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Root |
 * @brief        Initiates Invision Community constants, autoloader and exception handler
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        18 Feb 2013

namespace IPS;

 * Class to contain Invision Community autoloader and exception handler
class IPS
     * @brief    Classes that have hooks on
public static $hooks = array();
     * @brief    Unique key for this suite (used in http requests to defy browser caching)
public static $suiteUniqueKey = NULL;
     * @brief    Developer Code to be added to all namespaces
private static $inDevCode = '';
     * @brief    Namespaces developer code has been imported to
private static $inDevCodeImportedTo = array();
     * @brief    Vendors to use PSR-0 autoloader for
public static $PSR0Namespaces = array();

     * Get default constants
     * @return    array
public static function defaultConstants()
        return array(
'CIC'                                => isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC'] ),
'CP_DIRECTORY'                        => 'admin',
'IN_DEV'                            => FALSE,
'DEV_USE_WHOOPS'                    => TRUE,
'DEV_USE_FURL_CACHE'                => FALSE,
'DEV_USE_MENU_CACHE'                => FALSE,
'DEBUG_JS'                            => FALSE,
'DEV_DEBUG_JS'                        => TRUE,
'DEV_DEBUG_CSS'                        => FALSE,
'DEBUG_TEMPLATES'                    => FALSE,
'IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION'                => 0777,
'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION'                => 0666,
'FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE'            => 0644,
'ROOT_PATH'                            => __DIR__,
'NO_WRITES'                            => ( isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC'] ) and !isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC_ACP'] ) ),
'DEBUG_LOG'                            => FALSE,
'LOG_FALLBACK_DIR'                    => '{root}/uploads/logs',
'STORE_METHOD'                        => ( isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC'] ) ? 'Database' : 'FileSystem' ),
'STORE_CONFIG'                        => '{"path":"{root}/datastore"}',
'CACHE_METHOD'                        => isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CLOUD_REDIS425'] ) ? 'Redis' : 'None',
'CACHE_CONFIG'                        => isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CLOUD_REDIS425'] ) ? '{ "server": "' . $_SERVER['IPS_CLOUD_REDIS425'] . '", "port": 6379 }' : '{}',
'CACHE_PAGE_TIMEOUT'                => ( isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC'] ) ? 300 : 30 ),
'TEST_CACHING'                        => FALSE,
'EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH'                    => NULL,
'BULK_MAILS_PER_CYCLE'                => 50,
'JAVA_PATH'                            => "",
'ERROR_PAGE'                        => 'error.php',
'UPGRADING_PAGE'                    => ( defined( 'CP_DIRECTORY' ) ) ? CP_DIRECTORY . '/upgrade/upgrading.html' : 'admin/upgrade/upgrading.html', # defined call here just as a sanity check
'QUERY_LOG'                            => FALSE,
'CACHING_LOG'                        => FALSE,
'ENFORCE_ACCESS'                    => FALSE,
'THUMBNAIL_SIZE'                    => '500x500',
'PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE'                => 240, // The max we display is 120x120, so this allows for double size for high dpi screens
'COOKIE_DOMAIN'                        => NULL,
'COOKIE_PREFIX'                        => 'ips4_',
'COOKIE_PATH'                        => NULL,
'COOKIE_BYPASS_SSLONLY'                => FALSE,
'CONNECT_NOSYNC_NAMES'                => FALSE,
'BYPASS_CURL'                        => FALSE,
'FORCE_CURL'                        => FALSE,
'NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS'                => FALSE,
'UPGRADE_MANUAL_THRESHOLD'            => 250000,
'SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY'                    => ( isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CIC'] ) and preg_match( '/^\/var\/www\/html\/(.+?)$/i', __DIR__, $matches ) ) ? str_replace( '/', '', $matches[1] ) : mb_substr( md5( '13_mafia' . '$Rev: 3023$'), 10, 10 ),
'CACHEBUST_KEY'                        => mb_substr( md5( '13_mafia' . '$Rev: 3023$'), 10, 10 ), // This looks unnecessary but SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY can be set to a constant constant in constants.php whereas we need a version specific constant for cache busting.
'TEXT_ENCRYPTION_KEY'                => NULL,
'CONNECT_MASTER_KEY'                => NULL,
'DEV_WHOOPS_EDITOR'                    => NULL,
'DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT'            => 10,        // In seconds - default for most external connections
'LONG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT'                => 30,        // In seconds - used for specific API-based calls where we expect a slightly longer response time
'TEMP_DIRECTORY'                    => sys_get_temp_dir(),
'TEST_DELTA_ZIP'                    => '',
'DELTA_FORCE_FTP'                    => FALSE,
'BYPASS_ACP_IP_CHECK'                => FALSE,
'RECOVERY_MODE'                        => FALSE,
'DEV_FORCE_MFA'                        => FALSE,
'DISABLE_MFA'                        => FALSE,
'BOT_SEARCH_FLOOD_SECONDS'            => 30,
'READ_WRITE_SEPARATION'                => TRUE,
'UPGRADE_MD5_CHECK'                    => TRUE,
'BYPASS_UPGRADER_LOGIN'                => FALSE,
'OAUTH_REQUIRES_HTTPS'                => TRUE,
'REDIS_LOG'                            => FALSE,
'REDIS_ENABLED'                        => 0,//isset( $_SERVER['IPS_CLOUD_REDIS425'] ),
'REDIS_ENCRYPT'                        => TRUE,
'NOTIFICATIONS_PER_BATCH'            => 30,
'SHOW_ACP_LINK'                        => TRUE,
'REPORT_EXCEPTIONS'                    => FALSE,
'DEFAULT_THEME_ID'                    => 1,
'HTMLENTITIES'                        => ENT_DISALLOWED, // @deprecated and will be removed in 4.4
     * Initiate Invision Community constants, autoloader and exception handler
     * @return    void
public static function init()
/* Set timezone */
date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' );

