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 * @class tidyDiff
 * @brief TIDY diff
 * A TIDY diff representation
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Diff
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
class tidyDiff
$__data = []; ///< array: Chunks array

private $up_range = '/^@@ -([\d]+),([\d]+) \+([\d]+),([\d]+) @@/m';
$up_ctx   = '/^ (.*)$/';
$up_ins   = '/^\+(.*)$/';
$up_del   = '/^-(.*)$/';

     * Constructor
     * Creates a diff representation from unified diff.
     * @param string    $udiff            Unified diff
     * @param boolean   $inline_changes   Find inline changes
public function __construct($udiff, $inline_changes = false)

preg_match_all($this->up_range, $udiff, $context);

$chunks = preg_split($this->up_range, $udiff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

        foreach (
$chunks as $k => $chunk) {
$tidy_chunk = new tidyDiffChunk();

$old_line = (int) $context[1][$k];
$new_line = (int) $context[3][$k];

            foreach (
explode("\n", $chunk) as $line) {
# context
if (preg_match($this->up_ctx, $line, $m)) {
$tidy_chunk->addLine('context', [$old_line, $new_line], $m[1]);
# insertion
if (preg_match($this->up_ins, $line, $m)) {
$tidy_chunk->addLine('insert', [$old_line, $new_line], $m[1]);
# deletion
if (preg_match($this->up_del, $line, $m)) {
$tidy_chunk->addLine('delete', [$old_line, $new_line], $m[1]);

            if (
$inline_changes) {

array_push($this->__data, $tidy_chunk);

     * All chunks
     * Returns all chunks defined.
     * @return array
public function getChunks()

 * @class tidyDiffChunk
 * @brief TIDY diff chunk
 * A diff chunk representation. Used by a TIDY diff.
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Diff
class tidyDiffChunk
$__info; ///< array: Chunk information array
protected $__data; ///< array: Chunk data array

     * Constructor
     * Creates and initializes a chunk representation for a TIDY diff.
public function __construct()
$this->__info = [
'context' => 0,
'delete'  => 0,
'insert'  => 0,
'range'   => [
'start' => [],
'end'   => [],
$this->__data = [];

     * Set chunk range
     * Sets chunk range in TIDY chunk object.
     * @param integer    $line_start        Old start line number
     * @param integer    $offest_start        Old offset number
     * @param integer    $line_end            new start line number
     * @param integer    $offset_end        New offset number
public function setRange($line_start, $offest_start, $line_end, $offset_end)
$this->__info['range']['start'] = [$line_start, $offest_start];
$this->__info['range']['end']   = [$line_end, $offset_end];

     * Add line
     * Adds TIDY line object for TIDY chunk object.
     * @param string    $type        Tine type
     * @param array        $lines        Line number for old and new context
     * @param string    $content        Line content
public function addLine($type, $lines, $content)
$tidy_line = new tidyDiffLine($type, $lines, $content);

array_push($this->__data, $tidy_line);

     * All lines
     * Returns all lines defined.
     * @return array
public function getLines()

     * Chunk information
     * Returns chunk information according to the given name, null otherwise.
     * @param string    $n            Info name
     * @return string
public function getInfo($n)
array_key_exists($n, $this->__info) ? $this->__info[$n] : null;

     * Find changes
     * Finds changes inside lines for each groups of diff lines. Wraps changes
     * by string \0 and \1
public function findInsideChanges()
$groups = $this->getGroups();

        foreach (
$groups as $group) {
$middle = count($group) / 2;
            for (
$i = 0; $i < $middle; $i++) {
$from      = $group[$i];
$to        = $group[$i + $middle];
$threshold = $this->getChangeExtent($from->content, $to->content);

                if (
$threshold['start'] != 0 || $threshold['end'] != 0) {
$start  = $threshold['start'];
$end    = $threshold['end'] + strlen($from->content);
$offset = $end - $start;
substr($from->content, 0, $start) . '\0' .
substr($from->content, $start, $offset) . '\1' .
substr($from->content, $end, strlen($from->content))
$end    = $threshold['end'] + strlen($to->content);
$offset = $end - $start;
substr($to->content, 0, $start) . '\0' .
substr($to->content, $start, $offset) . '\1' .
substr($to->content, $end, strlen($to->content))

    private function
$res           = $group           = [];
$allowed_types = ['delete', 'insert'];
$delete        = $insert        = 0;

        foreach (
$this->__data as $k => $line) {
            if (
in_array($line->type, $allowed_types)) {
array_push($group, $line);
            } else {
                if (
$delete === $insert && count($group) > 0) {
array_push($res, $group);
$delete = $insert = 0;
$group  = [];
        if (
$delete === $insert && count($group) > 0) {
array_push($res, $group);


    private function
getChangeExtent($str1, $str2)
$start = 0;
$limit = min(strlen($str1), strlen($str2));
        while (
$start < $limit and $str1[$start] === $str2[$start]) {

$end   = -1;
$limit = $limit - $start;

        while (-
$end <= $limit && $str1[strlen($str1) + $end] === $str2[strlen($str2) + $end]) {

        return [
'start' => $start, 'end' => $end + 1];

 * @class tidyDiffLine
 * @brief TIDY diff line
 * A diff line representation. Used by a TIDY chunk.
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Diff
class tidyDiffLine
$type;    ///< string: Line type
protected $lines;   ///< array: Line number for old and new context
protected $content; ///< string: Line content

     * Constructor
     * Creates a line representation for a tidy chunk.
     * @param string    $type        Tine type
     * @param array        $lines        Line number for old and new context
     * @param string    $content        Line content
     * @return object
public function __construct($type, $lines, $content)
$allowed_type = ['context', 'delete', 'insert'];

        if (
in_array($type, $allowed_type) && is_array($lines) && is_string($content)) {
$this->type    = $type;
$this->lines   = $lines;
$this->content = $content;

     * Magic get
     * Returns field content according to the given name, null otherwise.
     * @param string    $n            Field name
     * @return string
public function __get($n)
$this->{$n} ?? null;

     * Overwrite
     * Overwrites content for the current line.
     * @param string    $content        Line content
public function overwrite($content)
        if (
is_string($content)) {
$this->content = $content;