Seditio Source
Root |
 * English Language File (main.lang.php)
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @author Cotonti Translators Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2009
 * @license BSD

defined('SED_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.');

 * Main strings

$L['Access'] = 'Access';
$L['Action'] = 'Action';
$L['Active'] = 'Active';
$L['Add'] = 'Add';
$L['Added'] = 'Added';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Admin'] = 'Admin';
$L['Administration'] = 'Administration';
$L['Adminpanel'] = 'Administration panel';
$L['Age'] = 'Age';
$L['Ago'] = 'ago';
$L['AIM'] = 'AIM Address';
$L['Alias'] = 'Alias';
$L['All'] = 'All';
$L['Allcategories'] = 'All categories';
$L['Allpages'] = 'All pages';
//$L['Alltimesare'] = 'All times are'; // Deprecated in N-0.1.0
$L['Announcement'] = 'Announcement';
$L['Anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
$L['Archives'] = 'Archives';
$L['Ascending'] = 'Ascending';
$L['Author'] = 'Author';
$L['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Avatars'] = 'Avatars';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Banlist'] = 'Banlist';
$L['Banned'] = 'Banned';
$L['BBcode'] = 'BBcode';
$L['BBcodes'] = 'BBcodes';
$L['Begin'] = 'Begin';
$L['Birthdate'] = 'Birthdate';
$L['Birthday'] = 'Birthday';
$L['Blog'] = 'Blog';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Blogs'] = 'Blogs';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Body'] = 'Body';
$L['Bump'] = 'Bump';
$L['Byfirstletter'] = 'By first letter';
$L['bytes'] = 'bytes';
$L['Cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$L['Categories'] = 'Categories';
$L['Category'] = 'Category';
$L['Clearstatus'] = 'Clear status';
$L['Clickhere'] = 'Click here to continue...';    // New in N-0.0.6
$L['Close'] = 'Close';
$L['Code'] = 'Code';
$L['Comment'] = 'Comment';
$L['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$L['Configuration'] = 'Configuration';
$L['Confirm'] = 'Confirm';
$L['Copyright'] = 'Copyright';
$L['Core'] = 'Core';
$L['Count'] = 'Count';
$L['Country'] = 'Country';
$L['Create'] = 'Create';
$L['Custom'] = 'Custom';
$L['Database'] = 'Database';
$L['Date'] = 'Date';
$L['Days'] = array('days','day');
$L['Default'] = 'Default';
$L['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$L['Deleted'] = 'Deleted';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Descending'] = 'Descending';
$L['Description'] = 'Description';
$L['Disabled'] = 'Disabled';
$L['Done'] = 'Done';    // New in N-0.0.6
$L['Download'] = 'Download';
$L['Duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
$L['Duration'] = 'Duration';
$L['Edit'] = 'Edit';
$L['Email'] = 'E-mail';
$L['Emailmask'] = 'E-mail mask';
$L['Enabled'] = 'Enabled';
$L['Entry'] = 'Entry';    // New in N-0.0.6
$L['Entries'] = 'Entries';    // New in N-0.0.6
$L['Error'] = 'Error';
$L['Event'] = 'Event';
$L['Events'] = 'Events';
$L['Expand'] = 'Expand';
$L['Expire'] = 'Expire';
$L['Extrafield'] = 'Extra field';
$L['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['File'] = 'File';
$L['Files'] = 'Files';
$L['Filter'] = 'Filter';
$L['Filters'] = 'Filters';
$L['Fold'] = 'Fold';
$L['Folder'] = 'Folder';
$L['Folders'] = 'Folders';
$L['Forums'] = 'Forums';
$L['Found'] = 'Found';    // New in N-0.0.6
$L['Galleries'] = 'Galleries';
$L['Gallery'] = 'Gallery';
$L['Gender'] = 'Gender';
$L['Ghost'] = 'Ghost';
$L['Group'] = 'Group';
$L['Groups'] = 'Groups';
$L['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Guest'] = 'Guest';
$L['Guests'] = 'Guests';
$L['Headlines'] = 'View headlines';
