreshNode(oldNode, newNode)
if (oldNode.nodeName !== newNode.nodeName || oldNode.nodeType !== newNode.nodeType)
return false;

if (oldNode instanceof HTMLElement && newNode instanceof HTMLElement)
if (!oldNode.isEqualNode(newNode) && !elementHashesMatch(oldNode, newNode))
if (HINT.onUpdate && newNode['hasAttribute']('data-s9e-livepreview-onupdate'))
executeEvent(newNode, 'update');
syncElementAttributes(oldNode, newNode);
refreshElementContent(oldNode, newNode);
else if (oldNode.nodeType === 3 || oldNode.nodeType === 8)
if (oldNode.nodeValue !== newNode.nodeValue)
oldNode.nodeValue = newNode.nodeValue;
lastUpdated = oldNode;

return true;

* Test whether both given elements have a hash value and both match
* @param  {!HTMLElement} oldEl
* @param  {!HTMLElement} newEl
* @return {boolean}
function elementHashesMatch(oldEl, newEl)
if (!HINT.hash)
// Hashes can never match if there are no hashes in any template
return false;
const attrName = 'data-s9e-livepreview-hash';

return oldEl['hasAttribute'](attrName) && newEl['hasAttribute'](attrName) && oldEl['getAttribute'](attrName) === newEl['getAttribute'](attrName);

* Hash given string
* @param  {string} text
* @return {number}
function hash(text)
var pos = text.length, s1 = 0, s2 = 0;
while (--pos >= 0)
s1 = (s1 + text.charCodeAt(pos)) % 0xFFFF;
s2 = (s1 + s2) % 0xFFFF;

return (s2 << 16) | s1;

* Make the set of attributes of given element oldEl match newEl's
* @param {!HTMLElement} oldEl
* @param {!HTMLElement} newEl
function syncElementAttributes(oldEl, newEl)
var oldAttributes = oldEl['attributes'],
newAttributes = newEl['attributes'],
oldCnt        = oldAttributes.length,
newCnt        = newAttributes.length,
i             = oldCnt,
ignoreAttrs   = ' ' + oldEl.getAttribute('data-s9e-livepreview-ignore-attrs') + ' ';

while (--i >= 0)
var oldAttr      = oldAttributes[i],
namespaceURI = oldAttr['namespaceURI'],
attrName     = oldAttr['name'];

if (HINT.ignoreAttrs && ignoreAttrs.indexOf(' ' + attrName + ' ') > -1)
if (!newEl.hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName))
oldEl.removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName);
lastUpdated = oldEl;

i = newCnt;
while (--i >= 0)
var newAttr      = newAttributes[i],
namespaceURI = newAttr['namespaceURI'],
attrName     = newAttr['name'],
attrValue    = newAttr['value'];

if (HINT.ignoreAttrs && ignoreAttrs.indexOf(' ' + attrName + ' ') > -1)
if (attrValue !== oldEl.getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName))
oldEl.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName, attrValue);
lastUpdated = oldEl;

refreshElementContent(target, resultFragment);

return lastUpdated;

* Set the value of a stylesheet parameter
* @param {string} paramName  Parameter name
* @param {string} paramValue Parameter's value
function setParameter(paramName, paramValue)
xslt.setParameter(paramName, paramValue);