Seditio Source
Root |
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Install
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (isset($_SERVER['DC_RC_PATH'])) {
$rc_path = $_SERVER['DC_RC_PATH'];
} elseif (isset(
} else {
$rc_path = __DIR__ . '/../../inc/config.php';

__DIR__ . '/../../inc/prepend.php';
__DIR__ . '/check.php';

$can_install = true;
$err         = '';

# Loading locales for detected language
$dlang = http::getAcceptLanguage();
if (
$dlang != 'en') {
l10n::set(__DIR__ . '/../../locales/' . $dlang . '/date');
l10n::set(__DIR__ . '/../../locales/' . $dlang . '/main');
l10n::set(__DIR__ . '/../../locales/' . $dlang . '/plugins');

if (!
defined('DC_MASTER_KEY') || DC_MASTER_KEY === '') { // @phpstan-ignore-line
$can_install = false;
$err         = '<p>' . __('Please set a master key (DC_MASTER_KEY) in configuration file.') . '</p>';

# Check if dotclear is already installed
$schema = dbSchema::init($core->con);
if (
in_array($core->prefix . 'post', $schema->getTables())) {
$can_install = false;
$err         = '<p>' . __('Dotclear is already installed.') . '</p>';

# Check system capabilites
if (!dcSystemCheck($core->con, $_e)) {
$can_install = false;
$err         = '<p>' . __('Dotclear cannot be installed.') . '</p><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $_e) . '</li></ul>';

# Get information and perform install
$u_email = $u_firstname = $u_name = $u_login = $u_pwd = '';

$root_url  = '';
$admin_url = '';

$mail_sent = false;

if (
$can_install && !empty($_POST)) {    // @phpstan-ignore-line
$u_email     = !empty($_POST['u_email']) ? $_POST['u_email'] : null;
$u_firstname = !empty($_POST['u_firstname']) ? $_POST['u_firstname'] : null;
$u_name      = !empty($_POST['u_name']) ? $_POST['u_name'] : null;
$u_login     = !empty($_POST['u_login']) ? $_POST['u_login'] : null;
$u_pwd       = !empty($_POST['u_pwd']) ? $_POST['u_pwd'] : null;
$u_pwd2      = !empty($_POST['u_pwd2']) ? $_POST['u_pwd2'] : null;

    try {
# Check user information
if (empty($u_login)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No user ID given'));
        if (!
preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9@._-]{2,}$/', $u_login)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('User ID must contain at least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols.'));
        if (
$u_email && !text::isEmail($u_email)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Invalid email address'));

        if (empty(
$u_pwd)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No password given'));
        if (
$u_pwd != $u_pwd2) {
            throw new
Exception(__("Passwords don't match"));
        if (
strlen($u_pwd) < 6) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Password must contain at least 6 characters.'));

# Try to guess timezone
$default_tz = 'Europe/London';
        if (!empty(
$_POST['u_date']) && function_exists('timezone_open')) {
            if (
preg_match('/\((.+)\)$/', $_POST['u_date'], $_tz)) {
$_tz = $_tz[1];
$_tz = @timezone_open($_tz);
                if (
$_tz instanceof DateTimeZone) {
$_tz = @timezone_name_get($_tz);

// check if timezone is valid
                    // date_default_timezone_set throw E_NOTICE and/or E_WARNING if timezone is not valid and return false
if (@date_default_timezone_set($_tz) !== false && $_tz) {
$default_tz = $_tz;

# Create schema
$_s = new dbStruct($core->con, $core->prefix);
__DIR__ . '/../../inc/dbschema/db-schema.php';

$si      = new dbStruct($core->con, $core->prefix);
$changes = $si->synchronize($_s);

# Create user
$cur                 = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'user');
$cur->user_id        = $u_login;
$cur->user_super     = 1;
$cur->user_pwd       = $core->auth->crypt($u_pwd);
$cur->user_name      = (string) $u_name;
$cur->user_firstname = (string) $u_firstname;
$cur->user_email     = (string) $u_email;
$cur->user_lang      = $dlang;
$cur->user_tz        = $default_tz;
$cur->user_creadt    = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->user_upddt     = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->user_options   = serialize($core->userDefaults());