$L['Help'] = 'Help';
$L['Here'] = 'Here';
$L['Hi'] = 'Hi';
$L['Hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$L['Hide'] = 'Hide';
$L['Hits'] = 'Hits';
$L['Home'] = 'Home';
$L['Hook'] = 'Hook';
$L['Hooks'] = 'Hooks';
$L['Hours'] = array('hours','hour');
$L['Icon'] = 'Icon (URL)';
$L['ICQ'] = 'ICQ Number';
$L['Id'] = 'ID';
$L['Image'] = 'Image';
$L['ImageURL'] = 'Image URL';
$L['Inactive'] = 'Inactive';
$L['Ip'] = 'IP';
$L['Ipmask'] = 'IP mask';
$L['Ipsearch'] = 'IP search';
$L['IRC'] = 'IRC';
$L['Item'] = 'Item';
$L['Items'] = 'Items';
$L['kb'] = 'KB';
$L['Key'] = 'Key';
$L['Language'] = 'Language';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Languages'] = 'Languages';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Lastlogged'] = 'Last logged';
$L['Lastpost'] = 'Last post';
$L['Left']    = 'Left';
$L['Level']    = 'Level';
$L['Levels']    = 'Levels';
$L['Link']    = 'Link';
$L['Links']    = 'Links';
$L['Location'] = 'Location';
$L['Lock'] = 'Lock';
$L['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$L['Log'] = 'Log';
$L['Login'] = 'Login';
$L['Logout'] = 'Logout';
$L['Main'] = 'Main';
$L['Maingroup'] = 'Main group';
$L['Makesticky'] = 'Sticky';
$L['Member'] = 'Member';
$L['Members'] = 'Members';
$L['Members_download'] = 'This download is available for registered users only.';    // New in N-0.0.1
$L['Members_only'] = 'Members only';    // New in N-0.0.1
$L['Menu'] = 'Menu';
$L['Menus'] = 'Menu Slots';
$L['Message'] = 'Message';
$L['Messages'] = 'Messages';
$L['Minlevel'] = 'Min.level';
$L['Minutes'] = array('minutes','minute');
$L['Moderators'] = 'Moderators';
$L['Module'] = 'Module';
$L['Modules'] = 'Modules';
$L['Month'] = 'month';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['Months'] = 'months';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['More'] = 'More...';
$L['Move'] = 'Move';
$L['Moved'] = 'Moved';
$L['MSN'] = 'MSN Messenger';
$L['Myjournal'] = 'My weblog';
$L['Mypfs'] = 'My files';
$L['na'] = 'Not available';
$L['Name'] = 'Name';
$L['Names'] = 'Names';
$L['New'] = 'New';
$L['News'] = 'News';
$L['Newspost'] = 'News post';
$L['Newsposts'] = 'News posts';
$L['Next'] = 'Next page';
$L['No'] = 'No';
$L['None'] = 'None';
$L['Noitemsfound'] = 'No items matching your query';
$L['Normal'] = 'Normal';
$L['Notes'] = 'Notes';
$L['No_items'] = 'No items found';    // New in N-0.0.1
$L['Occupation'] = 'Occupation';
$L['Of'] = 'of';    // New in N-x.x.x
$L['Ontop'] = 'Top';    // New in N-0.0.1
$L['Open'] = 'Open';
$L['Option'] = 'Option';
$L['Options'] = 'Options';
$L['Order'] = 'Order';
$L['Ordered'] = 'Ordered';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Originalmessage'] = 'Original message';
$L['Other'] = 'Other';
$L['Overview'] = 'Overview';
$L['Owner'] = 'Owner';
$L['Page'] = 'Page';
$L['Pages'] = 'Pages';
$L['Parser'] = 'Parser';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Part'] = 'Part';
$L['Parts'] = 'Parts';
$L['Password'] = 'Password';
$L['Path'] = 'Path';
$L['PFS'] = 'Personal File Space';
$L['Photo'] = 'Photo';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Photos'] = 'Photos';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Picture'] = 'Picture';
$L['Pictures'] = 'pictures';
$L['Plugin'] = 'Plugin';
$L['Plugins'] = 'Plugins';
$L['Poll'] = 'Poll';
$L['Polls'] = 'Polls';
$L['Post'] = 'Post';
$L['Poster'] = 'Poster';
$L['Posts'] = 'Posts';
$L['Preview'] = 'Preview';
$L['Previous'] = 'Previous page';
$L['Private'] = 'Private';
$L['Private_Messages'] = 'Private messages';
$L['Profile'] = 'Profile';
$L['Prune'] = 'Prune';
$L['Public'] = 'Public';
