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 * @class dt
 * @brief Date/time utilities
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Common
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
class dt
    private static
$timezones = null;

     * Timestamp formating
     * Returns a date formated like PHP <a href="">strftime</a>
     * function.
     * Special cases %a, %A, %b and %B are handled by {@link l10n} library.
     * @param string            $p        Format pattern
     * @param integer|boolean   $ts       Timestamp
     * @param string            $tz       Timezone
     * @return    string
public static function str(string $p, $ts = null, string $tz = null): string
        if (
$ts === null || $ts === false) {
$ts = time();

$hash = '799b4e471dc78154865706469d23d512';
$p    = preg_replace('/(?<!%)%(a|A)/', '{{' . $hash . '__$1%w__}}', $p);
$p    = preg_replace('/(?<!%)%(b|B)/', '{{' . $hash . '__$1%m__}}', $p);

        if (
$tz) {
$T = self::getTZ();

// Avoid deprecated notice until PHP 9 should be supported or a correct strftime() replacement
$res = @strftime($p, $ts);

        if (
$tz) {

$res = preg_replace_callback('/{{' . $hash . '__(a|A|b|B)([0-9]{1,2})__}}/', ['self', '_callback'], $res);


     * Date to date
     * Format a literal date to another literal date.
     * @param string    $p        Format pattern
     * @param string    $dt        Date
     * @param string    $tz        Timezone
     * @return    string
public static function dt2str(string $p, string $dt, ?string $tz = null): string
dt::str($p, strtotime($dt), $tz);

     * ISO-8601 formatting
     * Returns a timestamp converted to ISO-8601 format.
     * @param integer    $ts        Timestamp
     * @param string    $tz        Timezone
     * @return    string
public static function iso8601(int $ts, string $tz = 'UTC'): string
$o  = self::getTimeOffset($tz, $ts);
$of = sprintf('%02u:%02u', abs($o) / 3600, (abs($o) % 3600) / 60);

date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $ts) . ($o < 0 ? '-' : '+') . $of;

     * RFC-822 formatting
     * Returns a timestamp converted to RFC-822 format.
     * @param integer    $ts        Timestamp
     * @param string    $tz        Timezone
     * @return    string
public static function rfc822(int $ts, string $tz = 'UTC'): string
# Get offset
$o  = self::getTimeOffset($tz, $ts);
$of = sprintf('%02u%02u', abs($o) / 3600, (abs($o) % 3600) / 60);

// Avoid deprecated notice until PHP 9 should be supported or a correct strftime() replacement
return @strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ' . ($o < 0 ? '-' : '+') . $of, $ts);

     * Timezone set
     * Set timezone during script execution.
     * @param    string    $tz        Timezone
public static function setTZ(string $tz)
        if (
function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {


        if (!
ini_get('safe_mode')) {
putenv('TZ=' . $tz);

     * Current timezone
     * Returns current timezone.
     * @return string
public static function getTZ(): string
        if (
function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {


     * Time offset
     * Get time offset for a timezone and an optionnal $ts timestamp.
     * @param string    $tz        Timezone
     * @param integer|boolean    $ts        Timestamp
     * @return integer
public static function getTimeOffset(string $tz, $ts = false): int
        if (!
$ts) {
$ts = time();

$server_tz     = self::getTZ();
$server_offset = date('Z', $ts);

$cur_offset = date('Z', $ts);


$cur_offset - $server_offset;

     * UTC conversion
     * Returns any timestamp from current timezone to UTC timestamp.
     * @param integer    $ts        Timestamp
     * @return integer
public static function toUTC(int $ts): int
$ts + self::getTimeOffset('UTC', $ts);

     * Add timezone
     * Returns a timestamp with its timezone offset.
     * @param string    $tz        Timezone
     * @param integer|boolean    $ts        Timestamp
     * @return integer
public static function addTimeZone(string $tz, $ts = false): int
        if (
$ts === false) {
$ts = time();

$ts + self::getTimeOffset($tz, $ts);

     * Timzones
     * Returns an array of supported timezones, codes are keys and names are values.
     * @param boolean    $flip      Names are keys and codes are values
     * @param boolean    $groups    Return timezones in arrays of continents
     * @return array
public static function getZones(bool $flip = false, bool $groups = false): array
        if (
is_null(self::$timezones)) {
// Read timezones from file
if (!is_readable($f = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tz.dat')) {
                return [];
$tz  = file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tz.dat');
$res = [];
            foreach (
$tz as $v) {
$v = trim($v);
                if (
$v) {
$res[$v] = str_replace('_', ' ', $v);
// Store timezones for further accesses
self::$timezones = $res;
        } else {
// Timezones already read from file
$res = self::$timezones;

        if (
$flip) {
$res = array_flip($res);
            if (
$groups) {
$tmp = [];
                foreach (
$res as $k => $v) {
$g              = explode('/', $k);
$tmp[$g[0]][$k] = $v;
$res = $tmp;


    private static function
_callback($args): string
$b = [
1  => '_Jan',
2  => '_Feb',
3  => '_Mar',
4  => '_Apr',
5  => '_May',
6  => '_Jun',
7  => '_Jul',
8  => '_Aug',
9  => '_Sep',
10 => '_Oct',
11 => '_Nov',
12 => '_Dec', ];

$B = [
1  => 'January',
2  => 'February',
3  => 'March',
4  => 'April',
5  => 'May',
6  => 'June',
7  => 'July',
8  => 'August',
9  => 'September',
10 => 'October',
11 => 'November',
12 => 'December', ];

$a = [
1 => '_Mon',
2 => '_Tue',
3 => '_Wed',
4 => '_Thu',
5 => '_Fri',
6 => '_Sat',
0 => '_Sun', ];

$A = [
1 => 'Monday',
2 => 'Tuesday',
3 => 'Wednesday',
4 => 'Thursday',
5 => 'Friday',
6 => 'Saturday',
0 => 'Sunday', ];

__(${$args[1]}[(int) $args[2]]);