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// Browser check
var ClientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var ClientVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var IsIE = ((ClientPC.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (ClientPC.indexOf("opera") == -1));
var IsWin = ((ClientPC.indexOf("win") != -1) || (ClientPC.indexOf("16bit") != -1));

// Increase the text field
function RowsTextarea(h, id) {
var inrows = document.getElementById(id);
if (h < 1) {
var rows = -5;
} else {
var rows = +5;
var outrows = inrows.rows + rows;
if (outrows >= 5 && outrows < 50) {
inrows.rows = outrows;
return false;

// Defining a text field
function FieldName(text, id) {
if (text.createTextRange) {
text.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
if (id != "") {
var Field = document.getElementById(id);
SelField = Field;
TxtFeld = Field;

// Add code in BB Editor
function AddCode(id, area, open, close) {
if (id == 1) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
var l = sel.text.length;
sel.text = open+sel.text+close;
sel.moveEnd("character", -close.length);
sel.moveStart("character", -l);;
return false;
} else if (id == 2) {
if (SelField.createTextRange && SelField.caretPos && close == '\n') {
var caretPos = SelField.caretPos;
caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? open + close + ' ' : open + close;
} else if (SelField.caretPos) {
SelField.caretPos.text = open + SelField.caretPos.text + close;
} else {
SelField.value += open + close;
} else if (id == 3) {
var ss = area.scrollTop;
sel1 = area.value.substr(0, area.selectionStart);
sel2 = area.value.substr(area.selectionEnd);
sel = area.value.substr(area.selectionStart, area.selectionEnd - area.selectionStart);
area.value = sel1 + open + sel + close + sel2;
area.selectionStart = sel1.length + open.length;
area.selectionEnd = area.selectionStart + sel.length;
area.scrollTop = ss;
return false;

// Insert copy text
var selection = "";
function CopyText() {
selection = "";
if (window.getSelection) {
selection = window.getSelection().toString();
} else if (document.getSelection) {
selection = document.getSelection();
} else if (document.selection) {
selection = document.selection.createRange().text;

// Insert code in BB Editor
function InsertCode(code, info, type, error, id) {
var area = document.getElementById(id);
if ((ClientVer >= 4) && IsIE && IsWin) {
// var selection = document.selection.createRange().text;
var client = 1;
} else {
// var selection = document.getSelection();
var client = 3;
if (code != 'quote' || (code == 'quote' && selection == '')) area.focus();
if (code == 'name') {
AddCode(client, area, '[b]' + info + '[/b], ', '');
} else if (code == 'url' || code == 'mail') {
if (code == 'url') var url = prompt(info, 'http://');
if (code == 'mail') var url = prompt(info, '');
if (!url) return alert(error);
if ((client == 1 && !selection) || (client == 3 && area.selectionEnd && (area.selectionEnd - area.selectionStart <= 0))) {
var title = prompt(type, type);
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=' + url + ']' + title + '[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=' + url + ']', '[/' + code + ']');
} else if (code == 'color' || code == 'family' || code == 'size' || code == 'code') {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=' + info + ']', '[/' + code + ']');
} else if (code == 'li' || code == 'hr' || code == 'pagebreak') {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + ']', '');
} else if (code == 'attach') {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=' + info + ' align=left title=title width=500 height=500 rel=rel]', '\n');
} else if (code == 'smilies') {
AddCode(client, area, info, '');
} else if (code == 'img') {
if (info && !type && !error) {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=left alt=title]' + info +'[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
var url = prompt(info, '');
if (!url) return alert(error);
if ((client == 1 && !selection) || (client == 3 && area.selectionEnd && (area.selectionEnd - area.selectionStart <= 0))) {
var title = prompt(type, type);
if (title) {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=left alt=' + title + ']' + url + '[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=left alt=title]' + url + '[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + '=left alt=title]' + url + '[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
if (code == 'quote' && selection != '') {
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + ']' + selection + '[/' + code + ']', '\n');
} else {
if (code == 'quote' && selection == '') alert(info);
AddCode(client, area, '[' + code + ']', '[/' + code + ']');

// Transliteration of text in BB Editor
language = 1;
richtung = 1;
var DOM = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0,
opera = window.opera && DOM ? 1 : 0,
IE = !opera && document.all ? 1 : 0,
NN6 = DOM && !IE && !opera ? 1 : 0;
var ablauf = new Date();
var jahr = ablauf.getTime() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var richtung = 1;
var isChat = false;
NoHtml = true;
NoScript = true;
NoStyle = true;
NoBBCode = true;
NoBefehl = false;

function setZustand() {
transHtmlPause = false;
transScriptPause = false;
transStylePause = false;
transBefehlPause = false;
transBBPause = false;

function keks(Name,Wert){
document.cookie = Name+"="+Wert+"; expires=" + ablauf.toGMTString();