$L['Publish'] = 'Publish';
$L['Putinvalidationqueue'] = 'Put in validation queue';
$L['Quote'] = 'Quote';
$L['Rank'] = 'Rank';
$L['Rated'] = 'Rated';
$L['Rating'] = 'Rating';
$L['Ratings'] = 'Ratings';
$L['Read'] = 'Read';
$L['ReadMore'] = 'read more...';
$L['Reason'] = 'Reason';
$L['Recipient'] = 'Recipient';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Recipients'] = 'Recipients';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Referer'] = 'Referer';
$L['Referers'] = 'Referers';
$L['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$L['Register'] = 'Register';
$L['Registered'] = 'Registered';
$L['Registration'] = 'Registration';
$L['Remove'] = 'Remove';
$L['Replies'] = 'Replies';
$L['Reply'] = 'Reply';
$L['Reset'] = 'Reset';
$L['Restore'] = 'Restore';
$L['Resync'] = 'Resync';
$L['Resynced'] = 'Resynced';    // New in 0.1.0
$L['Right'] = 'Right';
$L['Rights'] = 'Rights';
$L['Search'] = 'Search';
$L['Seconds'] = array('seconds','second');
$L['Section'] = 'Section';
$L['Sections'] = 'Sections';
$L['Security'] = 'Security';
$L['Sender'] = 'Sender';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Senders'] = 'Senders';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Session_expired'] = 'Your session has expired. Please try again.';
$L['Set'] = 'Set';
$L['Setup'] = 'Setup';
$L['SFS'] = 'Site File Space';
$L['Show'] = 'Show';
$L['Signature'] = 'Signature';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Signatures'] = 'Signatures';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Size'] = 'Size';
$L['Skin'] = 'Skin';
$L['Skins'] = 'Skins';
$L['Smilies'] = 'Smilies';
$L['Spoiler'] = 'Spoiler';
$L['Standalone'] = 'Standalone';
$L['Started'] = 'Started';
$L['Statistics'] = 'Statistics';
$L['StatsLogs'] = 'Statistics & logs';
$L['Status'] = 'Status';
$L['Structure'] = 'Structure';
$L['Subforum'] = 'Subforum';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Subforums'] = 'Subforums';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Subject'] = 'Subject';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['Submit'] = 'Submit';
$L['System'] = 'System';
$L['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$L['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$L['Text'] = 'Text';
$L['Thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$L['Thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
$L['Timezone'] = 'Timezone';
$L['Title'] = 'Title';
$L['Tool'] = 'Tool';
$L['Tools'] = 'Tools';
$L['Topic'] = 'Topic';
$L['Topiclocked'] = 'This topic is locked, new posts are not allowed.';
$L['Topicoptions'] = 'Topic options';
$L['Topics'] = 'Topics';
$L['Total'] = 'Total';
$L['TPL'] = 'TPL';
$L['Trash'] = 'Trash';
$L['Trashcan'] = 'Trash can';
$L['Type'] = 'Type';
$L['Unfold'] = 'Unfold';
$L['Unknown'] = '?';
$L['Unlock'] = 'Unlock';
$L['Unlocked'] = 'Unlocked';
$L['Until'] = 'Until';
$L['Update'] = 'Update';
$L['Updated'] = 'Updated';
$L['Upload'] = 'Upload';
$L['Uploaded'] = 'Uploaded';
$L['URL'] = 'URL';
$L['User'] = 'User';
$L['Userid'] = 'User ID';
$L['Username'] = 'Username';
$L['Users'] = 'Users';
$L['Validate'] = 'Validate';
$L['Value'] = 'Value';
$L['Values'] = 'Values';
$L['Version'] = 'Version';
$L['View'] = 'View';
$L['Views'] = 'Views';
$L['Vote'] = 'Vote';
$L['Votes'] = 'Votes';
$L['Website'] = 'Website';
$L['Week'] = 'week';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['Weeks'] = 'weeks';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['Wipe'] = 'Wipe';
$L['Wipeall'] = 'Wipe all';
$L['Write'] = 'Write';
$L['Yes'] = 'Yes';
$L['YIM'] = 'Yahoo Messenger';

