Seditio Source
Root |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<javascript app="calendar">
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/browse" javascript_name="ips.browse.main.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000250"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.browse.main.js - Calendar main browsing controller
 * Author: Rikki Tissier
;( function($, _, undefined){
"use strict";

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.browse.main', {

_ajaxObj: null,

initialize: function () {
this.on( 'click', '[data-action="changeView"]', this.changeView );
this.on( window, 'statechange', this.stateChange );

* Controller setup method
* @returns {void}
setup: function () {
History.pushState( { controller: 'calendarView' }, document.title, window.location.href );

* Changes the calendar view dynamically
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
changeView: function (e) {

// Load the url via ajax instead
var self = this;
var title = $( e.currentTarget ).attr('title');
var url = $( e.currentTarget ).attr('href');

History.pushState( { controller: 'calendarView' }, title, url );

* Event handler for history state changes
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
stateChange: function () {
var state = History.getState();

if( _.isUndefined( ) || != 'calendarView' ) {

// Track page view state.url );

this._updateView( state.url, state.title )

* Loads a new view
* @param {string} url URL to load
* @param {string} title New browser title
* @returns {void}
_updateView: function (url, title) {
var self = this;

if( this._ajaxObj && _.isFunction( this._ajaxObj.abort ) ){

this._setLoading( true );

this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( url, {
showLoading: true
} )
.done( function (response) {
self.scope.html( response );

$( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ self.scope ] );

History.pushState( { controller: 'calendarView' }, title, url );
.always( function () {
self._setLoading( false );

* Toggles the loading state on the view
* @param {boolean} state Enable the loading state?
* @returns {void}
_setLoading: function (state) {
if( state ){
this.scope.animate( { opacity: 0.6 }, 'fast' );
} else {
this.scope.animate( { opacity: 1 }, 'fast' );
}(jQuery, _));]]></file>
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/browse" javascript_name="ips.browse.monthView.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000250"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.browse.monthView.js - Month view controller
 * Author: Rikki Tissier
;( function($, _, undefined){
"use strict";

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.browse.monthView', {

_emptyEvent: "<li class='cEvents_event cEvents_empty' data-eventid='0'><span></span></a></li>",

initialize: function () {

* Setup method
* @returns {void}
setup: function () {

_alignEvents: function () {
// Lets start by getting all active days in the current calendar
var days = this.scope.find('.cCalendar_date');
var currentPositions = [];
var self = this;

_.each( days, function (day) {
var day = $( day );
var dayNumber = day.find('.cCalendar_dayNumber').text();
var weekStart = false;

if( day.closest('td').is('tr > td:first-child') ){
weekStart = true;

// Get events for this day
var events = day.find('.cEvents_ranged [data-eventID]');

// If there's no events, we can skip this day
if( !events.length ){
currentPositions = [];

// Build a wrapper into which we'll move our events
var wrapper = $("<ul/>").addClass('cEvents');
var spaces = 0;

// Now we loop over currentPositions (from the previous day), and try and arrange today's events
// in the same order
if( currentPositions.length ){
var doneEvent = false;

for( var i = 0; i < currentPositions.length; i++ ){
if( events.filter('[data-eventID="' + currentPositions[i] + '"]').length ){
wrapper.append( events.filter('[data-eventID="' + currentPositions[i] + '"]') );
doneEvent = true;
} else {

// If this is the first day of the week, we won't bother adding spacers unless we've already done an event today
// This prevents lots of unnecessary spacers carrying over from the previous row
if( !weekStart || doneEvent ){
wrapper.append( self._emptyEvent );

var remainingEvents = day.find('.cEvents_ranged [data-eventID]');

// If we have any remaining events, and there's gaps available, we can move those events into the gaps rather than
// just putting them at the end
if( spaces && remainingEvents.length ){
var availableSpaces = wrapper.find('[data-eventID="0"]');

// If we have a space and an event, move the event into that space
for( var i = 0; i <= spaces; i++ ){
if( remainingEvents[ i ] && availableSpaces[ i ] ){
$( availableSpaces[ i ] ).replaceWith( $( remainingEvents[ i ] ) );

// Update remaining events again
remainingEvents = day.find('.cEvents_ranged [data-eventID]');

// Add in remaining events
wrapper.append( remainingEvents );

// Replace the existing wrapper with the new, correctly-ordered one
day.find('.cEvents_ranged > .cEvents').replaceWith( wrapper );

// Now we need to build a new currentPositions array for this day, so that the following
// day can use it to do its thing
currentPositions = [];