/* Set default MB internal encoding */

/* Define the IN_IPB constant - this needs to be in the global namespace for backwards compatibility */
define( 'IN_IPB', TRUE );
/* Load constants.php */
if( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/constants.php' ) )
__DIR__ . '/constants.php' );
/* Import and set defaults */
$defaultConstants = static::defaultConstants();

        foreach (
$defaultConstants as $k => $v )
defined( $k ) )
define( 'IPS\\' . $k, constant( $k ) );
define( 'IPS\\' . $k, $v );

/* If they have customized the ACP directory but it doesn't exist, throw an error */
if( !is_dir( ROOT_PATH . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY ) AND CP_DIRECTORY != $defaultConstants['CP_DIRECTORY'] )
"You have defined a custom ACP directory (CP_DIRECTORY) in constants.php, however it is not valid.  Please remove or correct this constant definition." );
/* Load developer code */
if( IN_DEV and file_exists( ROOT_PATH . '/dev/function_overrides.php' ) )
self::$inDevCode = file_get_contents( ROOT_PATH . '/dev/function_overrides.php' );
/* Set autoloader */
spl_autoload_register( '\IPS\IPS::autoloader', true, true );
/* Set error handlers */
if ( \IPS\IN_DEV AND \IPS\DEV_USE_WHOOPS and file_exists( ROOT_PATH . '/dev/Whoops/Run.php' ) )
self::$PSR0Namespaces['Whoops'] = ROOT_PATH . '/dev/Whoops';
$whoops = new \Whoops\Run;
$handler =  new \Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler;
            if ( \
$handler->setEditor( \IPS\DEV_WHOOPS_EDITOR );
$whoops->pushHandler( $handler );
set_error_handler( '\IPS\IPS::errorHandler' );
set_exception_handler( '\IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler' );

/* Init hooks */
if ( file_exists( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/plugins/hooks.php' ) )
            if ( !(
self::$hooks = require( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/plugins/hooks.php' ) ) )
self::$hooks = array();