 * Months

$L['January'] = 'January';
$L['February'] = 'February';
$L['March'] = 'March';
$L['April'] = 'April';
$L['May'] = 'May';
$L['June'] = 'June';
$L['July'] = 'July';
$L['August'] = 'August';
$L['September'] = 'September';
$L['October'] = 'October';
$L['November'] = 'November';
$L['December'] = 'December';

 * Gender

$L['Gender_F'] = 'Female';
$L['Gender_M'] = 'Male';
$L['Gender_U'] = 'Unknown';

 * Common Entries

$L['com_guests'] = array('guests','guest');
$L['com_members'] = array('members','member');
$L['com_skinfail'] = 'Warning, failed to load your prefered skin, check your profile';
$L['com_themefail'] = 'Warning, failed to load your prefered theme for the prefered skin, please check your profile and update values';    // New in N-0.0.2

 * Header

$L['hea_noprivatemessages'] = 'No private messages';
$L['hea_privatemessages'] = array('new private messages','new private message');
$L['hea_valqueues'] = 'In validation queues: ';
$L['hea_youareloggedas'] = 'Logged in as';
$L['hea_youarenotlogged'] = 'You\'re not logged in.';

 * Footer

$L['foo_poweredby'] = 'Powered by';
$L['foo_created'] = 'Page created in';
$L['foo_seconds'] = array('seconds','second');
$L['foo_sqlqueries'] = 'SQL queries';
$L['foo_sqltotal'] = 'SQL total time';
$L['foo_sqlaverage'] = 'Average SQL time';

 * User registration

$L['aut_contactadmin'] = 'If you have any difficulties please contact the board administrator';
$L['aut_emailalreadyindb'] = 'The e-mail you provided is already in the database';
$L['aut_emailbanned'] = 'This e-mail (or this host) is banned, reason is: ';
$L['aut_emailtooshort'] = 'The e-mail is not valid!';
$L['aut_invalidloginchars'] = 'The login contains invalid characters'; // 0.6.6
$L['aut_logintitle'] = 'Login form';
$L['aut_mailnoticetitle'] = 'E-mail transition';    // New in N-0.1.0
$L['aut_passwordmismatch'] = 'The password fields do not match!';
$L['aut_passwordtooshort'] = 'The password must be at least 4 chars long and must consist of alphanumerical characters and underscore only.';
$L['aut_registersubtitle'] = '';
$L['aut_registertitle'] = 'Register a new member account';
$L['aut_regreqnoticetitle'] = 'New account request';
$L['aut_regrequesttitle'] = 'Registration request';
$L['aut_usernamealreadyindb'] = 'The user name you provided is already in the database';
$L['aut_usernametooshort']= 'The user name must be at least 2 chars long';

 * User registration: messages

$L['aut_regrequest'] = 'Hi %1$s,
Your account is currently inactive, an administrator will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another e-mail when this has occured. Then you will be able to login with:
Username = %1$s
Password = %2$s'

$L['aut_regreqnotice'] = 'You are receiving this e-mail because %1$s requested a new account.
This user won\'t be able to login until you manually set the account as \'active\', here:

$L['aut_emailreg'] = 'Hi %1$s,
To use your account you need to activate it with this link:
Then you\'ll be able to login with:
Username = %1$s
Password = %2$s
To cancel the recently inactive membership use this link:

$L['aut_emailchange'] = 'Hi %1$s,
To change your recent e-mail please use this activation link:
;    // New in N-0.1.0

 * Comments

$L['com_closed'] = 'Adding comments has been disabled for this item';    // 0.0.6
$L['com_commentadded'] = 'Done, comment added';
$L['com_commenttoolong'] = 'The comment is too long';
$L['com_commenttooshort'] = 'The comment is too short or missing';
$L['com_nocommentsyet'] = 'No comments yet';
$L['com_regonly'] = 'Only registered users can post new comments';