_.each( day.find('.cEvents_ranged [data-eventID]'), function (event) {
var eventID = parseInt( $( event ).attr('data-eventID') );

if( eventID === 0 ){
} else if( _.isNumber( eventID ) && !_.isNaN( eventID ) ){
currentPositions.push( eventID );

// Now get all rows and cells to recalculate height
_.each( this.scope.find('tr'), function (row) {

// Don't bother if there's no birthdays in this row
if( !$( row ).find('.cCalendar_birthdays').length ){

var cells = $( row ).find('td.cCalendar_date');
var maxHeightCell = _.max( cells, function (cell) {
return parseInt( $( cell ).height() );

if( !_.isElement( maxHeightCell ) ){

// Set the div height
cells.find('> div').css({
height: $( maxHeightCell ).height() + 20 + 'px'
}(jQuery, _));]]></file>
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/submit" javascript_name="ips.submit.dates.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000100"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.submit.dates.js - Helper for date selection enhancements
 * Author: Rikki Tissier
;( function($, _, undefined){
"use strict";

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.submit.dates', {

initialize: function () {
this._hasFocusedEventEnd = false;

this.on( 'click', '[data-action="updateTimezone"]', this.updateTimezone );

// Monitor focus in recurring event input fields and select appropriate radio button
this.on( 'focus', 'input[name="repeat_end_occurrences"]', function(){ $('#event_repeat_end_afterx').prop('checked', true); } );
this.on( 'focus', 'input[name="repeat_end_date"]', function(){ $('#event_repeat_end_ondate').prop('checked', true); } );

this.on( 'change', 'input, select', this.checkForSummaryChange );
this.on( 'change', '#check_single_day, #check_all_day', this.toggleFields );
this.on( 'change', '#check_no_end_time', this.toggleEndtimeFields );
this.on( 'click', '#elRecurRemove', this.disableRecurring );
this.on( 'change', 'input[name="event_dates[start_date]"]', this.setEndDateOnStartChange );
this.on( 'change', '#event_end_date', this.setHasFocusedEventOnEndChange );

$( window ).on( 'resize', _.bind( this._resizeEndGrid, this ) );

this.on( 'click', '[data-action="updateRepeat"]', this.finishRepeat );



* On page load check to see what the current state of the end date is. If its set lets just go ahead and ignore any start date changes
* @returns {void}
_checkAndSetEventEndState: function() {
var eventEndDate = $("#event_end_date");
var date = eventEndDate.val();

if (!this._hasFocusedEventEnd && this._isValidEndDate(date)) {
this._hasFocusedEventEnd = true;

* Is the date passed in a valid date?
* @param {date} date Date to check
* @returns {boolean}
_isValidEndDate: function(date) {

var tempDate = new Date(date);

if(!isNaN(tempDate.getDate())) {
return true;

return false;

* If the end field has changed from input go ahead and ignore any start date changes
* @returns {void}
setHasFocusedEventOnEndChange: function() {
this._hasFocusedEventEnd = true;

* Event handler, handles changes to the start date
* @returns {void}
setEndDateOnStartChange: function() {
var isSameDay = $("#check_single_day").is(":checked");
var eventStartDate = $('input[name="event_dates[start_date]');
var eventEndDate = $("#event_end_date");

if(!isSameDay && !this._hasFocusedEventEnd) {
if( ips.utils.time.supportsHTMLDate() ) {

* Finish setting the options
* @returns {void}
finishRepeat: function () {

* Setup method
* @returns {void}
setup: function () {

// Make Event End cell as big as Event Start cell

* Toggle the end time enabled/disabled status
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
toggleEndtimeFields: function(e) {
if( this.scope.find('#check_no_end_time').is(':checked') )
this.scope.find('#end_time').prop('disabled', true);
this.scope.find('#end_time').prop('disabled', false);

* Manual toggle functionality for the Single/All Day checkboxes
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
toggleFields: function (e) {

var singleDay = this.scope.find('#check_single_day');
var allDay = this.scope.find('#check_all_day');
var self = this;

var toggles = {
start_time_wrap: true,
end_time_wrap: true,
event_end_date_wrap: true,
elDateGrid_arrow: true,
elDateGrid_end: true,
end_date_controls: true

