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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/notify.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: notify.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

 * Renders notices
 * @param array $notices The array contaning notices.
 * @return string The notices formatted as HTML.
function rendernotices($notices) {
$messages = "";

    foreach (
$notices as $status => $notice) {
        if (
$status == "success") {
// Success messages can be auto closed
$messages .= "<div id='close-message'>\n";
$messages .= "<div class='admin-message alert alert-".$status." alert-dismissible' role='alert'>";
$messages .= "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button>";
$messages .= implode("<br/>", $notice);
$messages .= "</div>\n";
        if (
$status == "success") {
$messages .= "</div>\n";


 * Checks whether a group identified by the key provided has any notices
 * @param string $key The key identifying a group or more holding notices, by default the page name in which the notice was set
 * @return bool Ture if the group has any notices.
function hasnotice($key = FUSION_SELF) {
    if (!empty(
$_SESSION['notices'])) {
        if ((isset(
$_SESSION['notices']['once'][$key]) && !empty($_SESSION['notices']['once'][$key])) ||
$_SESSION['notices']['persist'][$key]) && !empty($_SESSION['notices']['persist'][$key]))
        ) {


 * Retrievs all notices for the group identified by the key provided/
 * @param string|array $key    The key(s) identifying a group or more holding notices, by default the page name in which the notice was set.
 * @param bool         $delete Whether to delete or keep a notice message after it was accessed.
 *                             This only works if the notice was set or added while having $remove_after_access set to false
 * @return array The notices for the group identified by the provided key.
function getnotices($key = FUSION_SELF, $delete = TRUE) {
$key = is_array($key) ? $key : [$key]; // key can be arrays or a string
$notices = [];
    if (!empty(
$_SESSION['notices'])) {
        foreach (
$_SESSION['notices'] as $type => $keys) {
            foreach (
$key as $thiskey) {
                if (isset(
$keys[$thiskey])) {
$notices = array_merge_recursive($notices, $keys[$thiskey]);
                    if (!
fusion_get_settings('site_seo') && !defined('IN_PERMALINK')) {
                        if (
$delete) {
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$thiskey] = [];


 * Remove notice
 * @param string|array $key The key(s) identifying a group or more holding notices.
function remove_notice($key = ['all', FUSION_SELF, FUSION_REQUEST]) {
$key = is_array($key) ? $key : [$key]; // key can be arrays or a string
if (!empty($_SESSION['notices'])) {
        foreach (
$_SESSION['notices'] as $type => $keys) {
            foreach (
$key as $thiskey) {
                if (isset(
$keys[$thiskey]) && !empty($_SESSION['notices'][$type][$thiskey])) {
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$thiskey] = [];

 * Adds a notice message to the group identified by the key provided
 * @param string  $status              The status of the message.
 * @param string  $value               The message.
 * @param string  $key                 The key identifying a group holding notices, by default the page name in which the notice was set.
 * @param boolean $remove_after_access Whether the notice should be automatically removed after it was displayed once,
 *                                     if set to false when getnotices() is called you have the option to keep the notice even after it was accesed.
function addnotice($status, $value, $key = FUSION_SELF, $remove_after_access = TRUE) {
$type = $remove_after_access ? 'once' : 'persist';
    if (
is_array($value)) {
$return = "<ol style='list-style: decimal;'>\n";
        foreach (
$value as $text) {
$return .= "<li>".$text."</li>";
$return .= "</ol>\n";
$value = $return;

    if (!isset(
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$key][$status])) {
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$key][$status] = [];
    if (
array_search($value, $_SESSION['notices'][$type][$key][$status]) === FALSE) {
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$key][$status][] = $value;

 * Sets a notice message for the whole group identified by the key provided, this will overwrite any other notices previously set
 * @param string  $status              The status of the message.
 * @param string  $value               The message.
 * @param string  $key                 The key identifying a group holding notices, by default the page name in which the notice was set.
 * @param boolean $remove_after_access Whether the notice should be automatically removed after it was displayed once.
 *                                     If set to false when getnotices() is called you have the option to keep the notice even after it was accesed.
function setnotice($status, $value, $key = FUSION_SELF, $remove_after_access = TRUE) {
$type = $remove_after_access ? 'once' : 'persist';
$_SESSION['notices'][$type][$key] = [$status => [$value]];