     * Autoloader
     * @param    string    $classname    Class to load
     * @return    void
public static function autoloader( $classname )
/* Separate by namespace */
$bits = explode( '\\', ltrim( $classname, '\\' ) );
/* If this doesn't belong to us, try a PSR-0 loader or ignore it */
$vendorName = array_shift( $bits );
$vendorName !== 'IPS' )
            if ( isset(
self::$PSR0Namespaces[ $vendorName ] ) )
self::$PSR0Namespaces[ $vendorName ] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $bits ) . '.php' );
/* Work out what namespace we're in */
$class = array_pop( $bits );
$namespace = empty( $bits ) ? 'IPS' : ( 'IPS\\' . implode( '\\', $bits ) );
$inDevCode = '';
/* We only need to load the file if we don't have the underscore-prefixed one */
if( !class_exists( "{$namespace}\\_{$class}", FALSE ) )
/* Locate file */
$path = ROOT_PATH . '/';
$sourcesDirSet = FALSE;
            foreach (
array_merge( $bits, array( $class ) ) as $i => $bit )
preg_match( "/^[a-z0-9]/", $bit ) )
$i === 0 )
$path .= 'applications/';
$sourcesDirSet = TRUE;
                elseif (
$i === 3 and $bit === 'Upgrade' )
$bit = mb_strtolower( $bit );
$sourcesDirSet === FALSE )
$i === 0 )
$path .= 'system/';
                    elseif (
$i === 1 and $bit === 'Application' )
// do nothing
$path .= 'sources/';
$sourcesDirSet = TRUE;
$path .= "{$bit}/";
/* Load it */
$path = \substr( $path, 0, -1 ) . '.php';
            if( !
file_exists( $path ) )
$path = \substr( $path, 0, -4 ) . \substr( $path, \strrpos( $path, '/' ) );
                if ( !
file_exists( $path ) )
$path );
/* Is it an interface? */
if ( interface_exists( "{$namespace}\\{$class}", FALSE ) )
/* Is it a trait? The function_exists call is just so PHP 5.3 doesn't throw a fatal error (even though it's required, we want it to fail gracefully) */
if ( function_exists('trait_exists') and trait_exists( "{$namespace}\\{$class}", FALSE ) )
/* Doesn't exist? */
if( !class_exists( "{$namespace}\\_{$class}", FALSE ) )
trigger_error( "Class {$classname} could not be loaded. Ensure it has been properly prefixed with an underscore and is in the correct namespace.", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Stuff for developer mode */
if( IN_DEV )
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass( "{$namespace}\\_{$class}" );
/* Import our code to override forbidden functions */
if( !in_array( \strtolower( $namespace ), self::$inDevCodeImportedTo ) )
$inDevCode = self::$inDevCode;
self::$inDevCodeImportedTo[] = \strtolower( $namespace );
/* Any classes which extend a core PHP class are exempt from our rules */
$extendsCorePhpClass = FALSE;
                for (
$workingClass = $reflection; $parent = $workingClass->getParentClass(); $workingClass = $parent )
                    if ( \
substr( $parent->getNamespaceName(), 0, 3 ) !== 'IPS' )
$extendsCorePhpClass = TRUE;
                if ( !
$extendsCorePhpClass )
/* Make sure it's name follows our standards */
if( !preg_match( '/^_[A-Z0-9]+$/i', $reflection->getShortName() ) )
trigger_error( "{$classname} does not follow our naming conventions. Please rename using only alphabetic characters and PascalCase. (PHP Coding Standards: Classes.5)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Loop methods */
$hasNonAbstract = FALSE;
$hasNonStatic = FALSE;
                    foreach (
$reflection->getMethods() as $method )
                        if ( \
substr( $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), 0, 3 ) === 'IPS' )
/* Make sure it's not private */
if( $method->isPrivate() )
trigger_error( "{$classname}::{$method->name} is declared as private. In order to ensure that hooks are able to work freely, please use protected instead. (PHP Coding Standards: Functions and Methods.4)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* We need to know for later if we have non-abstract methods */
if( !$method->isAbstract() )
$hasNonAbstract = TRUE;
/* We need to know for later if we have non-static methods */
if( !$method->isStatic() )
$hasNonStatic = TRUE;
/* Make sure the name follows our conventions */