$admin_url = preg_replace('%install/index.php$%', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$root_url  = preg_replace('%/admin/install/index.php$%', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

# Create blog
$cur            = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'blog');
$cur->blog_id   = 'default';
$cur->blog_url  = http::getHost() . $root_url . '/index.php?';
$cur->blog_name = __('My first blog');

# Create global blog settings

$blog_settings = new dcSettings($core, 'default');
$blog_settings->system->put('blog_timezone', $default_tz);
$blog_settings->system->put('lang', $dlang);
$blog_settings->system->put('public_url', $root_url . '/public');
$blog_settings->system->put('themes_url', $root_url . '/themes');

# date and time formats
$formatDate   = __('%A, %B %e %Y');
$date_formats = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%m/%d/%Y', '%d/%m/%Y', '%Y/%m/%d', '%d.%m.%Y', '%b %e %Y', '%e %b %Y', '%Y %b %e',
'%a, %Y-%m-%d', '%a, %m/%d/%Y', '%a, %d/%m/%Y', '%a, %Y/%m/%d', '%B %e, %Y', '%e %B, %Y', '%Y, %B %e', '%e. %B %Y',
'%A, %B %e, %Y', '%A, %e %B, %Y', '%A, %Y, %B %e', '%A, %Y, %B %e', '%A, %e. %B %Y', ];
$time_formats = ['%H:%M', '%I:%M', '%l:%M', '%Hh%M', '%Ih%M', '%lh%M'];
        if (
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
$formatDate   = preg_replace('#(?<!%)((?:%%)*)%e#', '\1%#d', $formatDate);
$date_formats = array_map(
                fn (
$f) => str_replace('%e', '%#d', $f),
$blog_settings->system->put('date_format', $formatDate);
$blog_settings->system->put('date_formats', $date_formats, 'array', 'Date formats examples', true, true);
$blog_settings->system->put('time_formats', $time_formats, 'array', 'Time formats examples', true, true);

# Add repository URL for themes and plugins
$blog_settings->system->put('store_plugin_url', '', 'string', 'Plugins XML feed location', true, true);
$blog_settings->system->put('store_theme_url', '', 'string', 'Themes XML feed location', true, true);

# CSP directive (admin part)

        /* SQlite Clearbricks driver does not allow using single quote at beginning or end of a field value
        so we have to use neutral values (localhost and for some CSP directives
$csp_prefix = $core->con->driver() == 'sqlite' ? 'localhost ' : ''; // Hack for SQlite Clearbricks driver
$csp_suffix = $core->con->driver() == 'sqlite' ? '' : ''; // Hack for SQlite Clearbricks driver

$blog_settings->system->put('csp_admin_on', true, 'boolean', 'Send CSP header (admin)', true, true);
$blog_settings->system->put('csp_admin_report_only', false, 'boolean', 'CSP Report only violations (admin)', true, true);
$csp_prefix . "'self'" . $csp_suffix,
'CSP default-src directive',
$csp_prefix . "'self' 'unsafe-eval'" . $csp_suffix,
'CSP script-src directive',
$csp_prefix . "'self' 'unsafe-inline'" . $csp_suffix,
'CSP style-src directive',
$csp_prefix . "'self' data: blob:",
'CSP img-src directive',

# Add Dotclear version
$cur          = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'version');
$cur->module  = 'core';
$cur->version = (string) DC_VERSION;

# Create first post

$cur               = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'post');
$cur->user_id      = $u_login;
$cur->post_format  = 'xhtml';
$cur->post_lang    = $dlang;
$cur->post_title   = __('Welcome to Dotclear!');
$cur->post_content = '<p>' . __('This is your first entry. When you\'re ready ' .
'to blog, log in to edit or delete it.') . '</p>';
$cur->post_content_xhtml = $cur->post_content;
$cur->post_status        = 1;
$cur->post_open_comment  = 1;
$cur->post_open_tb       = 0;
$post_id                 = $core->blog->addPost($cur);