function changeNoTranslit(Nr){
if (document.trans.No_translit_HTML.checked)NoHtml = true; else { NoHtml = false }
if (document.trans.No_translit_BBCode.checked)NoBBCode = true; else { NoBBCode = false }
keks("NoHtml", NoHtml); keks("NoScript", NoScript); keks("NoStyle", NoStyle); keks("NoBBCode", NoBBCode);

function changeRichtung(r){
richtung = r; keks("TransRichtung", richtung); setFocus()

function changelanguage(){
if (language == 1) {
language = 0;
} else {
language = 1;
keks("autoTrans", language);

function setFocus(){

function repl(t,a,b){
var w = t, i = 0, n = 0;
while((i = w.indexOf(a,n)) >= 0){
t = t.substring(0, i) + b + t.substring(i + a.length, t.length);
w = w.substring(0, i) + b + w.substring(i + a.length, w.length);
n = i + b.length;
if (n >= w.length) {
return t;

var rus_lr2 = ('Е-е-О-о-Ё-Ё-Ё-Ё-Ж-Ж-Ч-Ч-Ш-Ш-Щ-Щ-Ъ-Ь-Э-Э-Ю-Ю-Я-Я-Я-Я-ё-ё-ж-ч-ш-щ-э-ю-я-я').split('-');
var lat_lr2 = ('/E-/e-/O-/o-ЫO-Ыo-ЙO-Йo-ЗH-Зh-ЦH-Цh-СH-Сh-ШH-Шh-ъ' + String.fromCharCode(35) + '-ь' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '-ЙE-Йe-ЙU-Йu-ЙA-Йa-ЫA-Ыa-ыo-йo-зh-цh-сh-шh-йe-йu-йa-ыa').split('-');
var rus_lr1 = ('А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Х-Ц-Щ-Ы-Я-а-б-в-г-д-е-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-х-ц-щ-ъ-ы-ь-я').split('-');
var lat_lr1 = ('A-B-V-G-D-E-Z-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-R-S-T-U-F-H-X-C-W-Y-Q-a-b-v-g-d-e-z-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-r-s-t-u-f-h-x-c-w-' + String.fromCharCode(35) + '-y-'+String.fromCharCode(39) + '-q').split('-');
var rus_rl = ('А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-Ё-Ж-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Ц-Ч-Ш-Щ-Ъ-Ы-Ь-Э-Ю-Я-а-б-в-г-д-е-ё-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-ц-ч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я').split('-');
var lat_rl = ('A-B-V-G-D-E-JO-ZH-Z-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-R-S-T-U-F-H-C-CH-SH-SHH-'+String.fromCharCode(35) + String.fromCharCode(35) + '-Y-' + String.fromCharCode(39) + String.fromCharCode(39) + '-JE-JU-JA-a-b-v-g-d-e-jo-zh-z-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-r-s-t-u-f-h-c-ch-sh-shh-'+String.fromCharCode(35)+'-y-'+String.fromCharCode(39)+'-je-ju-ja').split('-');
var transAN = true;

function transliteText(txt){
vorTxt = txt.length > 1 ? txt.substr(txt.length - 2, 1) : "";
buchstabe = txt.substr(txt.length - 1, 1);
txt = txt.substr(0, txt.length - 2);
return txt + translitBuchstabeCyr(vorTxt, buchstabe);

function translitBuchstabeCyr(vorTxt,txt){
var zweiBuchstaben = vorTxt + txt;
var code = txt.charCodeAt(0);

if (txt == "<") transHtmlPause = true; else if (txt == ">") transHtmlPause = false;
if (txt == "<script") transScriptPause = true; else if (txt == "</script>") transScriptPause = false;
if (txt == "<style") transStylePause = true; else if (txt == "</style>") transStylePause = false;
if (txt == "[") transBBPause = true; else if (txt == "]") transBBPause = false;
if (txt == "/") transBefehlPause = true; else if (txt == " ") transBefehlPause = false;

if ((transHtmlPause == true && NoHtml == true) || (transScriptPause == true && NoScript == true) || (transStylePause == true && NoStyle == true) || (transBBPause == true && NoBBCode == true) || (transBefehlPause == true && NoBefehl == true) || !(((code >= 65) && (code <= 123)) || (code == 35) || (code == 39))) return zweiBuchstaben;

for (x = 0; x < lat_lr2.length; x++){
if (lat_lr2[x] == zweiBuchstaben) return rus_lr2[x];
for (x = 0; x < lat_lr1.length; x++){
if (lat_lr1[x] == txt) return vorTxt + rus_lr1[x];
return zweiBuchstaben;

function translitBuchstabeLat(buchstabe){
for (x = 0; x < rus_rl.length; x++){
if (rus_rl[x] == buchstabe)
return lat_rl[x];
return buchstabe;