preg_match( '/^_?[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/', $method->name )    // Normal pattern most methods should match
preg_match( '/^get_/i', $method->name )        // get_* is allowed
preg_match( '/^set_/i', $method->name )        // set_* is allowed
preg_match( '/^parse_/i', $method->name )        // parse_* is allowed
preg_match( '/^setBitwise_/i', $method->name )    // set_Bitiwse_* is allowed
preg_match( '/^(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)[a-zA-Z_]+$/', $method->name )    // API methods have a specific naming format
in_array( $method->name, array(                    // PHP's magic methods are allowed (except __sleep and __wakeup as we don't allow serializing)
                                ) )
                            ) {
trigger_error( "{$classname}::{$method->name} does not follow our naming conventions. Please rename using only alphabetic characters and camelCase. (PHP Coding Standards: Functions and Methods.1-3)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Loop properties */
foreach ( $reflection->getProperties() as $property )
$hasNonAbstract = TRUE;
/* Make sure it's not private */
if( $property->isPrivate() )
trigger_error( "{$classname}::\${$property->name} is declared as private. In order to ensure that hooks are able to work freely, please use protected instead. (PHP Coding Standards: Properties and Variables.3)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Make sure the name follows our conventions */
if( !preg_match( '/^_?[a-z][A-Za-z]*$/', $property->name ) )
trigger_error( "{$classname}::\${$property->name} does not follow our naming conventions. Please rename using only alphabetic characters and camelCase. (PHP Coding Standards: Properties and Variables.1-2)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Check an interface wouldn't be more appropriate */
if( !$hasNonAbstract )
trigger_error( "You do not have any non-abstract methods in {$classname}. Please use an interface instead. (PHP Coding Standards: Classes.7)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Check we have at least one non-static method (unless this class is abstract or has a parent) */
elseif( !$reflection->isAbstract() and $reflection->getParentClass() === FALSE and !$hasNonStatic and $reflection->getNamespacename() !== 'IPS\Output\Plugin' and !in_array( 'extensions', $bits ) and !in_array( 'templateplugins', $bits ) )
trigger_error( "You do not have any methods in {$classname} which are not static. Please refactor. (PHP Coding Standards: Functions and Methods.6)", E_USER_ERROR );
/* Monkey Patch */
self::monkeyPatch( $namespace, $class, $inDevCode );
     * Monkey Patch
     * @param    string    $namespace    The namespace
     * @param    string    $finalClass    The final class name we want to be able to use (without namespace)
     * @param    string    $extraCode    Any additonal code to import before the class is defined
     * @return    null
public static function monkeyPatch( $namespace, $finalClass, $extraCode = '' )
$realClass = "_{$finalClass}";
        if( isset(
self::$hooks[ "\\{$namespace}\\{$finalClass}" ] ) AND \IPS\RECOVERY_MODE === FALSE )
            foreach (
self::$hooks[ "\\{$namespace}\\{$finalClass}" ] as $id => $data )
                if (
file_exists( ROOT_PATH . '/' . $data['file'] ) )
$contents = "namespace {$namespace}; ". str_replace( '_HOOK_CLASS_', $realClass, file_get_contents( ROOT_PATH . '/' . $data['file'] ) );
                        if( @eval(
$contents ) !== FALSE )
$realClass = $data['class'];
                    catch ( \
ParseError $e )
/* Show the error if we have development mode enabled */
if( \IPS\IN_DEV )
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass( "{$namespace}\\_{$finalClass}" );
        if( eval(
"namespace {$namespace}; ". $extraCode . ( $reflection->isAbstract() ? 'abstract' : '' )." class {$finalClass} extends {$realClass} {}" ) === FALSE )
trigger_error( "There was an error initiating the class {$namespace}\\{$finalClass}.", E_USER_ERROR );