 * Forums

$L['for_antibump'] = 'The anti-bump protection is up, you cannot post twice in a row.';    // 0.0.6
$L['for_keepmovedlink'] = 'Keep a Moved Topic link'; // 0.6.6
$L['for_markallasread'] = 'Mark all posts as read';
$L['for_mergetime'] = 'Added %1$s later:'; // 0.0.6
$L['for_messagetooshort'] = 'Topic message is too short';    // 0.0.2
$L['for_newtopic'] = 'New topic';
$L['for_polltooshort'] = 'Poll options must be equal, or greater than 2';    // 0.0.2
$L['for_titletooshort'] = 'Topic title is too short or missing';    // 0.0.2
$L['for_updatedby'] = '<br /><em>This post was edited by %1$s (%2$s, %3$s ago)</em>';

 * Lists

$L['lis_submitnew'] = 'Submit a new entry';

 * Pages

$L['comm_on_page'] = 'on page';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pagadd_subtitle'] = 'Submit a new page';
$L['pagadd_title'] = 'New page submission form';
$L['paged_subtitle'] = 'Update values for this page';
$L['paged_title'] = 'Page properties';
$L['pag_authortooshort'] = 'The author name is too short or missing';
$L['pag_catmissing'] = 'The category code is missing';
$L['pag_desctooshort'] = 'The description is too short or missing';
$L['pag_notavailable'] = 'This page will be published in ';
$L['pag_textmissing'] = 'Page text must not be empty';
$L['pag_titletooshort'] = 'The title is too short or missing';
$L['pag_validation'] = 'Awaiting validation';
$L['pag_validation_desc'] = 'Your pages which have not been validated by administrator yet';

 * PFS

$L['pfs_extallowed'] = 'Extensions allowed';
$L['pfs_filecheckfail'] = 'Warning: File Check Failed for Extension: %1$s Filename - %2$s';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pfs_filechecknomime'] = 'Warning: No Mime Type data was found for the Extension: %1$s Filename - %2$s';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pfs_fileexists'] = 'The upload failed, there\'s already a file with this name?';
$L['pfs_filelistempty'] = 'List is empty.';
$L['pfs_filemimemissing'] = 'The mime type for %1$s is missing. Upload Failed';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pfs_filenotmoved'] = 'The upload failed, temporary file cannot be moved.';    // New in 0.0.3
$L['pfs_filenotvalid'] = 'This is not a valid %1$s file.';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pfs_filesintheroot'] = 'File(s) in the root';
$L['pfs_filesinthisfolder'] = 'File(s) in this folder';
$L['pfs_filetoobigorext'] = 'The upload failed, this file is too big maybe, or the extension is not allowed?';
$L['pfs_folderistempty'] = 'This folder is empty.';
$L['pfs_isgallery'] = 'Gallery?';
$L['pfs_ispublic'] = 'Public?';
$L['pfs_maxsize'] = 'Maximum size for a file';
$L['pfs_maxspace'] = 'Maximum space allowed';
$L['pfs_newfile'] = 'Upload a file:';
$L['pfs_newfolder'] = 'Create a new folder:';
$L['pfs_resizeimages'] = 'to scale the image?';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pfs_title'] = 'My Personal File Space';
$L['pfs_totalsize'] = 'Total size';

 * Private messages

$L['pmsend_subtitle'] = 'New private message submission form';
$L['pmsend_title'] = 'Send a new private message';

$L['pm_archives'] = 'Archives';
$L['pm_arcsubtitle'] = 'Old messages, newest is at top';
$L['pm_bodytoolong'] = 'The body of the private message is too long, '.$cfg['pm_maxsize'].' chars maximum';
$L['pm_bodytooshort'] = 'The body of the private message is too short or missing';
$L['pm_inbox'] = 'Inbox';
$L['pm_inboxsubtitle'] = 'Private messages, newest is at top';
$L['pm_multiplerecipients'] = 'This private messages was also sent to %1$s other recipient(s).';
$L['pm_norecipient'] = 'No recipient specified';
$L['pm_notifytitle'] = 'New private message';
$L['pm_putinarchives'] = 'Put in archives';
$L['pm_replyto'] = 'Reply to this user';
$L['pm_sendnew'] = 'Send a new private message';
$L['pm_sentbox'] = 'Sent-box';
$L['pm_sentboxsubtitle'] = 'Sent messages';
$L['pm_titletooshort'] = 'The title is too short or missing';
$L['pm_toomanyrecipients'] = '%1$s recipients maximum please';
$L['pm_wrongname'] = 'At least one recipient was wrong, and so removed from the list';

