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 * GZIP-compressed resource output and cache control utility
 * Usage: rc.php?uri=js/filename.js
 *        rc.php?uri=skins/myskin/style.css
 * Or set automatic compression at the top of .htaccess rewrite rules:
 * RewriteRule \.(js|css)$ rc.php?uri=%{REQUEST_FILENAME} [NC,L]
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.6.9
 * @author Julien Lecomte, Cotonti Team
 * @link
 * @license BSD

// Required for PHP 5.3
require_once './datas/config.php';

 * List of known content types based on file extension.
 * Note: These must be built-in somewhere...

$known_content_types = array(
'js'   => 'text/javascript',
'css'  => 'text/css',
'gif'  => 'image/gif',
'jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'png'  => 'image/png'

 * Get the path of the target file.

if (!isset($_GET['uri'])
preg_match('#[^\x20-\x7e]#', $_GET['uri']) // ASCII printable chars only
|| mb_strlen($_GET['uri']) > 256 // No super long paths supported
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
'<html><body><h1>HTTP 400 - Bad Request</h1></body></html>');

$src_uri = $_GET['uri'];

 * Verify the existence of the target file.
 * Return HTTP 404 if needed.

if (!file_exists($src_uri))
/* The file does not exist */
header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' );
'<html><body><h1>HTTP 404 - Not Found</h1></body></html>' );

 * Set the HTTP response headers that will
 * tell the client to cache the resource.

$file_last_modified = filemtime($src_uri);
header( 'Last-Modified: ' . date( 'r', $file_last_modified ) );

$max_age = 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; // ~5 years

$expires = $file_last_modified + $max_age;
header('Expires: ' . date( 'r', $expires ));

$etag = md5(realpath($src_uri) . filesize($src_uri) . filemtime($src_uri));
header('ETag: ' . $etag);

$cache_control = 'must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=' . $max_age . ', s-maxage=' . $max_age;
header('Cache-Control: ' . $cache_control);

 * Check if the client should use the cached version.
 * Return HTTP 304 if needed.

if (function_exists('http_match_etag') && function_exists('http_match_modified'))
    if (
http_match_etag( $etag ) || http_match_modified( $file_last_modified ))
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
error_log('The HTTP extensions to PHP does not seem to be installed...');

 * Extract the directory, file name and file
 * extension from the 'uri' parameter.

$uri_dir = '';
$file_name = '';
$content_type = '';

$uri_parts = explode('/', $src_uri );

for (
$i = 0; $i < count($uri_parts) - 1; $i++)
$uri_dir .= $uri_parts[$i] . '/';

$file_name = end($uri_parts);

$file_parts = explode('.', $file_name);
if (
count($file_parts) > 1)
$file_extension = end($file_parts);
$content_type = $known_content_types[$file_extension];

 * Verify the requested file has allowed extension for security reasons.

$doc_root = realpath( '.' );
$file_dir = realpath($uri_dir);

if (!isset(
$known_content_types[$file_extension]) || strpos($file_dir, $doc_root) !== 0)
header( 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' );
'<html><body><h1>HTTP 403 - Forbidden</h1></body></html>' );

 * Get the target file.
 * If the browser accepts gzip encoding, the target file
 * will be the gzipped version of the requested file.

$dst_uri = $src_uri;

$compress = true;

 * Let's compress only text files...

$compress = $compress && (strpos($content_type, 'text') !== false);

 * Finally, see if the client sent us the correct Accept-encoding: header value...

$compress = $compress && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== false);

if (

 * Output the target file and set the appropriate HTTP headers.

if ($content_type)
header('Content-Type: ' . $content_type);

//header( 'Content-Length: ' . filesize( $dst_uri ) );

if (
