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# Author: Eduard Laas
# Copyright © 2005 - 2017 SLAED
# License: GNU GPL 3
# Website:

define("_ADMIN_SE","Installation of the manager");
define("_CDEFAULT","If you have doubts in choosing, leave the default settings.");
define("_CONFIG","Web Site Configuration");
define("_CONF_1","Database Hostname");
define("_CONF_2","Database Username");
define("_CONF_3","Database Password");
define("_CONF_4","Database Name");
define("_CONF_5","Type of a database");
define("_CONF_5_INFO","With a view of safety change the standard name at a file admin.php. Rename it that you have thought up, for example: %1\$s.php also specify its new name, but without the termination «.php» in our case: %1\$s");
define("_CONF_6","The coding of a database");
define("_CONF_7","Database table's prefix");
define("_CONF_8","Administration panel filename");
define("_CONF_FILE","File of a configuration");
define("_LANG","Select Interface Language");
define("_PHPSETUP","Version PHP established on your server mismatches minimal requirements of system, it should be not below PHP 4.3.0!");
define("_SAVE_NEW","Installation and configuration");
define("_SAVE_UPDATE","Updating and configuration");
define("_SERRORPERM","has no necessary sanctions for record on a server.<br>Establish the necessary attributes");
define("_SETUP_NEW","New installation of system");
define("_SETUP_SLAED","Installation SLAED CMS");
define("_SUPDATE","Updating of system");
define("_TABLE","The table");