// Single day, not all day
if(':checked') && !':checked') ){
toggles.event_end_date_wrap = false;
// Single day, all day
} else if(':checked') &&':checked') ){
toggles.elDateGrid_arrow = false;
toggles.elDateGrid_end = false;
toggles.start_time_wrap = false;
// Multiple days, all day
} else if( !':checked') &&':checked') ){
toggles.start_time_wrap = false;
toggles.end_time_wrap = false;
toggles.end_date_controls = false;
// Multiple days, not all day
toggles.end_date_controls = false;
this.scope.find('#end_time').prop('disabled', false);

// Hide appropriate elements
_.each( toggles, function (val, key) {
self.scope.find( '#' + key ).toggle( val );

// Manual check for ful;-width start date
this.scope.find('#elDateGrid_start').toggleClass('ipsGrid_span5', this.scope.find('#elDateGrid_end').is(':visible') );

* Monitor changes to the repeat options and update the summary
* @param {event} e Event object
* @param {object} data Event data object
* @returns {void}
checkForSummaryChange: function (e) {
if( $( e.currentTarget ).attr('name').startsWith('event_dates[') ){

* Updates the timezone value both in the hidden field and in the display to the end user
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
updateTimezone: function (e) {
if( e ){

// Update displayed timezone
this.scope.find('[data-role="timezone_display"]').text( $('#event_timezone option:selected').data('abbreviated') ).trigger('closeMenu');

* Removes the Repeat summary and unchecks the Repeat checkbox
* @param {event} e Event object
* @param {object} data Event data object
* @returns {void}
disableRecurring: function (e) {

this.scope.find('#elRepeatCb').prop( 'checked', false  );

* Finalize our recurring options
* @param {event} e Event object
* @param {object} data Event data object
* @returns {void}
finishRepeatConfiguration: function (e, data) {

// Copy the summary from the menu to the main display and close the menu
this.scope.find('[data-role="recur_summary_final"]').text( this.scope.find('[data-role="recur_summary"]').text() );

* Update the recurring string
* @param {event} e Event object
* @param {object} data Event data object
* @returns {void}
_updateSummary: function () {
var summary = this.scope.find('[data-role="recurringSummary"]');

// Update repeating text
if( this.scope.find('#elRepeatCb').is(':checked') ){
summary.text( this._getSummary() );
} else {
summary.html( "<em class='ipsType_light'>" + ips.getString('doesnt_repeat') + "</em>" );

// Update the dates
this.scope.find('[data-role="dateSummary"]').html( this._dateSummary() );

* Builds a summary of the selected dates/times
* @returns {string}
_dateSummary: function () {
// Build start date
var startDate = ips.utils.time.getDateFromInput( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[start_date]"]') );
var singleDay = this.scope.find('#check_single_day');
var allDay = this.scope.find('#check_all_day');

// If there's no start time, then abandon showing any summary for now
if( !ips.utils.time.isValidDateObj( startDate ) || startDate.getFullYear() < 1900 ) {
return '';

ips.utils.time.removeTimezone( startDate );

var startDateString = ips.utils.time.localeDateString( startDate, { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } );
var startTime = this._getTime( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[start_time]"]').val() );
var endTime = this._getTime( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[end_time]"]').val() );
var endDate = ips.utils.time.getDateFromInput( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[end_date]"]') );
var endDateString = '';

// If we have a valid end date...
if( !':checked') && ips.utils.time.isValidDateObj( endDate ) ){
ips.utils.time.removeTimezone( endDate );
endDateString = ips.utils.time.localeDateString( endDate, { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } );

// Now build strings
var finalString = '';

if(':checked') && !':checked') ){
if( this.scope.find('#check_no_end_time').is(':checked') )
finalString = ips.getString( 'single_not_allday_noendtime', { startDate: startDateString, startTime: startTime } );
finalString = ips.getString( 'single_not_allday', { startDate: startDateString, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime } );
} else if ( ( !':checked') && !':checked') ) && endDateString && startTime && endTime ) {
finalString = ips.getString( 'not_single_not_allday', { startDate: startDateString, endDate: endDateString, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime } );
} else if( !':checked') &&':checked') && endDateString ) {
finalString = ips.getString( 'not_single_allday', { startDate: startDateString, endDate: endDateString } );
} else {
finalString = ips.getString( 'single_allday', { startDate: startDateString } );

return finalString;

* Returns the given time, or a placeholder string if empty
* @param {string} time Time string
* @returns {string}
_getTime: function (time) {
if( !time ){
return "<em class='ipsType_light ipsType_unbold ipsFaded'>" + ips.getString('select_time') + "</em>";

return time;

* Returns the summary string for recurring events
* @returns {string}
_getSummary: function () {
var type = this.scope.find('#elSelect_event_repeats').val();
var intervalString = '';
var endString = '';

