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 * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
 * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
 * For full copyright and license information, please see
 * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\install\module\obtain_data\task;


 * This class requests and validates admin account data from the user
class obtain_admin_data extends \phpbb\install\task_base implements \phpbb\install\task_interface
     * @var \phpbb\install\helper\config
protected $install_config;

     * @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface
protected $io_handler;

     * Constructor
     * @param \phpbb\install\helper\config                            $install_config    Installer's config helper
     * @param \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface    $iohandler        Installer's input-output handler
public function __construct(\phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config,
phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler)
$this->install_config    = $install_config;
$this->io_handler        = $iohandler;


     * {@inheritdoc}
public function run()
// Check if data is sent
if ($this->io_handler->get_input('submit_admin', false))

     * Process form data
protected function process_form()
// Admin data
$admin_name        = $this->io_handler->get_input('admin_name', '', true);
$admin_pass1    = $this->io_handler->get_input('admin_pass1', '', true);
$admin_pass2    = $this->io_handler->get_input('admin_pass2', '', true);
$board_email    = $this->io_handler->get_input('board_email', '', true);

$admin_data_valid = $this->check_admin_data($admin_name, $admin_pass1, $admin_pass2, $board_email);

        if (
$this->install_config->set('admin_name', $admin_name);
$this->install_config->set('admin_passwd', $admin_pass1);
$this->install_config->set('board_email', $board_email);

     * Request data from the user
     * @param bool $use_request_data Whether to use submited data
     * @throws user_interaction_required_exception When the user is required to provide data
protected function request_form_data($use_request_data = false)
        if (
$admin_username    = $this->io_handler->get_input('admin_name', '', true);
$admin_email    = $this->io_handler->get_input('board_email', '', true);
$admin_username    = '';
$admin_email    = '';

$admin_form = array(
'admin_name'    => array(
'label'            => 'ADMIN_USERNAME',
'description'    => 'ADMIN_USERNAME_EXPLAIN',
'type'            => 'text',
'default'        => $admin_username,
'board_email'    => array(
'label'        => 'CONTACT_EMAIL',
'type'        => 'email',
'default'    => $admin_email,
'admin_pass1'    => array(
'label'            => 'ADMIN_PASSWORD',
'description'    => 'ADMIN_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN',
'type'            => 'password',
'admin_pass2'    => array(
'type'    => 'password',
'submit_admin'    => array(
'label'    => 'SUBMIT',
'type'    => 'submit',

$this->io_handler->add_user_form_group('ADMIN_CONFIG', $admin_form);

// Require user interaction
throw new user_interaction_required_exception();

     * Check admin data
     * @param string    $username    Admin username
     * @param string    $pass1        Admin password
     * @param string    $pass2        Admin password confirmation
     * @param string    $email        Admin e-mail address
     * @return bool    True if data is valid, false otherwise
protected function check_admin_data($username, $pass1, $pass2, $email)
$data_valid = true;

// Check if none of admin data is empty
if (in_array('', array($username, $pass1, $pass2, $email), true))
$data_valid = false;

        if (
utf8_strlen($username) < 3)
$data_valid = false;

        if (
utf8_strlen($username) > 20)
$data_valid = false;

        if (
$pass1 !== $pass2 && $pass1 !== '')
$data_valid = false;

// Test against the default password rules
if (utf8_strlen($pass1) < 6)
$data_valid = false;

        if (
utf8_strlen($pass1) > 30)
$data_valid = false;

        if (!
preg_match('/^' . get_preg_expression('email') . '$/i', $email))
$data_valid = false;


     * {@inheritdoc}
static public function get_step_count()

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function get_task_lang_name()