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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/ip_handling_include.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: ip_handling_include.php
| Author: Karoly Nagy (Korcsii)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
defined('IN_FUSION') || exit;

if (!
function_exists('uncompressipv6')) {
     * Convert a shortened IPv6 address to its full length form.
     * @param string $ip    IPv6 address to convert.
     * @param int    $count This parameter shows how many : are in the full length version.
     *                      Note: IPv6 address has 7 of them, but the mixed (IPv6 and IPv4) address has only 5.
     * @return string
function uncompressipv6($ip, $count = 7) {
        if (
strpos($ip, "::") !== FALSE) {
$ip = str_replace("::", str_repeat(":", $count + 2 - substr_count($ip, ":")), $ip);
$tmp_ip = explode(":", $ip);
        foreach (
$tmp_ip as &$value) {
$value = str_pad($value, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

implode(":", $tmp_ip);

 * Check if user's full or partial ip is blacklisted.
 * @return bool
function is_blacklisted() {
    if (
strpos(FUSION_IP, ".")) {
        if (
strpos(FUSION_IP, ":") === FALSE) {
// IPv4
if (!defined('USER_IP_TYPE')) {
define("USER_IP_TYPE", 4);
            if (!
defined('USER_IP')) {
define("USER_IP", FUSION_IP);
$check_value = "blacklist_ip_type='4' AND blacklist_ip REGEXP '^";
$check_value .= str_replace(".", "(\.", USER_IP, $i);
$check_value .= str_repeat(")?", $i);
$check_value .= "$'";
        } else {
// Mixed IPv4 and IPv6
define("USER_IP_TYPE", 5);
$last_pos = strrpos(FUSION_IP, ":");
$ipv4 = substr(FUSION_IP, $last_pos + 1);
$ipv6 = substr(FUSION_IP, 0, $last_pos);
$ipv6 = uncompressipv6($ipv6, 5);
define("USER_IP", $ipv6.":".$ipv4);
$check_value = "(blacklist_ip_type='4' AND blacklist_ip REGEXP '^";
$check_value .= str_replace(".", "(\.", $ipv4, $i);
$check_value .= str_repeat(")?", $i);
$check_value .= "$') OR (blacklist_ip_type='6' AND blacklist_ip REGEXP '^";
$check_value .= str_replace(":", "(:", $ipv6, $i);
$check_value .= str_repeat(")?", $i);
$check_value .= "$') OR (blacklist_ip_type='5' AND blacklist_ip='".USER_IP."')";
$ipv4, $ipv6, $last_pos);
    } else {
// IPv6
if (!defined('USER_IP_TYPE')) {
define("USER_IP_TYPE", 6);
        if (!
defined('USER_IP')) {
define("USER_IP", uncompressipv6(FUSION_IP));
$check_value = "blacklist_ip_type='6' AND blacklist_ip REGEXP '^";
$check_value .= str_replace(":", "(:", USER_IP, $i);
$check_value .= str_repeat(")?", $i);
$check_value .= "$'";

dbcount("(blacklist_id)", DB_BLACKLIST, $check_value) > 0;

if (
is_blacklisted()) {
redirect(""); // TODO: add setting for this