// Build the 'interval' string
switch( type ){
case 'daily':
case 'monthly':
case 'yearly':
intervalString = this._buildString( type );
case 'weekly':
intervalString = this._buildWeekly();

// Build the 'end after' string
if( this.scope.find('#event_repeat_end_afterx').is(':checked') ){
var occurrences = parseInt( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[repeat_end_occurrences]"]').val() );

if( _.isNumber( occurrences ) && !_.isNaN( occurrences ) ){
endString = ips.pluralize( ips.getString( 'x_times' ), occurrences );
} else if( this.scope.find('#event_repeat_end_ondate').is(':checked') ){
var dateObj = ips.utils.time.getDateFromInput( this.scope.find('input[name="event_dates[repeat_end_date]"]') );

if( ips.utils.time.isValidDateObj( dateObj ) && dateObj.getFullYear() > 1900 ){ // > 1900 just so it doesn't start updating on year 19 etc.
endString = ips.getString('until', { date: ips.utils.time.localeDateString( dateObj, { weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' } ) } );

// Put it together
if( endString ){
return ips.getString( 'with_end', { interval: intervalString, endAfter: endString } );
} else {
return intervalString;

* Builds a summary string for daily, monthly and yearly repeats
* @param {string} type The type of repeat
* @returns {string}
_buildString: function ( type ) {
var val = parseInt( this.scope.find('#elSelect_event_repeat_freq').val() ) || 1;
return ips.pluralize( ips.getString( 'every_x', { period: ips.pluralize( ips.getString( 'x_' + type ), val ) } ), val );

* Builds a summary string for weekly repeats
* @returns {string}
_buildWeekly: function () {
var selectedDays = this.scope.find('[data-iCal]:checked');
var val = parseInt( this.scope.find('#elSelect_event_repeat_freq').val() ) || 1;
var weekString = '';

weekString = ips.pluralize( ips.getString( 'x_weekly' ), val );

// If no days are selected, we can bypass and finish now
if( !selectedDays.length ){
return weekString;

// Get full days
var fullDays = selectedDays, function (day, key) {
return ips.getString( $( day ).attr('data-iCal') );

// Build string
var dayString = '';

if( fullDays.length === 1 ){
dayString = ips.getString( 'one_day', { first: fullDays[0] } );
} else {
dayString = ips.getString( 'multiple_day', { days: fullDays.slice(0, -1).join(', '), last: fullDays[ fullDays.length - 1 ] });

return ips.getString( 'week_string', { week: weekString, days: dayString } );

* Resizes the "Event End" grid box to be the same height as the start box
* @returns {void}
_resizeEndGrid: function () {
var height = 'auto';

if( !ips.utils.responsive.enabled() || !ips.utils.responsive.currentIs('phone') ){
height = this.scope.find('#elDateGrid_start').outerHeight() + 'px';

height: height
}(jQuery, _));]]></file>
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/venue" javascript_name="ips.venue.main.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000200"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.venue.main.js - Venue main browsing controller
;( function($, _, undefined){
"use strict";

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.venue.main', {

_ajaxObj: null,

initialize: function () {
this.on( 'click', '[data-action="changeView"]', this.changeView );
this.on( window, 'statechange', this.stateChange );

* Controller setup method
* @returns {void}
setup: function () {
History.pushState( { controller: 'venueView' }, document.title, window.location.href );

* Changes the calendar view dynamically
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
changeView: function (e) {

// Load the url via ajax instead
var self = this;
var title = $( e.currentTarget ).attr('title');
var url = $( e.currentTarget ).attr('href');

History.pushState( { controller: 'venueView' }, title, url );

* Event handler for history state changes
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
stateChange: function () {
var state = History.getState();

if( _.isUndefined( ) || != 'venueView' ) {

// Track page view state.url );

this._updateView( state.url, state.title )

* Loads a new view
* @param {string} url URL to load
* @param {string} title New browser title
* @returns {void}
_updateView: function (url, title) {
var self = this;

if( this._ajaxObj && _.isFunction( this._ajaxObj.abort ) ){

this._setLoading( true );

this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( url, {
showLoading: true
} )
.done( function (response) {
console.log( response );
self.scope.html( response );

$( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ self.scope ] );

History.pushState( { controller: 'venueView' }, title, url );
.always( function () {
self._setLoading( false );

