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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\textformatter;

    * Parse given text
    * @param  string $text
    * @return string
public function parse($text);

    * Disable a specific BBCode
    * @param  string $name BBCode name
    * @return null
public function disable_bbcode($name);

    * Disable BBCodes in general
public function disable_bbcodes();

    * Disable the censor
public function disable_censor();

    * Disable magic URLs
public function disable_magic_url();

    * Disable smilies
public function disable_smilies();

    * Enable a specific BBCode
    * @param  string $name BBCode name
    * @return null
public function enable_bbcode($name);

    * Enable BBCodes in general
public function enable_bbcodes();

    * Enable the censor
public function enable_censor();

    * Enable magic URLs
public function enable_magic_url();

    * Enable smilies
public function enable_smilies();

    * Get the list of errors that were generated during last parsing
    * @return array[] Array of arrays. Each array contains a lang string at index 0 plus any number
    *                 of optional parameters
public function get_errors();

    * Set a variable to be used by the parser
    *  - max_font_size
    *  - max_img_height
    *  - max_img_width
    *  - max_smilies
    *  - max_urls
    * @param  string $name
    * @param  mixed  $value
    * @return null
public function set_var($name, $value);

    * Set multiple variables to be used by the parser
    * @param  array $vars Associative array of [name => value]
    * @return null
public function set_vars(array $vars);