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 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.

/** Init bubbletip for help icon of plugins, widgets **/
// Note: This is not just backoffice, this is also used to display a bubbletip over help plugin icon e.g. on the edit post/comment pages.
// Also it may be used for other icons in future.

var evo_tooltip_number = 1;
jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '[data-popover]', function()
if( jQuery( this ).data( 'tooltip-init' ) )
{ // Tooltip is already initialized on this help icon
return true;

jQuery( this ).attr( 'title', '' );
jQuery( this ).find( 'span' ).removeAttr( 'title' );

var tip_text = jQuery( this ).data( 'popover' );
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="evo_tooltip_box_' + evo_tooltip_number + '" style="display:none;max-width:200px;text-align:left">' + tip_text + '</div>' );

var direction = jQuery( this ).data( 'placement' );
if( ! direction )
direction = 'right';
if( jQuery( 'body' ).width() - jQuery( this ).position().left < 220 )
{ // Change position of bubbletip if we have no enough space at the right
direction = 'left';

var tip = jQuery( '#evo_tooltip_box_' + evo_tooltip_number );
jQuery( this ).bubbletip( tip, {
showOnInit: true,
deltaDirection: direction,
deltaShift: 0,
} );

// Add this data to avoid of the repeating of init tooltip:
jQuery( this ).data( 'tooltip-init', 1 );
} );