 * Private messages: notification

$L['pm_notify'] = 'Hi %1$s,
You are receiving this e-mail because there is a new private message in your inbox from %2$s
Click this link to read it: %3$s'

 * Polls

$L['polls_alreadyvoted'] = 'You\'ve already voted for this poll.';
$L['polls_created'] = 'The poll has been successfully created';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['polls_error_count'] = 'A poll must have two or more options';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['polls_error_title'] = 'Poll name is too short or empty';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['polls_multiple'] = 'Allow multiple choice';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['polls_notyetvoted'] = 'You can vote by clicking a line above.';
$L['polls_since'] = 'since';
$L['polls_updated'] = 'The poll has been successfully updated';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['polls_viewarchives'] = 'View all polls';
$L['polls_viewresults'] = 'View results';
$L['polls_Vote'] = 'Vote';
$L['polls_votecasted'] = 'Done, vote succesfully recorded';
$L['polls_votes'] = 'votes';

 * Ratings

$L['rat_choice1'] = 'Very poor';
$L['rat_choice2'] = 'Poor';
$L['rat_choice3'] = 'Not that bad';
$L['rat_choice4'] = 'Fair';
$L['rat_choice5'] = 'Average';
$L['rat_choice6'] = 'Almost good';
$L['rat_choice7'] = 'Good';
$L['rat_choice8'] = 'Very good';
$L['rat_choice9'] = 'Excellent';
$L['rat_choice10'] = 'Perfect';
$L['rat_votecasted'] = 'Done, vote successfully recorded';
$L['rat_since'] = 'since';
$L['rat_notyetrated'] = 'Not yet rated';
$L['rat_alreadyvoted'] = 'You\'ve already voted for this item.';
$L['rat_registeredonly'] = 'Only registered users can rate items.';

 * Users

$L['pro_avatarnotvalid'] = 'This avatar is not a valid %1$s image.';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pro_avatarschoose'] = 'Click an image below to set it as your own avatar';
$L['pro_avatarspreset'] = '...or click here to display a gallery of pre-loaded avatars';
$L['pro_avatarsupload'] = 'Upload an avatar';
$L['pro_avataruploadfailed'] = 'The upload failed, delete the old avatar before to free the slot!';
$L['pro_emailandpass'] = 'You can not change both e-mail and password at a time'; // New in N-0.0.5
$L['pro_passdiffer'] = 'The 2 password fields do not match';
$L['pro_passtoshort'] = 'The password must be at least 4 chars long and must consist of alphanumerical characters and underscore only.';
$L['pro_photonotvalid'] = 'This photo is not a valid %1$s image.';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pro_photoupload'] = 'Upload a photography';
$L['pro_sigotvalid'] = 'This signature is not a valid %1$s image.';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pro_sigupload'] = 'Upload a signature';
$L['pro_subtitle'] = 'Your personal account';
$L['pro_title'] = 'Profile';
$L['pro_wrongpass'] = 'You didn\'t enter your present password, or it\'s wrong';

$L['useed_accountactivated'] = 'Account activated';
$L['useed_email'] = 'You are receiving this e-mail because an administrator activated your account. You may now login using the username and password you received in a previous e-mail.';
$L['useed_subtitle'] = '&nbsp;';
$L['useed_title'] = 'Edit';

$L['use_allbannedusers'] = 'Users banned';
$L['use_allinactiveusers'] = 'Users inactive';
$L['use_allusers'] = 'All users';
$L['use_byfirstletter'] = 'Name starting by';
$L['use_subtitle'] = 'Registered members';
$L['use_title'] = 'Users';

 * Miscellaneous

$L['pagenav_first'] = '&lt;&lt;';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pagenav_prev'] = '&lt;';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pagenav_next'] = '&gt;';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['pagenav_last'] = '&gt;&gt;';    // New in N-0.0.2

$L['ajaxSenderror'] = 'The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the administrator and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.';    // New in N-0.0.2

