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./othercms/Just-CMS v1.3.2 Valentina/admin/inc/login_functions.php
<?php if(!defined('IN_GS')){ die('you cannot load this page directly.'); }
 * Login Functions
 * @package GetSimple
 * @subpackage Login

$MSG = null;
# if the login cookie is already set, redirect user to control panel
if(cookie_check()) {

# was the form submitted?
if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
# initial variable setup
$user_xml = GSUSERSPATH . _id($_POST['userid']).'.xml';
$userid = strtolower($_POST['userid']);
$password = $_POST['pwd'];
$error = null;
# check the username or password fields
if ( !$userid || !$password ) {
$error = i18n_r('FILL_IN_REQ_FIELD');
# check for any errors
if ( !$error ) {
# hash the given password
$password = passhash($password);

# does this user exist?
if (file_exists($user_xml)) {

# pull the data from the user's data file
$data = getXML($user_xml);
$PASSWD = $data->PWD;
$USR = strtolower($data->USR);

# do the username and password match?
if ( ($userid == $USR) && ($password == $PASSWD) ) {
$authenticated = true;
            } else {
$authenticated = false;

# add login failure to failed logins log
$logFailed = new GS_Logging_Class('failedlogins.log');
$logFailed->add('Reason','Invalid Password');

# end password match check
} else {
# user doesnt exist in this system
$authenticated = false;

# add login failure to failed logins log
$logFailed = new GS_Logging_Class('failedlogins.log');
$logFailed->add('Reason','Invalid User');
# is this successful?
if( $authenticated ) {
# YES - set the login cookie, then redirect user to secure panel        
        } else {
# NO - show error message
$error = i18n_r('LOGIN_FAILED');
# end authenticated check
} # end error check
} # end submission check