* Toggles the loading state on the view
* @param {boolean} state Enable the loading state?
* @returns {void}
_setLoading: function (state) {
if( state ){
this.scope.animate( { opacity: 0.6 }, 'fast' );
} else {
this.scope.animate( { opacity: 1 }, 'fast' );
}(jQuery, _));]]></file>
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/view" javascript_name="ips.view.reminderButton.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000150"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.calendar.reminderButton.js - Controller for event reminder button
 * Author: Andrew Millne
;( function($, _, undefined){
"use strict";

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.view.reminderButton', {

initialize: function () {
this.on( document, 'reminderItem', this.reminderItemChange );

setup: function () {
this._id = this.scope.attr('data-reminderID');
this._button = this.scope.find('[data-role="reminderButton"]');

* Responds to events indicating the reminder status has changed
* @param {event} e Event object
* @param {object} data Event data object
* @returns {void}
reminderItemChange: function (e, data) {

* Gets a new reminder button from the server and replaces the current one with the response
* @returns {void}
_reloadButton: function () {
// Show button as loading
this._button.addClass('ipsFaded ipsFaded_more');

var self = this;
var pos = ips.utils.position.getElemPosition( this._button );
var dims = ips.utils.position.getElemDims( this._button );

this.scope.append( ips.templates.render('calendar.reminder.loading') );

// Adjust sizing
position: 'relative'
width: dims.outerWidth + 'px',
height: dims.outerHeight + 'px',
top: 0,
left: 0,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: ips.ui.zIndex()

// Load new contents
ips.getAjax()( ips.getSetting('baseURL') + 'index.php?app=calendar&module=calendar&controller=event&do=reminderButton', {
data: _.extend({
id: this._id
}, ( this.scope.attr('data-buttonType') ) ? { button_type: this.scope.attr('data-buttonType') } : {} )
.done( function (response) {
self.scope.html( response );
$( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ self.scope ] );
.fail( function () {
self._button.removeClass('ipsFaded ipsFaded_more');
.always( function () {
}(jQuery, _));]]></file>
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="controllers/view" javascript_name="ips.view.reminderForm.js" javascript_type="controller" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000150">/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -
 * ips.calendar.reminderButton.js - Controller for reminder button
 * Author: Andrew Millne
;( function($, _, undefined){
&quot;use strict&quot;;

ips.controller.register('calendar.front.view.reminderForm', {

initialize: function () {
this.on( 'submit', this.submitForm );
this.on( 'click', '[data-action=&quot;removereminder&quot;]', this.removereminder );

* Setup method
* @returns {void}
setup: function () {

* Event handler for removing reminder
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
removereminder: function (e) {
this._doRemindAction( $( e.currentTarget ).attr('href'), {}, true );

* Event handler for submitting the reminder form
* @param {event} e Event object
* @returns {void}
submitForm: function (e) {
this._doRemindAction( this.scope.attr('action'), this.scope.serialize(), false );

* Performs an ajax action.
* @param {string} url URL to call
* @param {object} data Object of data to include in the request
* @returns {void}
_doRemindAction: function (url, data, removereminder ) {
var self = this;
var dims = ips.utils.position.getElemDims( this.scope.parent('div') );

// Set it to loading
width: dims.outerWidth + 'px',
height: dims.outerHeight + 'px'

// Update reminder preference via ajax
ips.getAjax()( url, {
data: data,
type: 'post'
.done( function (response, status, jqXHR) {

if( jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().indexOf('X-IPS-FormError: true') !== -1 || jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().indexOf('X-IPS-FormNoSubmit: true') !== -1 || jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().indexOf('x-ips-formerror: true') !== -1 || jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().indexOf('x-ips-formnosubmit: true') !== -1 ){
.html( response )
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto'
} else {
// Success, so trigger event to update button
if( removereminder ) {'event_reminder_removed'));
else {'event_reminder_added'));

.fail( function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
window.location = url;
.always( function () {
// If we're in a hovercard, remove it
}(jQuery, _));
 <file javascript_app="calendar" javascript_location="front" javascript_path="templates" javascript_name="ips.calendar.templates.js" javascript_type="framework" javascript_version="103021" javascript_position="1000050"><![CDATA[/**
 * Invision Community
 * (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. -

ips.templates.set('calendar.reminder.loading', " \
<div class='ipsLoading ipsLoading_tiny'></div>\
 <order app="global" path="/dev/js//framework/">templates
 <order app="global" path="/dev/js//library/">underscore
 <order app="global" path="/dev/js//library//jquery">jquery.js
 <order app="global" path="/dev/js//library//linkify">linkify.min.js