 * Countries

$sed_countries = array (
'00' => '---',
'af' => 'Afghanistan',
'al' => 'Albania',
'dz' => 'Algeria',
'as' => 'American Samoa',
'ad' => 'Andorra',
'ao' => 'Angola',
'ai' => 'Anguilla',
'aq' => 'Antarctica',
'ag' => 'Antigua And Barbuda',
'ar' => 'Argentina',
'am' => 'Armenia',
'aw' => 'Aruba',
'au' => 'Australia',
'at' => 'Austria',
'az' => 'Azerbaijan',
'bs' => 'Bahamas',
'bh' => 'Bahrain',
'bd' => 'Bangladesh',
'bb' => 'Barbados',
'by' => 'Belarus',
'be' => 'Belgium',
'bz' => 'Belize',
'bj' => 'Benin',
'bm' => 'Bermuda',
'bt' => 'Bhutan',
'bo' => 'Bolivia',
'ba' => 'Bosnia And Herzegovina',
'bw' => 'Botswana',
'bv' => 'Bouvet Island',
'br' => 'Brazil',
'io' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
'bn' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'bg' => 'Bulgaria',
'bf' => 'Burkina Faso',
'bi' => 'Burundi',
'kh' => 'Cambodia',
'cm' => 'Cameroon',
'ca' => 'Canada',
'cv' => 'Cape Verde',
'ky' => 'Cayman Islands',
'cf' => 'Central African Republic',
'td' => 'Chad',
'cl' => 'Chile',
'cn' => 'China',
'cx' => 'Christmas Island',
'cc' => 'Cocos Islands',
'co' => 'Colombia',
'km' => 'Comoros',
'cg' => 'Congo',
'ck' => 'Cook Islands',
'cr' => 'Costa Rica',
'ci' => 'Cote D\'ivoire',
'hr' => 'Croatia',
'cu' => 'Cuba',
'cy' => 'Cyprus',
'cz' => 'Czech Republic',
'dk' => 'Denmark',
'dj' => 'Djibouti',
'dm' => 'Dominica',
'do' => 'Dominican Republic',
'tp' => 'East Timor',
'ec' => 'Ecuador',
'eg' => 'Egypt',
'sv' => 'El Salvador',
'en' => 'England',
'gq' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'er' => 'Eritrea',
'ee' => 'Estonia',
'et' => 'Ethiopia',
'eu' => 'Europe',
'fk' => 'Falkland Islands',
'fo' => 'Faeroe Islands',
'fj' => 'Fiji',
'fi' => 'Finland',
'fr' => 'France',
'gf' => 'French Guiana',
'pf' => 'French Polynesia',
'tf' => 'French Southern Territories',
'ga' => 'Gabon',
'gm' => 'Gambia',
'ge' => 'Georgia',
'de' => 'Germany',
'gh' => 'Ghana',
'gi' => 'Gibraltar',
'gr' => 'Greece',
'gl' => 'Greenland',
'gd' => 'Grenada',
'gp' => 'Guadeloupe',
'gu' => 'Guam',
'gt' => 'Guatemala',
'gn' => 'Guinea',
'gw' => 'Guinea-bissau',
'gy' => 'Guyana',
'ht' => 'Haiti',
'hm' => 'Heard And Mc Donald Islands',
'hn' => 'Honduras',
'hk' => 'Hong Kong',
'hu' => 'Hungary',
'is' => 'Iceland',
'in' => 'India',
'id' => 'Indonesia',
'ir' => 'Iran',
'iq' => 'Iraq',
'ie' => 'Ireland',
'il' => 'Israel',
'it' => 'Italy',
'jm' => 'Jamaica',
'jp' => 'Japan',
'jo' => 'Jordan',
'kz' => 'Kazakhstan',
'ke' => 'Kenya',
'ki' => 'Kiribati',
'kp' => 'North Korea',
'kr' => 'South Korea',
'kv' => 'Kosovo',
'kw' => 'Kuwait',
'kg' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'la' => 'Laos',
'lv' => 'Latvia',
'lb' => 'Lebanon',
'ls' => 'Lesotho',
'lr' => 'Liberia',
'ly' => 'Libya',
'li' => 'Liechtenstein',
'lt' => 'Lithuania',
'lu' => 'Luxembourg',
'me' => 'Montenegro',
'mo' => 'Macau',
'mk' => 'Macedonia',
'mg' => 'Madagascar',
'mw' => 'Malawi',
'my' => 'Malaysia',
'mv' => 'Maldives',
'ml' => 'Mali',
'mt' => 'Malta',
'mh' => 'Marshall Islands',
'mq' => 'Martinique',