     * Error Handler
     * @param    int        $errno        Error number
     * @param    string    $errstr        Error message
     * @param    string    $errfile    File
     * @param    int        $errline    Line
     * @param    array    $trace        Backtrace
     * @return    void
public static function errorHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $trace=NULL )
/* We don't care about these in production */
if ( in_array( $errno, array( E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_STRICT, E_DEPRECATED ) ) )

/* This means the error suppressor was used, so we should ignore any non-fatal errors */
if ( error_reporting() === 0 )
        throw new \
ErrorException( $errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline );
     * Exception Handler
     * @param    \Throwable    $exception    Exception class
     * @return    void
public static function exceptionHandler( $exception )
/* Should we show the exception message? */
$showMessage = ( \IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() AND \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation == 'admin' );
        if (
method_exists( $exception, 'isServerError' ) and $exception->isServerError() )
$showMessage = TRUE;
/* Work out what we'll log - exception classes can provide extra data */
$log = '';
        if (
method_exists( $exception, 'extraLogData' ) )
$log .= $exception->extraLogData() . "\n";
$log .= get_class( $exception ) . ": " . $exception->getMessage() . " (" . $exception->getCode() . ")\n" . $exception->getTraceAsString();
/* Log it */
\IPS\Log::log( $log, 'uncaught_exception' );
/* Report it */
            if (
and \IPS\Settings::i()->diagnostics_reporting
and !\IPS\Settings::i()->theme_designers_mode
and !self::exceptionWasThrownByThirdParty( $exception )
                and ( !
method_exists( $exception, 'isThirdPartyError' ) or !$exception->isThirdPartyError() )
                and ( !
method_exists( $exception, 'isServerError' ) or !$exception->isServerError() )
                and !(
$exception instanceof \ParseError )
self::reportExceptionToIPS( $exception );
        catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
/* Try to display a friendly error page */
/* If we couldn't connect to the database, don't bother trying to show the friendly page because nope */
if( $exception instanceof \IPS\Db\Exception AND $exception->getCode() === 0 )
                throw new \

/* If we're in the installer/upgrader, show the raw message */
$message = 'generic_error';
            if( \
IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() AND \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation == 'setup' )
$message = $exception->getMessage();

$faultyAppOrHookId = static::exceptionWasThrownByThirdParty( $exception );

/* Output */
\IPS\Output::i()->error( $message, "EX{$exception->getCode()}", 500, NULL, array(), $log, $faultyAppOrHookId );
/* And if *that* fails, show our generic page */
catch ( \Exception $e )
genericExceptionPage( $showMessage ? $exception->getMessage() : NULL );
        catch ( \
Throwable $e )
genericExceptionPage( $showMessage ? $exception->getMessage() : NULL );

     * Should a given exception be reported to IPS? Filter out 3rd party etc.
     * @param    \Throwable    $exception    The exception
     * @return    void
final public static function reportExceptionToIPS( $exception )
$response = \IPS\Http\Url::external('')->request()->post( array(
'version'    => \IPS\Application::getAvailableVersion('core'),
'class'        => get_class( $exception ),
'message'    => $exception->getMessage(),
'code'        => $exception->getCode(),
'file'        => str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, '', $exception->getFile() ),
'line'        => $exception->getLine(),
'backtrace'    => str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, '', $exception->getTraceAsString() )
        ) );
        if (
$response->httpResponseCode == 410 )
IPS\Settings::i()->changeValues( array( 'diagnostics_reporting' => 0 ) );

     * Generic exception page
     * @param    \Exception    $exception    Exception class
     * @return    void
     * @note    Abstracted so Theme can call this if templates are in the process of building
public static function genericExceptionPage( $message = NULL )
        if( isset(
$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) and \strstr( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], '/1.0' ) !== false )
header( "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error" );
header( "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error" );
        require \
     * Small utility function to check if a class has a trait as PHP doesn't have an operator
     * for this and the monkey patching means we can't use class_uses() directly
     * @param    string|object    $class     The class
     * @param    string            $trait    Trait name to look for
     * @return    bool
public static function classUsesTrait( $class, $trait )
            if (
in_array( $trait, class_uses( $class ) ) )
$class = get_parent_class( $class ) );
     * Get license key data
     * @param    bool    $forceRefresh    If TRUE, will get data from server
     * @return    array|NULL
public static function licenseKey( $forceRefresh = FALSE )
/* We haven't license key saved in settings? Saving... */
if ( !\IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_reg_number ) {
IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => 'LICENSE KEY GOES HERE!-123456789' ), array( 'conf_key=?', 'ipb_reg_number' ) );
IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_reg_number    = 'LICENSE KEY GOES HERE!-123456789';                            