function translateAlltoLatin(){
if (!IE){
var txt = TxtFeld.value;
var txtnew = "";
var symb = "";
for (y = 0; y < txt.length; y++){
symb = translitBuchstabeLat(txt.substr(y, 1));
txtnew += symb;
TxtFeld.value = txtnew;
} else {
var is_selection_flag = 1;
var userselection = document.selection.createRange();
var txt = userselection.text;

if (userselection == null || userselection.text == null || userselection.parentElement == null || userselection.parentElement().type != "textarea"){
is_selection_flag = 0;
txt = TxtFeld.value;
var symb = "";
for (y = 0; y < txt.length; y++){
symb = translitBuchstabeLat(txt.substr(y, 1));
txtnew += symb;
if (is_selection_flag){
userselection.text = txtnew; userselection.collapse();;
TxtFeld.value = txtnew;

function TransliteFeld(object, evnt){
if (language == 1 || opera) return;
if (NN6){
var code = void 0;
var code = evnt.charCode;
var textareafontsize = 14;
var textreafontwidth = 7;
if (code == 13){
if ( code && (!(evnt.ctrlKey || evnt.altKey))){
pXpix = object.scrollTop;
pYpix = object.scrollLeft;
txt = String.fromCharCode(code);
pretxt = object.value.substring(0, object.selectionStart);
result = transliteText(pretxt + txt);
object.value = result + object.value.substring(object.selectionEnd);
object.setSelectionRange(result.length, result.length);
object.scrollTop = 100000;
object.scrollLeft = 0;

cXpix = (result.split("\n").length) * (textareafontsize + 3);
cYpix = (result.length - result.lastIndexOf("\n") - 1) * (textreafontwidth + 1);
taXpix = (object.rows + 1) * (textareafontsize + 3);
taYpix = object.clientWidth;

if ((cXpix > pXpix) && (cXpix < (pXpix + taXpix))) object.scrollTop = pXpix;
if (cXpix <= pXpix) object.scrollTop = cXpix - (textareafontsize + 3);
if (cXpix >= (pXpix + taXpix)) object.scrollTop = cXpix - taXpix;

if ((cYpix >= pYpix) && (cYpix < (pYpix + taYpix))) object.scrollLeft = pYpix;
if (cYpix < pYpix) object.scrollLeft = cYpix - (textreafontwidth + 1);
if (cYpix >= (pYpix + taYpix)) object.scrollLeft = cYpix-taYpix + 1;
return true;
} else if (IE){
if (isChat){
var code = frames['input'].event.keyCode;
if (code == 13){
txt = String.fromCharCode(code);
cursor_pos_selection = frames['input'].document.selection.createRange();
cursor_pos_selection.text = "";
cursor_pos_selection.moveStart("character", -1);
vorTxt = cursor_pos_selection.text;
if (vorTxt.length > 1){
vorTxt = "";
frames['input'].event.keyCode = 0;
if (richtung == 2) {
result = vorTxt + translitBuchstabeLat(txt)
} else {
result = translitBuchstabeCyr(vorTxt, txt)
if (vorTxt != "") {; cursor_pos_selection.collapse();
text = result; collapse(); select()
} else {
var code = event.keyCode;
if (code == 13){
txt = String.fromCharCode(code);
cursor_pos_selection = document.selection.createRange();
cursor_pos_selection.text = "";
cursor_pos_selection.moveStart("character", -1);
vorTxt = cursor_pos_selection.text;
if (vorTxt.length > 1){
vorTxt = "";
event.keyCode = 0;
if (richtung == 2){
result = vorTxt+translitBuchstabeLat(txt)
result = translitBuchstabeCyr(vorTxt, txt)
if (vorTxt != ""){; cursor_pos_selection.collapse();
text = result; collapse(); select()

function translateAlltoCyrillic(){
if (!IE){
txt = TxtFeld.value;
var txtnew = translitBuchstabeCyr("", txt.substr(0, 1));
var symb = "";
for (kk = 1; kk < txt.length; kk++){
symb = translitBuchstabeCyr(txtnew.substr(txtnew.length - 1, 1),txt.substr(kk, 1));
txtnew = txtnew.substr(0, txtnew.length - 1) + symb;
TxtFeld.value = txtnew;
} else {
var is_selection_flag = 1;
var userselection = document.selection.createRange();
var txt = userselection.text;
if (userselection==null || userselection.text==null || userselection.parentElement==null || userselection.parentElement().type != "textarea"){
is_selection_flag = 0;
txt = TxtFeld.value;
var txtnew = translitBuchstabeCyr("", txt.substr(0, 1));
var symb = "";
for (kk = 1; kk < txt.length; kk++){
symb = translitBuchstabeCyr(txtnew.substr(txtnew.length-1, 1),txt.substr(kk, 1));
txtnew = txtnew.substr(0, txtnew.length - 1) + symb;
if (is_selection_flag){
userselection.text = txtnew; userselection.collapse();;
} else {
TxtFeld.value = txtnew;