'mr' => 'Mauritania',
'mu' => 'Mauritius',
'yt' => 'Mayotte',
'mx' => 'Mexico',
'fm' => 'Micronesia',
'md' => 'Moldavia',
'mc' => 'Monaco',
'mn' => 'Mongolia',
'ms' => 'Montserrat',
'ma' => 'Morocco',
'mz' => 'Mozambique',
'mm' => 'Myanmar',
'na' => 'Namibia',
'nr' => 'Nauru',
'np' => 'Nepal',
'nl' => 'Netherlands',
'an' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'nc' => 'New Caledonia',
'nz' => 'New Zealand',
'ni' => 'Nicaragua',
'ne' => 'Niger',
'ng' => 'Nigeria',
'nu' => 'Niue',
'nf' => 'Norfolk Island',
'mp' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'no' => 'Norway',
'om' => 'Oman',
'pk' => 'Pakistan',
'pw' => 'Palau',
'ps' => 'Palestine',
'pa' => 'Panama',
'pg' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'py' => 'Paraguay',
'pe' => 'Peru',
'ph' => 'Philippines',
'pn' => 'Pitcairn',
'pl' => 'Poland',
'pt' => 'Portugal',
'pr' => 'Puerto Rico',
'qa' => 'Qatar',
're' => 'Reunion',
'ro' => 'Romania',
'ru' => 'Russia',
'rw' => 'Rwanda',
'kn' => 'Saint Kitts And Nevis',
'lc' => 'Saint Lucia',
'vc' => 'Saint Vincent',
'ws' => 'Samoa',
'sm' => 'San Marino',
'st' => 'Sao Tome And Principe',
'sa' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'sx' => 'Scotland',
'sn' => 'Senegal',
'rs' => 'Serbia',
'sc' => 'Seychelles',
'sl' => 'Sierra Leone',
'sg' => 'Singapore',
'sk' => 'Slovakia',
'si' => 'Slovenia',
'sb' => 'Solomon Islands',
'so' => 'Somalia',
'za' => 'South Africa',
'gs' => 'South Georgia',
'es' => 'Spain',
'lk' => 'Sri Lanka',
'sh' => 'St. Helena',
'pm' => 'St. Pierre And Miquelon',
'sd' => 'Sudan',
'sr' => 'Suriname',
'sj' => 'Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands',
'sz' => 'Swaziland',
'se' => 'Sweden',
'ch' => 'Switzerland',
'sy' => 'Syria',
'tw' => 'Taiwan',
'tj' => 'Tajikistan',
'tz' => 'Tanzania',
'th' => 'Thailand',
'tg' => 'Togo',
'tk' => 'Tokelau',
'to' => 'Tonga',
'tt' => 'Trinidad And Tobago',
'tn' => 'Tunisia',
'tr' => 'Turkiye',
'tm' => 'Turkmenistan',
'tc' => 'Turks And Caicos Islands',
'tv' => 'Tuvalu',
'ug' => 'Uganda',
'ua' => 'Ukraine',
'ae' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'uk' => 'United Kingdom',
'us' => 'United States',
'uy' => 'Uruguay',
'uz' => 'Uzbekistan',
'vu' => 'Vanuatu',
'va' => 'Vatican',
've' => 'Venezuela',
'vn' => 'Vietnam',
'vg' => 'Virgin Islands (british)',
'vi' => 'Virgin Islands (u.s.)',
'wa' => 'Wales',
'wf' => 'Wallis And Futuna Islands',
'eh' => 'Western Sahara',
'ye' => 'Yemen',
'yu' => 'Yugoslavia',
'zr' => 'Zaire',
'zm' => 'Zambia',
'zw' => 'Zimbabwe'

 * RSS

$L['rss_allforums_item_title'] = "Last posts on forum";    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['rss_comment'] = 'Comment from';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['rss_comments'] = 'Comments for';    // 0.6.4
$L['rss_comments_item_desc'] = 'Last comments on page';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['rss_original'] = 'Original message';    // New in N-0.0.2
$L['rss_topic_item_desc'] = 'Last posts in topic';    // New in N-0.0.2