$response = array(
'key' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_reg_number, //IPS Key
'active' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_active, //License Active?
'cloud' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_cloud, //We are "cloud" clients?
'url' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_url, //Forum URL
'test_url' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_test_url, //Test URL
'expires' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_expires, //When our license will expire?
'products' => array( //Array of components. Can we use...
'forums' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_forums, //...IP.Board // Forums?
'calendar' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_calendar, //...IP.Calendar // Calendar?
'blog' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_blog, //...IP.Blogs // Blogs?
'gallery' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_gallery, //...IP.Gallery // Gallery?
'downloads' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_downloads, //...IP.Downloads // Downloads?
'cms' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_cms, //...IP.Content // Pages?
'nexus' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_nexus, //...IP.Nexus // Commerce?
'spam' => FALSE, //...IPS Spam Service? No! Hardcoded to prevent requests to IPS servers.
'copyright' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_product_copyright, //...remove copyright function?
'chat_limit' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_chat_limit, //How many users can use IP.Chat?
'support' => \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_license_support, //Can we use Support?

$cached = NULL;
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->license_data ) ) //License data exists in cache?
$cached = \IPS\Data\Store::i()->license_data;
/* Keep license data updated in cache store */
if ( $cached['fetched'] < ( time() - 1814400 ) )
/* Data older, than 21 days. Updating... */
unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->license_data );
IPS\Data\Store::i()->license_data = array( //Add information to cache...
'fetched' => time(),
'data' => $response,
            } else {
/* Cached license data is missing? Creating... */
\IPS\Data\Store::i()->license_data = array( //Add information to cache...
'fetched' => time(),
'data' => $response,
     * Check license key
     * @param    string    The license key
     * @param    string    The site URL
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \DomainException
public static function checkLicenseKey( $val, $url )
//Do Nothing

     * Was the exception thrown by a third party app/plugin?
     * @param    \Throwable            $exception    The exception
     * @return    string|int|NULL        string = application directory, int = hook id, null means that it was probably caused by an application
public static function exceptionWasThrownByThirdParty( $exception )
$trace = $exception->getTraceAsString();
/* Did it happen in a hook? */
if ( preg_match( '/init\.php\(\d*\) : eval\(\)\'d code$/', $exception->getFile() ) )
/* Did it happen inside a plugin hook? */
if ( preg_match( '/hook(\d+)/', $trace, $matches ) )
/* Return the hook id, the error method will fetch the plugin name */
return $matches[1];
/* Did it happen inside an applications hook? */
else if ( preg_match_all( '/([a-zA-Z]+)_hook/', $trace, $matches ) )
                foreach (
$matches[1] as $appKey )
                    if ( !
in_array( $appKey, \IPS\Application::$ipsApps ) )

/* Exception was thrown by 'normal code', check if it's from a third-party app */
            foreach (
explode( "\n", $trace ) as $line )
                if (
preg_match( '/' . preg_quote( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/' ) . 'applications' . preg_quote( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/' ) . '([a-zA-Z]+)/', str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, '', $line ), $matches ) )
                    if ( !
in_array( $matches[1], \IPS\Application::$ipsApps ) )

/* Still here? Probably system */
return NULL;

     * Resync IPS Cloud File System
     * Must be called when writing any files to disk on IPS Community in the Cloud
     * @param    string    $reason    Reason
     * @return    void
public static function resyncIPSCloud( $reason = NULL )
        if ( \
            if (
preg_match( '/^\/var\/www\/html\/(.+?)(?:\/|$)/i', \IPS\ROOT_PATH, $matches ) )
setQueryString( array( 'user' => $matches[1], 'reason' => $reason ) )
                catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }

/* Init */

/* Custom mb_ucfirst() function - eval'd so we can put into global namespace */
eval( '
function mb_ucfirst()
    $text = func_get_arg( 0 );
    return mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $text, 0, 1 ) ) . mb_substr( $text, 1 );