<?php if (!defined('IN_GS')) {die('you cannot load this page directly.');}
* News Manager post management functions.
* @function nm_edit_post
* @param $slug - post slug
* @action edit or create posts
function nm_edit_post($slug) {
$file = NMPOSTPATH . "$slug.xml";
if ($slug != '' && dirname(realpath($file)) != realpath(NMPOSTPATH)) die(''); // path traversal
# get post data, if it exists
$data = @getXML($file);
$title = @stripslashes($data->title);
$date = !empty($data) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->date)) : '';
$time = !empty($data) ? date('H:i', strtotime($data->date)) : '';
$tags = @str_replace(',', ', ', ($data->tags));
$private = @$data->private != '' ? 'checked' : '';
$content = @stripslashes($data->content);
# show edit post form
include(NMTEMPLATEPATH . 'edit_post.php');
if (file_exists($file)) {
$mtime = date(i18n_r('DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT'), filemtime($file));
echo '<small>' . i18n_r('news_manager/LAST_SAVED') . ": $mtime</small>";
include(NMTEMPLATEPATH . 'ckeditor.php');
* @function nm_save_post
* @action write $_POST data to xml file
function nm_save_post() {
# create a backup if necessary
if (isset($_POST['current-slug'])) {
$file = $_POST['current-slug'] . '.xml';
if (dirname(realpath(NMPOSTPATH.$file)) != realpath(NMPOSTPATH)) die(''); // path traversal
@nm_rename_file(NMPOSTPATH . $file, NMBACKUPPATH . $file);
# empty titles are not allowed
if (empty($_POST['post-title']) || trim($_POST['post-title']) == '')
$_POST['post-title'] = '[No Title]';
# set initial slug and filename
if (!empty($_POST['post-slug']))
$slug = nm_create_slug($_POST['post-slug']);
else {
$slug = nm_create_slug($_POST['post-title']);
if ($slug == '') $slug = 'post';
$file = NMPOSTPATH . "$slug.xml";
# do not overwrite other posts
if (file_exists($file)) {
$count = 1;
$file = NMPOSTPATH . "$slug-$count.xml";
while (file_exists($file))
$file = NMPOSTPATH . "$slug-" . ++$count . '.xml';
$slug = basename($file, '.xml');
# create undo target if there's a backup available
if (isset($_POST['current-slug']))
$backup = $slug . ':' . $_POST['current-slug'];
# collect $_POST data
$title = safe_slash_html($_POST['post-title']);
$timestamp = strtotime($_POST['post-date'] . ' ' . $_POST['post-time']);
$date = $timestamp ? date('r', $timestamp) : date('r');
$tags = str_replace(array(' ', ',,'), array('', ','), safe_slash_html($_POST['post-tags']));
$private = isset($_POST['post-private']) ? 'Y' : '';
$content = safe_slash_html($_POST['post-content']);
# create xml object
$xml = new SimpleXMLExtended('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><item></item>');
$obj = $xml->addChild('title');
$obj = $xml->addChild('date');
$obj = $xml->addChild('tags');
$obj = $xml->addChild('private');
$obj = $xml->addChild('content');
# write data to file
if (@XMLsave($xml, $file) && nm_update_cache())
nm_display_message(i18n_r('news_manager/SUCCESS_SAVE'), false, @$backup);
nm_display_message(i18n_r('news_manager/ERROR_SAVE'), true);
* @function nm_delete_post
* @param $slug - post slug
* @action deletes the requested post
function nm_delete_post($slug) {
$file = "$slug.xml";
# path traversal?
if (dirname(realpath(NMPOSTPATH.$file)) != realpath(NMPOSTPATH)) {
nm_display_message('<b>Error:</b> incorrect path', true); // not translated
} else {
# delete post
if (file_exists(NMPOSTPATH . $file)) {
if (nm_rename_file(NMPOSTPATH.$file, NMBACKUPPATH.$file) && nm_update_cache())
nm_display_message(i18n_r('news_manager/SUCCESS_DELETE'), false, $slug);
nm_display_message(i18n_r('news_manager/ERROR_DELETE'), true);
* @function nm_restore_post
* @param $target - string containing target(s)
* @action restores a backup of the requested post
function nm_restore_post($backup) {
if (strpos($backup, ':')) {
# revert to the previous version of a post
list($current, $backup) = explode(':', $backup);
$current .= '.xml';
$backup .= '.xml';
if (dirname(realpath(NMPOSTPATH.$current)) == realpath(NMPOSTPATH) && dirname(realpath(NMBACKUPPATH.$backup)) == realpath(NMBACKUPPATH)) // no path traversal
if (file_exists(NMPOSTPATH . $current) && file_exists(NMBACKUPPATH . $backup))
$status = unlink(NMPOSTPATH . $current) &&
nm_rename_file(NMBACKUPPATH.$backup, NMPOSTPATH.$backup) &&
} else {
# restore the deleted post
$backup .= '.xml';
if (dirname(realpath(NMBACKUPPATH.$backup)) == realpath(NMBACKUPPATH)) // no path traversal
if (file_exists(NMBACKUPPATH . $backup))
$status = nm_rename_file(NMBACKUPPATH.$backup, NMPOSTPATH.$backup) &&
if (@$status)
nm_display_message(i18n_r('news_manager/ERROR_RESTORE'), true);