# Add a comment to it
$cur                  = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'comment');
$cur->post_id         = $post_id;
$cur->comment_tz      = $default_tz;
$cur->comment_author  = __('Dotclear Team');
$cur->comment_email   = '';
$cur->comment_site    = '';
$cur->comment_content = __("<p>This is a comment.</p>\n<p>To delete it, log in and " .
"view your blog's comments. Then you might remove or edit it.</p>");

#  Plugins initialization
define('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN', true);
$plugins_install = $core->plugins->installModules();

# Add dashboard module options
$core->auth->user_prefs->dashboard->put('doclinks', true, 'boolean', '', null, true);
$core->auth->user_prefs->dashboard->put('dcnews', true, 'boolean', '', null, true);
$core->auth->user_prefs->dashboard->put('quickentry', true, 'boolean', '', null, true);
$core->auth->user_prefs->dashboard->put('nodcupdate', false, 'boolean', '', null, true);

# Add accessibility options
$core->auth->user_prefs->accessibility->put('nodragdrop', false, 'boolean', '', null, true);

# Add user interface options
$core->auth->user_prefs->interface->put('enhanceduploader', true, 'boolean', '', null, true);

# Add default favorites
$core->favs = new dcFavorites($core);
$init_favs  = ['posts', 'new_post', 'newpage', 'comments', 'categories', 'media', 'blog_theme', 'widgets', 'simpleMenu', 'prefs', 'help'];
$core->favs->setFavoriteIDs($init_favs, true);

$step = 1;
    } catch (
Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();

if (!isset(
$step)) {
$step = 0;
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

// Prevents Clickjacking as far as possible
header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'); // FF 3.6.9+ Chrome 4.1+ IE 8+ Safari 4+ Opera 10.5+

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
  <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOARCHIVE,NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" />
  <meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="NOSNIPPET" />
  <title><?php echo __('Dotclear Install'); ?></title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/install.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

dcPage::jsLoad('../js/prepend.js') .
dcPage::jsJson('pwstrength', [
'min' => sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('weak')),
'avg' => sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('medium')),
'max' => sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('strong')),
    ]) .
dcPage::jsLoad('../js/pwstrength.js') .
dcPage::jsLoad('../js/jquery/jquery.js') .
dcPage::jsJson('install_show', __('show')) .
dcPage::jsLoad('../js/_install.js'); ?>

<body id="dotclear-admin" class="install">
<div id="content">
'<h1>' . __('Dotclear installation') . '</h1>' .
'<div id="main">';

if (!
is_writable(DC_TPL_CACHE)) {
'<div class="error" role="alert"><p>' . sprintf(__('Cache directory %s is not writable.'), DC_TPL_CACHE) . '</p></div>';

if (
$can_install && !empty($err)) {  // @phpstan-ignore-line
echo '<div class="error" role="alert"><p><strong>' . __('Errors:') . '</strong></p>' . $err . '</div>';

if (!empty(
$_GET['wiz'])) {
'<p class="success" role="alert">' . __('Configuration file has been successfully created.') . '</p>';

if (
$can_install && $step == 0) {    // @phpstan-ignore-line
'<h2>' . __('User information') . '</h2>' .

'<p>' . __('Please provide the following information needed to create the first user.') . '</p>' .

'<form action="index.php" method="post">' .
'<fieldset><legend>' . __('User information') . '</legend>' .
'<p><label for="u_firstname">' . __('First Name:') . '</label> ' .
form::field('u_firstname', 30, 255, [
'default'      => html::escapeHTML($u_firstname),
'autocomplete' => 'given-name',
    ]) .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="u_name">' . __('Last Name:') . '</label> ' .
form::field('u_name', 30, 255, [
'default'      => html::escapeHTML($u_name),
'autocomplete' => 'family-name',
    ]) .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="u_email">' . __('Email:') . '</label> ' .
form::email('u_email', [
'size'         => 30,
'default'      => html::escapeHTML($u_email),
'autocomplete' => 'email',
    ]) .
'</p>' .
'</fieldset>' .

