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<title>REST API demo page</title>
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<script src="../rsc/ext/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
// This is the JS code for the REST API DEMO:

* Print out a message of request
* @param string Object selector
* @param object Error data: 'message', 'code', 'data.status'
function rest_api_print_message( obj_selector, msg )
var msg_text;

if( typeof( msg.code ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Unknown non-json response:
msg_text = '<h4 class="text-danger">Unknown error: ' + msg + '</h4>';
{ // JSON error data accepted:
switch( )
case 200:
msg_text = '<h4 class="text-message">' + msg.message + '</h4>';

msg_text = '<h4 class="text-danger">' + msg.message + '</h4>'
+ '<div><b>Code:</b> ' + msg.code + '</div>'
+ '<div><b>Status:</b> ' + + '</div>';
rest_api_end_loading( obj_selector, msg_text );

* Execute REST API request
* @param string URL
* @param string Object selector
* @param function Function on success request
function rest_api_request( url, obj_selector, func )
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
url: '../api/v1/' + url
} )
.then( function( data, textStatus, jqXHR )
if( typeof( jqXHR.responseJSON ) == 'object' )
{ // Call function only when we get correct JSON response:
eval( func )( data, textStatus, jqXHR );
{ // Wrong resonse format, Display error and full response text:
rest_api_print_message( obj_selector, '<b>Response is not JSON data:</b> ' + jQuery( '<span>' ).text( data ).html() );
}, function( jqXHR )
{ // Error request, Display the error data:
rest_api_print_message( obj_selector, typeof( jqXHR.responseJSON ) == 'undefined' ? jqXHR.statusText : jqXHR.responseJSON );
} );

* Set style during loading new content
* @param string Object selector
function rest_api_start_loading( obj_selector )
jQuery( obj_selector ).addClass( 'api_loading' )
.append( '<div class="dots-loader">loading...</div>' );

* Remove style after loading new content
* @param string Object selector
* @param string New content
function rest_api_end_loading( obj_selector, content )
jQuery( obj_selector ).removeClass( 'api_loading' )
.html( content )
.find( '.dots-loader' ).remove();

// Load all public collections on page loading:
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
rest_api_start_loading( '#api_collections_list' );
rest_api_request( 'collections', '#api_collections_list', function( data )
{ // Display the collections list in first column on success request:
var r = '<ul>';
for( var c in data.colls )
var coll = data.colls[c];
r += '<li><a href="#" data-urlname="' + coll.urlname + '">' + + '</a></li>';
r += '</ul>';
rest_api_end_loading( '#api_collections_list', r );
} );
} );

// Load the posts of the selected collection:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#api_collections_list a', function()
rest_api_start_loading( '#api_column_2' );
jQuery( '#api_column_3' ).html( '' );

var coll_urlname = jQuery( this ).data( 'urlname' );
var coll_name = jQuery( this ).html();

rest_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/posts', '#api_column_2', function( data )
{ // Display the posts in second column on success request:
var r = '<h2>' + coll_name + '</h2>' +
'<form class="form-inline" id="api_search__form" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '" style="margin-bottom:10px">' +
'<div class="input-group">' +
'<input type="text" id="api_search__input" class="form-control">' +
'<span class="input-group-btn"><button id="api_search__submit" class="btn btn-primary">Search</button></span>' +
'</div> ' +
'<button id="api_search__clear" class="btn btn-default">Clear</button>' +
'</form>' +
'<div id="api_posts_list">' +

for( var p in data.items )
var post = data.items[p];
r += '<li><a href="#" data-id="' + + '" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' + post.title + '</a></li>';
r += '</ul>' +
rest_api_end_loading( '#api_column_2', r );
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Load the data of the selected post:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#api_posts_list a:not([target])', function()
rest_api_start_loading( '#api_column_3' );

var coll_urlname = jQuery( this ).data( 'urlname' );
var post_id = jQuery( this ).data( 'id' );

rest_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/items/' + post_id, '#api_column_3', function( item )
{ // Display the post data in third column on success request:

// Item title:
var item_content = '<h2>' + item.title + '</h2><a class="title_permalink" href="' + item.URL + '" target="_blank"><span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a>';
// Item content:
item_content += item.content;

rest_api_end_loading( '#api_column_3', item_content );
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Submit a search form:
jQuery( document ).on( 'submit', '#api_search__form', function()
rest_api_start_loading( '#api_posts_list' );
jQuery( '#api_column_3' ).html( '' );

var coll_urlname = jQuery( this ).data( 'urlname' );
var search_keyword = jQuery( '#api_search__input' ).val();

rest_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/search/' + search_keyword, '#api_posts_list', function( data )
{ // Display the post data in third column on success request:
if( data.found === 0 || data.results.length === 0 )
{ // empty search result
r = '<h4 class="text-message">Sorry, we could not find anything matching your request, please try to broaden your search.</h4>';
var r = '<ul>';
for( var s in data.results )
var search_item = data.results[s];
r += '<li>' + search_item.kind + ': ';
if( search_item.kind == 'item' )
{ // item: (Display this as link to load data in third column)
r += '<a href="#" data-id="' + + '" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' + search_item.title + '</a>';
{ // category, comment, tag:
r += search_item.title;
r += ' <a href="' + search_item.permalink + '" target="_blank"><span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a> ';
r += '</li>';
r += '</ul>';
rest_api_end_loading( '#api_posts_list', r );
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

// Clear the search results:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#api_search__clear', function()
rest_api_start_loading( '#api_posts_list' );
jQuery( '#api_column_3' ).html( '' );

var coll_urlname = jQuery( '#api_search__form' ).data( 'urlname' );

rest_api_request( 'collections/' + coll_urlname + '/posts', '#api_posts_list', function( data )
{ // Display the posts in second column on success request:
var r = '<ul>';
for( var p in data.items )
var post = data.items[p];
r += '<li><a href="#" data-id="' + + '" data-urlname="' + coll_urlname + '">' + post.title + '</a></li>';
r += '</ul>';
rest_api_end_loading( '#api_posts_list', r );
} );

// To prevent link default event:
return false;
} );

<!-- Change this to an absolute URL when installing this on a production server: -->
<script src="../rsc/js/evo_helpdesk_widget.min.js"></script>
<!-- On a production installation, copy and customize this CSS: -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../rsc/css/evo_helpdesk_widget.min.css">
<div id="api_demo_container" class="container">

<h1>b2evolution REST API demo</h1>

<h4 class="api_documentation"><a href="" title="b2evolution API Documentation">API Documentation</a></h4>

<div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" id="api_column_1">
<div id="api_collections_list">loading...</div>

<div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" id="api_column_2"></div>

<div class="col-lg-5 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" id="api_column_3"></div>


// Put this before </body> in order not to block rendering.
// Initialize the b2evolution helpdesk widget:
evo_helpdesk_widget.init( {
site_url: '../', // Relative or absolute URL to b2evolution baseurl
collection: 'manual', // Default collection to use
// default_tag: 'photo', // Default page will show only posts with this tag
// default_slug: 'stuffed-peppers-3', // Default page will show this specific post
} );