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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @copyright (c) 2010-2013 Moxiecode Systems AB
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty(
$lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'PLUPLOAD_ADD_FILES'        => 'Add files',
'PLUPLOAD_ADD_FILES_TO_QUEUE'    => 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.',
'PLUPLOAD_ALREADY_QUEUED'    => '%s already present in the queue.',
'PLUPLOAD_CLOSE'            => 'Close',
'PLUPLOAD_DRAG'                => 'Drag files here.',
'PLUPLOAD_DUPLICATE_ERROR'    => 'Duplicate file error.',
'PLUPLOAD_DRAG_TEXTAREA'    => 'You may also attach files by dragging and dropping them in the message box.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_INPUT'        => 'Failed to open input stream.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_MOVE_UPLOADED'    => 'Failed to move uploaded file.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_OUTPUT'        => 'Failed to open output stream.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE'    => 'File too large:',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_FILE_COUNT'    => 'File count error.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_FILE_INVALID_EXT'    => 'Invalid file extension:',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_RUNTIME_MEMORY'    => 'Runtime ran out of available memory.',
'PLUPLOAD_ERR_UPLOAD_URL'    => 'Upload URL might be wrong or does not exist.',
'PLUPLOAD_EXTENSION_ERROR'    => 'File extension error.',
'PLUPLOAD_FILE'                => 'File: %s',
'PLUPLOAD_FILE_DETAILS'        => 'File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d',
'PLUPLOAD_FILENAME'            => 'Filename',
'PLUPLOAD_FILES_QUEUED'        => '%d files queued',
'PLUPLOAD_GENERIC_ERROR'    => 'Generic error.',
'PLUPLOAD_HTTP_ERROR'        => 'HTTP error.',
'PLUPLOAD_IMAGE_FORMAT'        => 'Image format either wrong or not supported.',
'PLUPLOAD_INIT_ERROR'        => 'Init error.',
'PLUPLOAD_IO_ERROR'            => 'IO error.',
'PLUPLOAD_SECURITY_ERROR'    => 'Security error.',
'PLUPLOAD_SELECT_FILES'        => 'Select files',
'PLUPLOAD_SIZE'                => 'Size',
'PLUPLOAD_SIZE_ERROR'        => 'File size error.',
'PLUPLOAD_STATUS'            => 'Status',
'PLUPLOAD_START_UPLOAD'        => 'Start upload',
'PLUPLOAD_START_CURRENT_UPLOAD'    => 'Start uploading queue',
'PLUPLOAD_STOP_UPLOAD'        => 'Stop upload',
'PLUPLOAD_STOP_CURRENT_UPLOAD'    => 'Stop current upload',
// Note: This string is formatted independently by plupload and so does not
    // use the same formatting rules as normal phpBB translation strings
'PLUPLOAD_UPLOADED'            => 'Uploaded %d/%d files',