'<fieldset><legend>' . __('Username and password') . '</legend>' .
'<p><label for="u_login" class="required"><abbr title="' . __('Required field') . '">*</abbr> ' . __('Username:') . ' ' .
form::field('u_login', 30, 32, [
'default'      => html::escapeHTML($u_login),
'extra_html'   => 'required placeholder="' . __('Username') . '"',
'autocomplete' => 'username',
    ]) .
'</label></p>' .
'<p>' .
'<label for="u_pwd" class="required"><abbr title="' . __('Required field') . '">*</abbr> ' . __('New password:') . '</label>' .
form::password('u_pwd', 30, 255, [
'class'        => 'pw-strength',
'extra_html'   => 'data-indicator="pwindicator" required placeholder="' . __('Password') . '"',
'autocomplete' => 'new-password',
    ]) .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="u_pwd2" class="required"><abbr title="' . __('Required field') . '">*</abbr> ' . __('Confirm password:') . ' ' .
form::password('u_pwd2', 30, 255, [
'extra_html'   => 'required placeholder="' . __('Password') . '"',
'autocomplete' => 'new-password',
    ]) .
'</label></p>' .
'</fieldset>' .

'<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" /></p>' .
} elseif (
$can_install && $step == 1) {  // @phpstan-ignore-line
    # Plugins install messages
$plugins_install_result = '';
    if (!empty(
$plugins_install['success'])) {
$plugins_install_result .= '<div class="static-msg">' . __('Following plugins have been installed:') . '<ul>';
        foreach (
$plugins_install['success'] as $k => $v) {
$plugins_install_result .= '<li>' . $k . '</li>';
$plugins_install_result .= '</ul></div>';
    if (!empty(
$plugins_install['failure'])) {
$plugins_install_result .= '<div class="error">' . __('Following plugins have not been installed:') . '<ul>';
        foreach (
$plugins_install['failure'] as $k => $v) {
$plugins_install_result .= '<li>' . $k . ' (' . $v . ')</li>';
$plugins_install_result .= '</ul></div>';

'<h2>' . __('All done!') . '</h2>' .

$plugins_install_result .

'<p class="success" role="alert">' . __('Dotclear has been successfully installed. Here is some useful information you should keep.') . '</p>' .

'<h3>' . __('Your account') . '</h3>' .
'<ul>' .
'<li>' . __('Username:') . ' <strong>' . html::escapeHTML($u_login) . '</strong></li>' .
'<li>' . __('Password:') . ' <strong id="password">' . html::escapeHTML($u_pwd) . '</strong></li>' .
'</ul>' .

'<h3>' . __('Your blog') . '</h3>' .
'<ul>' .
'<li>' . __('Blog address:') . ' <strong>' . html::escapeHTML(http::getHost() . $root_url) . '/index.php?</strong></li>' .
'<li>' . __('Administration interface:') . ' <strong>' . html::escapeHTML(http::getHost() . $admin_url) . '</strong></li>' .
'</ul>' .

'<form action="../auth.php" method="post">' .
'<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Manage your blog now') . '" />' .
form::hidden(['user_id'], html::escapeHTML($u_login)) .
form::hidden(['user_pwd'], html::escapeHTML($u_pwd)) .
'</p>' .
} elseif (!
$can_install) {   // @phpstan-ignore-line
echo '<h2>' . __('Installation can not be completed') . '</h2>' .
'<div class="error" role="alert"><p><strong>' . __('Errors:') . '</strong></p>' . $err . '</div>' .
'<p>' . __('For the said reasons, Dotclear can not be installed. ' .
'Please refer to <a href="">' .
'the documentation</a> to learn how to correct the problem.') . '</p>';